
This week Chris has a beef with Calendly, and is now the first NZ affiliate for Pitch59, have a listen to find out what that is all about.

The 48hour City Finals just happened, find out how that went for Sam and learn who he met while there.

Chris has a run in with Waka Kotahi as well this week. Find out what he had to sort out with them.

Putin went on a trip and some of the photos were epic.

We talk about the new $100 million dollar surf park that Auckland will be getting soon.

Chris watched the film Red Sun on Tubi as well.

All this and more in this weeks collection of randomness, technology and life.


48hour City Final Results
Putins trip North
$100 million dollar surf park coming to Auckland
Red Sun Movie

Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello, and welcome to episode and of the Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology and life and, And a beautiful sunny Matariki it is today. It is. It doesn’t matter when you’re listening to an audio podcast. Just imagine it.

Chris [00:00:37]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, we’re recording this obviously on Matariki. For those outside of New Zealand, that’s, effectively the Maori New Year, I believe.

Sam [00:00:46]:
Yes. You are correct.

Chris [00:00:47]:
Yeah. So it’s like midwinter as well. It’s like a solstice type thing.

Sam [00:00:52]:
Sort of. But we do have a public holiday now, so that’s great. Until some I’m sure they’ll get rid of it at some point.

Chris [00:00:57]:
No. I I like the public holiday. I’ve been I I had a 6 o’clock meeting this morning and then a 7 o’clock meeting, with people from the States and Canada. Actually, just because I’ve sit down, I’m just gonna tell you a little bit about that. There you go. So 2 2 thoughts. First thing, Calendly sucks.

Sam [00:01:15]:
Oh, really? I thought that was the The thought that was the top tier talking to you.

Chris [00:01:19]:
That’s the thing, but I’ve I’ve made all these appointments with people on Calendly, and Calendly doesn’t send me a thing saying, here’s your, put this in your calendar. Right?

Sam [00:01:30]:

Chris [00:01:31]:
So it tells me 24 hours before, which if I miss the email, which, you know, might happen.

Sam [00:01:38]:
It sounds so much like user error, I’m and, then and then a global platform.

Chris [00:01:42]:
And The, and then it tells me, half an hour or an hour before. I think an hour before. So a lot of the other ones will when you make the appointment, they send you an email straightaway saying, right, we’ve made this appointment, add it to your calendar, click this button. And I click it to my Google, and I have it in my calendar. But Calendly doesn’t do The. Or at least sam of the people that way they’ve set it up, which it might be The, hasn’t done that. And so I I missed The appointment yesterday because I checked my calendar the night before. I was like, do I have to get up early for another meeting? Not nothing on the calendar.

Chris [00:02:18]:
Woke up, and it’s like, yeah. I I missed The meeting because I it sent me an hour before and was asleep. So that’s alright, but today’s and am now the very first affiliate for pitch 59 in New Zealand or Australia. So let me let me tell you about pitch 59. So I had a meeting with the CEO of Pitch 59, Geoffrey Burton, and he cool dude. And this technology is so cool. I’m so impressed with it. Software as a service thing.

Chris [00:02:52]:
Basically what it and it’s only launching in the States and Canada next month The 15th July,

Sam [00:02:59]:
and it

Chris [00:02:59]:
won’t be in New Zealand till February anyway.

Sam [00:03:01]:
Oh, right.

Chris [00:03:02]:
So I’m I’m an affiliate. He set me up like he he had to do it because I couldn’t do it because I couldn’t do it from here anyway. But yeah, so when it comes out in New Zealand, I’m gonna be pushing it pretty hard, I think we’ll see how it all goes.

Sam [00:03:14]:
What does it do?

Chris [00:03:15]:
So this is what it does. You’re meeting with somebody. You can do this as a networking thing, or you could do it. I’m thinking, in a talk. Okay. Okay. You meet with somebody, you go instead of just giving them your business card

Sam [00:03:28]:

Chris [00:03:29]:
They can either scan your QR code or you, yeah, that’s the best way. Scan the QR code Yeah. Which you see on your app. And it’s an app or you can you don’t have to have an app because if you scan the code, it’ll just take you to the The. And it gives it’s like a business card, but it starts with a 59 minute video or 59 minute? 59 second video, like a pitch, Pitch

Sam [00:03:52]:
59. Ah, yeah.

