This week find out how Chris managed with no power. We talk about a world champion Kiwi, black Friday purchases, and a guy trying to find his long lost treasure in a dump.
We also talk about Chris and his new niece he may have? And what’s the deal with cops giving a gang some money back.
All of this and much more crammed into this weeks episode.
Maketu pies going into receivership
Kiwi woman world champion speed golfer for 10 years
Blinking or Breathing what do you choose
Treasure Hunt in the trash dump
Headhunters Gang get money back
Show Transcript
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Sam [00:00:22]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 509 of the Chris and Sam podcast.
Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris. And
Sam [00:00:26]:
I’m Sam. Welcome along to your sweaty fix of brand new technology in life. Maybe it’s just me sweating here. I don’t know.
Chris [00:00:33]:
It is warm, and we’re in a a very warm room, but, but it is it’s been hot recently, which is a good thing.
Sam [00:00:40]:
Don’t worry. We will struggle through for you, our dear listener. I’m trying to see if I’ve got a drink. I do. That’s good. I’m worried about dying from dehydration.
Chris [00:00:49]:
Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s funny.
Sam [00:00:50]:
What have you been up to this week?
Chris [00:00:52]:
I I’m I’m gonna tell you about my day yesterday. So I I had a bit of a a a a Cripola day.
Sam [00:01:01]:
Chris [00:01:02]:
It it ended up pretty good, but, so I had been warned months ago that I have a power planned power outage for yesterday.
Sam [00:01:11]:
Okay. Good. Good. They’ll they’ll they do pre warn you.
Chris [00:01:14]:
Yeah. From 9 till 3. Actually, they warned me 5 times, once a day, every day for 5 days, a month out.
Sam [00:01:23]:
To avoid you having a bad day. Do you know what they were doing? Is this a transformer replacement?
Chris [00:01:27]:
I I don’t know exactly. I know that there was trucks down the corner Yeah. And it had to do with a pole.
Sam [00:01:35]:
Chris [00:01:35]:
That’s as much as I
Sam [00:01:36]:
I’d love to have more detail, but that’s okay.
Chris [00:01:39]:
Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t go that way. I I tried to
Sam [00:01:41]:
avoid them. I’d avoid them.
Chris [00:01:43]:
Yeah. So, anyway, so that’s cool. So I knew that was coming up, and promptly at 5 minutes past, they, turned off the power. Yeah. So I I got up early. I had a couple of meetings I had, on Zoom overseas and stuff, which is cool. Got had some breakfast, all the rest of it, all good. And then 5 past 9, the power went off.
Chris [00:02:04]:
I was like, cool. So this is my plan. Take the laptop over to uni.
Sam [00:02:08]:
So you knew okay. So at this point, you do know there is a power cut. I
Chris [00:02:11]:
I knew it was
Sam [00:02:12]:
Oh, no. Good. Good. I was sorted. Okay. I I was worried that you’d forgotten No. No. And old age had creeped in.
Sam [00:02:18]:
Okay. So you’re
Chris [00:02:18]:
gonna go I was I was cool with that.
Sam [00:02:20]:
Yeah. Gonna go to uni.
Chris [00:02:21]:
So go to uni.
Sam [00:02:22]:
Which is literally, what, 5 minute walk?
Chris [00:02:24]:
Yeah. Yeah. So which is cool. Because the the other option, which I’ve used before, is to go to the library in in town far away. Pretty good. But, yeah, it is particularly in this heat, I would I would have melted going there. So so that’s cool. So I went up to uni, get into the, the par.
Chris [00:02:40]:
It’s not real busy this time of year, but, you know, it’s quite a few people. There’s 3 or 4 girls at the table next to me. Yep. 2nd table because I moved closer to them. I I had a table a bit further away, but it was wobbly Not sounding creepy at all.
Sam [00:02:56]:
Oh, wobbly table. That’s what we call it. Okay.
Chris [00:02:58]:
I was typing on it, and the whole table was just wobbly. It’s doom my head in. And so we’d What is this
Sam [00:03:04]:
table made out of? It sounds crap.
Chris [00:03:06]:
Sam [00:03:06]:
have they got such crap tables?
Chris [00:03:07]:
A strong table. It was a a decent table, but the joints at the top had screwed had broken or something.
