
We have the latest with the Covid news and how it is affecting us.

Facebook and related properties went down this week, is this a good thing?

How often do drunk people end up in their own search when they go missing? More than you think is our guess.

Scam emails seem to have got more sophisticated for once, find out what almost caught Chris out this week.

Chris gives a movie review, we find out what the Russians are up to to beat the US, and the expendables 4 is currently filming.

Twitch got seriously hacked, disgruntled employee? Or something else.

A man returns a moon rock he had in his possession, turns out a lot of moon rocks have gone missing over the years.

There is talk the Zodiac killer may have finally been identified, and we learn about the origin story of the bullet proof vest. All of this and much more. Come check it out.

Facebook went down
Missing man joins his own search
Hamster buys and sells crypto
Twitch got hacked
Russia to beat the US at filming in Space
Free Guy
Expendables 4 Filming
New cave found in gibralter
Moon rock returned
Has the Zodiac Killer Been Found?
Chris’s Talk Outline: Rapid Implementation Workshop
Origin Story of bullet proof vests
DeFi platform accidentally sends $89 million worth of crypto by mistake