Dec 10, 2017 |
Chris is back at the gym, we learn about amazing artwork only made with Excel, Rotorua is stuck with a large bill after their Mudtopia festival makes very little money, and we talk about the worlds richest YouTuber.
Dec 3, 2017 |
We find out what the flat earth rocket man is up to, one of us had out Twitter hacked, Interviews, cool videos and a teacher doing things differently in Hamilton all get a mention.
Nov 26, 2017 |
This episode is the birthday episode, Chris has now turned 50, we talk about how his day was. Sam’s TEDx Video about NZ Secret Santa is out now, and we know who we have to buy gifts for.
Nov 19, 2017 |
Sam came across someone that didn’t know what the Millennium Falcon was, we went to the TEDx Rukaura Salon, Hamilton City Council is being dumb and Chris spent some money.
Nov 12, 2017 |
Chris is feeling old and tired this week, NZ Secret Santa is all go, find out what we’ve got in the past, and Sam had issues with a note taking app.
Nov 5, 2017 |
Chris helped out at the Arohanui film festival this year, Sam is all about pumpkin seedlings, and Chris got some training by a guy named Skip via the internet.
Oct 29, 2017 |
We recount our trip to Armageddon where we saw John Barrowman talk, we saw NZ wrestler Alex Savage, and we went along to the NZ show of The Dollop Podcast.
Oct 22, 2017 |
Chris finally remembered to tell a story he heard from a guy named Steve, Sam was mentioned on a website, and some people have been dicks lately.
Oct 15, 2017 |
A stupid art installation gets stolen this week, find out how it involved a Kayak and a lot of shells. Chris got a new phone, and we got a new flatmate.
Oct 8, 2017 |
We learnt about a beekeeper that keeps getting ripped off, Chris remembers he is an admin for a really old Facebook page, and Sam went on a steam train.