Chris [00:03:53]:
Right? Where you get to say, hey. I’m Chris. This is what to do. This is what it’s all about. But it’s really cool because you’ve got a link to your scheduler, like your Calendly or Harmonizely that I use or whatever. So

Sam [00:04:06]:
you can make a a meeting appointment straight away?

Chris [00:04:09]:
Straight away. You can do testimonial. You can have testimonials in there. You can have all sorts of links, going to your lead magnet or your whatever plus, but they’ve gone way deeper with it. So you and up getting a bunch of The, and you put them in your pocket. So you can go, my accountancy accountants are in here, and my, I don’t know, financial guys are in here, and my fitness guys are in here. Oh, yeah.

Sam [00:04:32]:
So you can share.

Chris [00:04:33]:
Yeah. And then when you come across somebody, you go, do you know a plumber? You go, here’s a plumber and send it to them. Oh, okay. And it sends them the thing and you can do 3 way introduction. So the idea behind it is that it’s made by this guy who was in business self employed for ages, and he goes, I always struggle with referrals.

Sam [00:04:51]:

Chris [00:04:52]:
Because you’re like, can you can you give me a referral? And they’re like, it feels a bit weird, But when they’ve got that, they can go flick it to somebody. And they don’t have to worry about getting the message right. You don’t have to worry about them saying the right things. You just go and them a pitch card.

Sam [00:05:09]:

Chris [00:05:09]:
And, yeah, it’s pretty good.

Sam [00:05:11]:
I was skeptical at the start of The, but, no. I can see the benefit in that. Yeah. It’s just that market adoption and getting people to use it. But like you said, if you don’t have to have an app as such and you can just scan a QR code and it takes you to a little mobile site straight away, no brainer, really. Yeah.

Chris [00:05:26]:
Absolutely. And the LinkedIn

Sam [00:05:27]:
people are probably gonna love it. Those type of people. So, you know, it’s good.

Chris [00:05:30]:
So so anyway and so yeah. I’m I’m a bit over the top about it. I must admit, but

Sam [00:05:35]:
You have to be because you’re the buddy affiliate for a product doesn’t exist anymore

Chris [00:05:38]:
at the moment. Yes. Yes. Yes. But that’ll be good. And he’ll be I said to him, I’m gonna be so much my launch is gonna be so much better than your launch because he’s launching in the States. And I was like, this will be the first time for you, but I’ll learn from all your mistakes. And then when it launches out here That’s big Yeah.

Sam [00:05:53]:
That’s big words, but, I like I like the enthusiasm. Yeah. Yeah. So 48 hour film, city finals was last night.

Chris [00:06:00]:
Yeah. I meant to go, and I sort of forgot about it, and I went, The. And I was like, way late. I was like, oh, god.

Sam [00:06:06]:
That’s alright. It was pretty cool. There was a bunch of it that didn’t turn up, but I think The were Taranaki teams and a couple of teams from Hamilton. So every team got 5 comp tickets. Yep. So that sort of skewed the numbers. The people turn up was cool. It was Hamilton, Taranaki combined.

Sam [00:06:22]:
There was 3 teams up from Taranaki, which was cool, and they’d won, like, the city finals from Taranaki, Pastafarian Productions. Her name’s Hannah. Yes. And, she does an animation every single year. She makes it musical, doesn’t matter what the actual genre is, and she does every single thing herself. And she’s been a runner-up 2 or 3 times in the last 10 years, and last night she actually won the city award.

Chris [00:06:46]:
Oh nice.

Sam [00:06:47]:
So like that was massive for her.

Chris [00:06:50]:
I I’m just curious because we were talking about this in the car the other day, me and Adam. How did it all go in terms of the microphone and all that? Everything worked? No no hiccups?

Sam [00:07:00]:
It was fine. So I turned up I I’m super busy with work so I couldn’t go to the movie theater, before the event, once I’ve sent the files to them. So I just was like, it’ll be fine. So when I turned up, I’d been, a guy had rang me during the The. Name’s Bruce and, he’s the projectionist or the guy that was programming it, and I meet him real cool dude, older guy, and he goes come on up. So he went up to into the room and went right down the end and, yeah. It it’s how we or how 48 had done it, it wasn’t and file. It was every single file for every single thing, so you could chop and change it if you wanted to and he basically had to pause at the end of every section, for the award which was fine and he’d put in the placeholder which was only at the start and at the end of the event and he put it between every single 1 and I was like I don’t need that there and he goes oh sweet and just deleted it out.

