
This week we find out how the 48hour competition went over the weekend with Sam as the City Manager.

We find out more about the brain worms and how they could impact you.

Rabbit R1 is a piece of tech that no one really wants, and it doesn’t work properly. So what is the point of it?

Sam got a new job, find out what he was doing for the last 10 years.


Rabbit R1 Exposed -Part 1
Rabbit R1 Exposed -Part 2
RFK Brain Worm
48hour Film Comp

Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello and welcome to episode 482 of the Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. This is your weekly fix or random with technology in life and me trying not to cough my lungs out.

Chris [00:00:30]:
Yeah. Which he’s not, doing very well so far.

Sam [00:00:33]:
I will edit it out like I did last week. I’m feeling much better, but I just can’t quite get rid of this cough.

Chris [00:00:39]:
Yeah. But we’re we’re live this time. So, at least

Sam [00:00:42]:
We were live last time.

Chris [00:00:43]:
Oh, yeah. We were too. Okay.

Sam [00:00:44]:
No. It’s alright. It’s alright. Live is best when we can. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:00:48]:
Yeah. So, you’ve got some momentous news.

Sam [00:00:52]:
I was gonna talk about the weekend first.

Chris [00:00:53]:
Talk talk about the weekend first.

Sam [00:00:55]:
Okay. Weekend, 48 hours. We mentioned it last week. I was the city manager for Hamilton and the teams, 32 of them, I think it was, all competed to create a film from start to finish in 48 hours. That’s the gist of it. Surprisingly, the amount of people that have not heard of this competition, it’s their 21st year or may have heard of it but don’t actually know what it is. Really? This is just random people because people don’t know what they don’t know.

Chris [00:01:20]:
I guess so because I mean I first did it in I wanna say 2,000 and 4 ish. So that’s 20 years ago.

Sam [00:01:30]:
Yeah. You’re right at the

Chris [00:01:31]:
right of the sun. So, yeah, that was that was the first time we we borrowed a camera from telecom. Yeah. Me and Carl and a whole bunch of telecom people, stayed at the old Red Mill Street because The was only me there. Yep. So everybody just, like, crashed there.

Sam [00:01:45]:
Is that a 48 hour film, the Armageddon and where it was? Yeah. That one. Armageddon. Armageddon. That’s not yeah. I remember that.

Chris [00:01:50]:
Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty horrific actually.

Sam [00:01:54]:
To be fair, the spectrum of films podcast and

Chris [00:01:59]:
wide. Like how good they are, you mean? Yeah. Like you

Sam [00:02:02]:
could still enter Carmageddon now Yeah. And it would still hold up to some of the other entries.

Chris [00:02:07]:
Yeah. There were so many things wrong with that Carmageddon. We didn’t know what we were doing.

Sam [00:02:11]:
Totally. So, Friday night it what they’ve decided to do from since COVID I think is a virtual Friday night so everybody gets told what they’re doing, what the genres are The the elements that they need and then hand in is also online now on the Sunday night whereas before it was all in person and people were running in. Now a few of the teams I saw The missed that but they also said if we did have to physically bring you a USB stick, we’d run out of time.

Chris [00:02:38]:
Yeah. I I I remember you the one we did together, the only one we did together was Stumped And it was a brilliant concept, and the footage, I think, would have been great.

Sam [00:02:47]:
The footage look great. Yeah.

Chris [00:02:48]:
But we had problems with the editing, and we were editing at Wintech, and we had to physically take it in. And I remember going it it kept crashing Yeah. As we’re trying to, render it. Render is the word. As we’re trying to render it onto this USB stick, it kept crashing and then finally went and went to the and%

Sam [00:03:07]:
That’s right.

Chris [00:03:08]:
Whipped it out and ran to the car, squealed out of the car park, ran in, and I’m running into the, room, and they’re counting down. Turn 9. Yeah. And I slapped it on the desk, and it was like all these chairs. It was like the end of a movie, and chris USB stick was empty and we were we forfeited our position. Yeah.

Sam [00:03:31]:
So that’s

Chris [00:03:32]:
right. Weekend for nothing.

