
Our first episode back from Fieldays, find out what we thought about it. Sam has been at his new job for 4 days, find out how he’s been feeling about that.

Why has one of the worlds best competitive eaters Joey Chestnut been banned?

Hamilton is getting a new hotel, where about is it going and how much will with cost?

The great American worm wall. What is it and why does it exist? Find out all about this crazy story as told by Chris.

We were interviewed on a podcast recently for a Wintec student, and the podcast episode Sam was a guest on a couple of weeks ago has come out.

We talk about Horizons Lord, a sniper rifle that has just got the worlds longest confirmed kill shot.dd


Joey Chestnut banned from competitive hot dog competition
Hamilton to get a new hotel
The great American worm wall
The Double Loop Podcast
Horizon’s Lord sniper rifle – longest kill shot



Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 486 of Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:26]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology and life.

Chris [00:00:30]:
And oh my god. It seems like ages since we did the last one which was at field days last week.

Sam [00:00:36]:
I’ve been at my new job for 4 days, Chris. It feels like I’ve been there a month.

Chris [00:00:40]:
So, yes, I wanna hear about this because I’ve

Sam [00:00:42]:
had nothing. First.

Chris [00:00:43]:
Oh, well, okay. So Field Days biggest takeaway from Field Days is I’m an old decrepit man.

Sam [00:00:51]:
Yeah. That that that is that is the takeaway, actually.

Chris [00:00:55]:
I I had trouble walking around, for the whole day because my hip was killing me.

Sam [00:01:00]:
You need to get it looked at Yeah. So you can get on a wait chris, so you don’t turn into my neighbor Gary who can’t walk and he’s on crutches and he doesn’t know winsking hip replacement.

Chris [00:01:11]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:01:12]:
Yeah. Get onto it.

Chris [00:01:13]:
Yeah. So sure. So yeah. But, yeah, I’ve been starting to try and do a little bit more exercise, but, yeah, not as much as I possibly should be. I I I did I put the elastic bands around my ankles and went up and down the the floor a couple of times until I pulled a muscle of

Sam [00:01:32]:
a leg. You’re falling to bits but knowing The reason. Field days was good. We have still got Field Days interviews to come out. I’ve only released and. My brain has been mushed because of the new job and, but I will say everyone that we think is really interesting in that usually becomes a winner at Innovation Thing. Like, the people that we see and I usually interview.

Chris [00:01:55]:
But we never got to we never talked to the wall block person. No. What do you was that what are those called? Something like that.

Sam [00:02:01]:
Wall something. Don’t worry about that one. Yeah. Yeah. But the other and, the the ones with the little miniature sheep or cows or whatever that was. Little mini cows.

Chris [00:02:10]:
Oh The won it.

Sam [00:02:11]:
Yeah. Yeah. They won. The plaster dude won and the fiber from Harakeke Flex fiber.

Chris [00:02:18]:
Oh, okay. Right.

Sam [00:02:19]:
Which I reckon will be massive if they can do it properly. That’s pretty cool. That’s a really cool product. Spoiler.

Chris [00:02:24]:
And talk to both the wool band aid and the harakeaki flex. So I don’t I haven’t listened to them yet.

Sam [00:02:31]:
The wool aid one is out now.

Chris [00:02:32]:
I know it is. I’ll just have to go

Sam [00:02:34]:
around. Lucas’ hard case. Yeah.

Chris [00:02:36]:
Yeah. And there was The thing. So when, Sam’s talking, I’m taking a couple of photos or whatever, but I can’t really hear particularly with the crowd and all the rest. No. So you wouldn’t have heard the ones I’d done. Well, unless you’ve No. Listened to them in either text.

Sam [00:02:51]:
Not at all. I have not done that.

Chris [00:02:52]:
Yeah. So anyway so that’s cool. Yeah. Overall, it was really good. It was good going on the day. We picked the best day for it, weather wise, I think. And, yeah. No.

Chris [00:03:05]:
It was great fun.

Sam [00:03:06]:
And We caught up with, Kate and Katie or Kate and Kate. I’m not sure.

