Mega Megaphone
The first episode for 2021 is here. We cover all sorts, find out what we got up to, how monkeys behaved in an experiment, a mega megaphone and much much more.
The first episode for 2021 is here. We cover all sorts, find out what we got up to, how monkeys behaved in an experiment, a mega megaphone and much much more.
We cover some new podcasts that are coming out, what did a local legned do? Tiktok might be onto something, an eye experiement that went wrong and much more this week.
Sam’s been on a massive Rd trip, find out why and what he saw on the way. Chris got roofracks from China. Tom Cruise has a rant, Indiana Jones 5 is on it’s way and we go over a crazy spam email.
How well did a money drop work as a publicity stunt? We found out what thunder snow is, robo taxis are here and some serial killers were featured on local TV as a prank. All this and more.
No more support animals on planes, a man wrestles an alligator to save his dog. People died this week, we have a monolith update, misteltoe farmers finding it hard and so much more. Come check it out.
We have an update on our shower situation this week, Aztex death whistles have a mention, as well as a monolith, Scientology podcast and more.
Shower problems, robot wolves and a breathing machine to help different patients. One of has a health scare, we talk about a dump fire, and what George Clooney did for his friends.
How did Chris go at Improv? What’s classed as a lamp these days? Crazy art restoration, Hamilton won an award, Brittany Spears and so much more. Come join us.
Improv show, death cafe’s, killing of minks, sausage king murdered, train crash, crazy doctor and so much more. Must be an episode of the podcast. Come check it out.
Lots of stuff in this weeks episode. From space problems, to a safety thumb. We also cover the diabolical iron clad beetle, a crazy Canadian, Manta 5 plan, Trump stuff and more.