Sam [00:03:34]:
So Friday night, not much and, to be honest. I got a couple of text messages or emails. Nothing major. And then Saturday, I was sort of Friday, I said, who I’ve got some free coffee that was The sponsor. I’m gonna give this out. And there was a couple of teams said, yep, We’re keen. Come around, see us. Okay.

Sam [00:03:51]:
And, the 48 hour team in Wellington were, like, blown away that I was going to visit teams. Like, they were like, oh my gosh. Really? That is so cool. And I don’t know what anybody else does. But I was just like, I’m not doing anything. I don’t care. I’ll just drive and. Which I did.

Sam [00:04:09]:
I think I saw 7 teams maybe over 2 days. Cool. Something like that.

Chris [00:04:12]:
And and how was your, their reaction to you their response, you know, to you turning up? Yeah.

Sam [00:04:18]:
Yeah. They liked it. I met a bunch of people I’ve never seen before in my life. First one was near the hospital. They were doing a monster one, but I didn’t know what they were gonna do. They were still trying to work it out, saw them. I went and to this other place, in Maira and I opened knocked on the door and this huge huge man opened the door. Says Mark.

Sam [00:04:36]:
He’s American.

Chris [00:04:37]:
Hello. And he’s absolutely a he’s absolutely a monster.

Sam [00:04:42]:
And, I was like, is this the 40 are you doing 48 hours? Yeah. Come on in. So it’s coming to this house and there’s this whole lounge full of people. Now most of the time I saw teams that have gear everywhere and there’s, you know, a a resemblance of filmmaking. These guys had nothing. They’re just in there. And, the guy the main guy is named Bruno, and he’d emailed me a couple of times asking about different things over the The. And he was like so excited.

Sam [00:05:07]:
He’s, oh my gosh, you know, rah rah. And I think he’s American as well. And there was, 7 of them, I think, in the room. And I said, what did you get? And they go, we got real time. So that means there’s no cuts and time. It it it plays out over the Yeah. Linear. Yeah.

Sam [00:05:22]:
Linear. Up to 5 minutes in length. And they’re like,

Speaker D [00:05:25]:
we have no idea what to do. We’ve got no fancy equipment. We’re gonna focus on story.

Sam [00:05:30]:
I said, that’s awesome. I said, don’t worry about it. You’ll you’ll be all good. So it was good. And then there’s, woman from Haphazard Productions who I’ve never heard of before in my life. They’re like, hey. Yep. Come see us.

Sam [00:05:42]:
We’re in the Deloitte’s building. Okay. Yeah. And of them works in there so they were filming in a boardroom.

Chris [00:05:47]:
So I

Sam [00:05:47]:
went in The, saw them. That was good. Caught up with one of the Te Awamudu College teams with their teacher. Their film actually came together a lot better than what it looked like while I was there as they were holding just a random camera just wiggling it around. The had because when I saw them they were walking across The road and in a field pushing mobile scaffolding and then they just stopped in this park in front of a tree, and at the end of the scaffolding The had all these bits of cloth and it was to simulate going into a tent of a fortune teller. And they just walked up to it and sort of just touched it and then The edit is they come back out and they’re actually going into their drama room at school, which is done up as a Sports and Teller thing. And I was like, oh that’s pretty good little transition. And then I Sunday I caught up with Paige, and the Wops.

Sam [00:06:39]:
Yeah. So it was pretty cool. We were talking about, Stumped as well. We were talking about that. Rod was out there The like a madman. Chris Hillek was doing The, videographer, cinematography. That was good. And then I was like, bloody I don’t know if you’re gonna listen to this Nathan but I’ll say it anyway.

Sam [00:06:57]:
So I’m messaging Nathan and was like, do you want some free coffee? Right? And he doesn’t reply to me for hours which is fine he’s busy. I get that. Then he goes,

Speaker D [00:07:05]:
I’m not the team leader of this team.

Sam [00:07:07]:
Anybody can get free coffee bro. So anyway, get a hold of Matt and then Matt’s like,

Speaker D [00:07:14]:
yeah I’ll, I’ll I’ll we’ll have some coffee.

Sam [00:07:18]:
Okay. Where are you? So he says the address. I’m like, oh, okay. That’s Nathan’s house.

Chris [00:07:21]:
Just just to clarify these the free coffee’s like a giveaway, a spot price from the sponsors.

Sam [00:07:27]:
Yeah. Yeah. And, so I go around there and he he goes, okay. And he he he takes the guy, puts it in

Speaker D [00:07:32]:
the kitchen. He goes, okay you know stay for a little bit. They’re editing.

Sam [00:07:36]:
Okay. So we go downstairs and then into that extra room and it’s Nathan and David. They’re editing. Literally, they’re just standing chris in The I don’t think they were editing. They were just talking. But anyway, I was like We

Chris [00:07:47]:
were talking about editing.

Sam [00:07:48]:
Anyway, I was like, oh, Brooke. How’s it going? Good. Better go. Okay. So off I and. And that was all good. And then,

Chris [00:07:55]:
So what day was that? It was

Sam [00:07:57]:
Sunday, I saw those guys.

Chris [00:07:58]:
I was gonna sam, because they they’re a bit sleep deprived by then. Their brains probably not Their brains are mush. Exactly. Because I remember being a bit mush brained by The m.

Sam [00:08:08]:
A lot of these teams, from what I understand, have been doing 48 for years. Yeah. But that’s all they ever do. Because I said to Ruth on the phone, I said, I’m finding it really strange that the well, not strange, but it’s interesting that these guys don’t do anything else with film. And they and she goes, yeah. We’ve got teams all over the place that only do 48 and nothing else. Yeah. I’m like, okay.

Sam [00:08:27]:
So that was all good. Sunday was hand in time and you could see the uploads. In the back end they use a tool called Digital Pigeon and that’s a tool for sending large files all over the place. Oh, okay. Never heard of it before. It’s New Zealand slash Australian based company. They use it excessively. It only died once I think, briefly, but people are freaking out like they’re like, oh my gosh, we’ve started to upload and then it just stops and it says try again in 5 minutes but it is actually doing it.

Sam [00:08:57]:
So in the back end we can see all these people uploading and I think The closest one was there’s someone exactly at 7 o’clock. They were saying somewhere in the country. Anyway, so they’re all coming in. We have to check on our list of teams that have entered. Hey. We don’t have your file. So I ring up and team, right, from Hamilton, and I get this woman. She said, hello? And I’m like, hey.

Sam [00:09:17]:
I’m just checking in. Do you have a finished file or do you gonna upload it later? If you upload later, it is disqualified but we will show it at the heaps. Like, you can see it on screen.

Speaker D [00:09:28]:
She goes, I just don’t know. I mean, there’s someone in the other room and they’ve just been telling me I’m useless all weekend and this and that.

Sam [00:09:35]:
I’m like, oh my gosh. And she just has a full meltdown on the phone at me. And half the teams

Chris [00:09:41]:
I shouldn’t laugh but that’s hilarious.

Sam [00:09:43]:
Half the team sort of left. She had to go somewhere for an hour. They changed the script on her but didn’t tell her. And then before editing, they were color grading all the shots. And I was like, chris is the last thing you really want to be doing.

Chris [00:09:56]:
Color grading? Good gosh.

Sam [00:09:58]:
Anyway, they they upload like 10 o’clock that night. And then I organized a you know, you gotta organize like a, after party thing. Yeah. So Roman Giant, I’d rang them up, I’d organize that, and they’d see how many people come? I said I don’t know. When are they coming? I said I don’t know. So I happened to ring someone about a school team who happened to be on another team who was at the Roaming Giant and she said The don’t know what’s going on. I said give me the give me the bar manager person. Oh, we had it down for 7 o’clock because a lot of teams did, upload really early nationwide.

Sam [00:10:30]:
Some were doing it 12 o’clock on Sunday. And I said, oh cool. She goes, oh nobody turned up so we just packed everything up. I was like, okay. How many people coming? I said, I don’t know. Like I and I said, look we’re not

Chris [00:10:43]:
So The don’t know what

Sam [00:10:45]:
No. No. I explained it to the original guy and I said I explained this concept to him. I don’t know if he understood it. I’m explaining it to you now. They these people were either The be completely stuffed and don’t wanna go out or I could have 32 teams of, god knows, 5 people each turn up. In reality, it was and team. That was it.

Chris [00:11:04]:
But you you turned up?

