
Find out what we’ve been watching this week. From The White Lotus to Fallout, The Mountain and Baby Reindeer.

We talk about some crazy animal antics this week as well.

What’s the latest with robots? A creepy video and attaching a flamethrower to one of them, that’s what.

We have an interesting Kickstarter project we found, plus so much more. Come have a listen.


The White Lotus
The Mountain
Baby Reindeer
Ram attack kills elderly couple
Ostrich’s and keys don’t mix
Botswana Wants to send Elephants to Germany
Flamethrower attached to robot dog
Swallow a pill to check on pregnancy???
Paintcam Eve – Kickstart or Dropkick
Cyber truck issues


Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:22]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 478 of The Chris and Sam Podcast.

Chris [00:00:26]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:27]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly Fixer Randomness technology in life. And I just found a piece of plastic that I never knew existed on my microphone that I peeled off.

Chris [00:00:36]:
Oh. Anyway you may sound better than ever.

Sam [00:00:39]:
I don’t know. It was just a decorative protective piece. I’m not sure. That is a thrilling intro to a podcast. And don’t worry. We’ve got more of them. We’ve got over 400. You don’t know what we’re gonna say when we start.

Sam [00:00:52]:
Neither do we.

Chris [00:00:53]:
Neither do we.

Sam [00:00:54]:
What what

Chris [00:00:55]:
have you been up to this week, Chris? So, I’ve been binging a little bit of, visual stuff, to be fair. So I’ve watched I started watching The White Lotus. I love how you said visual stuff. That’s such an old person thing, I think. I just Yeah. Alright. I’ve been I’ve

Sam [00:01:12]:
been I’ve been now it’s supposed to be a carrier. So White Lotus. Now what’s that what’s that about? I haven’t seen it.

Chris [00:01:18]:
It’s it’s quirky

Sam [00:01:20]:
is what

Chris [00:01:21]:
I’m gonna say.

Sam [00:01:22]:
Okay. I’ve heard it’s really good. It won awards and stuff, didn’t it?

Chris [00:01:26]:
Yeah. And and I’ve watched I’ve only watched 3 3 or 4 episodes. 3 or 4 episodes, anyway, which is good. It’s, it’s interesting enough. It’s not like, oh my god. I must watch.

Sam [00:01:40]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:01:41]:
Yeah. I I actually found it was quite good to to watch going to bed. So I had top setup, turn the light off, watch that, go to sleep. It was pretty cool. So I am quite watching liking watching that, but I started playing something that’s a must watch. And so I’ve sort of shelved the the the White Lotus, and that’s Fallout. Fallout is just blowing my mind. It’s fantastic.

Sam [00:02:09]:
I have seen the first episode. I watched The last night, so I knew I had a and idea of what it was about. I mean, I know what the game is about and,

Chris [00:02:18]:
So you’ve played the game?

Sam [00:02:20]:
Not intensely. I I’ve just sort of I didn’t get into it, as much as other people. Like, I thought it was a cool concept. I like the look of it, but I probably put in maybe an hour. Okay. Like, you know

Chris [00:02:31]:
You didn’t play the game. Yeah. I’ve I’ve played the game. Although, to be fair, similar to you, I haven’t got into it as much as other people. Mhmm. Later on in the game, you actually have to choose between the Brotherhood of Steel

Sam [00:02:47]:

Chris [00:02:48]:
And somebody else, and I can’t remember what they’re called now. And they are effectively wearing in those mech things. Suits.

Sam [00:02:57]:

Chris [00:02:58]:
Neck suits. So that sort of speaks much more to the film. So if anyone has played the game, they know what I’m talking about. They know more than I do about it. And I’m actually I randomly started playing it again, not so long ago before I heard that there was a fill a a TV series out. So that’s I

Sam [00:03:17]:
I wonder how many people are now picking up The game from just hearing about the show maybe. I’m not sure.

Chris [00:03:23]:
I’m I’m sure there’ll be people. I’m sure there’ll be people. Although The is pretty well known. Fallout 4 is is well known, and it like Skyrim, and they’re both fantastic games, so I really do like them. So anyway, but, yeah, it starts off at the first couple of episodes is sort of following 3 story lines. Yep. But, yeah, I it’s it’s fascinating. I I love the way they put it together.

