Nov 5, 2019 |
In this interview Chris catches up with Shaun from Comics2movies, and Australian website/brand making amazing comic books and prints that are affordable and look amazing.
Check out their website for all of the great things you can purchase, and have a listen to the interview.
Nov 5, 2019 |
After a totally unique gift made out of recycled computer parts, make sure to have a listen to this interview with Bailey from BotCraft NZ.
Nov 5, 2019 |
Chris and Sam caught up with Alex Savage, IPW wrestler. Hear what the IPW is all about and how Alex went on Saturday at Armageddon.
Nov 3, 2019 |
We have our update from Aramageddon in this weeks episode, what did we think of it? What were the highlights and lowlights and what did they give us?
Sam is back from the school camp, find out what he got up to and how that all went. Chris has been super busy this week as well.
Oct 27, 2019 |
Sunday is here so buckle yourself in and find out what’s been happening around here the last 7 days.
Sam got a sweet deal from Uber Eats which we think is slightly stupid, Chris has been busy and was nominated for a work award.
We have 3 Kickstart or Dropkicks this week, find out if you’d be keen on any of these projects.
Oct 20, 2019 |
This week we went and saw a movie with one of our Patrons, Sam had some name tags made and was super happy with the service and results. Chris has a life lesson this week and also got scared at Spookers, this time as a member of the public. And will you be depressed if the All Blacks Lose?
Oct 13, 2019 |
Sam is back from a holiday this week. How did a Russian man turn gay and why is he suing Apple? A measles scare in Hamilton, and social media giveth and taketh away this week.
Oct 6, 2019 |
We have made it to episode 250 WOOHOO. Crazy wall ideas abound, the best election sign ever, crazy climate change theories, and more in another amazing episode hand crafted by us.
Sep 29, 2019 |
We’ve been busy this week, find out about that and Chris has an upcoming gig which could be quite interesting. People stole things from an aircraft carrier, a smart trike design, cherry tree festival problems and a lot more.
Sep 22, 2019 |
This week we find out what upset a man with the name of Milton and find the whole thing super crazy. Do you suffer from a phobia the new iPhone has highlighted more? What would you do with a solid gold toilet? What is The Squeeze tourist attraction and much more in this week.