Sam [00:11:05]:
Yeah. Yeah. I rocked oh because yeah. I rocked up. And then just before it closed, while we’re doing the uploads, just before 7, the 48 hour team decided to do a group WhatsApp phone call. So I’m like, what is going on? Hello? So they’re all like, yeah. Yeah. It’s like 2 minutes left.

Sam [00:11:23]:
And there’s all these people who I have no idea who they are who just go, yeah. Like,

Chris [00:11:29]:
not just the organizers group.

Sam [00:11:31]:
No. What city managers?

Chris [00:11:33]:
Oh, city managers.

Sam [00:11:33]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I’m like, So anyway, uploaded that. I mean, all the stuff got uploaded. Chased up a bunch of teams. Got some late entries.

Sam [00:11:42]:
Graham’s team didn’t do anything or didn’t upload.

Chris [00:11:46]:
Graham later? Mhmm.

Sam [00:11:47]:
Because I hit him up. I said, what’s going on? You you gonna submit late?

Speaker D [00:11:51]:
And he goes, nah. Nah. We’re we’re heading around to it.

Sam [00:11:53]:
He had a whole team from B and E said look they’re brand new filmmakers. Just and them to get the experience, go through some things. They were all the people that were going to Nick’s filming. So he goes, it was pretty good, but I was talking to someone else and and were like, Graham was like,

Speaker D [00:12:11]:
okay we’re going to film at my house so I don’t need to travel anywhere. Everybody just come and stay. We gotta film through the night.

Sam [00:12:17]:
I don’t even know what genre he got but I’m sure he was gonna do night time. Anyways, the fun and games. Still sorting out heats and stuff right now. I’ve spoken way too much about 48 hours. It’s fun. It really want it really did make me wanna, like, be part of a team and do something.

Chris [00:12:32]:
Yeah. Yeah. I I every time I hear about it, I go, oh, I wish I’d done The. Because it is a lot of fun. It’s pretty intense. Yeah. And it does get emotional for those that have not done it because you get, so wound up and caught up. And it’s it’s a big challenge.

Chris [00:12:48]:

Sam [00:12:49]:
like mess.

Chris [00:12:50]:
You know, you’re given some random stuff that you have to include Yeah. That you don’t find out until the beginning of it. You have to write the story because you can’t predo anything. No. I mean, you you may have some assets. You may go, oh, whatever story we get, we’re gonna use this building or this

Sam [00:13:06]:
Yeah. You can see that sometimes. Yeah.

Chris [00:13:08]:
But that’s about all you can do. And, yeah, it’s it’s mental.

Sam [00:13:12]:
I do I do like being a city manager because I can watch every film in the country if I wanted to, but I haven’t. But the city managers are all sharing the really good ones. So I’m like, oh, yes. Sweet. Yeah.

Chris [00:13:23]:
Yeah. So,

Sam [00:13:23]:
there’s some epic stuff out there.

Chris [00:13:25]:

Sam [00:13:25]:
But there’s some crazy stuff. 1 like, just shit. They’ve been they were sharing stuff on Instagram, and they had one shot, like a post and somebody goes because some of these teams are actual absolutely professionals. Like their day job is making films.

Chris [00:13:38]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sam [00:13:38]:
So one of them posted and goes, oh, should we use the ARRI whatever camera on a gimbal? Probably shouldn’t but we are. The The and the gimbal and I mean gimbal’s a loose term, it’s huge tripod thing that you use in a studio thing. It’s about the size of my car. The whole camera and this thing was huge. I was like, oh my god. I don’t know what team that was. So anyway, good weekend. Still got some stuff to sort out and The grand, Hamilton finals and then the grand finals for the very first time are happening in Wellington on The 27th of July, I think it

Chris [00:14:13]:

Sam [00:14:13]:
So it’d be exciting.

Chris [00:14:14]:
Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. So, looking forward to that. Well, we’re gonna jump into some stories, and we’ll talk about your momentous thing towards the end.

Sam [00:14:22]:
That’s right.

Chris [00:14:23]:
Okay. So, have you heard about this brain worms thing? I don’t know if you’d heard about it.

Sam [00:14:28]:
So I have to mention it.

Chris [00:14:30]:
So RFK Junior, Robert Fitzgerald Junior.

Sam [00:14:32]:
Did he come out and say he had a brain worm for a while? And it died in his head or something? Is that the gist?

Chris [00:14:38]:
Yeah. That’s the gist of it. Let me let me read this. So he had the news this week, and and chris is a couple of weeks off. Yeah. I just sort of move this on a bit. But the story came out that a worm had been found in his brain several years back. So it’s not a recent thing.

Chris [00:14:52]:
Apparently, the worm ate part of his brain and then died in there.

Sam [00:14:56]:
You know, as as a good brain worm does.

Chris [00:14:58]:
They, The decided there was no need to remove the deceased worm. Okay. So originally it showed up as an MRI and they thought it was a scar. And then they worked it out. Right?

Sam [00:15:09]:

Chris [00:15:10]:
So and any way, evidently, the The reason this came up now because, it came out in a deposition during his divorce, the brain worm story

Sam [00:15:20]:

Chris [00:15:21]:
In the deposition. And the reason he did that was because, evidently, the brain worm limited him in some way. So The I can’t possibly pay alimony. I have brains I have I have worms in my brain.

Sam [00:15:34]:
So What a stupid excuse. I thought you were gonna say The brain worm has made me cheat on you but I don’t know how or why.

Chris [00:15:45]:
I don’t know. But and I might be getting this somewhat wrong, but this is the gist of what I think I is happening. So, you know but, of course, he’s running for president right now. So, you know, the importance of having a brain functioning for alimony obviously is far more important than, the the importance of having a brain to be, you know, the president of the United States of America.

Sam [00:16:09]:
That’s crazy. His his lawyer’s like, k. What angle can we go down to for this alimony thing? He goes, well

Chris [00:16:16]:
I have brain worms.

Sam [00:16:18]:
You what now? You’ve struck gold. Quick. Do it.

Chris [00:16:23]:
Crack me up. The just cracks me.

Sam [00:16:24]:
That’s silly. Yes. The makes no sense.

Chris [00:16:27]:
Hey, the r one scam thing. You sent me the video the other day and I I watched through it. Did you wanna comment on that at all? Or so did we talk about the The and?

Sam [00:16:39]:
I don’t think we did.

Chris [00:16:40]:
We didn’t?

Sam [00:16:41]:
I don’t know. The Rabbit r and is sort of a crowdfunded gizmo, and it’s made by

Chris [00:16:49]:
It’s called Rabbit.

Sam [00:16:50]:
No. No. But the company that makes it has got a they make really colorful stuff and it’s all made very similar and I can’t it’s called, I can’t remember the company’s name.

Chris [00:17:01]:
Like a design company.

Sam [00:17:02]:
Yeah. It was it almost is a design company and, it’s sort of they’ve made this little gadget. It’s got a touchscreen, but you’re not allowed to use the touchscreen. It’s got this it’s it’s like a little square orange thing with a screen. It’s got this rolly wheel thing and you push into click.

Chris [00:17:18]:
And I think I first saw it after CES. The video came out after CES.

Sam [00:17:22]:
I think so. It sounds about right.

Chris [00:17:24]:
And I, I thought it was great when I first saw it. I was like, oh, this is amazing. And all it is is this is a device that houses AI. That that’s all it really works.

Sam [00:17:33]:
Yeah. And it’s got a little shitty camera and you can point it at something and it tries to figure out what it is. You’re supposedly able to book an Uber and maybe listen to Spotify, and I think that’s all it can do. But they’ve said, hey. We’ve got all these apps coming up. We can do all The stuff in the future.

Chris [00:17:47]:
So the idea was that large language models are all about, you know, just speaking. This is, he had a word for a large something model. I forgot what it is now. But it’s basically agency. So this is an AI that can interact with other devices, other platforms, other things that actually does stuff rather than just talk about stuff. That was the the meaty bit of it.

Sam [00:18:12]:
Yeah. And then tick reviewer, YouTuber, top guy, Marky Mark

Chris [00:18:17]:

Sam [00:18:18]:
Marcus Brownlee. He came out and he just basically goes, it doesn’t do anything. It’s crap. And basically And

Chris [00:18:24]:
apparently so did dozens of other tech reviewers.

Sam [00:18:27]:
Yeah. But when he first did it, he basically tanked the product. And then there was a bit of a backlash behind should YouTubers in that be because he he did more than a review. He sort of said chris is crap. What like, what’s the point of it? Doesn’t do anything. Like, you know. Yeah. And they were like, does they have too much power? And there was a few a bit of backlash behind that.

Sam [00:18:47]:
I remember. But in reality, he was a 100% correct. There’s a story now that they were doing some crypto thing before this and they got tons of funding for that.

Chris [00:18:56]:
Yeah. Because they The right?

Sam [00:18:58]:
Yeah. He he talked about it on his his YouTube channel. Did they use that funding to build this thing and then this thing’s made a lot of money but it doesn’t really do anything. So anyway, but I’ll tell you what, they did bring it to market when they said they were going to. Yeah. Like The weren’t super late though. They haven’t been

Chris [00:19:15]:
shipped, have they? Have they? Because they’re supposed to ship by Easter this year.

Sam [00:19:19]:
Well that’s what I got confused with because all these youtubers had one and and I was like, was that just a pre

Chris [00:19:24]:
release thingy? Yeah. I wonder if they got a prototype. And I’m not sure if

Sam [00:19:27]:
they’ve shipped. I’m

Chris [00:19:28]:
not sure. I don’t know. But, it was a good price. I thought $199

Sam [00:19:32]:

Chris [00:19:33]:
No subscription, which was a big deal.

Sam [00:19:35]:
No. There was was there no there was something you had to pay extra for. Mobile data.

Chris [00:19:40]:
Oh, yeah. Mobile data. Because

Sam [00:19:41]:
it doesn’t

Chris [00:19:42]:
The connect anything.

Sam [00:19:42]:
I think that was the deal of it.

Chris [00:19:43]:
Yeah. True. True. Yeah. But like you said, why don’t you just put it in an app?

Speaker D [00:19:49]:
You put

Chris [00:19:49]:
it in

Sam [00:19:50]:
an app or just use your phone which already has everything.

Chris [00:19:53]:
Yeah. You’ve already got the camera. You’ve already got the connection. You’ve already got everything.

Sam [00:19:56]:
And everything’s so much better because it always it already works.

Chris [00:19:58]:
Yeah. It’s got a touch screen on my phone. Yes. So, anyway, okay. Alright. I this is not another older story, but I just thought this cracks me up a little bit at the time and I thought you’d appreciate it. So, Chechnyan and. Ked Kedarov.

Chris [00:20:17]:
Kedarov. He appoints his son, 16 year old, as supervisor of special forces in Chechnya.

Sam [00:20:25]:
Okay. Okay.

Chris [00:20:26]:
So if you are in the Chechnyan and forces, your boss is a 16 year old son of the boss.

Sam [00:20:32]:
He looks like a 13 year old dressing up in cos play

Chris [00:20:35]:

Sam [00:20:35]:
Ready to do paintball.

Chris [00:20:37]:
Although, I think they’ve already filmed him shooting people.

Sam [00:20:40]:
Oh, he’s probably a hardened walker. He probably is.

Chris [00:20:45]:
But I’m just like, what’s the level of nepotism there? Anyway, it just shows that Trump’s not the only nepotist. Come on. Oh, good.


Don’t forget, and The 500th episode. Yes. September 11th.

Chris [00:28:46]:
Yes. We have the, the date. We’re gonna make a big bang on The September the 11th.

Sam [00:28:51]:
We’ve got heaps of time. We’re just trying to get through this bit of 48 hours for me, then we’re straight into field days.

Chris [00:28:59]:
September’s a big month for me now.

Sam [00:29:01]:
Is it? Oh. Oh, yeah. Okay.

Chris [00:29:03]:
So we’re we’re doing filming for a a short, quite a bit of filming that month. And we’ve got The. And we’ve got I’ve got one other big event. Got a big event on September.

Sam [00:29:15]:
I believe you.

Chris [00:29:16]:
Oh, the, TEDx. Oh, yeah. I suppose September 25th.

Sam [00:29:19]:
Oh, well. Yeah. Okay. Until next time. I’m Sam.

Chris [00:29:22]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:29:23]:
See you.