
This week Sam has had a lot of random pumpkin related stuff happening, while Chris has been busy teaching kids in Canada.

We’ve both been dealing with trades people this week.

We learn about Bill Gates and his obsession with toilets. What good will come out of this? And is there a conspiracy in there?

An Israeli search team asked to join a search for people in a collapsed building in the US, we learn just how good they are and where else they have deployed.

New Plymouth district council gets a shout-out this week, so does the guy making a better band aid / plaster. It’s called Wool-Aid.

It turns out many people work for Amazon, just how many Americans? Have a listen to find out.

Doritos came to the party and gave an Australian teenager a bunch of money after she found a special chip.

What’s the deal with the O for Awesome that’s been hounding David Tua for all of these years? We hear about the truth.

The longest domain name in the world, and the 24 hour website, get a mention as well. All this plus more, packed into 30 mins of solid gold.

Toilets and Bill Gates
Israeli Specialist Search Team
Doritos give teenager a lot of money
Lots of Amazon workers
O Not for Awesome
Longest domain name ever
24 hour website