Chris [00:03:54]:
And I had in my head I this is not a spoiler for you, but I had in my head it’d take ages for them to come together. Mhmm. Story lines to intersect. They pretty much intersect, I think, in the next episode. Like

Sam [00:04:07]:
Yeah. They it seems like they get there really quick. Versus The Prime production, I think. Yeah. And, man, I don’t know who’s working there, but they do some cool stuff as well. Like, between them and Apple, they’re like throwing some money at some shows.

Chris [00:04:22]:
Yeah. Yeah. So and you heard it’s been, greenlit for a and season.

Sam [00:04:27]:
Yep. Yep. Netflix probably wouldn’t have done that straight away. They would have waited and waited and probably and it because some weird metric. I saw 2 things this week. And of them, I went to the movies. I saw the movie The Mountain, which is a Kiwi film. Yeah.

Sam [00:04:41]:
It’s a Kiwi film brought to you by the same people that did Hunt for the Water People and Jojo Rabbit. A girl that’s got cancer wants to climb her mountain. And they go on a little adventure. And there’s some good little scenes. It’s missing something, but I can’t tell you what that is. On the whole, it’s pretty cool. I think it’s very simplistic maybe. And the adult characters don’t have much depth because we don’t see them very much, which is fine.

Sam [00:05:14]:
It’s okay. So I saw The. It’s The we went, there was a whole bunch of people that took a bunch of little kids. And it’s not a little kid’s film. It’s just there’s nothing else on at these school holidays. Anyway, there’s that. And then have you heard of, baby reindeer?

Chris [00:05:35]:
No. No. Not at all.

Sam [00:05:36]:
Okay. It’s the number and rated series, I think, on Netflix this week maybe. And it’s 7 episodes, I think. It’s UK based. And it’s based on a true life story of a guy who works at a bar and he wants to be a stand up comedian. A woman comes and. He offers her a cup of tea and then she stalks him. Okay.

Sam [00:05:57]:
And then the guy

Chris [00:05:58]:
I don’t know how you get to baby reindeer from there. Like, sometimes the names just do my head in. Anyway, sorry.

Sam [00:06:04]:
Carry on. Exactly. And she’s batshit crazy. She’s Scottish, and so is he, actually. But he’s got one.

Chris [00:06:10]:
Way better than baby reindeer did. Just just saying. Just saying.

Sam [00:06:15]:
It’s baby reindeer is just a random name that means nothing. Don’t worry. It’s just like but the interest So there’s a couple of things. In the show and in real life, the guy, gets sexually abused. So The it’s a bit of a dark topic. And not by her. And so that’s all good. But what happened in real life was this guy then made a stage show, and man show, then made it into a bigger show and then got this Netflix deal to make the show.

Sam [00:06:46]:
The main character in the Netflix show is the actual guy. So yeah. He’s playing the character and is the guy and will have to relive everything that happened to him through the show, which is just a bit weird. But maybe it’s a mechanism to deal with it. I’m not sure. Pretty good.

Chris [00:07:10]:
Okay. Alright. Baby reindeer. Well, I guess I won’t forget that name now.

Sam [00:07:14]:
If you don’t want to watch it, but here’s an interesting fact for you. When he started his show in 2019, his stalker basically dropped off the face of the earth. He’s never ever mentioned what her name is. Her name isn’t what’s in the show and he doesn’t want anybody to sort of know who she was because he really felt for her and her mental health problems that she was going through. But she I don’t know how she’s gonna react when she sees a Netflix show. Like, that could spark it back up. I don’t know.

Chris [00:07:47]:
Yeah. Hopefully, she’s got over and now.

Sam [00:07:50]:
It sounds like she probably found somebody else to stalk. Maybe.

Chris [00:07:54]:
Oh, god. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That that tracks. Hey. Talking about dark, I I didn’t know about chris, and I I put it on here because I’m sure you know about chris. And I’m sure most of our New Zealand listeners know about this, but I don’t think people outside of New Zealand will know about it if I haven’t.

Chris [00:08:15]:
And that’s the rogue Sam thing.

Sam [00:08:17]:
I was almost gonna bring this up last podcast episode because it had just happened.

Chris [00:08:22]:
Yeah. And it was only I’ve said D and D the other day, Dungeons and Dragons playing, and somebody made some comment about sam. And I thought they were talking about a ram raid, and I was like and it I couldn’t understand what was going on. I had to have it explained to me.

Sam [00:08:37]:
And And Yeah.

