
Coming direct to you directly from Fieldays 2024.
Sam went to Christchurch, find out the weird thing that he saw on the flight down
Sam also finally left his old job and shares some stories
Cocaine made from tobacco plants
Woman found still alive at funeral home
Find out what or who Bitch Whistle


Cocaine made from tobacco plants
Woman found still alive at funeral home

Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 485 of the Chris and Sam podcast. I’m Chris. And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of Randomness Technology in Life and we’re recording, out in the field at field days. What a treat. Yeah.

Chris [00:00:35]:
So if you hear helicopters, birds, or other random machinery in the background, that’s what it is. It’s field days.

Sam [00:00:42]:
We are not in the high-tech quality, controlled sound dome that is our podcast studio.

Chris [00:00:49]:
The cone of silence.

Sam [00:00:50]:
The cone of silence. Something like that. So this is our normal podcast. We just happen to be at field days recording it. We don’t have too much to talk about, so we will see how this goes. I did go to Christchurch on the weekend, and I flew down there, and that was fine. Apart from my flight did get canceled on Friday. Now the good thing was I do not have a crappy phone anymore.

Sam [00:01:12]:
My phone goes, hey. In New Zealand, there’s a thing that popped up, and it said, we’ve canceled your flights due to an engineering problem. Do you wanna book a flight now or get a refund? And I went book now, and literally 3 taps later, I had a new flight, and we went from Hamilton to Wellington Wellington to Christchurch.

Chris [00:01:30]:
So how how much later was the new flight?

Sam [00:01:33]:
Half an hour later out of Hamilton but an hour wait in Wellington.

Chris [00:01:37]:
That’s pretty good. That’s pretty good.

Sam [00:01:38]:
Pretty good. And from what I could gather seeing the amount of people that were on that plane, I think we were very lucky to catch that flight.

Chris [00:01:47]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this is because you’ve got the Air New Zealand app or was it for some other reason?

Sam [00:01:54]:
Air New Zealand app, but just because notifications work because previous phones, just sometimes will notify you some other time or you just don’t see it.

Chris [00:02:03]:
Hey. That flight you were standing in q4, it left.

Sam [00:02:08]:
Yeah. That would have been terrible looking up at the board and it would be just canceled. Anyway, not much happened on this trip, that was podcast worthy, but the only thing that was a bit weird, we flew from Hamilton to Wellington, I think it was. Yes. Nighttime. And there’s a guy opposite me and the across the aisle. And, he got headphones on. He’s playing with his phone.

Sam [00:02:33]:
He’s a young guy. It’s all good. And then halfway through the flight for some reason, he decides that he needs to read the emergency card of how to exit the aircraft. And he sits there, not with the above the light from above, but with his cell phone torch on, staring at this card without moving it for about, 15 minutes.

Chris [00:02:59]:
Did he look up and look around like he was sussing out where the things were?

Sam [00:03:03]:
Not at all. He was transfixed at looking at the little pictures on this card. I in my head I was like oh, he’s not gonna try and jump up and open that door is he?

Chris [00:03:12]:
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking. Actually, now that you mentioned that, when I went to, Napier the other weekend, we’re flying back, and we’ve we went, or you know, drove to Auckland, flew to Napier because if you drop fly out of Hamilton, you have to fly to Wellington in Napier. Yes. So we we’re flying back from Napier to Auckland, and there was, some people in front of, Shannon, who I was I was traveling with, but she was, like, 2 rows down in front of me.

Sam [00:03:40]:

Chris [00:03:41]:
And, she had her headphones on, and you could just hear this and. I’m like, god. She’s playing it out loud, but it wasn’t her. It was the guys in front of her who were just playing it on the speakers.

Sam [00:03:50]:
Oh, what?

Chris [00:03:50]:
And yeah. But they were a bit rough looking, and, and there was I didn’t smell it, but quite a few people noted The scent of dope, and the thing and then chris as we’re landing, the the little old lady next to me, I gave her one of the lollies because she was asleep when they were handing out lollies. I gave her and, when I saw her rubbing her ear. She so she felt a connection. So she goes, yeah. Yeah. It’s they’re they’re here for the funeral. And I’m like, what are you talking about? She goes, yeah.

Chris [00:04:19]:
President and the mongrel mob died, and they’re all here for the funeral. I only know because I’m working in the hospital and we released The to go home to die just this week or whatever. I was like, oh, so much made sense after that.

Sam [00:04:33]:
Yeah. Pretty good. I mean, I guess not all of them travel around on motorbikes.

Chris [00:04:38]:
Yeah. Yeah. They didn’t look that comfortable on a plane, but yeah. Whatever.