Sam [00:03:13]:
Chris [00:03:13]:
So, anyway, that was cool. I got up, and I was gonna change to this other table. They were smaller, and I was like, oh, I need a bit of space. So I I I pattered the table next
Sam [00:03:22]:
to me. Normal looking.
Chris [00:03:23]:
So they’re yeah. They’re looking at me. I’m like,
Sam [00:03:26]:
oh, this is doing me ahead, and I went like this on that one, and they are, oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, good. I’m glad I’m glad you can explain that, and they answered.
Chris [00:03:33]:
As soon as they sat down, they all left. But that’s okay. That’s probably standard. But, anyway, just before that happened or is it yeah. When when other people arrived anyway. So I got on Zoom. I jumped on Zoom. So I’ve got my headphones on and, you know, Bluetooth to my laptop, and I’ve got my little microphone Bluetooth to my laptop, and, you know, it’s all good.
Chris [00:03:56]:
What could go wrong? And I, I get in Zoom, and there’s, Mel bear Mel, Nat, and Becker, and they’re going, oh, hey. How’s it going? I’m like, you’re so quiet. Why are you so
Sam [00:04:10]:
Is it coming through the speaker? It was coming through the speaker. So I finally pulled it out.
Chris [00:04:14]:
Track. Yeah. Oh, no. It’s coming through the speaker. And so they started giving me shit. Oh, so you’re single. Is this your first time at OnlyFans? Shut up. Shut up.
Chris [00:04:25]:
Shut up. Like
Sam [00:04:27]:
Amazing. Great great great thinking. Awesome improv. Love it. Yeah. Yeah. Brilliant trolling. So, Yeah.
Sam [00:04:36]:
I I quickly managed to
Chris [00:04:37]:
do that. I think I was turning red. So it was cool. And we’re we’re going on a little bit. Then freaking Microsoft. So I hadn’t used that laptop for work for a while.
Sam [00:04:49]:
Wants to do an update.
Chris [00:04:50]:
No. Well, no. Because I used to have Windows 2010 on there. Right? And so Windows or Microsoft Office? Office Office. Yeah. Yeah. Office 2010. Sorry.
Chris [00:05:01]:
Office 2010. And so Word 2010 was the problem. It would turn up with that. So I’m like, but we’ve got Microsoft 365
Sam [00:05:09]:
Oh, yeah.
Chris [00:05:10]:
Office 365 for work. And I’m sure I’ve used that before on there, but for some reason, I wouldn’t find it. And it took me hours to do that, so I kept limping around trying to get this thing to work. Because I you keep doing it in the window, and what I’m doing is a lot of format heavy work, and it’s like, well, you can’t use no. Crispy was like, no. You can’t use 2010. It will just break everything
Sam [00:05:36]:
that we’ve got
Chris [00:05:37]:
Oh, okay. Set up for the the formatting. And and I even using the Windows in browser 1 is just it’s Yeah.
Sam [00:05:44]:
It’s a it’s a bit horrible.
Chris [00:05:46]:
Yep. So, anyway, I finally got that. But just getting that working, and then the fire alarm went off.
Sam [00:05:52]:
Was it a full blown thing?
Chris [00:05:54]:
Whole whole whole building. Whole big building. So I actually went walked out, went down, and sat, in the, Gallagher Theatre.
Sam [00:06:03]:
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Chris [00:06:03]:
Yeah. At the they they’ve got these tables with the power there facing the lake, and it was empty. There was no
Sam [00:06:11]:
Nobody’s ever there. And there’s a little cafe.
Chris [00:06:13]:
Yeah. And well, it’s closed. Yeah.
Sam [00:06:15]:
Yeah. Sometimes open.
Chris [00:06:16]:
But yeah. Yeah. But I used that for the the rest of the day. So that was that was okay, but I was I was just swearing a lot. And I I did a couple of hours of getting this Microsoft going without actually charging anything for it. I didn’t because I was just like Yeah. No. It’s crazy.
Chris [00:06:32]:
But, anyway, that, that was that was, basically my, power outage story. But, yeah, the girls did pretty good with their, troll.
Sam [00:06:41]:
Very good. I don’t think I have anything of note. I’ll put some Christmas tree, Christmas lights up at home, so that’s good.