Sam [00:07:55]:
Yeah. And he quickly showed me before the actual show started to play it. The problem is it’s not instant. It’s like a 5 second delay from when he clicks on the little screen to it actually doing something. Yeah. So that was the only sort of downside. So there was a couple of moments where it was just like

Chris [00:08:13]:
Is that working?

Sam [00:08:14]:
I hope this has gotten the very first time I was like, I think something’s gonna happen? And then it sort of did. So it was all good. And there was just this little

Chris [00:08:23]:
Yeah. Because Adam sort of made the comment, because he’d he’d got done it with, when, Sash and Mary were doing it.

Sam [00:08:30]:

Chris [00:08:30]:
He’d gone with them a few times, and he said, didn’t matter if we turned up 2 hours early and and went through everything. Always is a problem when the mic just didn’t turn on at the right time or, you know, it’s like.

Sam [00:08:41]:
Yeah. Well, the mic I could turn on sort of any time and the guy was pausing it and it was all good. Yeah. They had a really detailed run sheet that we’d given The. Yeah. And they’d come back and said chris is what we actually need and then 48 helped me fill it out, even in more detail. So it’s now The I’ve done all that, I know, you know, how’s all done. Nuggets won the Hamilton Yep.

Sam [00:09:02]:
City final

Chris [00:09:03]:
which is good.

Sam [00:09:03]:
They and they had a whole, lots of whanau there which was great. And they actually smashed it. And they won, like, 4 awards in total. And that was good. And then, sort of just standing The. Oh, I will give a shout out to Hobbiton. They gave, 10 tickets to both the city finalists. They’re like and $120 a ticket, I think.

Sam [00:09:21]:
Think. Nice. And The, there was a whole bunch of them supposed to come but in the end only 1 came and she must be their marketing person And think And she was absolutely blown away. She goes, I can’t believe they made this in 48 hours. Like like next level. So I was like, that’s cool. So she was good. I’m standing there.

Sam [00:09:37]:
There’s someone sitting in the The. She turns. She goes, you’re Sam, I was like, yep.

Chris [00:09:42]:
You get this a lot. Yeah.

Sam [00:09:44]:
I I do. I I do. I work with Chris.

Chris [00:09:48]:
Oh. 0. That’d be yep. Okay. And I

Sam [00:09:50]:
was like, cool. And it was Lana. Lana. And. And I was like, yeah. I do the podcast with him. And she goes, I know. All he ever talks about is The.

Sam [00:09:58]:
Or the podcast. Or you. And I was like, I know. I’m just that exciting. And,

Chris [00:10:03]:
nobody else comes here to my advice ever.

Sam [00:10:05]:
And, I said, we’ve we’ve got a we our and podcast episode’s coming up. You should come to it. She goes, oh, I haven’t heard about that much. So I was like, cool. Cool. Cool. I’ll see you after you’re around.

Chris [00:10:19]:
And. Thanks, Lana.

Sam [00:10:20]:
But, she had a good The, and that was all good. And then I went outside, and there was everyone, like, crowding around stuff. And I was talking to Roni.

Chris [00:10:27]:

Sam [00:10:28]:
Chris Productions came runner-up this year.

Chris [00:10:30]:
Oh, did he? Right.

Sam [00:10:31]:
Won a couple of other awards as well. Best screenplay, I think, off the top of my head and maybe something else. Yeah. And they’ve got a big team, so they’re really good to be there because they’re a big crowd. And I said, hey. You’re doing that, film massage and Chris and Adam in The. And he goes, oh, yeah. I said, do the podcast with Chris.

Sam [00:10:46]:
Oh, you’re that Sam. I’ve listened to a couple of episodes. Oh, nice. I was, oh, cool. Cool. Cool. So and then he says to me, because you know he’s got a YouTube channel of this quite well, Yeah. You’d mentioned that.

Sam [00:10:57]:
Yes. And he said to me, oh, have you got anything to do with Misty flicks? I was like, yeah. I do.

Chris [00:11:04]:
He goes,

Sam [00:11:05]:
oh, crazy. Small world. And then on Thursday, I for my work, I went and had a full in-depth tour of the waste treatment plant out at Phuketi. Right. Very, very interesting. Like absolutely really cool. They’re very passionate. The guy that took us and, like explained everything.

Sam [00:11:24]:
We went underground, above and, and over the tanks all over the place.

Chris [00:11:27]:
Just curious. The do they do tours like that for general public?

Sam [00:11:32]:
I don’t know. I don’t know.

