
This week on the podcast Sam talks about the NZ Podcasting Summit, while Chris catches us up on the Last Laugh Comedy club and what’s been happening with a film project he is involved with.

We talk about a young creator that has got a bunch of funding for his animated show. We learn what a Manta Ray UUV is, and discuss a new way of selling recycled items.

All this and so much more. Tell a friend, come have a listen.


Last Laugh Comedy Club Improv Night
Mantaray UUV
“Free for All” concept for selling items
Bloke of the Apocalypse gets Funding


Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello and welcome to episode 481 of the Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris. And

Sam [00:00:25]:
I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology in life. And if I sound a bit rough, it’s because I am a bit rough. I’ve got a dry cough, and my voice is absolutely stuffed, but getting better.

Chris [00:00:37]:
Have you been doing a lot of talking?

Sam [00:00:40]:
Not no. Not ridiculously. So

Chris [00:00:42]:
you’ll feel like crap after The.

Sam [00:00:44]:
Yeah. Let’s do the yeah. We’ll do The we’ll record the podcast because it’s more most important for our loyal fan base. And then if I’ve got voice afterwards, we can talk about other things.

Chris [00:00:54]:
Yeah. And just before we get into it, a reminder, the and episode, live show is going to be happening in September. Do we have

Sam [00:01:03]:
September 11th. Nothing else has happened on that date at all. Don’t worry about anything else. It’s not a milestone or a historic event. He’s looking at me and what’s going on, but he’ll get there in a sec. Sec. But September 11th, is when we are recording our 5 and episode. We’d love to see you there, where that there is.

Sam [00:01:23]:
Haven’t sorted that out. Let’s just get over this weekend first.

Chris [00:01:27]:
Yeah. I’m feeling that.

Sam [00:01:28]:
I’m very busy.

Chris [00:01:29]:
Yeah. It’s just so so busy.

Sam [00:01:32]:
Yeah. Like, anyway, so I’ve got 48 hours coming up this weekend. So this episode will come out. All the teams will be making films over 48 hours like crazy. There’s 32 teams for the Waikato in total. 13 of them are school teams and, I am the city manager. So they’re really, I don’t know what’s happened in the past. Yeah.

Sam [00:01:54]:
But they’re really keen when I say I’m gonna go visit these teams, and they’re like, oh my gosh. Just take photos. We just need behind the scenes photos. It sounds like they don’t have very many behind the scenes photos that they can use for things

Chris [00:02:06]:
Nice to mind.

Sam [00:02:06]:
To promote later.

Chris [00:02:08]:
Yeah. I

Sam [00:02:08]:
don’t know, but they’re real keen if I can get

Chris [00:02:10]:
Oh, that’d be cool. Horizontal, vertical, vertical video.

Sam [00:02:13]:
Just do anything. Okay.

Chris [00:02:15]:
Yeah. No. That’d be that’d be fun. Actually, because, if you take your daughter along, she’d love it, wouldn’t she? Oh, maybe. I don’t know.

Sam [00:02:22]:
No. I’ve got 2 teams that are keen for me to catch up with them already, so that’s good. I’ve got People

Chris [00:02:27]:
you already know or No.

Sam [00:02:28]:
Not at all.

Chris [00:02:28]:
Okay. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Sam [00:02:30]:
I’ve just picked up spot prizes. They’re on the boot of my car, so I’ve gotta dish them out.

Chris [00:02:34]:
Oh, nice.

Sam [00:02:35]:
Yeah. So

Chris [00:02:36]:
Sweet. All good. Well, why don’t you start off by telling us a little bit about this weekend’s event, the one that’s just been?

Sam [00:02:42]:
Oh, the one that’s just been? I went to the New Zealand Podcast Summit event in Auckland. It’s where a bunch of podcasters meet up, talk, I guess, a little bit. And,

Chris [00:02:52]:
so you you would be one of the OG podcasters in The?

Sam [00:02:57]:
So, yeah, there was a stat that so there was a crowd that had come up, and I think they were based out of Raglan, and one of them got sick overnight and said got hold of the host Lewis in the morning and says one of us is sick. We’ve got a medical emergency or something. Do you want us still to come? He’s like, no. So he sort of had a slideshow done, but he quickly finished it in the morning, and he presented first. And he Oh,

Chris [00:03:23]:
so they were supposed to be the first up? Yeah. Right. Right. Right.