Chris [00:06:47]:
Oh, yeah. Inside or outside? Both. Oh, yeah.
Sam [00:06:50]:
Yep. So that’s good. Yeah. So did you hear Makatou Pies went into receivership?
Chris [00:06:57]:
I did hear that, and I was gutted, actually, because I the smoked fish pie, Makatou smoked fish pie was one of my favorites. I really like that.
Sam [00:07:06]:
Me too. And the vegetarian one was pretty good too.
Chris [00:07:10]:
Yeah. Yeah. I yeah. Yeah. That’s right. Because I used to get them at, when they used to have a special Countdown at Countdown. They used to be there. Yeah.
Chris [00:07:16]:
Sam [00:07:17]:
42 years of supplying pies to the nation. If you tried one, hopefully, you enjoyed it. It employed a lot of people in Makatou. Like, it was a big thing.
Chris [00:07:25]:
Didn’t even realize they’ve been around that long because I’d only just come across them, what, 10 years ago.
Sam [00:07:30]:
I I’ve been to their main factory shop once. Don’t know why or when
Chris [00:07:36]:
Don’t even know where Makatou is. Exactly.
Sam [00:07:38]:
They all think it’s in the Bay of Plenty. Oh, okay. So yeah. But they’re wondering if there’s some people that are looking into it potentially, and they they put could the lord of pies save Makatou pies?
Chris [00:07:51]:
So this is Is there a brand called lord of pies?
Sam [00:07:54]:
No. There’s a dude called Patrick Lam and he’s, Pat’s Pies and he’s won every pie award known to mankind in New Zealand. Like, he’s pretty well known.
Chris [00:08:05]:
Have good, equipment and all that stuff. Right?
Sam [00:08:09]:
Yeah. Yeah. I just have all the way stuff. It’s yeah. We’ll see. It was their biggest employer in the whole town. Like, it was a pie town.
Chris [00:08:17]:
Damn. Yeah.
Sam [00:08:18]:
Yeah. So,
Chris [00:08:19]:
Did they say did it say why they were going broke?
Sam [00:08:23]:
Oh, it was voluntary solvent liquidation. So they must have just been oh, it’s been operating at a loss, since T AML, whoever they are, purchased in 2019. So I don’t know. Maybe they weren’t doing things as well as other places.
Chris [00:08:41]:
Yeah. Yeah. No. It’s a shame. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully, somebody just buys them out.
Sam [00:08:49]:
We’ll see. Hey. I learned about this woman who’s a world champion, Kiwi woman, world champion, hasn’t been beaten in 10 years in a sport.
Chris [00:08:57]:
What sport? Do you wanna guess? No.
Sam [00:09:02]:
Okay. How old is she? I’m sure she’s, like, middle aged. But, anyway, she’s the speed golf champion.
Chris [00:09:11]:
Speed golf? Yeah. So that’s even know that was a thing.
Sam [00:09:15]:
Oh, have you not seen it? It’s when you have, like, 3 clubs. You’ve got 2 clubs and a putter, and you run the course, and you’re just smashing a ball.
Chris [00:09:23]:
When you say run the course, you’re not it’s not like polo. You’re running up and hitting it once you run.
Sam [00:09:28]:
Pretty much. Literally.
Chris [00:09:29]:
Yeah. Okay.
Sam [00:09:31]:
It combines the skill of golf with extra cardio fitness where your combination, your score is a combination of the strokes and time. One stroke adds 1 minute to your time. So, yeah. She’s been doing it for 10 years, and, nobody can beat her for some reason.
Chris [00:09:51]:
And this is an international thing?
Sam [00:09:53]:
Yeah. So she got introduced to it when New Zealand 1500 meter runner Nick Willis suggested an event in New Zealand. He was a keen golfer at the time and says, oh, this would be pretty good to do, so somehow she got involved in it. So I think she’s probably been there from the start, which is pretty cool. Yeah. And her top tip is, I’m sure she said something like, maybe, take a 6 iron or a 7 iron, whatever is your favorite, and a putter, go for a jog. You don’t need to have your practice swings. You don’t need to be lining up the putts, and you might find you might score just as well if you took 2 hours to play 9 holes, but they played in 45 minutes.
Sam [00:10:34]:
There’s a runaround.
Chris [00:10:36]:
Jeez. No. That that’d be that’d be cool. I can’t really do the running thing at the moment.
Sam [00:10:41]:
You can barely walk.
Chris [00:10:42]:
I can barely walk. Yeah. So I I I I did wanna mention some purchases I’ve made, this week. So Black Friday. So it’s shopping season, obviously.
Sam [00:10:54]:
I love how it’s. I really do need to I honestly thought it was gonna be a bit crap, but there were some pretty good deals out there for some things. Yeah. And I think I need to save up for next year.
Chris [00:11:04]:
Yeah. So I I bought a mic a microphone and an arm, which was cool. We used that microphone last time we recorded. So that was alright. Yeah. It’s pretty good. I bought the and we’ve you mentioned it before because you saw it when you came in.
Sam [00:11:17]:
I walked in, and straight away, there’s this brand new shiny appliance on his bench. Yeah.
Chris [00:11:22]:
So I got an air fryer, and there was a couple of reasons. Now I didn’t I was gonna ask you if you had an air fryer because I didn’t know you had one.
Sam [00:11:29]:
I’ve got the Ninja XL 2 draw thing. So there’s 2
Chris [00:11:33]:
Sounds like you just make that up. No. Okay. Alright. You didn’t. Okay.
Sam [00:11:38]:
I’ve written I’ve written an 1800 word blog post about air fryers, Chris, in the hope that it ranks well in Google. Okay. So I know a little bit about them, but, yes, I’ve got this 2 draw model, and you can sync the timing. So one will start, and then when it’s the right time, the other one kicks in. Oh. So you kick 2 different types of food at the same time, and they end at the same time. That’s pretty that’s pretty clear. Yeah.
Sam [00:12:02]:
Chris [00:12:02]:
Yeah. So so, I think Carl Carl mentioned it to me first. We went around to his place, and he goes, oh, this air fryer is great.
Sam [00:12:10]:
And everybody that owns an air fryer says that, and you’re in 2 camps. You’re either you have an air fryer and you love it, or you’re sick of hearing about it because you
Chris [00:12:18]:
don’t have one. Yeah. So, have you heard of Rory Sutherland?
Sam [00:12:23]:
He he It sounds familiar, but who is it?
Chris [00:12:26]:
He he either, runs or is a big big noise in Ogilvy Advertising. Does a lot of speeches, and there’s a lot of his stuff online. Really good speaker. English guy. Okay. And really fascinating. I just love listening to his talk. It’s just the way he talks too is is quite funny.
Chris [00:12:45]:
He just waffles on.
Sam [00:12:46]:
Alright. So it’s just I recognize his image Yes. But I don’t know if I watched him.
Chris [00:12:50]:
Go ahead. Anyway, he said something which was, he says, oh, I I came across this woman, or we’re talking to this woman, and she said, there’s something you should do with everything you own is to go, if this broke, would I replace it? Yep. And he said, like, if it’s an air fryer, it’s getting replaced immediately. And I’m like, Yeah. How come everybody keeps going on about these air fryers, like this? So, anyway, I had been it had been on my radar for a while, and I I was like, I’m gonna buy that $52 one from from, the warehouse. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I went in, the other day, and I was looking at the model on the shelf
Sam [00:13:30]:
Chris [00:13:31]:
And it just didn’t fit together right. It’s it’s crazy as it is.
Sam [00:13:35]:
They’ve got really they’ve got one job to do, and they can’t do it. It was horrible.
Chris [00:13:40]:
And I’m like, I’m not buy buying something that build quality. And so this
Sam [00:13:43]:
one I’m glad I’m glad you said that because sometimes you’re just like,
Chris [00:13:47]:
oh, it’s alright. Yeah. So and then I so I was just thinking, oh, just can it. And then the, I got a email, I think, from, Kmart, and they had the this thing on special. I think I got $50 off or something. It’s Yeah. Yeah.
Sam [00:14:03]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Chris [00:14:04]:
Price, so I got out for a $100. Yeah. 2 French door, 2 door opening, front front load air fryer. So I’ve used it a couple of times. I think it’ll save me asymmetricity because when I’ve done fish and chips, I’ve done it in the oven.