Chris [00:08:38]:
You hang on. What’s the joke again? And they’re like, it’s not a joke. It actually happened. I’m googling it. So, Do you wanna tell the story? Because you probably know it better than I do now.

Sam [00:08:50]:
Basically, The elderly couple, have, ram farmers. Well, they sort of and The lifestyle block, so they ended up doing that. And I think the woman went out no. The guy went out first and went to feed the ram or do something and didn’t come back. The she went out, didn’t come back. And then I think it was their and. Now, he went and found them and they were dead. This ramp had killed them and they said the injuries looked like they’d been in a severe car accident.

Sam [00:09:19]:
The and, they they were I think they removed his photo. There’s a photo of the son, and he looks like a complete, I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Complete serial killer. The photo is the worst photo in the world of this guy who just happened to come across this accident. Anyway yeah. Yeah. It’s real sam. And I read online somebody said look the problem is when you get an animal like that and they get used to humans they do not fear humans.

Sam [00:09:48]:
And rams are apparently really bad at doing chris, at attacking people and stuff. They started attacking the police when they turned up. The police shot it. Oh, what a way to go, though. Far era. It’s terrible.

Chris [00:10:00]:
Yeah. No. No. It’s it’s it’s certainly tragic. It’s just it’s it does have the makings of a joke. The guy goes out, gets hit by the The, and you can only hope that it was a fairly quick thing. Like, I can imagine him, bending over, doing some, picking something up or whatever and boom, end of story, but probably not. And then, yeah, the old lady comes out wondering where he’s got to after a while and, gets the same.

Sam [00:10:32]:
This is sort of reminiscent of Black Sheep, the movie

Chris [00:10:35]:
a little bit. That’s the first thing that has jumped to my mind too. It’s sad. Not that I remember Black Sheep very well because I I saw it at the movies. It was a long time ago.

Sam [00:10:44]:
Alright. Yeah. That’s okay. Talking about animals, here’s a top tip. My sister sent me a couple of things this week. This is one of them. When you’re looking after ostriches in a zoo, in the US, you really shouldn’t have your keys on the ground where they could swallow them. They at Topeka Zoo in Kansas, it swallowed the staff member’s keys.

Sam [00:11:09]:
Chris, ostrich had only been there for about a year. It used to dance around. People quite liked it. And, they consulted with experts around the States. What could they do? And basically, they couldn’t do anything. So they euthanized this bloody ostrich because it swallowed keys. Like, it said it reached out of its pen or through the wire or whatever and grabbed these keys. Now I’m no expert, Chris, but I’m gonna put my 2¢ in on this story.

Sam [00:11:37]:
Yeah. Like prison officers, zookeepers should have their keys on their body at all freaking times. Like The normally do. Like, when you see them, they normally have bunch of keys attached to them. You don’t put a bunch of keys down somewhere. Yeah. Like, just anyway, that happened. Talking about, well, not really an animal, but

Chris [00:12:01]:
Oh, I’ve got I’ve got either an animal thing or something about the the swallowing keys. Either way, I’ve got a story to go to.

Sam [00:12:09]:
Of course you do. Excellent. This is what we’re all about.

Chris [00:12:11]:
So the animal thing here, so Botswana got annoyed because Germany’s environment environment minister raised the possibilities of structural limits on the importing of hunting trophies because they’re worried about poaching concerns. So I sort and know where they’re getting to, but the, Botswana’s got really upset, and the African leader basically said that conservation efforts have led to an explosion in the number of elephants and that hunting is an important means to keep them in check.

Sam [00:12:47]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:12:47]:
Basically, he said, fine. You don’t want the trophies? Let me send you 20,000 elephants to Germany. You can sort it out there.

Sam [00:12:56]:
I really wanna see that, aye, because I can’t get my head around that many.

Chris [00:13:00]:
No. Neither can I? And I I I struggle to believe that because they gestate for 15 to 20 months. Something

Sam [00:13:10]:
like that. Some silly amount of time. Yeah.

Chris [00:13:12]:
Yeah. And they only had The, and I don’t know how many times a a, an animal Become pregnant. Cow can can give birth. Like, it’s only a couple of times in their lifetime, and they live quite a long time. So I can’t imagine they they they’re not rabbits is what

Sam [00:13:33]:
I’m saying. Yeah. Yeah. I get you. I get you. Rabbits. I get you.