Chris [00:11:33]:
Because it’s it is something that would be interesting. Like it’d be more interesting for, I guess schools to take a visit and stuff like that. If they

Sam [00:11:40]:
did it wouldn’t have been as in-depth as and did because we went into random buildings. But The the person I’m with that came with me her name’s Tony and she used to work there but she never got the tour. She’s cool but The lab manager goes, oh, hey, Tony. I’ll show you around the lab. So she’ll show me around the The. And then she said, if you ever want to come to the lab for a day, let me know. I thought, okay. So we go into the lab and there’s this woman in there and, this guy and that’s it.

Sam [00:12:09]:
And we’re walking around and then we come back out and we’re waiting for the guy to come get us to talk to her. The woman from the lab comes out, and she goes, you’re Sam, You’re like The judge for 48? I said, no. City Manager. Yeah. That’s it. Oh, my partner’s in Chris Productions. And and she was in that film, real briefly. And I was like, oh, yeah.

Sam [00:12:31]:
Cool. See you tomorrow night at the finals. Sure will. It must must must must have been Wednesday. Yeah. Anyway, so that was cool. Yeah.

Chris [00:12:40]:
Nice. Nice. Nice.

Sam [00:12:41]:
I still gotta send a couple of certificates now, to some of the people who didn’t turn up. I’ve got to send the hard drive back to Wellington, and I think that’s it.

Chris [00:12:50]:
Nice. And then we can get full on thinking about what we’re gonna do for the 5th 500th.

Sam [00:12:56]:
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I was gonna say the Misty chris because that keeps coming up.

Chris [00:13:00]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I Adam says to me, oh, yeah. So where’s the banner that I’m supposed to put into the film that is part of the criteria? And I’m like, oh, yeah. Knew there was something I gotta do this weekend.

Sam [00:13:15]:
You will have to get that signed off from somebody, I guess.

Chris [00:13:18]:
Yeah. I have to create it and get it signed off. Okay. So that’s cool. You you sign that off for me, don’t

Sam [00:13:24]:
you? No. No. I don’t know about that.

Chris [00:13:27]:
Yeah. We’ll see. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Chris [00:13:29]:
Cool. What else has been happening? I did I I wanna tell you my story about Wakata Wakakutahi.

Sam [00:13:37]:
Wakakutahi. The first couple of times I found that really difficult and I don’t know why. And then after, like, 5 years of waiting for some news from them, I’m good with Wakakutahi.

Chris [00:13:46]:
Yeah. So I got this, this letter from Wakakutahi saying, your license for your vehicle will be canceled shortly because it’s almost a year since you renewed it.

Sam [00:14:00]:
Okay. Like

Chris [00:14:01]:
okay, but I’ve sold it.

Sam [00:14:03]:
Didn’t you get rid of the car a lot longer than a year ago?

Chris [00:14:06]:
It was The 12th August.

Sam [00:14:07]:
Oh okay.

Chris [00:14:09]:
Okay. No, not August. 12th July, something like that. It was effectively a year ago.

Sam [00:14:15]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:14:15]:
Effectively a year ago. And so I was like, oh, what? And and they go, and you’ll be just charged for the last year because, you didn’t renew it. And I’m like

Sam [00:14:24]:
But they never sent a letter previously?

Chris [00:14:26]:
No. I don’t think so. And to be fair, any emails that come from Wakakotahi The come into my email groups, particularly since I sold my car, it’s just been going straight into spam because it’s like Yeah.

Sam [00:14:39]:

Chris [00:14:39]:
They’re all spam. Like, most spam.

Sam [00:14:40]:
They’re probably The I’ve I’ve found that they’re 1 of the most legitimate looking scam emails. Yes. They put a lot of work into those emails.

Chris [00:14:48]:
Quite often. Sometimes they’re pretty crap, but mostly they’re pretty good. So I, it was funny actually because I I went I was going out for a walk and I saw this letter and I grabbed it as I was going for a walk and I started reading it. I’m going, what? I’m not paying a $100 for a car I sold a year ago? And so I started ringing the guy as I’m walking around the park which wasn’t the The. And he was this Indian dude, and he was rah rah rah rah rah. And then then he’s he started I I tried to explain what was going on in my old man way, which probably made no sense.

Sam [00:15:21]:

Chris [00:15:21]:
And then he’s he started going through his checks, but he the way he didn’t have a very good phone manner, to be fair. And he goes, what’s your date of birth? I’m like, my date of birth is hang on. Why am I giving you my date of birth? And then I’m like, I rang this number off this letter. Where’d this letter come from? Is this whole thing a scam? So I basically hung up.