Sam [00:03:26]:
Yeah. Yeah. So he has a podcast called Verbal Highs, and at some point, he’s a lecturer at AUT. He’s got a doctorate and something. Chris doctor

Chris [00:03:36]:
He he interviewed me a few years ago for a paper he was working on.

Sam [00:03:42]:
Yeah. And he’s got all the research and most of his research is around podcasting in New And, and he’s got a list of over 700 podcasts currently available in New Zealand. He talks about how long they last and all this sort of stuff. The very first slide is between and and 5 and 2014, I think he worked out there was only 36 podcasts in New Zealand, and we are one of them.

Chris [00:04:05]:
Right at

Sam [00:04:05]:
the end though, I will say 2014. But yeah. So, when we went around at and point, I said, oh, we’ll be going 10 years. It blew people’s minds as it does. Yeah. And they had some pretty good panel discussions. Very interesting what some people are up to. There’s a bunch called 2 guys in Coromandel called

Sam [00:04:27]:
That’s their podcast. 2 Brazilian guys. Just duplicate Diego twice.

Chris [00:04:33]:
2 Diegos. Not how many Diegos have you got?

Sam [00:04:36]:
They’re the nicest people in the world, and they’re so creative. Yeah. But they’re exactly the same like, the way they were thinking about things was the same. Yeah. And the one thing that they did do The, we do and we’re the only other ones I think we do it is he was like right from the get go, they’re like, we’re a video podcast. We’re gonna have 4 cameras, right? So they do that. And I was like, oh my god. No one wants to do it.

Sam [00:04:58]:
Anyway, but then they were talking about how some of their clips went viral, and one of them they weren’t gonna podcast, and when they did it went like 6,000,000 views, 6,000,000 views, 20,000,000 views. And he goes, I would have never picked The. Like, because you you just don’t know. But they talk to, mainly people

Chris [00:05:13]:
And and sorry, just to confirm, that’s in English? They’re doing that in English? Yes.

Sam [00:05:18]:
Yeah. And they’re coming they’re they’re Brazilians talking to creative people from the Coromandel and sometimes people visiting the Coromandel. Yep. And they don’t know what they don’t know. So they will are not scared to ask dumb questions Nice. Because they just don’t know. But they don’t have a niche, so they talk to anybody. And he said that’s a little bit detrimental because at one point he goes, we’ll talk to a Maori artist and they’re really keen on learning about Maori culture.

Sam [00:05:42]:
And he goes, we’ll talk to that person and then the next person we talk to is some woman that’s sword swallowing on the video. And he says, so if we capture someone that’s interesting and somebody goes, I really want to hear more about this art thing, he goes, the next episode could be something completely different. And he goes, but that’s alright. That’s how we like it. And what they do is there’s a magazine as well. I can’t remember the name of it. It’s probably 10 or 12 pages long, full color, and this is super clever. They have contributors every month.

Sam [00:06:13]:
There’s a guy that does a poem and all these different artists and all this sort of stuff and they’re like, oh, we get them to record that audio, and now we’ve got 4 other podcasts, and there’s a QR code in the magazine to scan, and it goes listen to this now. So these guys are yeah. They’ll write their article, record the audio, make that its own separate podcast, which is just that.

Chris [00:06:35]:
That’s pretty cool. Yeah. That’s pretty cool. I like that.

Sam [00:06:37]:
That was pretty cool and I think that was about it.

Chris [00:06:41]:
The was good. So you met some cool people and had a good time. It was was it with the trip? Yeah.

Sam [00:06:47]:
I think so. Yeah.

Chris [00:06:48]:
Yeah. Yep.

Sam [00:06:49]:
That’s pretty cool. So I did that.

Chris [00:06:51]:
Yeah. Actually, just on The. So last night, I went to the Last Life Comedy Club.

Sam [00:06:56]:
What was yesterday?

Chris [00:06:57]:
What’s today? Thursday. Thursday. Today’s Friday.

Sam [00:07:00]:

Chris [00:07:01]:
So it was the improv.

Sam [00:07:03]:
Oh, yeah. In a cop night. Okay.

Chris [00:07:05]:
So, yeah, I so do you know where it

Sam [00:07:09]:
is? This is the new place, hey?

Chris [00:07:11]:
Yeah. I re no. I It’s shenanigans. The old shenanigans.

Sam [00:07:15]:
Oh, yeah. Makes sense. Yeah.

Chris [00:07:16]:
Okay. Yeah.

Sam [00:07:16]:
It I was reading the article, and I was like, I’ve got a vague idea somewhere around that area.

Chris [00:07:20]:
Yeah. And I hadn’t bothered. I actually, for some reason, thought it was the other end of Victoria Street because I wasn’t thinking about the numbers or whatever.

Sam [00:07:27]:

Chris [00:07:27]:
And then I looked it up when I bought the tickets because it’s only $15. So the one thing I will say is it’s a great little venue, perfectly set up for stand up. Yeah. It’s got a tiny stage. Alright. So for the improv

Sam [00:07:39]:
That’s a bit.

Chris [00:07:40]:
It’s a bit challenging. It couldn’t quite get as as physical, although they were pretty physical.

Sam [00:07:45]:
So that’s the 4th comedy club in New Zealand, is what I read in the article?

Chris [00:07:50]:
I didn’t read that. I don’t know.

Sam [00:07:51]:
I think it’s the 4th permanent comedy club. So there’s Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton.

Chris [00:07:56]:
Nice. Yeah. So the guy that’s running it is a guy named Tom. He’s an English guy, Nice guy. Great to talk to, and he’s fully committed to doing this comedy thing. And so I will be, performing on the Thursdays occasionally on the, improv team.

Sam [00:08:15]:
Of improv. Yep. Yep. So I I think Pam’s keen on doing that.

Chris [00:08:19]:
Yeah. I I yeah. She she missed the other oh, I think she went to the other Sunday, but I missed it. I wasn’t feeling too great myself. So yeah. Anyway, so that was that was really cool. And while I was there, I got, you know, heckled as usual or picked on from the from the stage, but also some guy came up to me and I was wearing my cap, and he’s like bushmills, bush mills. And he’s an Irish guy.

Chris [00:08:44]:
He goes, you know, that’s the oldest you know, just randomly starts talking to me because I’m sitting by myself. Yeah.

Sam [00:08:49]:

Chris [00:08:49]:
You know that’s the oldest thing in

Sam [00:08:51]:
What is it, whiskey?

Chris [00:08:53]:
Yeah. Distillery in Ireland Alright. In the world. 1608.

Sam [00:08:57]:
That’s mental.

Chris [00:08:57]:
Yeah. That’s insane. So I actually looked it up online afterwards when I got home, because, oh, really, 16:0:8? And that was when they first got a license to do distill whiskey.

Sam [00:09:11]:
Oh, to do a license. They were probably doing stuff before that.

Chris [00:09:14]:
Yeah. Exactly. But the distillery wasn’t built till 1758, so it’s not that old. Anyway, 1758. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, and then that was cool. And then in the break, Seamus came over, and and he’s like, oh, I thought I recognized that laughter.

Chris [00:09:30]:
So, and that was Seamus that I’d had as a a client who was working with Kiwinet, and he was with Shannon, the communications director. The go. And so, yeah, organizing my podcast that I’m doing with The, a a pilot episode, and pilot episode. So I’m going to do an audio podcast for Kiwinet.

Sam [00:09:52]:
Excellent. What’s it about?

Chris [00:09:53]:
We’re gonna interview some people that have, entrepreneurs.

Sam [00:09:56]:
Yes. Yes.

Chris [00:09:58]:
So The was I did a proposal for The about a year ago, and they’re like, oh, yeah. And she goes, I’m going off to Europe for 18 months in 10 days’ time. Can we do just a pilot podcast before I go? I’m like, yeah.

Sam [00:10:12]:
Yep. No. That’s good. Yeah. Seems to be the way that podcasts are going. A lot of interviewing people Yeah. Yeah. And talking things, which I which is fine.

Sam [00:10:20]:
I understand it.

Chris [00:10:21]:
Yeah. Because I I don’t tell a lot of people I talk to in the business world that I deal in No. That I have a podcast because if I open my mouth and say I have a podcast, I’m like, oh, I’d love you for interview me. I don’t well, we don’t interview you.

Sam [00:10:35]:
I know. I so going to this podcast summit thing, I was a bit unsure where we where our podcast fits in right? Yeah. And I was like, oh, if we go next year, we could literally record people there and talk to them. Nobody else can do that because they’re super niche. Right. And I was like, oh no, we can do this. We can have a mic and I can talk to them at lunch and afterwards.

Chris [00:11:01]:
Yeah. Yeah. We should do that.

Sam [00:11:02]:
Yeah. Which is fine. Yeah. Yeah. But there’s some really high level people that were The, like, I was right.

Chris [00:11:09]:
So other news. This morning, I had a Zoom with the Life Flight Trust. Me and Adam jumped on a Zoom with the Life Flight Trust.

Sam [00:11:16]:
Are you allowed to fly the plane?

Chris [00:11:18]:
No. Ultimately, we’re not gonna be using the plane by the sounds of it. So let me give you a rundown for people to know.

Sam [00:11:26]:
How open were they to this random Zoom call?

Chris [00:11:28]:
The Sebastian was could and been nicer. Could not have been nicer. But let me give you some background. So we’ve got a, we’ve got a a film that we’re working on producing Adam’s Written, and it’s based in an air ambulance because, of course, why would you write it so that it’s easy to film?

Sam [00:11:47]:
No. It’s good. How many films are based in an air ambulance? Easy to go.

Chris [00:11:52]:
Exactly. Anyway, so no. It’s actually it’s a great script. It’s getting to the point, and I haven’t told you this

Sam [00:11:58]:

Chris [00:11:59]:
That, if it becomes as expensive and as time dependent as it’s looking like it’s going to become, we’re gonna make it a feature because

Sam [00:12:08]:
Oh, yeah.

Chris [00:12:09]:
Cool. It’s

Sam [00:12:10]:
You might as

Chris [00:12:10]:
well. You’re spending an extra 20% to get the whole feature rather than Yeah. Yeah. Spending 80% of it and and getting just a short anyway. Right? Exactly. So we’re sort of playing with The. Anyway, so we looked at the flight simulator thing in the hospital down there.

Sam [00:12:26]:
That’s right.

Chris [00:12:27]:
And we got in touch with the guys, and we thought, oh, this would be good. It’s flight simulators. You know? Just like

Sam [00:12:31]:
that. Good.

Chris [00:12:32]:
Sounds good. The bureaucracy dropped in.

Sam [00:12:38]:
Oh, and

Chris [00:12:38]:
so it’s like, yeah. No. Yeah. We we can look at that. It’ll be about $2,000 an hour or something to, you you know, do that. And we’re like, okay. Well, can we just come in and have a look just to see if it’s

Sam [00:12:51]:
Even suitable.

Chris [00:12:52]:
Even suitable? Because we don’t know. And The he goes, yes. But that’s part of your preproduction. So, yeah, the $2,000 an hour to look at it will still apply.

Sam [00:13:00]:
No. There’s like I Yeah.

Chris [00:13:02]:
Yeah. Yeah. Someone’s a

Sam [00:13:04]:
bit precious about their little toy.

Chris [00:13:05]:
Yeah. Well, I think it’s more about being in charge of the fiefdom was the way I felt about it. You know, like, that whole corporate I I’m the boss here, and I

Sam [00:13:15]:
make the rules. Yeah.

Chris [00:13:17]:
But also, I think, I think it was Adam Minchin that said, you know, to some degree, they’re like, we’re a hospital. We want to do hospital stuff. We’re just throwing this up here because we really don’t want you here. You know? And then, apparently, this is Wellington Hospital. They get a lot of queries and stuff. So compared to that

Sam [00:13:34]:
Just talk yeah. Just talking about that, there’s some strikes happening this weekend that you had to push out for 48 hours. Please do not go to hospitals to try and film. Don’t ask, don’t try, and then one of the team managers the city manager comes back and goes, I’ve got a team and they’ve already got approval to film in a hospital. Is that all good? Yep. If they’ve got approval and they’re not in Wellington, yep. They can do that.

Chris [00:13:58]:
So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That that that’s different. That would be her. So, anyway, so we hit the Life Flight Trust people for today. And, again, Sebastian couldn’t have been nicer. I learned a whole bunch of stuff.

Chris [00:14:11]:
So, first of all, we thought they had a couple of planes, 1 on, and off, all the rest of it. Nope. That is not how it works. Basically, we said, oh, we’d like to film, you know, people getting on and off, like and embarking and debarking, disembarking, Yeah. Scenario. He goes, how long would that take? Nah, maybe 6 hours to do the whole lot. And he goes, right. We have a flight every 4.5 hours on average.

Sam [00:14:37]:
On average as well. Yeah.

Chris [00:14:39]:
And, we have to be ready to go within 2 minutes. So Yeah.

Sam [00:14:44]:
Yeah. It’s like just

Chris [00:14:45]:
pilots in there doing checks. Yeah. So anything that takes us away from that 2 minute thing is a no go. So I’m like, yep. It’s looking like we’re not gonna be filming with the actual Life Flight, thing, but we are gonna organize to get, Adam down there to to go in and have some photos. So we we know what it Yes. What it’s gonna look like authentically so we can dress 1. Yes.

Sam [00:15:10]:
And if we Take a 1,000,000 photos.

Chris [00:15:12]:
Yeah. And if we’re addressing a blank fuselage, we may end up doing a feature instead. Anyway, that’s, that’s getting into the weeds, but it was a very, very good call, and, big ups to the Life Flight Trust. The they’re doing a heap of work, so good on them.

Sam [00:15:28]:
Yeah. Pretty crazy all the stuff happening behind the scenes, hey. Hey, this Wellington artist, this young guy actually, he is he’s awarded he’s been awarded half a $1,000,000 from New Zealand on air for an animated zombie web series. Oh. Yeah. Anyway he’s been designing characters for he’s 20 years he’s only 20 years old. He does it from his Mount Cook flat in his bedroom. Nice.

Sam [00:15:56]:
He’s gonna graduate with a The of Screen Arts with more than 4 years experience in the industry. He just kept drawing. Since he was little, he never stopped. He’s drawn characters for TV shows all over the world including the US and the UK, and it’s his turn to make his own characters for animated horror comedy web series Bloke of the Apocalypse. About a father, Bloke, and his son Oliver who discover a zombie apocalypse on their farm in rural New Zealand.

Chris [00:16:20]:
Sounds awesome.

Sam [00:16:21]:
The first three episodes have been uploaded to YouTube. I haven’t watched this yet, so I think that’s the the Kisano character there.

Chris [00:16:27]:
We’ll definitely put that link in. We’re gonna show that out. We’ll we’ll check that out. And if you guys check it out and let us know. In fact, if we share that on, Facebook, and you can make some sam some comments on the Facebook page when you see it and see tell us what you think. Again, I haven’t looked at it either.

Sam [00:16:43]:
And he’s also finished the first draft of his feature film, a live action comedy horror called Upchuck. He likes to have a bunch of projects on the go at the same time.

Chris [00:16:54]:
Yeah. You need to. You need to

Sam [00:16:55]:
I think you do.

Chris [00:16:56]:
That world. Yes, so and other piece of news I think I don’t think I shared before, you will tell me if I did, is that, TEDx University Waikato has got a license. Did I say that?

Sam [00:17:09]:
No. I think you no. I don’t think you did. I think we were just in talks about it or you were in talks about it.

Chris [00:17:12]:
So I I finally went in for another meeting. I have put a proposal in to do all the coaching, and they’re gonna pay me lots and lots of money. But, apparently, I forgot to check that they actually received my dodgy dodgy email. Yep. After the peak

Sam [00:17:28]:
The went straight to sam.

Chris [00:17:29]:
So I turned up at The meeting expecting to negotiate my fees, and, they didn’t know about my fees. So that negotiation is yet to come. So that was

Sam [00:17:41]:
Were they like were they were they okay about it? Because wouldn’t they have chased you up before the meeting going, hey, we never got anything? Or was

Chris [00:17:48]:
it a little They didn’t weren’t expecting anything from me.

Sam [00:17:51]:
Okay. Alright.

Chris [00:17:52]:
So, but it was a little annoying because it means they’ve they’ve missed a couple of my emails, but they’ve got a couple. So it’s that’s what’s Yeah. Winding me up. So The missed a couple where I’ve sort of said, these are the timelines we need, you know, The Evo talks that we book and all that sort of thing. So I did this whole big long email with, like, these are all the things we need to book and the timelines we’ve we’ve got, and they didn’t get that. And then there was the pros proposal, and they didn’t get that. Although when I resent it, he got it straight away. So I don’t know what’s going on.

Sam [00:18:23]:
Email is so finicky, and people don’t realize that. You can send an email

Chris [00:18:28]:
That’s frustrating.

Sam [00:18:28]:
Like, the the 48 hour thing, right, which I found really interesting is they’re like, on Thursday, so yesterday afternoon, you have to send an email as the city manager to all the teams. Okay. Cool. There’s no specific email. I’m just using my own email. Like, it’s not a worry. Everything’s a little bit Just a little bit fishy. Casual.

Sam [00:18:52]:
It’s The 21st year, and it’s still

Chris [00:18:55]:
just different. So it’s not Sam from the 48 hour films or whatever they call themselves.

Sam [00:18:59]:
Even the people organizing it aren’t usually emailing from that address, their address.

Chris [00:19:03]:
Oh my god.

Sam [00:19:04]:
They’re coming from wherever.

Chris [00:19:05]:
That’s random

Sam [00:19:07]:
ass. It is, So my email address is up on their website. Like, I had to, it’s on there, and then initially, they weren’t gonna put my phone number up because I got pulled into this real late, and they were like, look, we’ll just cover all the questions. And I was like, that’s alright. I don’t mind. Like, it’s all on the website. And if I get stuck then, they can ring you. So now my number’s on the website too.

Sam [00:19:27]:
So Okay.

Chris [00:19:28]:
Cool. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, that was my, TEDx thing. I’ve I’ve still got to work on that. I’ve got a lot of stuff on. So with this comedy comedy club podcast thing just

Sam [00:19:39]:
Do you have any paid work going on?

Chris [00:19:41]:
I’ve I’ve just been given some which I have to get into after chris, so that’s that’s good. And hopefully, The the university stuff will be paid.

Sam [00:19:49]:
Oh, that’ll be good.

Chris [00:19:50]:
We we made a lot of progress in that meeting, and it’s like The will be using me. It’s just a matter of how much they’re going to be willing to pay, and it The be what I’m willing to give in return that amount. No. That’s cool. That’s cool. Hey, I wanted to change tech a little bit. Have you heard of this Manta Ray UUV? No. A UUV is an unmanned underwater vehicle.

Sam [00:20:12]:
Okay. So it just floats around?

Chris [00:20:13]:
Yeah. Yeah. So it it it’s great. I’ve got some links in here to stories, and the original video I watched, which is quite a long video, it’s like 20 minutes or something. It looks bit like a cross between a stealth bomber and a manta ray.

Sam [00:20:27]:
No. That’s a good go.

Chris [00:20:28]:
It looks real cool. And basically, the whole point is it anchors to the seafloor just sits there. And they they have this thing in the videos. Look, got different ways of using devices that will charge it. So with the current stuff and so it’s while it’s anchored, it’s charging. And then if it detects a sub, because it’s all about this detection of subs

Sam [00:20:51]:

Chris [00:20:52]:
The detects the sub going past, it’ll, detach and track it. Yep. Yep. And so it can do a couple of things. It can track it and then let, you know

Sam [00:21:02]:
Whoever knows.

Chris [00:21:02]:
Command know that it’s tracking a sub, or potentially it can hit it, you know, ram it and kill it Oh. Explode it, you know, type thing.

Sam [00:21:11]:

Chris [00:21:11]:
But mostly it’s tracking. But that’s pretty cool. And it I said it looks like a cross between a stealth bomber and manta ray because it’s it’s built by Northrop Grumman who built the stealth bomber. Sam.

Sam [00:21:23]:
How big is it? It’s gotta be pretty decent.

Chris [00:21:25]:
It’s really big. So there was a lot of, apparently, there’s a lot of pictures, and this is not a new thing. And people were going, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But then they’ve shown this this actual prototype, working prototype, and people are standing on it, walking around on it. Alright. So it’s it’s I would say it looks like it’s about 2 cars in length.

Chris [00:21:45]:
Yep. 2 cars length and 2 cars width probably ish with fins and stuff a bit.

Sam [00:21:52]:
But it’s sort of amazing, because it must be like the subs that are cruising around and go down for like 6 months. I don’t know whatever the The longest amount of time they’re down there.

Chris [00:22:00]:
Yeah. Some of them are Just cruise

Sam [00:22:01]:
cruising around because they got new cameras. And they

Chris [00:22:03]:
still and they still aren’t very good at tracking them or anything like that, you know?

Sam [00:22:09]:
And. And they could be anywhere floating around and whatever.

Chris [00:22:11]:
Yeah. So but everything’s going to this UUV thing, the whole, the little boat things that they’ve got in Ukraine. So Ukraine has no navy, and it’s basically obliterated the the The navy in the Black Sea. Oh. Did you not know that? So the Ukrainians you worked out a way to use torped missiles Yeah. To kill ships. And, basically, they did that by targeting The when they’re at port and they’re sitting there because they’re in one place because Yeah.

Sam [00:22:44]:
It makes sense.

Chris [00:22:45]:
And but they also created these u and unmanned boats, and they’re just packed with explosives. And there’s lots of videos online that you can see them. Yeah. And they’re zipping in. And these guys in the boats are, like, sub machining, getting the hell out of the water, trying to hit these things, but they’re zipping around so fast. And they’ve sunk they’ve they’ve wasted the the Russian Navy. There’s about 3 boats left out of a fleet, and they’re all keeping it out of the way. And, of course, the Black Sea is controlled chris is controlled, I think, by Turkey, so nobody’s letting any more Russian ships in during a war.

Chris [00:23:26]:
So The yeah. It’s pretty cool. Anyway, it’s and. That’s crazy as. And. I’ve got something else here, and I I don’t know if I I looked at it at first and went, this is sam. It’s too good to be true. It was shared by my sister on on on Facebook.

Chris [00:23:42]:
Okay. And then I’m like, no. Actually, it makes sense. So I thought I’d share it with you and see what you think. So, there’s a I I’ve put a image of the the story in Facebook there. It says, this person’s put, I very rarely allow advertising on this page. I don’t know what page it was. Oh, Hup Valley Security Notice Board.

Chris [00:24:01]:
Yeah. Okay. However, this is a business I spend a lot of my free time helping out, and my company hook them up with the Internet and a bunch of CCTV cameras.

Sam [00:24:09]:

Chris [00:24:09]:
It’s a great concept, and I back it all the way, right? Mhmm. And it’s just relocated from Pororua to Petone because Audrey’s down Petone, or she used to be. So it’s a free for all. And what it is, it opens up on 10 AM on a Saturday. Yeah. $7 entry for adults, $3 entry for kids, and it looks like any op shop type

Sam [00:24:32]:
thing there.

Chris [00:24:33]:
And you pay to get in, and you leave with whatever you can carry. Toasters, jugs, books, clothes, games, toys, pens, pencils, jewelry, tools, hats, shoes, coffee machines, rah rah rah rah rah. Whatever you can carry out the door, you take. If you have to come back in, you have to pay again.

Sam [00:24:53]:
Yeah. Okay. Okay.

Chris [00:24:54]:
So fill your bag and weigh weigh fill your bags and weigh your hole as you leave so they can keep track of the goods we are doing. So the whole point is to keep the stuff out of landfill.

Sam [00:25:08]:

Chris [00:25:08]:
So it’s been donated to them. They charge people for entry. You they just weigh what you leave with just so they can have some sort of inventory thing.

Sam [00:25:18]:
It does say I fully expect the shop to be empty by the end of the day because I was gonna say they must have emptied it all out. Yeah. That makes sense.

Chris [00:25:24]:
Yeah. It’s pretty cool. It’s a cool idea. I’ve never come across that before.

Sam [00:25:27]:
It’s interesting. Yeah. Because there’s, a bunch of op shops. They have the oldest crappiest stuff that no one will ever need for anything. Like The phone itself doesn’t exist, so why would they want that case? Or it’s part it’s half of something, but they maybe not know. The, the Wickham Street I think it is Wickham Street. Dump shop. I’ve only been there once.

Sam [00:25:52]:
I need to take you there. It’s really impressive.

Chris [00:25:54]:
Alright. Yeah.

Sam [00:25:55]:
It’s really cool.

Chris [00:25:55]:
I can’t even know where Wickham

Sam [00:25:56]:
Street is.

Chris [00:25:56]:
Exactly. I’m like, what the hell are you talking about?

Sam [00:25:58]:
So I’ve Kicksteer Drive Extension.

Chris [00:26:00]:

Sam [00:26:01]:
That’s a really cool shop and I’ve only been there and, but, they’ve just got stuff sitting there like it’s just a normal shop. This is a different way of thinking about it. Yeah. Because at the end of the day, you want people to have some goods that don’t go into the garbage. Yeah. $7 a pop. I wonder how many people, like, I wonder how many people are dropping 21, and. Like, I don’t know.

Chris [00:26:23]:
Yeah. Well, I mean, if you’re a low income family, then you’ve got some some money Yeah. What a great way to take your kids. $3 each for the kids, grab whatever you like. Holy crap. Then we keep the kids happy for a couple of hours with it.

Sam [00:26:41]:
So a and I’d I’d love to see some footage of just how crazy it is in there. Like a normal op shop so Lake Road downstairs is really good. It’s only open on choose Tuesday, Thursday, maybe Saturday.

Chris [00:26:53]:
I think

Sam [00:26:53]:
I do 3 days now. And that’s absolute chaos. Yeah. And people just grabbing stuff and we got some good stuff last time. And, yeah, it was pretty good. But you’re just buying whatever the price chris. And they price stuff really fairly, I think, downstairs. Yeah.

Sam [00:27:06]:
Which is good. This though is like a free for all. Yeah.

Chris [00:27:11]:
It really is a free for all.

Sam [00:27:13]:
Yeah. Okay.

Chris [00:27:14]:
That’s just I thought no. I thought it’d shoot you that one. Just, for those that don’t know, Sam also runs the op shop directory.

Sam [00:27:21]:
Dot Yes. Oh. I’ve got a story about that.

Chris [00:27:23]:
Put We’ll put a link in The show. I’ve got a story about that. Tell us The story.

Sam [00:27:26]:
So I’ve got a form that says, hey, if you wanna update a op shop with some details, let me know. So it’s all 9 times out of 10, it’s crowdsourced information and sometimes the shop will tell me. And I get 2 emails at the same time, and one of them just a contact form and the other one says update a listing. And the contact one is the one I read first and it’s from someone from a IT help desk and it goes, hey, That op shop in Auckland doesn’t exist anymore. The phone number for that op shop is one of our internal numbers here at work. People keep bringing it every single day asking where the op shop is. Please remove the listing or remove the phone number in Isaiah. And then the other email which has got all the fields and it says what do you want to update? They’ve put that same comment in every single one like some sort of angry copy and paste.

Sam [00:28:18]:
So within, like, half an hour of me getting that email, I removed it. I emailed him back and said, yeah. It’s all removed. They’re like thank you so much. And I’m like at what point have they lost their mind?

Chris [00:28:28]:
Found out where they’ve been.

Sam [00:28:30]:
Yeah. Going hey where’s The Zob Shop? So anyway

Chris [00:28:33]:
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they must so they must have asked, where did you get the phone number from? And they said the op shop through.

Sam [00:28:39]:
Or Googled it.

Chris [00:28:40]:
Or Googled it. Yeah.

Sam [00:28:40]:
I don’t know. But yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:28:42]:
Yeah. Anyway, that’s interesting. Yeah. So how is the op shop directory going? It’s still Yeah.

Sam [00:28:47]:
It’s good. Taking along.

Chris [00:28:48]:
Pumping along? Yeah. Nice. Nice. Nice. Nice.

Sam [00:28:50]:
Well, what brings us to the end of the podcast?

Chris [00:28:52]:
Yes. Did you want to Don, anything particular?

Sam [00:28:56]:
No. Just check us out, the chris. Anybody new that’s listening from the podcast summit? Hello, maybe. I’m not sure. There’s been no uptick at all in our stats. That’s okay. But we had I had a talk with a guy that was sort of like we were talking about the stats sort of things. And I’ll tell you who was The here was the local community radio people and from Raglan, and The were exactly as you’d expect.

Sam [00:29:22]:
And there was a guy with this amazing radio voice, and he does like a rural show. And then there’s a woman, and I’m not sure if she’s a host or what what her deal is, but she was super enthusiastic about everything. And when I said we go to field days as media, holy crap it blew their minds. She said what do you mean you go as media? I said we apply as media and we go in and record people. She’s like we have to do that and she’s screaming at this dude.

Chris [00:29:49]:
I was like

Sam [00:29:50]:
I think it’s a bit late for this year.

Chris [00:29:51]:
But Yeah.

Sam [00:29:52]:
Yeah. I said, yeah. And they’re like, oh my gosh. We never knew that. Well, there you go.

Chris [00:29:56]:
Yeah. You didn’t tell The, oh yeah, we also did that with Armageddon.

Sam [00:29:59]:
I almost did by then. So anyway, that brings us to the end. Thanks to everyone that likes, shares, and comments. Until next time. I’m Sam.

Chris [00:30:09]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:30:09]:
See you.

Chris [00:30:10]:
Bye. Hope you enjoyed the show. Make sure to subscribe, and we’ll catch you next week. Don’t forget to tell your friend.