
After last weeks epic episode, Chris got a new car. Find out what he got and what he misses from about his old car.

Sam watched the Ted Bundy Doco on Netflix recently.

How good is giving a literacy award to a man being held in a detention center? We have a discussion around this.

We learned about a 150 year old submarine located down in Otago, why are the Japanese elderly committing small time crime? Drones are taking on rats now, who will win.

Air NZ finally had some sense and got rid of the crappiest in flight safety video of all time, and our now on the lookout for someone else to make the next one.

Google+ is closing down, partly due to a security scare and the other part being that no one uses it, which made Chris want to go and check out his highly coveted Klout score.

Samsung si trying to match people up with just a photo of the their fridge contents, is this something Chris should look into? All this and much more.

Ted Bundy Doco
Literacy Award given to Man in Detention Center
Old Submarine in Otago
Air NZ gets rid of crappy safety video
Google+ is closing odwn
Refrigerdating Website