Sam [00:15:44]:
Yeah. Good.

Chris [00:15:44]:
I said, I’m not giving you my date of birth. And so I came back and checked online to make sure I’m ringing it was the right number. So I rang this other chick, Brooke, I think it was. And At Waka Kotahi. At Waka Kotahi. And I had a chat to her and I was like, look, this is what happened. I sold it to I had to look it up, Atlas Autos. Yep.

Chris [00:16:02]:
And she looked it up online while I was Yeah.

Sam [00:16:04]:
Yeah. I can just look it up.

Chris [00:16:06]:
She goes, oh, yep. Atlas. You’re in Hamilton. Right? I’m like, yeah. She goes, oh, yeah. I see them there. She so I said, yeah. So I sold it to them.

Chris [00:16:13]:
They said they’d sort it out. I did fill out a form online. Yeah. She goes, well, it’s not on our online thing. I said, yeah. Maybe it was on theirs, like, it was their form, but I thought it was your form. And, but I thought it was done, and I haven’t had the account for it, like, a year. Yeah.

Chris [00:16:31]:
And I sold it.

Sam [00:16:32]:
Do you owe them money?

Chris [00:16:33]:
and, and she finally waived it. Yeah. She said, nah. You don’t have to pay. Thank you, Brooke. She goes, because you’ve never asked for an exception ever before, because they look through The. Yeah. But I will tell you now, you will not get another exception.

Chris [00:16:48]:
I’m like Yeah. Okay. Okay. That’s The. But a $100 for a year for For A car didn’t have. That didn’t have.

Sam [00:16:54]:

Chris [00:16:54]:
That’s right. Yeah. Anyway, so that was my Waka Kotahi story, which started out me upset and angry and and but Nice. Really good ending.

Sam [00:17:03]:
Since the last podcast, I actually went out for work on 1 day. They they took me out of the office And I ended up at a hairdressers, a pitter pit, a sushi store, a club rooms. And then we ended up Like

Chris [00:17:17]:
a rugby club type thing?

Sam [00:17:18]:
Yeah. Sort of. And The we ended up at LIC at their testing facility, which isn’t the big 1 at Morrinsville. It’s a different 1. And the guy there was so switched on. He does all the trade waste for that site. He’s taken it over and he’s really good at sorting it all out. So these guys, when you’re a big industry, you have to get tested all the time, like every 3 months I think it is for them and they have all these results coming back and he’s really trying to sort it out but he also sorts out Christchurch as well and Christchurch, he said, oh, they’re dicks to deal with because they want to do random testing and he said for 4 months of the year, we don’t do anything like they have an off season, when they’re not doing anything and he said, no.

Sam [00:17:59]:
I wanna test absolutely right through the peak of the season so we have the worst possible results we can ever get and we’ll fix it. And he’s showing us this bloody spreadsheet and stuff, it’s all over my head. Yeah. And and Sam, who I work with, who’s got a master’s and something and is about to find out

Chris [00:18:17]:
if he’s gonna do a PhD for

Sam [00:18:17]:
the next 4 years, he’s just like, yeah. Like he’s all over it like a rash. And then the guy goes, oh, do you want a tour of the lab? Okay. So this guy took us around and all the machines were working and they were running water through everything to calibrate something. Normally it’s milk from the cows.

Chris [00:18:32]:
Right, right, right.

Sam [00:18:33]:
And it was robot arms here, laser scanners up the wazoo scanning this thing. He goes at 1 point, he goes, oh, they’ve got load sensors when they’ll lift those up and they’re measuring them for the weight, but he goes, sometimes that’s not accurate enough. So there’s a lidar radar up The, laser thing and that’s scanning it and it’s working out the volume from above at the same time. Okay. And then And

Chris [00:18:55]:
because I guess density will change and weight will change with density?

Sam [00:19:00]:
It was it depends on the mass the main sample of how much they’ve got. Yeah. Gets split into 2 and then combined into 1 at the other end. And that goes through this huge machine that’s pulling caps off, putting caps on, washing, doing all the stuff. It’s crazy. And then went into this room and he’s like, every machine in here is worth $1, 000, 000 at least. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:19:18]:
And it seemed like a weird operating room almost. The were just wandering around. That was great.

Chris [00:19:22]:
That’s cool. That’s cool.

Sam [00:19:23]:
And he’s like, let me show you my grease trap, which is what we were there for.