Sam [00:14:20]:
Oh, no. This is way and for time.
Chris [00:14:22]:
And quicker. Yes.
Sam [00:14:23]:
So quick.
Chris [00:14:24]:
Yeah. Because it takes 10 minutes to warm the oven up before I put anything in.
Sam [00:14:27]:
In theory, you can cook things that are healthy, but we’ve found anything beige goes into the air fryer really well chicken nuggets, potato, hash browns, little bites chicken bites, burger patties, chicken patties a lot of beige.
Chris [00:14:46]:
Yeah. Because I think it’s actually gonna be better off for my portion sizes because Yeah. That’s When I did the oven, I was like, I’ve gotta justify I’m doing the whole oven. I’d end up making heaps more than I Yeah. And so the other day, I was like, one piece of fish, and I got 200 grams of potatoes chopped up into chips, and that was it. And, yeah, it’s great. And those, veggie patties that I got from Gilmore. So
Sam [00:15:08]:
Oh, yeah. That. Over time, you do understand how long things will take. Yeah. Some things have got it on the packet. Some don’t. Some things would be like, preheat your, air fryer to this temperature. I’m like, who the hell’s preheating anything? Just chuck it in.
Chris [00:15:23]:
You just chuck it in. I I don’t see the preheat because it did say in the instruction thing there’s a preheat mode, and I’m like, I wanna preheat
Sam [00:15:29]:
it. Exactly. Exactly.
Chris [00:15:31]:
So on that, I, I’m pretty pleased that I’m doing really well apart from yesterday when I got really angry, at the, outer power outage.
Sam [00:15:41]:
What what did what did you smash that? Noodles Oh, yeah.
Chris [00:15:44]:
And then quite a few tequilas. So other than that, I’ve been really good. And so this week, I weighed in under 94 KGs for the first time. And Nice. So when I went to the doctor’s a couple of months ago Yeah. Which was the, you need to lose some weight, I was at a 103. So
Sam [00:16:02]:
Woah. That’s awesome. Yeah. So I need to move some more, but, man, I’ve got this I think it’s hay fever now. I think I went from a cold into hay fever.
Chris [00:16:10]:
Oh, okay.
Sam [00:16:11]:
So I’ve been all, like, not yeah. I don’t know. It’s a bit weird, but, hopefully, I get that sorted. I went for a walk the other day, and, man, couldn’t stop coughing and sneezing and stuff. And I was like, oh, what’s wrong with me?
Chris [00:16:22]:
Well, that cough I had was pretty bad for quite a while. Like, it still throws
Sam [00:16:26]:
Chris [00:16:26]:
For ages. But I don’t that’s such fun. I don’t think I’m over that.
Sam [00:16:30]:
Cool. So there’s a subreddit which I never knew about, and, might help from the right thing. And it’s called just a minute. Oh, here we go. It’s called they did the math. So I think people ask a question, and then these people work it out. So the question is, do you want to make 1¢ every time you take a breath? This is for a year or do you want to make 10¢ every time you blink? Now though I think they worked out that you’re going to be asleep for 8 hours of the day so you’d be breathing the whole time but obviously only blinking for 16 hours of the day which one would you prefer and which one would make more money?
Chris [00:17:19]:
Well, I would tend to think that the breath
Sam [00:17:22]:
Yes. So they’ve worked it out and I’m not going to go into it but there is workings of this but it’s very different so from breathing you’d make $84,000 a year and from blinking $630,000.
Chris [00:17:37]:
Holy crap.
Sam [00:17:38]:
Yeah. They worked it all out. Shows you the averages and stuff.
Chris [00:17:42]:
Good grief. Anyway a lot of math.
Sam [00:17:45]:
Yeah. Pretty cool. I’m glad there’s smarter people out there than me doing this sort of stuff.
Chris [00:17:49]:
Yeah. Yeah. But you just rip that off and do an article about it. It’s great.
Sam [00:17:55]:
There’s so many of those videos now with the same robot voice, aye? They’re all using it like, it’s like a it’s like they’ve read a fact, and then they must be telling AI make a video, and it’s the guy going, and then he didn’t realize that squirrels couldn’t fly or whatever it is. You know? So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Chris [00:18:13]:
So I, I watch a lot of the Ukraine videos, and so a lot of those
Sam [00:18:18]:
They’re doing this?
Chris [00:18:19]:
Those AI voices. And you know that it’s written by AI when they use moreover. Yeah. However, moreover. Moreover. Moreover. Like, who does moreover? Jesus. Anyway, hey.
Chris [00:18:32]:
I wanted to talk about this trash treasure hunter in the trash dump is what I’ve I’ve named this.
Sam [00:18:38]:
This isn’t the dude trying to find his crypto thing.
Chris [00:18:40]:
Yeah. It is.
Sam [00:18:41]:
Oh, really? That was just a lucky guess. Now this dude’s, you tell me because I don’t even know. But from from memory from ages ages ago, he’s got a lot of Bitcoin on a USB stick or something, and he’s employed a lot of people.
Chris [00:18:53]:
Is that right? So he had, the Bitcoin on a a hard drive.
Sam [00:19:00]:
Okay. That’s it.
Chris [00:19:01]:
Yep. On a hard drive. And in 2 2013, he was moving some stuff around, and he put it in a black plastic bag and left it in the hallway because he was cleaning the house or whatever. His partner comes home, sees the black plastic bag. She’s off to the tip. She grabs the black plastic bag, and Okay. Drives off, and throws it in the tip. That was in 2013.
Chris [00:19:27]:
There’s supposedly £500,000,000 worth of Bitcoin in there
Sam [00:19:32]:
Chris [00:19:33]:
At, I assume, today’s evaluation. So for more than a decade
Sam [00:19:37]:
Oh my gosh.
Chris [00:19:38]:
He’s been fighting to recover the Bitcoin. Now the Newport Newport in South Wales has said the council or whatever, no. No. When you give it to us, we own it, and we’re not digging that up.
Sam [00:19:54]:
Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Chris [00:19:55]:
You can’t dig it up. And he’s been trying to, he’s even said, look. If I find it, you can keep half of it.
Sam [00:20:03]:
Yeah. You know? I mean
Chris [00:20:04]:
Because he’s got nothing otherwise. And yeah. So he’s the guy’s 39. He he reckons it’s not a needle in a haystack. They’ve done a lot of research on it, and they know exactly pretty much that they’re gonna dig in this very small area, and they think they’ll find it in that area.
Sam [00:20:24]:
I think there’s a guy in America doing the same thing. I’m sure there is, and he’s employed actual people and they’re going through the rubbish, Or I’m thinking of the plot point in Silicon Valley, which also happens when the guy falls out of the what does he call it? The the trace comma the 3 comma club?
Chris [00:20:41]:
Oh, yeah.
Sam [00:20:41]:
Yeah. And he he drops out, and then and that happens in that. But I will say I know that from true crime stories, they know exactly how much rubbish on a day is set aside and, there was one where they found it might have even been in New Zealand. They found, some, yeah, blood soaked carpet, and it was, like, months or a year later, and they went, oh, it’ll be here, and they just dug and found it. Like, they they know how much they’re
Chris [00:21:10]:
putting on. So he he reckons he’s got it. He’s got a pile of lawyers that are helping him pro bono. Oh, most of us. They’ll get a a bit if, he finds it. But can you imagine I’d I’d just I’m just like, a, is he still with that chick? It doesn’t say that here.
Sam [00:21:27]:
No. No. She’s long gone. And the reason she’s She’s in another dump. No. No. No. No.
Sam [00:21:34]:
The reason she’s long gone is because his sole focus is about the dump. Nothing else.
Chris [00:21:40]:
Sam [00:21:40]:
And she’s gone, you’re nuts, mate.
Chris [00:21:43]:
Well yeah. God. Anyway because he goes, I can’t just go back to work and do a 9 to 5 forever knowing that I’ve lost a fortune.
Sam [00:21:52]:
I I don’t know what keep I I’ve
Chris [00:21:53]:
gotta keep trying to get it.
Sam [00:21:55]:
I don’t know. You’d ask, and I don’t know.
Chris [00:21:58]:
Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s not like he’s doing it all the time. He’s presumably, he’s got a day to day job, and then whenever he can, he’s he’s getting a hold of the council and following things up and trying to move it forward a little bit at a time, hoping that one day that they’ll go, oh, yeah. Okay. Have a quick dig. Yeah.
Sam [00:22:17]:
Yeah. You I don’t know. It’s a bit weird.
Chris [00:22:19]:
I’m pretty sure I’d do the same.
Sam [00:22:21]:
But you think you could almost get some dodgy council worker on your side
Chris [00:22:26]:
come in at night? Yeah.
Sam [00:22:27]:
They have a little
Chris [00:22:28]:
have a rummage. Yeah.
Sam [00:22:29]:
When how deep you’d have to go?
Chris [00:22:30]:
Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know.
Sam [00:22:32]:
And you’re looking for just a black bag? Like, I don’t know.
Chris [00:22:35]:
Yes. 10 years ago.
Sam [00:22:38]:
Goddamn. Crazy.
Chris [00:22:40]:
Anyway, I thought that was an interesting story because I hadn’t heard about that before.
Sam [00:22:44]:
Why why have you got an why have you put a new you’ve got a new niece, do you?
Chris [00:22:49]:
So, I I I mentioned I drank quite a few tequilas last night, and I was catching up with family. Yeah. So Sarah’s, my dad’s girlfriend’s daughter Yeah. Not his daughter, but, you know Yeah. Yeah. So we’ve basically known her all for for 40 years or whatever.
Sam [00:23:10]:
Because you’re so old. Yep.
Chris [00:23:11]:
Yeah. So, anyway, so she’s pretty cool caught up with her, but she’s doing she’s talking about doing this crime, investigation podcast. That’s right. And I only mentioned this because, well, she said, oh, something happened, and they heard that my brother, who nobody has spoken to or heard from in nearly 20 years, I think. Crazy. Yeah. And so a couple of, one of my nieces bumped into him and said, you’re Rob Hanlon. And he, like, ran to the car and jumped in the car and drove off.
Sam [00:23:44]:
Okay. So it was him?
Chris [00:23:45]:
Yeah. Yeah. In Wellington? That was in Wellington, but, apparently, he’s up in Auckland.
Sam [00:23:51]:
Okay. So Do you 2 look similar?
Chris [00:23:54]:
Not at all. Okay.
Sam [00:23:55]:
Because I was just saying if I bumped into some dude that looked like you
Chris [00:23:58]:
Yeah. No. Not at all. Okay. Okay. He had curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and, a much smaller nose.
Sam [00:24:07]:
Okay. That is
Chris [00:24:08]:
and I think he was taller than me too. But, anyway, so Siri Siri, found out something or other, and she goes, well, you know me. I had to do the investigative thing.
Sam [00:24:20]:
So Facebook stalking.
Chris [00:24:22]:
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Pretty much. But, anyway, she found out where he had stayed for a bit in Auckland
Sam [00:24:29]:
Oh, okay.
Chris [00:24:29]:
And rang the person and had a conversation with them. And they couldn’t, like, give her any details, but mentioned a couple of things.
Sam [00:24:37]:
Yeah. Okay.
Chris [00:24:38]:
She found out about Completely normal. She found out about the, his, what do you call it? If something happens to you, Nick Mexican continent. Okay. Yep. And it was Courtney, Courtney Hanlon.
Sam [00:24:52]:
Chris [00:24:52]:
And so she, of course, thought it was probably his partner or something, but then she looked her up on
Sam [00:25:00]:
Wherever. Social media.
Chris [00:25:01]:
Facebook or whatever. Yeah. And she’s just got out of university.
Sam [00:25:05]:
Chris [00:25:05]:
wow. And so, she goes, I think it’s Rob’s daughter. I’m like, probably. Because he was married for a bit, and I just assumed he’d had some kids. She goes, really? I’d never occurred to me. I’m like, that’s what people do. Like
Sam [00:25:20]:
Yeah. Yeah. And you go, but
Chris [00:25:21]:
that means you’ve got a niece. And I’m like, cool.
Sam [00:25:26]:
You don’t know what to do.
Chris [00:25:27]:
Have it. So I I had the new niece story a few years ago because my niece turned 4 this week. Yeah. Where my sister, who was 47 at the time, randomly gave birth without knowing she was pregnant.