Chris [00:03:11]:
Oh, Kate and Kate.

Sam [00:03:12]:
I oh, is it Katie or Katie? I think it might be Katie. No. I think it

Chris [00:03:15]:
was a k and a c. Kate with a k and Kate with a c. Yeah. So that was pretty cool.

Sam [00:03:21]:
It was random The message I sent you, About that person from last year The didn’t want to come up. It was who ended up as media this year.

Chris [00:03:29]:
Chrissy. Yeah.

Sam [00:03:29]:
I wasn’t gonna mention their name.

Chris [00:03:31]:
Oh, okay.

Sam [00:03:31]:
But, I’ll chop that up. But but didn’t want to come up to us in case we were busy or doing something.

Chris [00:03:37]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because, I would love to have chatted to The. But, anyway, that’s fine. I can leave a name in.

Sam [00:03:44]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:03:45]:
So if you’re listening, I would love to chat to you. You should’ve just bowled in. All good. We’re we’re pretty loose with that sort of thing.

Sam [00:03:52]:
Yeah. So I started the new job this week. 1st day is in our office in Cambridge. Not much is happening there because a, I don’t know how to do anything and I don’t have my laptop yet, but it did turn up. I think I was just reading emails and stuff for most of that first day. Then we went out for lunch and then we went back to the office and then it was time to leave. So not much going on there. But they do just work remotely wherever they go with The laptop and then for the last 3 days I’ve been in the Hamilton City Council building.

Sam [00:04:26]:
Yeah. Everybody’s super friendly. It doesn’t matter who’s in that building. I’ve been talking to all sorts of randos. The just go, hi. How’s it going? Are you new? Yep. Cool. I’m the general manager of blah blah blah.

Sam [00:04:35]:
I’m on the top floor. Cool. Like I don’t even remember. I can’t it’s actually a lot of people to try and remember.

Chris [00:04:41]:

Sam [00:04:42]:
Yeah. There’s a lot of people in there. I’m on the floor which is basically the whole water team.

Chris [00:04:48]:

Sam [00:04:49]:
So I work in

Chris [00:04:50]:
So chris is off the garden place?

Sam [00:04:52]:
Yeah. The municipal building. Yep. I’m on level 5. I work in the trade waste department which is in the corner and all the other water people in The. They’ve got 4 giant 80 inches monitors I guess hanging from the roof in a row.

Chris [00:05:08]:
Oh right.

Sam [00:05:08]:
And it’s the whole water system of Hamilton all going and it’s all being monitored and it’s showing these

Chris [00:05:14]:
It’s live feeds.

Sam [00:05:15]:
Yeah and it’s showing these guys the water flow and everything that’s going everywhere and it changes if they’re looking at something else. I don’t know what the team is but yeah it’s all there it’s pretty cool.

Chris [00:05:25]:
Oh wow. Epic. Epic.

Sam [00:05:27]:
I am very tired. I’m so tired.

Chris [00:05:31]:
I’m a bit The by this morning, but well, today because of this

Sam [00:05:35]:
morning, but I’ll tell you about that in a bit. I knew whatever job I was gonna go into would be hard, for 10 years of what I was doing before. But, man, it’s a lot of work. Like, these guys don’t stop. It’s not

Chris [00:05:46]:
as hard as walking around field days for a day.

Sam [00:05:49]:
But but the team out there, like, they just don’t stop. They just go not all day long.

Chris [00:05:53]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:05:54]:
And The, yeah. They’re using I don’t know how old the system is but, there’s a lot of random stuff they have to do like yeah. That’s good.

Chris [00:06:06]:
Well, you you I I I generally say, you know, the The 3 months of any new job, you have no idea for the 1st 3 months.

Sam [00:06:13]:
Oh, yeah. That’s true. And it does feel like I’ve been there forever. It’s only been 4 days. I’ve pretty much got my head around the role I’m doing. I change roles every 3 months within my team, and there’s 3 separate roles. So every 3 months, we change.

Chris [00:06:28]:
There’s a rotation.

Sam [00:06:29]:
So at the moment, I’m doing consents. Then there’s one that’s customer The customer focused customer person.

Chris [00:06:35]:
Facing The. Yeah.

Sam [00:06:36]:
Almost yeah. Sort of, I can’t remember what The exact term is. And then there’s a, accounts role and I’ll rotate amongst all them.

Chris [00:06:44]:
Oh, okay.

Sam [00:06:45]:
I didn’t know that but

Chris [00:06:46]:
Right. Right. So there’s 3 of you rotating between those 3 effectively. Yeah.

Sam [00:06:50]:
So there’s 3 in my role. I’ve got meetings.

Chris [00:06:54]:
That’s a good way to do it, really.

Sam [00:06:55]:
Yeah. It’s interesting.

Chris [00:06:56]:
Well, it’s good because it’s it’s got that redundancy built in then.

Sam [00:06:59]:
Everybody knows each other. Everybody knows everyone’s job. Yeah. But everybody is also doing people jump in and out of all sorts of stuff. We’ve got Microsoft Teams. I’ve got notifications going off all over the The.

Speaker A [00:07:12]:
Because they

Sam [00:07:13]:
just keep adding me to more and more Teams. So there’s a team with the 3 of us. There’s a team with 3 of us and the boss. There’s a team with me with someone The people. I don’t know what’s going on half the time. It’s good because none of us relate to me yet.

Chris [00:07:24]:
There’s the sushi team. There’s The probably is a team for

Sam [00:07:28]:
No. No. Hamilton. They Yeah. They have an email that comes out I think Tuesdays And. And Tuesdays I don’t know when it comes out, but there’s an email that goes out to the whole of council and they ask a question. And last week’s question was, where’s the best sushi from? And all these teams chimed in and then they emailed out the results to everyone and then they’re like it’s sushi day today and all these people went and got sushi. That’s The whole thing and I was like I don’t know what’s going

Chris [00:07:56]:
on. It’s very different for me. It’ll be interesting just having the same boss for a a series of months.

Sam [00:08:03]:
Yeah. And then and then, Bex is like saying to my boss, I think I’m going to Bex Bex, our friend Bex?

Chris [00:08:12]:
Or or or I’m going to

Sam [00:08:14]:
spam him with emails. And she didn’t, but then she messaged me and she goes, are you at your desk? I was like, yes. Okay. I’m gonna turn up. Okay.

Chris [00:08:21]:
Oh, that’s cool. Yeah. I can imagine Bix get on well with everybody there. She’d be pretty popular. I’m just gonna mention, I caught up with Jeff Pinney, the other last week as well. So he he came up for field day, so, so he went during the day, and then that night, well, The afternoon, we caught up, and went to And, had a beer with old Nigel. Nigel’s now 75 or something. We had a good chat with him.

Chris [00:08:49]:
It’s pretty cool. So, yeah, that was that was good because I hadn’t caught up with, Jeff for ages. But, yes. What else have we got here? So did you hear about the Joey Chestnut band?

Sam [00:09:02]:
No. So

Chris [00:09:05]:
you know who Joey Chestnut is. I know you know, but we’ll just say just for the, for the listeners that may not be aware, Joey Chestnut is the charismatic, champion hot dog eater. Yeah. And he’s been banned from the Nathan’s hot dog competition this year because he’s, signed an exclusive, promotion contract with Impossible Foods for their vegan sausage.

Sam [00:09:30]:

Chris [00:09:31]:
As they’re like, nope. You can’t complete.

Sam [00:09:33]:

Chris [00:09:34]:
And he’s like he he’s pretty gutted actually because he’s like, well, no, their stuff’s good, and I’m just getting money from them. I’m not saying you have to be exclusively vegan or anything. I’m just saying give those thing guys a go, and they’re like, nope, you can’t compete. So a lot of people The upset about that. The randomness sport in the world.

Sam [00:09:53]:
But he’s got I think he’s got records for a whole bunch of different things as well. Like he’s known for the hot dog thing, but yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:10:01]:
So it’s something like 80 hot dogs in an hour he can eat. That’s with the bread as well,

Sam [00:10:09]:
Yes. And the method is you have the water and he he’ll dunk it in the water and jam it in his so the bread turns to like a paste, I guess, or liquid paste thing. Yeah. And then he, I think he takes a bite and must inhale the the hot dog bit.

Chris [00:10:25]:
It’s crazy. It’s crazy, crazy. What else have you got? I I’m just looking at this going, oh, yeah. I was gonna research this a little more before I talked about it.

Sam [00:10:34]:
I told him to research it because my brain is I have no I have no spare time at work. I’ve gone from all the spare time in the world to literally 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute break where you can’t really do anything anyway because you’re just eating food. And the rest of the time, I don’t I’ve never seen my team look at their phones. I don’t think they do. A new hotel has been announced for Hamilton.

Chris [00:11:02]:
Oh, really? Where are we at? Now

Sam [00:11:04]:
Okay. What is the tallest building in Hamilton City? I didn’t know this. I never really thought about it.

Chris [00:11:11]:
I would have thought it’s the The and, above where The bookshop is and it and The tall building above it.

Sam [00:11:21]:
Above browsers? Yes. No. That’s the one. It’s actually the building that’s above Center Place.

Chris [00:11:27]:
Oh, yeah.

Sam [00:11:27]:
Yeah. And you don’t sort of notice it. So the Pullman Hotel has been unveiled. It’s a $100,000,000 hotel. It’s going to be and 191 beds over 13 levels. They’re going to retrofit that whole it’s called the mystery center and yeah, they’re gonna put it there. They said, it’s going to be finished a year after the theater’s finished. So I think it’s 2026.

Sam [00:11:51]:
Apparently, there’s a, I guess a study saying that Hamilton needs about and just over 500 beds by 2,033 to keep up with demand for hotels. Right? Which is pretty cool. And, 595 actually. And, The so these guys have got, planning consent or everything. They’re gonna do it. How many bids again? 595 beds by 2033.

Chris [00:12:21]:
It’s way too many. Why no. No.

Sam [00:12:24]:
Do you think they’d have that many people come to town?

Chris [00:12:27]:
It just sounds way too many.

Sam [00:12:29]:
I don’t know but it’s in total. The funny thing is they announced that and you know who’s in that building, The Breeze radio station on level 12. Oh, right. So all those tenants must be going, I guess. I don’t know. It’d be interesting to see because I think it’s only 13 stories tall, and they retrofitted the whole thing. Yeah. I was like, oh, that’s gonna be really hard to move a radio station.

Sam [00:12:54]:
Yeah. To the point where will it still exist? Or will they just go, hey, you know what? We’ve got, you know, other things.

Chris [00:13:03]:
Wow. Okay. Alright. I don’t know. Yeah. Oh, it’d be interesting. And I suppose there’s a bunch of commercial space that they can move to from The, so so that’s pretty cool. Okay.

Chris [00:13:15]:
I’m gonna talk about the The American worm wall. The great sam it again. What is it called again? The great American worm wall.

Sam [00:13:27]:
Okay. What’s The worm wall? So this

Chris [00:13:30]:
is a fascinating video. I will share the video in the link, but there’s this fly called the screw screw fly, screw worm fly, something like that and it’s it’s really bad for you. Like, it’ll do damage to cattle. It it, puts, you know, maggots in you and while you’re still alive, and

Sam [00:13:52]:
you just

Chris [00:13:53]:
it’s it’s bad for people. It’s bad for everything. So it’s really bad. And back in the day, I want to say the thirties, forties, something like that, they, worked out that the the female can only have sex once Yep. And then it never will again. And so what they worked out is they they basically got their pupae, and they radiated them Yep. Like, with radioactive stuff, and then the pupae to burst forth these males. And they had sex once, but everybody died because they’re already irradiated.

Chris [00:14:32]:
Right? Okay. And so they don’t last a very long period of The, like the last 24 hours, and they’re dead sort of thing. So at the moment and so they did this around, I wanna say, Texas and stuff like that, but they ended up moving it down to the border of Mexico. And and then The isthmus is so small, The the connections between it. They’ve moved it again, and it’s now The great worm wall is, on Panama, and they dropped 20,000,000 worms of all these pupae

Sam [00:15:05]:
Pupae. Yeah.

Chris [00:15:06]:
That they’ve irradiated. So they’ve got this place where they they grow them all, The radiate them all The throw them in planes and they drop them over this narrow band of land 20,000,000 a week. It’s a 20,000,000 a week? Yep. Yep. It’s a $600,000,000 a year program that’s been going for ages and ages, and it just keeps all the screw worms down. They they don’t go past North South America. And so the whole North American continent is screw worm, screw fly, free. It’s it’s just mental.

Chris [00:15:42]:
It’s just the most mental thing I’ve ever seen.

Speaker A [00:15:44]:
So you

Chris [00:15:44]:
have to watch this video. So there’s

Sam [00:15:46]:
Hey. That’s pretty crazy. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:15:48]:
Yeah. Anyway, so

Sam [00:15:49]:
I guess I don’t know. We Who

Chris [00:15:51]:
thought of nuking worms to get rid of flies? It’s just like

Sam [00:15:56]:
what a scientist. The crazy scientist. We’re lucky because we just, we’re island nation.

Speaker A [00:16:01]:

Chris [00:16:01]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:16:01]:
So we freak out when apples come through at the airport. Yeah. Yeah. That’s our thing. Yeah. And we’re so far away most things can’t even fly here if they wanted to which is good.

Chris [00:16:09]:
Yeah. Exactly. Exactly.

Sam [00:16:11]:
Hey. Since the last episode I forgot We have we were interviewed on a podcast.

Chris [00:16:16]:
Oh, yes. Yes. Kyle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What was the podcast called? Do you remember?

Sam [00:16:21]:
No. No. Not at all. I saw a picture of him presenting it, but I couldn’t read it because the picture was too bright.

Chris [00:16:28]:

Sam [00:16:29]:
okay. But something to do with movies. It’s all I can tell you. He’s a Wintech student, 2nd year of communications.

Chris [00:16:33]:
Yep. And

Sam [00:16:34]:
we went and helped him out because he had to record a podcast. And it’s almost a pilot, I guess, for him.

Chris [00:16:39]:
Yeah. It was a pilot. So chris that’s why we don’t know the name because it was the first episode.

Sam [00:16:44]:
They are gonna release them on, Free FM.

Chris [00:16:47]:
That’s right. Yep. So

Sam [00:16:48]:
we had a talk about all sorts of things.

Chris [00:16:50]:
Mostly movie based.

Sam [00:16:51]:
Yes. The best takeaway was, I think I mentioned you a laugh and he goes, oh yeah, we already listened to that in class. So I’ve been to our website and pressed, the laugh of Chris on the front of the website.

Chris [00:17:04]:
Oh, class. Listen to my laugh.

Sam [00:17:06]:
I I assume they listened to another episode, but what? The mind boggles, and I hope it was more than just you laughing. And also, what’s the discussion? It’s like, what are these guys talking about?

Chris [00:17:21]:
Why why are we studying Chris and Sam at Stan?

Sam [00:17:24]:
Why are they almost at and episodes? What’s wrong with them?

Chris [00:17:30]:
Why does nobody stop them?

Sam [00:17:32]:
Yeah. And my podcast, I recorded with Chris Hillek, which is called The Double Loop podcast, that has come out. So you can listen to me talking about this podcast, filmmaking, and a little bit of pumpkin stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Try and find that wherever you listen to podcasts. I couldn’t find it on my app, but I know it’s on Itunes. Yeah.

Sam [00:17:53]:
Yeah. Yeah. I I

Chris [00:17:54]:
get annoyed because people share these things on Spotify all the time and I haven’t got Spotify and I don’t really want to get Spotify.

Sam [00:18:00]:
The only thing with Spotify is if it’s a Spotify exclusive, like a really big name thing. But smaller ones should be releasing on everything. Like you can find ours on Spotify because Yeah.

Chris [00:18:11]:
Yeah. And that’s usually the thing. I’m just like, I’ll get around to looking for it elsewhere, but it’s just like people just give you the Spotify Yeah.

Sam [00:18:18]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:18:19]:
And I’m like, I don’t want Spotify link.

Sam [00:18:22]:
Oh, yeah.

Chris [00:18:22]:
But, yeah, on The as well. So I got up at 3 10 past 3 this morning, so I had a live stream on, LinkedIn.

Sam [00:18:30]:
Were you on it or were you watching it?

Chris [00:18:32]:
No. I was I was being interviewed on a live stream. It didn’t start till 4, but I got up, like, you know, early to get I spent all this time getting ready, getting everything done, getting the, thing all working, and then I’m sitting in Restream because it was being she gave me a Restream link. And I’m sitting in Restream, like, she’s late. So I went to check emails and The, and she goes, are you coming? And she’s got The Zoom, like, in the email. I’m like, got The. So I jumped to the Zoom, and I was like, sorry. I was waiting and we restream your your assistant sent me The restream.

Chris [00:19:04]:
She goes, oh, that’s my fault. I think we should be in restream. Get back to restream. So we jumped into restream. She goes, why is your computer so slow and jerky and horrible? I’m like, I’ll do a reboot. Yeah. So she starts the the livestream without me, like, starts chatting and I’m rebooting. But it it all went off pretty well without a hitch.

Chris [00:19:24]:
And that that was really cool. But it feels like it’s a long day because it is now

Sam [00:19:29]:
You’ve been awake forever. Yeah. Welcome to my world. The hours I’m doing are no longer than what I was doing. It’s The But

Chris [00:19:40]:
you gotta think now.

Sam [00:19:43]:
It’s not only the thinking I just have to it’s so much information. They’re just talking about stuff all the time. It all makes sense, though.

Chris [00:19:51]:
No. But I I would imagine that if you’d put me in a van, and I’m trying to make sense of what’s going on in that radio,

Sam [00:19:57]:

Chris [00:19:58]:
I would have been like, what the hell is

Sam [00:19:59]:
going on?

Chris [00:20:00]:
It would have stressed me out.

Sam [00:20:01]:
I assume I was like that at that job, but I don’t remember that.

Chris [00:20:04]:
Yeah. Exactly. So

Sam [00:20:05]:
This one’s, yeah. It’s different like Yeah.

Chris [00:20:08]:
But once you get used to it, that stream of information just passes you by and you pick

Sam [00:20:12]:
up the next few hours and I am going up tomorrow to do an audit on a hairdresser The Sam, the dude I work with.

Chris [00:20:20]:
So yeah, this is the trade waste part of your job. So the

Sam [00:20:24]:
hair is the trade waste of a hairdresser? Potentially, they have to have a hair drain scoop thing that stops it.

Chris [00:20:34]:

Sam [00:20:34]:
If they cut and wash hair into the drain. If not so yeah. So basically The

Chris [00:20:39]:
So it has to be water based or is it any sort of trade waste?

Sam [00:20:44]:
It’s mainly,

Chris [00:20:46]:
you know what I mean?

Sam [00:20:47]:
It’s not When

Chris [00:20:47]:
I say water based, you know?

Sam [00:20:48]:
Yeah. It’s to be honest, it’s a lot of grease traps. Right. And all these applications coming in. So they they basically sent out this email to as many companies The could find and said, hey. You need to have a consent for trade waste. It’s a one off fee. If it’s a small time place and they’ve like got a little kitchen or they you know The hairdresser or something like that.

Sam [00:21:12]:
It’s just the one fee with an inspection which is included and that’s it. And Hamilton City Council doesn’t have an expiry date on them. Rotorua does 5 years and they’re going to try and change that but Hamilton’s pretty good and it’s just to make sure

Chris [00:21:27]:
Is this a local thing or is it legislatively being put in across the country? Do you know?

Sam [00:21:34]:
It’s all to do yes it’s across the country and they’re all doing different things.

Chris [00:21:39]:

Sam [00:21:40]:
We deal with 7 or 8 councils and we provide the service to them. Yeah. But some of them have got slightly different ways of doing things which is a bit weird.

Chris [00:21:49]:
And is this a new thing The trade waste or is it been around for a while?

Sam [00:21:53]:
I think I brought it in when COVID hit.

Speaker A [00:21:56]:

Sam [00:21:56]:
Is when they decided to do it. So we’re part of the The waters thing.

Chris [00:21:59]:

Sam [00:22:00]:
I’m on a I don’t know. I’m on a meeting. I think is it And? Tuesday? Tuesdays we have a 3 Waters meeting for everyone in the company.

Chris [00:22:08]:
Oh, because it’s

Sam [00:22:09]:
like and people The watching someone and. But my headset wasn’t working so I just didn’t do that.

Chris [00:22:17]:
Nice. Nice.

Sam [00:22:18]:
Yeah. So all the all the phone calls are coming through teams all the time and and, it’s it’s good.

Chris [00:22:27]:
So I’ve got another little unit down here Horizons Lord. Have you heard of that?

Sam [00:22:33]:
A unit? A story, man.

Chris [00:22:36]:
A story.

Sam [00:22:36]:
Oh, no. What do you why did you call it a unit? I have no idea. Okay. No. Tell me about it. I wanna know all about it.

Chris [00:22:43]:
Well, I just thought it was a cool name. No. No. It is it is good. So Horizons Lord is a sniper rifle, a Ukrainian sniper.

Sam [00:22:53]:
Oh, okay. I did not know that. No. Exactly.

Chris [00:22:55]:
And it was, created in 2021, I think, when it so it’s before this latest invasion. Yeah. Conflict thing. So 2021, The Crimea had already been annexed or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, so anyway, it hit the news last week because they hit the the longest kill shot. Oh, woah.

Chris [00:23:18]:
3,800 meters.

Sam [00:23:20]:
That’s mental.

Chris [00:23:21]:
That is timing.

Sam [00:23:22]:
Some of that comes down to luck,

Chris [00:23:24]:
Yeah. A lot of people have said, this has gotta be What was it before?

Sam [00:23:28]:
It was like 2 point something, wasn’t it?

Chris [00:23:29]:
Yeah. I think it was. It was 2 point something, which was a Canadian guy. So this is a Ukrainian sniper. He he got that. It’s been filmed, so they they they filmed it.

Sam [00:23:40]:
Of course, I did.

Chris [00:23:41]:
You know, to get the record. And so so they The saw these guys, off in the distance, like, doing something, and they’re like, oh, yeah. And, like, oh, I’m not gonna waste a bullet on those guys because they’re just grunts. And then they saw somebody further up the hill that was, giving orders, and so they they took him out.

Sam [00:23:59]:
I like to think I know it’s just and person, great distance, but I’m thinking, like you you have like a stadium full of people at a concert and then you do it and then you remove everybody else with digitally, and you’re like, oh, I did it. That’s so good. I hit him in the elbow. No, no, no. That’s mental low.

Chris [00:24:20]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the interesting thing is and The are the I’ve got a link to a video that talks about the the weapon because it’s interesting because the innovation and there is innovation to it. The innovation isn’t in the gun. The innovation is in the bullet.

Sam [00:24:36]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:24:36]:
So they have different barrels that you can attach to it, which gives the the gun a longer life. So there’s a longer barrel and a smaller barrel, but they can take different sizes of ammunition, and it can be used as an anti anti vehicle weapon.

Sam [00:24:51]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:24:52]:
It does the there’s a Well,

Sam [00:24:54]:
because at the end of the day, a gun has the firing pin which does trigger from the trigger.

Chris [00:24:59]:
Yeah. There’s not a lot extra there.

