
This episode of the podcast is being released a day late as Sam has been busy driving all over the place this weekend to go and see a swimming pool. We learnt that the Humanity Star, idea of the Rocket Lab founder and possibly a stupid idea burnt up a lot sooner than expected, money well spent we say.

Some people died this week, find out who.

Some New Zealanders want to create a snow leopard sanctuary here in NZ, they have started a petition about it, find out what the experts think about this amazing idea, and we throw in our two cents on this somewhat dubious plan.

Chris saw a clip online and wasn’t sure if I was real or fake, find out what it was that made him question it.

Sam has an idea on how to support The Chris and Sam Podcast, have a listen and see if you want help us make our mark on Hamilton.

Sam now has a 10 year old and straightened up some history from 10 years ago.

He also learnt about something called just sides and how it has been helping some famous people recently.

The Karate Kid movie franchise has another movie coming out and Chris is getting excited about it, find out what he likes about the trailer that has appeared recently.

Just Sides
Why I Chase People
Kiwi petition for Snow Leopard Sanctuary
Buy a Brick – Meteor Theatre