Sam [00:25:40]:
That old trick. Yeah.
Chris [00:25:41]:
Yeah. That old trick. And then, yeah. And now I, I have a new niece, but she’s fully grown and got a degree in something.
Sam [00:25:52]:
Any ideas what your brother does for work or was doing?
Chris [00:25:55]:
He was an audio engineer for a while. What? Yeah. Look at that. Yeah.
Sam [00:26:00]:
We you’ll listen to this podcast maybe one day and go, what the hell is going on here?
Chris [00:26:06]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Sam [00:26:07]:
Oh, wow. Random ass. So, anyway,
Chris [00:26:09]:
that’s what the new new niece entry entry was.
Sam [00:26:14]:
Excellent. Nothing like a family update to, bring the listeners together. I need a drink.
Chris [00:26:22]:
I’ve got such a, dysfunctional family, though. It’s
Sam [00:26:27]:
it’s really No. I you could say that. You have a myriad of stories from your family, which makes good good podcast content because nobody ever knows what you’re gonna say.
Chris [00:26:39]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What else?
Sam [00:26:41]:
What have you got to wrap up this episode?
Chris [00:26:43]:
What have I got to wrap it? Have you heard about this Headhunters thing?
Sam [00:26:48]:
As in the motorcycle gang? Yep. What have they done?
Chris [00:26:51]:
So a cash envelope has been returned to Headhunters after the cops misread what was written on the envelope.
Sam [00:27:01]:
So So they got raided?
Chris [00:27:03]:
They raided the headhunters west pad in August. Yeah. They found an envelope that apparently was labeled drugs profit, and so they go, right.
Sam [00:27:13]:
Yoink. Makes sense to us.
Chris [00:27:15]:
Yoink. Okay. Seemed like an open and shut case. But a single misread letter on the hand handwritten label meant police have had to return the envelope and the cash back to the gang. Okay. It was drag’s, profit, from the Mary Mary drag way
Sam [00:27:35]:
Chris [00:27:35]:
Where they were drag racing, and they made a profit from their drag racing. So it’s drag’s profit, not drugs profit. So the cops had to give the money back. Uh-uh. The headhunters and their Okay. Accountancy skills have beaten the New Zealand police.
Sam [00:27:51]:
How much how much money is it?
Chris [00:27:55]:
I it doesn’t say. It doesn’t say. I don’t think they’re allowed to say because they had to give it back. You know? Like, it’s not it’s not the police’s business, so they couldn’t tell. It doesn’t say in here. I
Sam [00:28:06]:
I mean anything. Yeah. They found a 9 millimeter pistol, which was of concern, but, okay. So yeah. I guess I guess that yeah. Okay. I guess it’s a legitimate thing. They were a legitimate place.
Chris [00:28:20]:
Yeah. And I assume they had some evidence to back that up.
Sam [00:28:24]:
What? Yeah. They’d have to because you can’t just take your drug money and put it into the drag money folder envelope and go, oh, no. No. All this money was from that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Sam [00:28:35]:
So they might What a random thing. Like
Chris [00:28:37]:
I know. That’s why I put in the random podcast.
Sam [00:28:40]:
I know. I think it’s getting my brain talking about that. So hang on. To all to, like, it has to have proof that this thing happened, and somehow all these people paid or whatever.
Chris [00:28:55]:
I don’t think they have to have a a whole lot of proof. I think they have to have a proof that they were there. They entered the competitions that day. Maybe that they won if there’s any because presumably, winning it in the newspaper who won and stuff. So if they showed, hey. We won these races.
Sam [00:29:14]:
Chris [00:29:15]:
Now I don’t think they have to prove to the nickel and dime how much they won, because that’s enough. So yeah.
Sam [00:29:26]:
If you’re a motorcycle gang accountant out there and wanna fill us in with the intricacies of this, please get in touch.
Chris [00:29:33]:
Or not.
Sam [00:29:34]:
No. No. No.
Chris [00:29:35]:
Sam could give you his email.
Sam [00:29:37]:
Just go to the Chris and Sam podcast dot com and send us an email. That brings us to the end. I’m still thinking about that way too much. So, until next time. I’m Sam.
Chris [00:29:48]:
I’m Chris. See you. Bye.
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