Sam [00:25:01]:
Yeah. And if you can switch out the barrel and the ammunition, then you just have to set it off and

Speaker A [00:25:06]:

Sam [00:25:07]:
You’re blowing up a tank.

Chris [00:25:08]:
So you can have a really high fire rate, which isn’t really accurate, but if you’re aiming at a truck, then it doesn’t have to be like sniper accurate, you know?

Sam [00:25:16]:
Yeah. You’re not doing 3 kilometers. You’re gonna be like probably a bit closer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. From my experience.

Chris [00:25:21]:
Yeah. From your your vast experience. So, yeah, there’s a variety of bullets, and it can do a 50 caliber barrel, allowing cartridge that can propel a a variety of loads. So the sniper bullet that won it effectively or, you know, did did this thing

Sam [00:25:38]:
Not this record.

Chris [00:25:39]:
Has got a really fat barrel, you know, cartridge

Sam [00:25:43]:

Chris [00:25:43]:
And a really sort of narrow

Sam [00:25:45]:
bullet. Okay.

Chris [00:25:46]:
So it’s got more power behind it to push it, propel it through.

Sam [00:25:50]:
Will at least drop or drag or Yeah. Potentially.

Chris [00:25:53]:
So anyway, is it fast well, particularly if you need guns, it’s a fascinating, not that I am, but I I heard about the record and so I looked it up online and found chris video. It’s fascinating just going through how the innovation is and how it worked and all that sort of thing.

Sam [00:26:07]:
Very good.

Chris [00:26:08]:
But I thought it’s such a good name, Horizon’s Lord. That’s Yeah. That’s a cool that’s a cool name for

Sam [00:26:16]:
a We’re coming to the end of the podcast. So 27th June after this Thursday, day before Marariki, Friday. Come along to Chartwell Cinema and PM. It’s the 48 hour Hamilton slash Taranaki finals. Nice. Buy some tickets. I need you to buy some tickets. Even if you don’t come, buy some tickets.

Sam [00:26:37]:

Chris [00:26:38]:

Sam [00:26:39]:
Come along and celebrate both Hamilton and Taranaki filmmakers. Figure out what The done. I’ve got to go pick up the bloody engraved thing. I’ve got to print out something else. I’m very busy. Yeah. I don’t know how it’s gonna go because I think I’m going straight from work to that. But I have work the next day so there’s that.

Sam [00:27:00]:
No it’s pretty cool. And the sam cinema’s already got the file. I have to give them a run sheet. You have to tell them when to do everything, like every little thing.

Chris [00:27:09]:
Turn the microphones on. Turn the microphone.

Sam [00:27:11]:
And the lights and everything and went to pause. So,

Chris [00:27:15]:
yeah, I’m I’m I’m surprised they haven’t sorted it out so they can just give you a remote control. You know, with the lights up, lights down, and mic on, mic off, that would be, like, the ultimate.

Sam [00:27:25]:
I think it would be a lot easier, I think. So I think I may have to go on Monday through for a run through or something. But I’m at work all day so yeah it’ll be later but we’ll see. I’ll talk to the dude. Yeah. I’ve never met the dude he’s good. Yeah so that brings us to the end of this podcast. Hello to anyone that’s listening that’s new.

Sam [00:27:43]:
Yep. Welcome along. You never know what you’re gonna hear every week so make sure you join us next time. You can check out all the old episodes. They’re all up on the and podcast you can just download every episode to your podcast app of choice. We love seeing those spikes and traffic. It brings me great joy.

Chris [00:28:04]:
Yeah. Yeah. And, yeah. Usually, we do get a bunch of new listeners after every field days. So because we’ve been and. Because, yeah, the amount of times we’re walking through field days and somebody goes, which one of you is Sam? Which one of you is Chris? Because we’ve got the Chris and Sam t shirts on.

Sam [00:28:18]:
The was good.

Chris [00:28:19]:
So which was pretty good. So it it’s a conversation starter, so it was good fun.

Sam [00:28:23]:
Anyway, until next time. I’m Sam. I’m Chris. See you. Bye.