Sam [00:04:42]:
Oh, it’s probably foreign to a lot of people. There’s always seems to be new people that are flying for the first time. So this week, I have finally left my old job that has finished. Jamie Oxley welcomed the shout out from last podcast episode, which was good. I had a little The y thing farewell type thing for work yesterday, and, I was scheduled to work from 10 AM till 7 PM, and I literally went in and he clicked 2 buttons on the computer and goes, oh, that’s it. Just leave your stuff when you leave. Had a morning tea and then left. Sounds good.

Chris [00:05:15]:
And he gave you a nice plaque plaque thing plaque thing.

Sam [00:05:18]:
Yeah. I got this fancy plaque thing, which I wasn’t expecting. But

Chris [00:05:22]:
10 years?

Sam [00:05:23]:
Yep. 10 years, 5 months, with the police. So Jamie wants weird stories.

Chris [00:05:30]:
You don’t have to do them now.

Sam [00:05:32]:
No. I’ve gotta fill in I’ve gotta fill in podcast content, Chris. You know how light we are right now because we’re excited about field days. Actually, we’re excited about oh, get on and second. A couple of things. I have had a beer bottle thrown at the back window and had that smashed out, but the beer bottle didn’t come into the van. It has for somebody else, and they were showered in glass. So that’s not fun.

Sam [00:05:54]:
And people are always throwing stuff at the vans. You will hear a thump. You don’t know what it is. I’ve had or I’ve had oranges.

Chris [00:06:02]:
I usually just assume it’s a taki.

Sam [00:06:04]:
No. I’ve had

Chris [00:06:06]:
Or pukeko or whatever they are. The you know, the ones that are always flying in and hitting Yeah.

Sam [00:06:11]:
No. I’ve had oranges thrown at the van. One time something hit me, and it took

Chris [00:06:14]:
me a while to figure out what

Sam [00:06:14]:
it was. It was like bunch of sushi, and avocado confused me until I saw the rice on the ground. And guy had somebody once, not me, but one of the other guys, somebody, yeah, drove past, pulled out the pizza they just brought for dinner, I guess, and threw it. So it landed on the back of the windscreen. How angry do you have to be to get rid of your food?

Chris [00:06:39]:
Yeah. They gave me the wrong pizza. I need to get rid of it. Oh. There’s a handy van.

Sam [00:06:44]:
Yeah. I’ve had a motorbike come, towards me on the wrong side of the fog line reach into a bag and what looked like a white brick and threw something. And I think it hit one of the tires and bounced off somewhere. I, yeah. I didn’t didn’t break the window, so it was good. Not too many angry people over 10 years. I had the odd one. And the only other thing of note is if we park in town, so here’s something for you.

Sam [00:07:10]:
The the van’s engines are always running usually, charge batteries and have air con. So, environmentally friendly, probably not, but, they’re always running. And if you park in town, we can be there for quite a while, like 5 or 6 hours. And I’ve had people come up that have noticed the van is running and then come back a couple hours later and the van’s still there, and they freak out because they think somebody is gassing themselves in the vehicle because they’ve come across people that have done that in the past. And I’ve had 2 people myself that have told me that and have come up and are like, are you okay? Are you okay? Or they will ring the police, and then the police, radio you and you go, no.

Chris [00:07:54]:
It’s just me with a camera.

Sam [00:07:56]:
Yeah. Well, I know where we are all the times and, we get checked we work in we get checked up on every hour as well. So that’s and. Because

Chris [00:08:02]:
you got the police radio going all the time.

Sam [00:08:05]:
Yeah. I got the radio in the background, if you don’t hear the radio because it’s cut out and you don’t have cell phone coverage and they can’t get hold of you a lot of cops turn up very fast. Yeah.

Chris [00:08:19]:
No. It’s good. It’s good. Good to know they look after you. Speaking of chris, well actually not at all. This is the worst segue ever, but scientists.

Sam [00:08:31]:
I I just want to say something we we what we do at field days is when we get here we go for a quick wander around we sort of highlight or find a few people that we think would be cool to talk to later And, we just came out of the pantry where all the food in that is and more hang on. This is true. It’s true, isn’t it?

Chris [00:08:50]:
I know what you’re gonna say.

Sam [00:08:51]:
You don’t know. There’s more alcohol in there than food suppliers. And, one of us, not gonna say who, has quite a few samples under their belt and it is quarter past 9 in the morning.

Chris [00:09:11]:
Yes. So anyway, the story I have here, scientists have made cocaine from tobacco plants.

Sam [00:09:19]:
Are they related to the other plant?

