
NZ Post has now got a bunch of oversized electric scooter type vehicles to deliver the mail with, but they won’t be using them right away.
We caught up with Sash and Alan George this week, lots of movie stuff and script writing was talked about, including did you piss on the sticks a new phrase Chris mentioned where he may have been mocked a bit about.
The writers of the film Idiocracy are planning to make some anti-Trump ads with star of the movie Terry Crews, as real life is getting stranger than fiction.
An interesting photo has appeared on the internet of a fish stuck inside a jellyfish.
We talk about the Spark Technical Department, something that happened to Sam during the week, but something Chris thought he wrote down so he researched it, find out what he came up with and what the actual story was.
Chris thinks becoming part of the clergy might be a good idea as it could be an easy way to make money if he gets a bunch of followers. Just like Brian Tamaki does and then spends it all on expensive trips around the world.
An Astronaut faces murder charges and while this didn’t occur in space, Chris wonders what they do with all the old astronauts at NASA.
We discuss the bullshit that is the Brock Turner story.
Sky TV is in talks with Vodafone for a merger, is this a good idea or just a way to help out each other as they struggle in their respective spaces.
From the search engine section, we learnt that Google is using AI to make compelling art and music.
Licki brush update and we also remember we owe someone a dollar from like a year ago.
Find out about the golden law of urination this week, how all large mammals pee the same no matter how big they are.

NZ Post’s New Electric Delivery Vehicles
Trump made the movie Idocracy a reality faster than he ever imagined
Bizarre photo of a fish inside a jellyfish baffles the internet
Bishop Tamaki lords his month long luxury trip on social media
New law of urination
Welcome to Magenta
What’s next for Sky and Vodafone
Astronaut who flew five shuttle missions charged with murder