
Find out how Chris has been getting along with his bike this week.
We have an update on what we’ve been watching recently.

We’ve got an update on some Trump stuff. Who died this week in the world of entertainment and our favourite rat died as well.

There was a problem for car owners at The Base shopping centre this week, and problems for a man that crashed his plane in the US.

KFC is rolling out fake chicken in the US. The world’s largest pot brownie was made, but it can’t be officiated.

We talk Kickstarter, and we learn about the world’s first pig to human heart transplant, all this and so much more.

Bob Saget Died
Sidney Portier Died
Plane Train Crash
Problems at the Base for Car owners
Magawa the Rat Died
KFC to role out fake chicken to all of it’s US stores
Scientists make an ice cube that won’t melt
Kitchen Witch Cannisters
The Butthole Surfers Movie
Make 100: Aotea Tea
Worlds largest pot brownie
First pig heart transplant happens