Chris [00:09:22]:
No. No.

Sam [00:09:25]:

Chris [00:09:28]:
cocaine’s known as a dangerous drug, but actually really important, used legally as a local anesthetic for surgeries and stuff like that. So scientists in China have now genetically engineered a tobacco plant to produce cocaine cocaine in its sleeves, which I’m just like, The tobacco companies will be like all over this stuff, I would think. But, really, when you go into the research paper, it’s like The amounts that they’ve got is bugger all. Like, it’s it’s not really that effective as yet, but it’s it’s what they can do later on.

Sam [00:10:04]:

Chris [00:10:04]:
Yeah. So, anyway, I thought it was interesting because I was like, Sam keep seeing these interesting stories, and I then spend time trying to come up with a clever, title for it to hide it in the show notes so Sam doesn’t know what it is. So this one I was like, smoke it through your nose.

Sam [00:10:22]:
It’s a hit and miss thing that Chris does, and, it doesn’t really matter because you hit and miss. Usually, I don’t look at it, to be honest. I don’t know what he’s trying to hide. It’s not like it’s top secret. I can still click on it if I wanted to.

Chris [00:10:33]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can still look at it. I just like to come up with these these cryptic, what I find amusing things, but that one’s not very good.

Sam [00:10:42]:
Back to the previous topic. 1 of us is powered by absinthe whiskey. Did you try a rum?

Chris [00:10:47]:
No. I tried whiskey, absinthe, more whiskey, port, and something else. I’ve forgotten what else it was. Something else.

Sam [00:10:55]:
Exactly. So it’s going it’s going good. Okay. I I’ve got another one.

Chris [00:11:00]:
I’ve got another one here. Where is it? Hang on a sec. Give me a moment. So Sam was going on about having a good phone. I, on the other hand, have not got a good phone.

Sam [00:11:10]:
He’s trying to open something here. The one thing with field days though is, the busier it gets, the cell coverage here gets a bit hammered.

Chris [00:11:18]:
Yeah. I opened it earlier thinking it would stay there, but when I opened the other one, it closed it. So there you go. So how bad is chris, Uhura? What was my clever line for this? Premature excavation, which makes no sense at all. So I wrote that when I was sober just to say I just did write back.

Sam [00:11:36]:
You are being consistent with, these titles.

Chris [00:11:39]:
Yeah. So, anyway, The the headline is a woman found still alive at funeral home. So she gets taken The the funeral home but she’s still alive.

Sam [00:11:48]:
Chris happens more often than I think we think because there’s always a story at least once a year. I’m sure we’ve spoken about this in one of our other episodes. 1 of the other and plus episodes of The Christmas sam podcast at the The sand podcast or on any good podcasting app.

Chris [00:12:05]:
Yeah. So anyway, this this she died hours later after they found her. So, did okay. Did hence my premature excavation. Excavation was the wrong word. That’s the only one I could come up

Sam [00:12:16]:
with. Expiration.

Chris [00:12:18]:
Oh, damn. That was it. Premature expiration.

Sam [00:12:21]:
And on. So do you think that she was just gonna die anyway? Or do you think the stress of being taken to a funeral home what is there any more do you have any more details?

Chris [00:12:32]:
These details. I’m not interested in details. I just want to We’re all Chris

Sam [00:12:35]:

Speaker A [00:12:35]:
the headlines.

Sam [00:12:36]:
Chris is all about the headlines today, and good luck with, anybody listening. Shout out to anybody that’s new here. No. Because what happened is well, what we did do, and we haven’t done it yet, I’ve been lugging around. We got a pull up banner, which we will share in a, on the Facebook page, and you’ll see it. And the thinking is to have it set up while we’re talking to people at field days because there’s so much foot traffic, and people are always wondering what we’re doing.

Chris [00:13:02]:

Sam [00:13:03]:
They can read our t shirts, which is great. And, but this time, they can scan a QR code and go straight to the mother load at the chris.

Chris [00:13:11]:
Yeah. Yeah. So and I was impressed, and you commented on it earlier, how many people when they first saw us to walking towards them today, because we’ve got the t shirts on going, Chris, Sam, how are you doing? Who’s who? Like and they they connecting straight away. So it was pretty cool.

Sam [00:13:27]:
There is a talent to talking to random people, in events like this, and I I think, this is my personal opinion, that the, people that do it really well are passionate about whatever they’re trying to sell us.

Chris [00:13:43]:
Yeah. I like that seasonings dude we gotta talk to later.