Chris [00:13:36]:
So so, I I’m struggling with that, but it has already offered Botswana has already offered it’s got the world’s largest elephant population, Botswana has. And it’s already offered 8,000 elephants to Angola and and another 500 to Mozambique.

Sam [00:13:54]:
Woah. That’s a I don’t know.

Chris [00:13:55]:
It’s just so many to yeah. It is a lot, And you just assume there’s not that many of them. Yeah.

Sam [00:14:01]:
Okay. Here here’s something that’ll, warm you up on a cold, cold night.

Chris [00:14:06]:
I put my, winter quilt on last night for the The time.

Sam [00:14:10]:
That’s exciting, and I will sleep better knowing that now. There there’s a thing you can buy called the Therminator.

Chris [00:14:17]:
That sounds familiar. What is that?

Sam [00:14:19]:
It’s made by an Ohio based firm called Throw Flame. And they’ve got one of those, robot dogs and they put a flamethrower on it.

Chris [00:14:29]:
Okay. That’s not what it was

Sam [00:14:30]:
thinking about. For $9,420, you can get this thing that can shoot 9 meter jets of flame. It has a laser sight, flashlight, and light sensitive mapping capabilities for in the dark. They don’t, advertise it as a weapon, of course. You could use it for wildlife control, snow and ice removal, and generally entertainment. It’ll last for about an hour, and, yeah, you can just have this thing roaming around, setting everything on fire. It’s a The idea.

Chris [00:15:03]:
It’s a great idea. So, actually, this reminds me. I hadn’t written it down, but, you’ve seen the 2 big new innovations with, Boston Dynamics. They’ve come up with 2 versions. So they’ve retired Atlas.

Sam [00:15:20]:
I know they retired Atlas, and they’ve got the other one.

Chris [00:15:24]:
And they got a new dog feature.

Sam [00:15:26]:
Oh, no. What’s that?

Chris [00:15:28]:
So the dog feature, it’s the same except every foot has wheels on it.

Sam [00:15:33]:
Oh, yes. How’s that work?

Chris [00:15:35]:
Can control the wheels going forward and backwards. So it can scoop forward and scoop backwards all the time. Still walk? But, yeah, it still walks. So it freezes the wheels to go upstairs and then rocks.

Sam [00:15:45]:
Yeah. Oh, that makes sense.

Chris [00:15:47]:
That’s simple. It’s actually yeah. It’s it’s like, no. That’s obvious. It’s so cool. It’s it is quite obvious. Now it wouldn’t work I mean, there’ll still be times, where you want the old one with the standard legs. Like, I think rescue over rubble in an earthquake type thing would still be the legs thing, not the wheels thing.

Chris [00:16:05]:
But in a much more, urban environment, that that wheels thing makes a lot of sense. So, yeah, I hadn’t seen that. The other one, the Atlas replacement had been, has been, reported on quite a bit, And I can’t remember who it was. I think it was Marcus Brownlee who said, could they have picked a creepier image to unveil the new one than the way it stands up and and rotates? Because you’ve seen that, aye?

Sam [00:16:34]:
No. I don’t see that.

Chris [00:16:36]:
Oh my god. You have to, we have to

Sam [00:16:38]:
No. No.

Chris [00:16:39]:

Sam [00:16:39]:
Hang on. I’m looking at it now. Oh, I see. It’s on the ground. Looks like it’s dead.

Chris [00:16:43]:
Yeah. And then watch that.

Sam [00:16:45]:
Oh, no. What? Oh, no. Hey. Oh, no. It it its legs go backwards, like, under its armpits sort of, and then it sort of rotates and The just stands up again.

Chris [00:16:58]:
Holy crap. It’s chris rotational head and body. And it’s, creepiest looking, creepy looking, video. Like, he he said he Marcus is like, could they have found The creepier video? I don’t think so. Like, this isn’t helping.

Sam [00:17:15]:
Even its head is creepy. It’s a complete flat circle with a ring light all the way around it, and inside it is a bunch of, cameras and stuff.

Chris [00:17:25]:
Yeah. Although, I think he’s right because he goes, at least they didn’t try and put a human face on there because that would have been worse.

Sam [00:17:32]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:17:33]:
So we’ll link that we’ll link that video, and we’ll try and find the video of the, wheeled, Boston Dynamics dog, and, link that and there was a 5 minute video or something The I watched. Well, not 5 minute. A couple of minutes or whatever, showing it going over different terrain and bits, pieces, and how this wheel thing worked, which The was interesting. But, anyway cool.