Chris [00:19:27]:
Oh, here we go. Cool. So how’s the information overload at the moment from from work? Is are you getting a handle on it, or is it still a little bit, I’m getting 60% of it.

Sam [00:19:39]:
I’ve got my head around the whole process Right. As a whole.

Chris [00:19:45]:
So when people feed you information, are you easily to go that’s relevant, that’s not, or are you still going,

Sam [00:19:52]:
Well, I just pass it on to the other guy because that’s his call. So when application comes in, he’s the guy that has to make the call Oh,

Chris [00:19:58]:
that’s what you’re just doing.

Sam [00:19:59]:
Which is fine. It’s just the computer system that they use. And I’ve spoken to multiple and people on my level and I sort of mentioned they’re like, yep. Been here 10 years still working it out.

Chris [00:20:13]:
Sounds like telecom.

Sam [00:20:13]:
It’s just got so

Chris [00:20:14]:
many It was

Sam [00:20:15]:
so many steps. Everybody that started goes,

Chris [00:20:19]:
how come this is so old? And was like, because it was bought in 1986. We’ve built on it since then.

Sam [00:20:24]:
And the other thing they’ve just changed, which I didn’t realize was they’ve changed their how they store their content. They they went away from 1 Oh,

Chris [00:20:34]:
you and that to me.

Sam [00:20:35]:
Yeah. They went away from and system into this new system, which is basically Microsoft something like that, The, I think. So it’s all built into Microsoft Teams. Yeah. It’s just folders. That’s Yeah. It looks like, Dropbox or something like that or Google Drive.

Chris [00:20:49]:
I think that yeah. We used that a bit The old version would have been a way old version of it.

Sam [00:20:54]:
So, yeah. So anyway, just trying to figure it out. But they’ve got, like, little steps to everything. There’s a naming convention for every single file and

Chris [00:21:01]:
Yeah. That’s fine though. That’s good though. Yeah. Because it makes it so much easier to find stuff.

Sam [00:21:05]:
Oh, totally.

Chris [00:21:06]:
We we I fought to get decent naming conventions.

Sam [00:21:10]:
Oh, right.

Chris [00:21:10]:
Yeah. Telecom. And we were doing this training, and and somebody was saying, oh, we’ll we’ll file it under day 1, day 2, day 3. And I’m like, no. We won’t. We’ll file it under broadband and mobile and whatever. And we can move those folders to day 1, day 2, or or, tag them as day 1, day 2. We’re not gonna name them day 1, day 2 because it’s gonna find that.

Chris [00:21:32]:
And they just couldn’t get it.

Sam [00:21:33]:
Oh, really?

Chris [00:21:33]:
I nearly quit my job over that at 1 point because it’s so

Sam [00:21:37]:
Weird, you.

Chris [00:21:38]:
No. No. No. No. You can’t do that.

Sam [00:21:40]:
Yesterday, I did preliminary training I guess because it’s not the proper course. It’s sort of our health and safety guy who is an ex cop for 30 years who seems to have crazy stories like every cop I’ve ever met does.

Chris [00:21:52]:
Yeah yeah yeah.

Sam [00:21:53]:
So his training’s sort of like half what we’re supposed to be doing and half is rando stories.

Chris [00:21:58]:
The best training.

Sam [00:21:59]:
But I’ve got a warrant now for Hamilton City Council. So yeah. And I have to get a warrant for all the other councils. I end up with 6 warrants. So then I can do whatever I want.

Chris [00:22:11]:
So you’re the officer for that?

Sam [00:22:13]:
Yeah. But but it was weird because in the training it was 2 from trade waste, 2 from animal control who’ve got completely weird set of rules and then 2 from building compliance. So we’ve all got our own individual warrant with our own individual clauses and stuff.

Chris [00:22:30]:
Yeah yeah.

Sam [00:22:31]:
So 1 of yeah. It was just interesting. But I’ve spoken to the people I work with. They’re like we’ve never used these. We just have to have them. We’ve never gone I’m coming onto your premises if you like it or not. Here’s my warrant.

Chris [00:22:44]:
Right. Right.

Sam [00:22:45]:
Because all the people we deal with most of the time are business people that run sam something or other.

Chris [00:22:52]:

Sam [00:22:53]:
And they’re all okay. They might be angry about paying money or the council in general. Cool. Whatever. But

Chris [00:22:59]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I used to deal with warrants when I did repos.