Sam [00:13:47]:
He’s down to crack up. And I cover this actually. There’s a podcast episode coming out maybe next week. I’ll let you know when. It’s for Chris Hillek’s, Double Loop podcast. I do a whole talk about this podcast. I talk about the film festival, a little bit about Giant Pumpkins, but underlying it all is sort of the difference between creative people and people that aren’t and that people should try and do their thing, whatever that is.

Chris [00:14:14]:
Yeah. Yeah. I’m looking forward to hearing that. And so and the 2 of us are going to be on somebody else’s podcast, separate episodes by the sounds of it, but we’re gonna record at the same time. So and I still don’t know bugger all about that. All I

Sam [00:14:28]:
can say is, one of the lecturers at Wintech rang us and said chris student, 2nd year, media student’s doing a podcast. Somebody dropped out, and the number one person they thought of when it came to podcasting in Hamilton was me and you, because they were at The, podcasting convention thing I went to. So this dude is doing a podcast. It has something to do with films. Not really sure. It’s a bit loose. His outline was, everything The No. Okay.

Sam [00:14:54]:
Oh, no. You haven’t. That’s pretty loose as well. And, I think we’re recording that tomorrow, and I have no idea when it’s coming out. But it’ll be interesting because we will blow his mind because we are coming up to 500 episodes of audio gold.

Chris [00:15:06]:
Yes. And speaking of the 500 episodes, don’t forget to have September 11th if you’re in Hamilton or nearby. Free to come along and celebrate with us, wherever that might be. Still working that out.

Sam [00:15:21]:
This is how it’s going. I had to finish my old job, have to do field days, start the new job, and finish 48 hours. Once all that’s done, then we can think about the The and episode.

Chris [00:15:36]:
Yeah. But we got the date. Nailed down the date. So, yeah, make sure you you guys keep your your your day free. And if you can’t be here, we are hoping to livestream it. It’ll depend on venue and bits and pieces like that, but we will probably be livestreaming it. So, you know, even if you’re in Dubai, John, you you know, you can set the alarm, get up at midnight

Speaker A [00:15:56]:
or whatever it’ll be, and watch it live.

Sam [00:16:02]:
Totally worth it. You know it is. If anything, just to hear this hear Chris laugh.

Chris [00:16:08]:
Yeah. Okay. Alright. Okay. That’s, that was everything I had written down actually, to be honest.

Sam [00:16:16]:
Yeah. Good. I thought there’s gonna be a bit more after that statement. There was not. This might be a little bit of a shorter episode. I’m not sure. We are only at 16 minutes, 17 minutes. I know and I don’t want to talk about some of the stuff we’ve seen already or have attached to our body right now.

Chris [00:16:33]:
Well, I was yeah.

Sam [00:16:33]:
That’s fine. Because we’re gonna talk to them later and they’re gonna have their own standalone little episode.

Chris [00:16:39]:
There is there is the one story from last night’s, Dungeons and Dragons.

Sam [00:16:44]:
That’s right. Chris has a backup story.

Chris [00:16:47]:
I don’t know if anybody’s interested.

Sam [00:16:49]:
They will be once they end of The hear the end of it.

Chris [00:16:53]:
I just thought it was hilarious. So, last night, we’re playing Dungeons and Dragons. For those of you that don’t know, it it’s what it sounds like. Everybody knows what Dungeons and Dragons is. So we’re role playing. We’re using a a new system, Pathfinder. We’re not used to, so we’re playing it out, and out out the 4 or 5 of us have been playing this for 7 or 8 years, I think, maybe even longer. And so we’re pretty pretty into it, and we’ve got new characters and doing new stuff and all this stuff.

Chris [00:17:22]:
And so we’re in this demolished tower, and I have, we all up all night and nobody hears anything in the watch and then there’s all these zombies and we’re waking to a sea of zombies. So it’s like, right, everybody in the The, we’re gonna put a door a table across the door. Zombies can only come in as one at a The, and and just slaughter them. It’ll be easy. And so they come into the courtyard, these zombies, and we’re all fortified ready to go, and they’re not coming towards us. So I go, oh, I’ll whistle. Well, I’ll whistle better than that, and I’ll start, hassling them, you know, goading them. And and then because we’d heard this zombie voice keep going, I smell The.

Chris [00:18:09]:
I smell them. So The dungeon master’s like, they’re in there. I hear a bitch whistle, which happened just as I was having a sip of tea, which I then spouted out of my nose everywhere, all over the keyboard and all over myself. And apparently, my character, who’s not been around long has a new nickname, and that’s bitch whistle. Character or Chris or whatever.

Sam [00:18:37]:
You can call him this in public. He’s used to it by now.

Chris [00:18:44]:
Don’t give me don’t wanna sam.