Sam [00:17:56]:
That robot is very, small like, thin.

Chris [00:18:00]:
Yeah. Compared to the Atlas, which always looked way overweight in the body. Right?

Sam [00:18:05]:
Well, no. Yes. The reason I I heard, the reason that they got rid of the Atlas and that was causing problems is that was hydraulic. And that’s The it was so big. Right. Everything else now is electric or servo motors or whatever The the Atlas was hydraulic because apparently there’s outtakes of it doing the flips and stuff, and its hoses were bursting, and it was spraying oil everywhere.

Chris [00:18:29]:
Actually, I think I saw one of those back in the day too. Yeah. I I said before I had something about swallowing the key. And I this is just this is just made me giggle a little bit. Okay. And maybe, yeah, more face palm about, lawmakers in the US. Because lawmakers in the US are, how do you put this?

Sam [00:18:51]:
You’re the best.

Chris [00:18:54]:
Okay. So this is a a an Idaho lawmaker. So I assume it’s someone in the Idaho, conference in in Boise. Okay. So, he’s a Republican state representative, which tracks these guys, if you don’t know, are the ones that are hot on, legislating away abortion and stuff like that. But he, he was there was a doctor Julie Madison, Madison, a physician. Yeah. Was testifying, in opposition to some bill about abortion stuff.

Chris [00:19:33]:
And and she said some colonoscopy for whatever reason, she said some colonoscopy patients may swallow a small device to give doctors a closer look at parts of their colon. And chris device is known as the PillCam, I think we

Sam [00:19:50]:
I think we took we we have talked about chris. Yep. Yep.

Chris [00:19:52]:
And it’s been successfully used after research studies, including one and Stanford University in and. So it’s been around a while. And then this, genius, lawmaker goes, well, can the same procedure be done in a pregnancy? Swallowing the camera and helping the doctor determine what the situation is. You know? Then we can see the life of the fetus at 2 seconds old or whatever. And, Madsen had to explain to him that that’s not possible because, swallowed pins do not end up in the vagina. And there was a a a a a bit of laughter from the crowd.

Sam [00:20:33]:
It sums up it sums up a lot

Chris [00:20:36]:
of It really does.

Sam [00:20:37]:
Doesn’t it? Yeah. It sums it up quite well of how little people actually know. But they’re making decisions for other people. So that’s good.

Chris [00:20:44]:
Thing. If if they didn’t know, that’s fine. But The may they don’t know and they’re making the rules. It’s like, no. Shut up. Find, you know, find your lane and stay in it. Yeah. And your lane is, like, a very slow lane.

Sam [00:21:01]:

Chris [00:21:01]:
Anyway, that was all.

Sam [00:21:03]:
I have kick start or drop kick for you this week. Oh. I saw chris, I don’t know where I saw it, but I somehow made my way to the The. Oh, actually, how much does this thing cost? I have no idea. So, this is It’s called PaintCam Sam. It’s redefining smart security. It’s a security camera like a little or normal sized one that can rotate and pivot. So it does pan and tilt.

Sam [00:21:30]:
And it also can fire paintball palettes. Oh. Yes. So I don’t I couldn’t see how many paintballs it can hold. But if I was to guess, maybe 5 to 10. I can’t imagine a holding mini. Uses this little CO2, NOS canisters to power it. Yeah.

Sam [00:21:51]:
It’s to basically target or, you know, tag people that are doing something suspicious The can be found later. You can get normal paintballs or you can get UV paintballs or you can just scare people away by shooting them in the face with this thing, I guess. Yeah. There’s one video where the guy looks like he’s getting hurt, but I don’t know. It’s a bit random.

Chris [00:22:12]:
Yeah. I don’t think you’d get it wouldn’t be as bad as some of those paintball guns because they

Sam [00:22:19]:
Oh, The They’re super hang on. The super early bird price is just under €1200.

Chris [00:22:27]:
I I I honestly think it’s probably worth it for some people. Like

Sam [00:22:31]:
I don’t know if it’s worth it at this price, but I think this could be the start of a subset of cameras where they’ve all got something like this. Now

Chris [00:22:42]:
What’s the first thing that came to your mind as as a use case? Where would you what was the first place you think, oh, I could use that there?

Sam [00:22:49]:
Oh, I don’t know really. Like

Chris [00:22:51]:
First one that came to my mind was a junkyard. I don’t know why.

Sam [00:22:55]:
Oh, okay. There is a there is a image here somewhere, like a like a graphic they’ve made, and it says paintball. And then the next bullet point says tear gas. And it’s not mentioned anywhere else. I can’t see it them talking about tear gas.

Chris [00:23:09]:
It’s a common thing in the States is to have pepper balls. The pepper ball shells with the pepper. Instead of the dye’s got the pepper in it.

Sam [00:23:17]:
Alright. Yeah. That makes sense.

Chris [00:23:19]:
That’ll be what it is. Because effectively, it has the same effect as tear gas if you hit them in the face or anywhere up in the upper body.

Sam [00:23:26]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, I I think it’s quite pricey, but I don’t know. It’ll be interesting to see. We’ll see. Let us know if you think this is something that you would use. If it was

Chris [00:23:38]:
Yeah. Jump on our Facebook and tell us the use case where you think it should be used. Because I’m I’m fascinated by The. Because, like, you wouldn’t want it to accidentally go off with in a place where customers turn up. So, you know, The standard places. But the backyard of a, of a, dairy or a bottle store or something like that, makes sense, you know, the the delivery area as it were. I don’t know. Anyway, fascinating.

Sam [00:24:07]:
Yeah. I thought it was and interesting little thing there.

Chris [00:24:10]:
Hey. So I I thought this was interesting. Chris is an Australian thing. Hospital staff have been pleading with, bite victims to stop bringing snakes into the emergency department. So it’s it’s and this is what I think I was told when I was young

Sam [00:24:30]:
or at least They wanna identify it.

Chris [00:24:32]:
Through TV is if you get bit by a snake, grab it, put it in a bag or a box or whatever you got, and bring it along so we can identify it so we know what to give you. Right?

Sam [00:24:42]:
That makes sense.

Chris [00:24:43]:
But, basically, in short, health officials are warning people not to attempt to catch snakes after they’ve been bitten. And the caution comes after snake bite victims have been have brought the reptiles with them into The emergency department. Doctors saying calling for help administering first aid, and remaining calm is all you need to do. Waste your time trying to find them, and please don’t bring them to your emergency Ruth. And then it does have a piece here where it says snake and The Snake identity not needed for treatment. Snake bites in Australia are considered rare, and and The guy did die in, in March from a, malt being bitten multiple times by a what they suspect was a eastern brown snake. There are about 3,000 suspected snake bites across Australia each year, but only 100 to 200 cases, which is a lot, but out of and, it’s not as much, you know, require antivenom. Yeah.

Chris [00:25:49]:
So and I think they can tell what antivenom they need just by looking at the type of wound The is.

Sam [00:25:56]:
Alright. That makes sense.

Chris [00:25:57]:
Yeah. So yeah. But The it’s good to know. And I I just glad we try to have snakes here. You know? It’s just one less thing to worry about.

Sam [00:26:07]:
It is one less thing to worry about.

Chris [00:26:08]:
You about that when I went to the film festival, and I thought, oh, I’ve oh, I’ll because out of town, but it was a nice day. So I thought I walk in to, to the film festival, and I’m just wearing jandals and and shorts and t

Sam [00:26:28]:
shirt. Yeah.

Chris [00:26:29]:
Yeah. Yeah. I’m walking through the grass, and then I went, oh, crap. They have snakes here, don’t they? This is not a good idea.

Sam [00:26:38]:
It’s frowned upon.

Chris [00:26:39]:
It’s it’s dumb. It’s the way no. The first thing that goes through your head is, I don’t want to be that New Zealander that died because he’s a dumbass. That’s what I just wanna be.

Sam [00:26:52]:
That’s a that’s a top life tip there. Always be that always be that person. Don’t

Chris [00:26:56]:
Oh, no. I often think of things in terms of, the, what do you call it? Darwin Awards. I don’t wanna be that guy. I don’t I’ve laughed at so many of those guys. I don’t wanna be that guy. And I’ve done I’m so close to being that guy. I I wanted to talk quickly about the, Cybertruck. Have you, kept up with its its latest issues?

Sam [00:27:23]:
I saw one where it died in a car wash.

Chris [00:27:26]:
Yeah. So I’ve got that story here. Basically, the perils of turning cars into computers were laid bare by a hapless, Cybertruck owner who claims chris ride was rendered into a $80,000 paperweight by something as benign as a wash. Water and computers don’t mix. Who who go figure. But yeah. So apparently, you put it in the car wash, and it and it bricked. But that is the most recent thing, and I that so far, that’s a one off.

Sam [00:27:56]:

Chris [00:27:57]:
But have you have you heard about the recall? So they’ve recalled all 4,800 or whatever it is of the Cybertrucks The are out there because, an investigation has shown a non what’s the word? A nonapproved soap has been used in the in the production where they stick. They’ve got a contoured accelerator plate on top of the accelerator. That’s

Sam [00:28:24]:
Yeah. Good. I saw that.

Chris [00:28:26]:
Yeah. And if you press it so what happens is they used a bit of soap to lubricate it to slip it on or something. So

Sam [00:28:33]:
Chris that what happened?

Chris [00:28:34]:
It’s on like a sleeve. Yeah. And so what happened is that instead of the glue, the glue hasn’t held because of the soap has eaten it away sam my interpretation of what’s happened. And then as you if you, press it all the way down, it’s become for for a couple of people, it’s become slippery, and it slid up. But there’s a lip at The

Sam [00:28:57]:
saw that. It’s a silly design. Yeah.

Chris [00:28:58]:
It’s a silly design. And and so the accelerator gets stuck in a a 100% down position. Now if you hit the brake because of it’s an electric thing. It’s not mechanics fight it’s not the engine fighting the clutch and the motor. It’s, if you hit the brake, it just overwrites it, and that’s fine. But as soon as you take your foot off the brake,

Sam [00:29:19]:
it’s and go time. Go time.

Chris [00:29:21]:
It’s not it’s not what they call, what’s the word? Safe.

Sam [00:29:28]:
It’s a little bit experimental, I think.

Chris [00:29:30]:
It is. It’s just And so the point, though, was that, at this point, sales of the Cybertruck are under 5,000 and. Like I said, 4,800, whatever it was. It was forecast to be 45,000 at this point. So The Cybertruck is a bomb, basically.

Sam [00:29:51]:
It’s Yeah. It’s well, and it’s also first generation as well. So we’ll see what happens.

Chris [00:29:57]:
I don’t think it’ll keep going. I think they’re gonna they’re gonna kill it. Well, they made some dumb decisions. So Yeah. And it’s the first thing that that is totally Elon’s, thing.

Sam [00:30:11]:
Oh, okay. Yes. Okay then.

Chris [00:30:13]:
Tesla was already sort of

Sam [00:30:15]:

Chris [00:30:16]:
The before he got it. Cybertruck was his thing. His big And, yes, not not not looking good. It’s not quite as bulletproof as you’d hope. Yeah. Yeah. All those things.

Sam [00:30:30]:
Okay. Well, that brings us to the end of this week’s podcast. Make sure to go leave us a review. The 2 from 8 years ago are still there. And, Yeah, maybe we’ll hear a couple more. That’d be good. That’d be

Chris [00:30:42]:
cool. I really would appreciate it.

Sam [00:30:44]:
I, I also think that Facebook,

Chris [00:30:47]:

Sam [00:30:47]:
you use Facebook on the phone, they’ve got these AIs built into all The Facebook now. But when you write a post, it’s like, hey, do you want me to explain a recipe? It’s like it seems like a needy person that needs a job to do because it’s always like, hey. Do you want me to write this post for you? Hey. And it’s like, no. Just I don’t touch it. Just go away. So there there’ll be all these AI posts soon coming out from people that are just typing in random stuff. I also think that groups or Facebook pages, they’re not showing it to anybody.

Sam [00:31:18]:
There’s almost no engagement on anything now.

Chris [00:31:21]:
Yeah. I I was watching something the other day, and it’s more high level for for people with a try you know, they have a business. They have a big group, and there’s these people with, like, 50,000 in their group or something

Sam [00:31:34]:

Chris [00:31:34]:
Things like that. And if they do a post, only 6,000 of that group will get it.

Sam [00:31:39]:
Yeah. That’s me too.

Chris [00:31:41]:
And it’s just yeah. I think The was and of the selling points of school, actually. So

Sam [00:31:48]:
Until next time. I’m Sam.

Chris [00:31:49]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:31:50]:
See you.

Chris [00:31:51]:
Bye. Hope you enjoyed the show.