Sam [00:23:03]:

Chris [00:23:04]:
So I I have the permission and, answer your premises whether you’re here or not to relieve you of those goods.

Sam [00:23:10]:
Yeah. That’s crazy. Yeah. What about oh, real quick. If you want, the council is selling off old parking meters.

Chris [00:23:20]:
Why would you want an old parking meter?

Sam [00:23:22]:
They just said, I think in the blurb I saw it was like, if you need a bunch for some sort of art project or if you want to put and at your friend’s house or something like that. I don’t know. You don’t get the pole, it’s just chopped off and you don’t get a key, but it is open. So I don’t know if

Chris [00:23:38]:
So it’s just the head.

Sam [00:23:39]:
It’s basically just the head. Up until The And

Chris [00:23:41]:
would be good for this is the randomest thought. I don’t know why it popped in my head. Restaurant tables with a table number on top of them. I don’t know the

Sam [00:23:50]:
Maybe. So until 18th August, you can pick 1 up from the Eco store in town or from, 1 of the Habitat for Humanity stores. The $30 each or $25 each if you buy 5 or more. Someone out there is grabbing a bunch of beer for something. I don’t know what.

Chris [00:24:06]:
I don’t know what. I don’t know what.

Sam [00:24:07]:
The other thing I was gonna sam, what is up with the weirdest best friends in the The, old Putin and bloody Kim Jong And, whatever his name is.

Chris [00:24:16]:
Why? What what what have

Sam [00:24:17]:
you been The? Their little their little trip? No. No. I’ve not seen The.

Chris [00:24:21]:
No. No. I’ve been trying to, get off the whole

Sam [00:24:25]:
So Hutin went to North Korea. Right?

Chris [00:24:27]:
Oh, right.

Sam [00:24:27]:
For a little chris. And it’s just so weird watching some of the visuals.

Chris [00:24:31]:
Oh, now now I have to look at all these videos.

Sam [00:24:33]:
Oh, no. It wasn’t even videos. And was news stories. There’s probably I’m assuming there’s probably a good video. They’re like here’s a plaque that looks like a headstone with and of The heads on it. And they’re just all stereo go, oh very good. And online they’re all going, I hope Dennis Rodman turns up and Sego. They did The did not.

Sam [00:24:54]:
And then Putin gave him a car and then they jumped in the car and drove together without their seatbelts. And they’re like, imagine if they crashed and died. And they went flying around. And then, yeah, it was just all this weird stuff. And then when they leave him, Putin’s waving out the window. It is like his best friend.

Chris [00:25:10]:
And Putin flew there or did he go by train?

Sam [00:25:14]:
He must have flown. Oh, yeah. He left on a plane.

Chris [00:25:18]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he

Sam [00:25:18]:
must have arrived on plane. Yeah.

Chris [00:25:20]:
Yeah. Yeah. No. That that would make sense.

Sam [00:25:21]:
So anyway, just the visuals of that look pretty funny. I thought you would have been all over that.

Chris [00:25:26]:
No. No. No. That sounds that sounds good actually.

Sam [00:25:28]:
Auckland is getting a $100, 000, 000 surf park.

Chris [00:25:32]:
Bloody hell. That’s a a lot of money to spend.

Sam [00:25:35]:
Yeah. So they’ve got officially green lit. It’s going to help with all our Olympic people. It’s going to be amazing. They’re going to have

Chris [00:25:43]:
That’s not taxpayer and.

Sam [00:25:45]:
No. It’s backed by Global American Wave Pool Entrepreneurs Aventor to use and includes former All Black star, Sir John Kerwin amongst chris Kiwi partners. I’m assuming there’s some other people there. It looks like it’s gonna go through the fast tracked act. It’s 46 hectares. The company, use Wavegarden and the technology from a Spanish company and they’re the world leaders in wave pools.

Chris [00:26:15]:
Right. So whereabouts in Auckland is this?

Sam [00:26:18]:
Oh that’s a great question. It’s just dairy flats in Auckland’s north up that way.

Chris [00:26:23]:
Alright. So you have to go past Auckland.

Sam [00:26:25]:
Yeah. So Melbourne’s got a wave garden which is apparently really good. There’s only 6 of them in the world Brazil, England, Switzerland, Korea, and the 1 Australia. They’re a game changer apparently for anybody for surfing. They do did you say, and waves an hour that are absolutely perfect every single

Chris [00:26:44]:
time. Well, you know who it’s a game changer for? Who? Content creators on YouTube.

Sam [00:26:49]:
Oh, yeah. We’ve seen videos of those guys

Chris [00:26:51]:
all So many videos. So many videos. But, yeah, I could I could handle hanging out there with a, a camera and just filming some stuff. That’d be fun as.

Sam [00:27:02]:
Yeah. So they’re gonna have, like, little, there’s a restaurant. They’re gonna have and jobs. There’s lodging, all sorts of trails and all chris. And they’ve got consent, so they’re very happy with it.

Chris [00:27:13]:
Oh, that sounds good. That sounds good. I hadn’t heard about that. I have been watching a bunch of films actually recently, so I I watched after our recording with Kyle the other week, I’ve watched both the Dunes. Okay. It was good. I actually did really enjoy them. I think you have to watch them both together.

Chris [00:27:32]:
I mean, I know that’s really long.

Sam [00:27:34]:
Oh, you gotta commit commit to it.

Chris [00:27:36]:
Yeah. You gotta commit to it because The yeah. It really is and film. It’s like just splitting 2.

Sam [00:27:41]:

Chris [00:27:41]:
So it was cool. I really enjoyed that. Adam asked me about Tubi. Have you ever heard of Tubi, TUBI?

Sam [00:27:50]:

Chris [00:27:50]:
Yeah. I hadn’t heard of it before.

Sam [00:27:52]:
So For some reason, I can’t seem to find the download on my phone, like, to install it.

Chris [00:27:57]:
Oh, okay. So I just looked at it online. So I I on on the computer.

Sam [00:28:01]:
So yeah. So so Guy and Harley always mentioned it because they had, I Survived Zombie Holocaust on there, I think.

Chris [00:28:07]:
Oh, really?

Sam [00:28:07]:
And for yes. I think. And then for because yeah. Because there’s a whole bunch of stuff on there. And then Sarah’s got it on her phone. So and then they I’m sure this is right. I could be wrong. She had on her phone.

Sam [00:28:19]:
I don’t know how. It must have got pulled from our play store at some point, but she had it. I don’t know. And I don’t know really know why she has it, but she has it. And then they did an announcement recently, I think, where they said, oh, we’re officially launching in New Zealand or Australia. I don’t know. It’s all sorts crazy, but it’s a really good alternative platform.

Chris [00:28:38]:
Yeah. So I just went to on on the computer. Yeah. And, because he said there’s loads of free movies in The, and there’s some he said, what somebody should do here’s an idea for somebody. Somebody should do is create a blog or something with good pics out of Tubi because it’s really hard to find I bet. And you can fall through, and there’s lots of crap. But he said, check out Red Sun. So I actually watched it this morning Okay.

Chris [00:29:01]:
Red Sun, which is,

Sam [00:29:03]:
And that’s SUN?

Chris [00:29:04]:
Yeah. Charles Bronson.

Sam [00:29:08]:

Chris [00:29:08]:
So it’s an old film. Yeah. Old western. It’s so good. It’s, he’s he’s a, you know, Bandido type dude. Yeah. And robs a train at the beginning, and there’s the Japanese ambassadors, on the train with his 2 shogun, sort of henchmen, whatever bodyguards, and they take these these thieves. Bronson’s a bad guy, but he gets The backstab him sort of thing and take off with all the all the money which he’s interested in getting back and the sword that they were gonna deliver to the president of the United States.

Chris [00:29:46]:
Right? So the Shogun and Bronson team up to go and get the money and the sword. It’s really cool. It’s a good movie, like back for the sixties or whatever it is. But, yeah, so I recommend checking that out, and that’s Yeah. Really cool.

Sam [00:30:03]:
That brings us to The podcast, Chris.

Chris [00:30:04]:
Holy crap. That was quick.

Sam [00:30:06]:
I know. It’s it helps when we have things to talk about. We have learned over almost 10 years of doing this.

Chris [00:30:13]:
Yeah, Lana. Did I mention it’s nearly 10 years? Goddamn it.

Sam [00:30:17]:
I don’t know if she said she was listening to the podcast episodes.

Chris [00:30:20]:
I don’t think she is. Yeah.

Sam [00:30:22]:
So that’s it. Check us The, the Chris Podcast. Until next time. Well, is

Chris [00:30:27]:
there anything coming up? You got anything? Okay. Alright. Alright.

Sam [00:30:31]:
Yep. We’ll cover it next week. I don’t know. Sam? I’m Chris. See you.

Chris [00:30:36]: