Dick Smith is a Dick – EP66

Dick Smith is a Dick – EP66

Chris made his TV debut the other day on Shortland St, Sam saw the best pickup lin ever the other day, someone has been cheating at lawn bowls and we have more of Chris’ old letters this week.

Whaling Scam and a Hoax – EP63

Whaling Scam and a Hoax – EP63

Some people don’t know how to trim a video, what is a whaling scam and who fell for it? Amazon dash buttons are a thing apparently and we found a cheap place to buy glasses from.

Christmas Eve and Tinder Problems – EP61

Christmas Eve and Tinder Problems – EP61

Find out what spelling mistake annoys Chris this week, the word of the year isn’t actually a word, was the Miss Universe problem a conspiracy? Chris muddles his way through Tinder and we talk about the Memrise app.