Sam [00:18:46]:
You don’t wanna say anything? Okay. I don’t really have anything else to say. I think I’ve covered everything, of what I’ve been up to. What we’ve got coming up is field days and obviously the and and all The other stuff.

Chris [00:18:57]:
Yeah. The only other thing I yeah. I’ve I’ve been doing a lot of work recently for Epic, and I’ve got not a lot of work on, so we’ll see what happens, coming up. But I am really pushing now to get the, TEDx University of Waikato thing going. I think we’ve picked our speakers or we will have, and we’ll be getting into The, coming up. So that’s going to keep me pretty busy, and I haven’t heard back about my other podcast, The Intercept, whether that’s getting green lit or not because it’s all dependent on sponsorship at this point, so that’s about all the news for me. September’s gonna be a busy month.

Sam [00:19:39]:
Yeah. It sure will be. I’m gonna be busy once I get all these build day interviews recorded, and then I have to edit them and publish them, but that’s okay.

Chris [00:19:47]:
How’s it going 48 hours?

Sam [00:19:50]:
48 hours. Yeah. Going good. We’re waiting for the, we haven’t announced the Hamilton finalists because it’s combined with Taranaki. Taranaki doesn’t have their heats till Saturday, so they can’t release them because they are combined. So I’ve got some of the Hamilton teams hitting me up going, hey. If we missed something, where’s the finalists? Now they’ve they’ve got a bit of time until the actual final, and the thing you have to realize is, like, Auckland don’t even start their heats till this weekend. Right.

Chris [00:20:20]:
Right. Right. Right.

Sam [00:20:21]:
So Auckland had a 170 teams, and I think Wellington had a 160. So that takes that long to get through all of it just to get nominations and then the judges look at those and, it’s a big process. Yeah.

Chris [00:20:35]:
Yeah. And how how have you found working with them? They’re pretty onto it or is it pretty lax?

Sam [00:20:40]:
No. Very switched on. Always, like, if I message them right now, they’d answer me probably within 30 seconds. Yeah. And they know everything. They’ve been doing it for a long time. It’s very cool to work with a team that’s like onto it with stuff.

Chris [00:20:52]:
As opposed to the police?

Sam [00:20:54]:
No. No. They’re good, but like pumpkin carnival stuff. That’s my is the is the comparable thing there.

Chris [00:21:01]:
Yeah. Hence why you’re not involved with the pumpkin carnival anymore.

Sam [00:21:05]:
So, I don’t know what the plan is for next year if Hamilton’s gonna be standalone and Taranaki is. I think they were gonna do that this year until the guy dropped out that was doing both city manager roles. He was gonna do both locations.

Chris [00:21:19]:
Double dip into the salary.

Sam [00:21:21]:
I don’t know what the deal was there, but, yeah. So it’s interesting. I don’t know if I don’t know how filmmakers feel about it. Like, I don’t know if the Hamilton crowd feel they’re being ripped off because they are being combined with Taranaki. Because it’s not a close by a super close area.

Chris [00:21:38]:
Yeah. But even combined, it’s not a 170 teams. You know what I mean? Like

Sam [00:21:43]:
No. That’s the thing. It’s 32 Hamilton and then 20 something Taranaki.

Chris [00:21:48]:
So, yeah, 50 odd. I I think that makes perfect sense to have them combined.

Sam [00:21:53]:
Yeah. Maybe they just need to make sure that the screening of the heats are a bit closer together between the two cities maybe.

Chris [00:22:00]:
Yeah. Yeah. My saying that you weren’t gonna have a screening of the heats in Hamilton anyway that’s why they weren’t close together right?

Sam [00:22:07]:
Well, I don’t know. It’s yeah. They was putting them all online.

Chris [00:22:11]:
Yeah. Anyway, okay. So that’s, that’s the 48 hours. We’ve got the the and episode coming up. We’ve got field days. We’re here now. It’s so exciting. I’m looking forward to getting back into that sampling.

Chris [00:22:26]:
I mean, The back up there into The room and seeing who else we wanna talk to.

Sam [00:22:30]:
Chris eyes are glazing over as he’s staring at the pantry. He’s like, I need more of that free free whiskey. And one of them only Absinthe.

Chris [00:22:38]:
You enjoyed that absinthe. You it warmed you up.

Sam [00:22:41]:
It well, you can feel that going right down and then one of the other places like only 4 samples per person.

Chris [00:22:47]:
Good George.

Sam [00:22:48]:
Good George who we will talk to. Anyway, that brings us to the end of this episode. We will catch you next time. I’m Sam. I’m Chris. See you.

Chris [00:22:56]: