
This week we have the Olympics round up which included:

  • Missing out on weigh in by 100 grams
  • The shooter from Turkey
  • Italian medalist with cheese
  • The Kiwi canoe team sucks
  • Man loses out a the high jump

We learn about an argument over what came first, led to murder. To people swallowing bottle caps.

How are Satanists going to help out schools. What are they going to do with the astronauts stuck in space. And we hear the story about RFK and the bear cub.

All this and much more.


Turkish shooter
Man hits high jump bar with his junk
Medalist with cheese
Kiwi canoeist’s suck
Men swallowing a bottle cap
Tourist rush out to save ice cream van washed out to sea
Satanists helping out schools
Astronauts stuck in space
Meta SAM2 is released
RFK and the Bear Story


Show Transcript

This transcript was generated by an AI and may not be 100% accurate. If you have questions about any of the information found here, please reach out to us.

Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello and welcome to episode 493 of the Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to the fix of randomness technology in life. And, of course, it’s weekly. We’ve been doing this since 2014 for some reason. Don’t ask me why. I don’t think we realized it was gonna go for so long. There was no exit plan, of course, but, here we are coming up stuck

Chris [00:00:43]:
in this loop. Help us. Help us, please. No. No. Don’t

Sam [00:00:47]:
say that. Coming up to 500 episodes really soon. 11 till September. The region. 7 PM. Meet us there. Come along and we will do a live podcast recording. Now if you think it’s fancy and flash and it’s gonna blow your mind, maybe.

Sam [00:01:03]:
Don’t don’t have high hopes. There’s 2 guys talking into microphones while making eye contact with the audience At the moment.

Chris [00:01:14]:
That sounds awesome. If there’s anything you’ve, heard from us in the past, some stories you want us to relay, because these stories are always better, live and embellished. Plenty of embellishment likely to happen.

Sam [00:01:27]:
Let us know because it’s very hard for us to remember.

Chris [00:01:30]:
Yeah. Let us know. Or you can let us know beforehand. You can get a hold of us on Facebook or whatever. We can, let us know on the night if you’ve got anything prepared, which is cool.

Sam [00:01:39]:
Or send us a little voice message via, Facebook Messenger. Jamie Oksy did that this week. Shout out to him, replying to his safety squints while using a chainsaw.

Chris [00:01:50]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what do we got?

Sam [00:01:53]:
Do you want the Olympic update for this week?

Chris [00:01:55]:
Do the Olympic update because I still haven’t watched any Olympics.

Sam [00:01:58]:
The Turkey the guy from Turkey Pistol Shooter. You see that?

Chris [00:02:01]:
Oh, I have seen that. The guy, he’s got one hand in his pocket and one arm up and goes bang bang and and gets silver.

Sam [00:02:08]:
Silver. Super casual. Doesn’t have the fancy glasses on. Doesn’t have the fancy earmuffs on. Says, law enforcement shoots with 2 eyes open. Makes sense to me. So he’s pretty good. He’s been doing it for a while.

Sam [00:02:19]:
Now there’s some weird stories floating around about him and one of them that came out that seemed legit because people were sharing it, but I don’t know. Someone must have made it up. I got into I got I decided to get into shooting when I got into a heated argument with my ex wife during a divorce proceeding or something. And then yeah. Weird. But that’s not actually true. I don’t think that’s true and he was I think he’s a mechanic currently and I think back in the day he was in the military or did some military service.

Chris [00:02:53]:
A lot of Turkish people do military service. I think Is

Sam [00:02:56]:
it compulsory?

Chris [00:02:57]:
I don’t know if it’s compulsory or not.

Sam [00:02:59]:
Maybe. But the hand in the pocket is a standard stance that they’re allowed to do. The other people will have their hand behind their back sort of. There are rules around that. So, but the memes coming out of that guy are just great. Just these photos of him everywhere.

Chris [00:03:13]:
It’s funny, actually. The only time I’ve been pistol shooting were is in Hamilton

Sam [00:03:18]:
Oh, yeah.

Chris [00:03:18]:
With a Turkish guy.

Sam [00:03:19]:
Oh, well, there you go. Yeah.

Chris [00:03:21]:
So I he I don’t know how good he was. All I know he’s better than me because I don’t think I hit the wall. I mean, I

Sam [00:03:29]:
must have hit something.

Chris [00:03:30]:
You hit something? But it wasn’t the target. There’s a long time ago. I barely remember it to be honest.

Sam [00:03:36]:
Have you seen photos of the Italian silver medal gymnast sponsored by Parmesan Cheese? No. Okay. So she yeah. Sponsored by a Parmesan cheese company. They’ve got photos or promo photos, I guess, of, her, like, laying on wheels of cheese and What? Doing the splits on wheels of cheese.

Chris [00:04:02]:
Oh my god. I mean, that’s almost as bad as the pole vaulter. Did you see the pole vaulter? The man pole vaulter.

Sam [00:04:07]:
That’s right. So, yes. Yeah. He, well, we were talking about this at home, and I said, he’s a he’s a professional athlete who has worn this stuff before and must know that there’s a potential that his giant schlong could knock off the bar. Like wouldn’t you tape it down in I don’t know. Like strap it down?

Chris [00:04:34]:
I don’t know. I I mean, I don’t think there’s much you can do. Like, if you stuck it between your legs, you’d run funny. Like, it wouldn’t

Sam [00:04:43]:
help. I think there’s something somewhere that I don’t know. Anyway, he missed out. He has had an offer

Chris [00:04:51]:
But but I’m sure he’s not missing out at the village.

Sam [00:04:55]:
I don’t I’m not sure of his, relationship status, but he has been offered quarter of a $1,000,000 by an adult entertainment company.

Chris [00:05:04]:
Oh, really? Yes.

Sam [00:05:05]:
But it sounds like a marketing ploy. Not sure if he’s gonna do it, and it may have just been an online thing, I think. I saw somewhere for like 30 minutes he’ll do some stuff and somebody goes it’s alright. He’ll either finish first or second. Have you heard about the New Zealand canoeing team?

Chris [00:05:23]:
Yeah. The guy the kayak, the new kayak gold medal thing. I saw that in the news.

Sam [00:05:30]:
Tell me what you’re talking about because

Chris [00:05:32]:
So oh, no. There’s a, we got a gold medal.

Sam [00:05:35]:
No. No. No. Not this. No. No.

Chris [00:05:37]:
For this. Well, I did see I’ve watched the news the other day.

Sam [00:05:39]:
Okay. Good.

Chris [00:05:40]:
And they had a guy got a gold medal. I can’t even remember his name.

Sam [00:05:43]:

Chris [00:05:43]:
From South Island.

Sam [00:05:44]:
Not important.

Chris [00:05:45]:
And it was the first time this particular sport’s ever been in there. It’s like a kayak through a 2 mile and

Sam [00:05:53]:
Like a slalom.

Chris [00:05:53]:
Slalom type thing.

Sam [00:05:54]:
Yeah. Okay. Cool. Cool. This is not that. This is a 2 person canoe.

Chris [00:05:59]:
Oh, right. Right. Right.

Sam [00:06:00]:
And New Zealand came dead last, ridiculously last.

Chris [00:06:04]:
Is it what the McDonald Ferguson thing was No.

Sam [00:06:08]:
The day?

Chris [00:06:08]:
No. It’s different from that.

Sam [00:06:09]:
This is oh.

Chris [00:06:10]:
Because that was a 2 person canoe.

Sam [00:06:13]:
It wasn’t 2 person kayak or rowing. No. I don’t know.

Chris [00:06:16]:
What’s the difference between canoe and kayak? It’ll be 2 person kayak.

Sam [00:06:20]:
Yeah. I think they were kayak because there was yeah. I don’t know.

Chris [00:06:22]:
But Canoe’s open? Yeah.

Sam [00:06:23]:
Oh. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:06:24]:
Okay. Alright. Right. Right. Right.

Sam [00:06:25]:
Anyway, they came absolutely dead last. Our guys. So bad. Like at the world stage. And, everybody clapped and cheered just

Chris [00:06:34]:
for the

Sam [00:06:34]:
hell of it you know but it turns out they’d only been canoeing for like 2 months. Yep. But they’re actually kayakers and New Zealand canoeing went through some it’s very hard to understand. Like, I was reading this thing.

Chris [00:06:49]:
I’ve already screwed it up before you started the story.

Sam [00:06:54]:
Yeah. No. But there’s, there’s, they went to all these weird championships around the world to get qualified to get to the Olympics. At one point, they somehow got together some old Australian people in a canoe and some random Samoan team and they barely beat them. And then yeah. So New Zealand, can you said it’s yeah. We got in legitimately. It’s just a bit shady apparently from what I read.

Chris [00:07:22]:
Yeah. No. Because I I saw a, a YouTube short, which is a similar story. This woman at Winter Olympics doing the pipe, the half pipe. She’s going up and barely turning around, like, no tricks. Nothing. Yeah.

Sam [00:07:36]:
She’s just there.

Chris [00:07:37]:
And and they’re like, what is going on? This is the Winter Olympics. And she she gained it. She said they she had to be in 30 competitions, or yeah. No. Ranked in the top 30 of, yeah, 20 or 30 competitions that she had to go. And for 2 years, she went around the world going to these as an amateur entering all these, things. And all she did was go up and down the sides of the pipe. No tricks.

Chris [00:08:05]:
Yeah. She got good enough score because she didn’t fall over. Yeah. That she actually got better scores than some of the people that were doing tricks.

Sam [00:08:12]:
I know. It’s mental. And

Chris [00:08:13]:
she, turned up at the Olympics, ranked 36th in the world.

Sam [00:08:20]:
So the other thing It

Chris [00:08:21]:
was some stupid thing about that.

Sam [00:08:23]:
The other thing I’m going from memory, it’s one of the fighting sports. And this woman didn’t make weigh in and she missed out by 100 grams.

Chris [00:08:33]:
Oh that’s so bad. But I’ve done so I’ve done that.

Sam [00:08:36]:

Chris [00:08:38]:
we had to put on a rubbish I put on a rubbish bag run around This is came back Yep. Stripped down. I was in my undies, and I’m like, oh, I’m still a 100 grams over. And I went to take them off, and they’re like, no. No. You’re good. You’re good. So they let me in.

Sam [00:08:52]:
Well, this woman traditionally is in the 53 kilo or 54 kilo class. The next class up anyway. And she said, I’ve got a better chance of winning if I’m in the class below. And there’s a delay from when they do the weigh in to when they compete or something weird about that, but it’s standard. It got to the point where she cut all her hair off, sweat just like tried to sweat it out overnight. They drew blood from her to reduce her weight. Yeah. And she still missed out.

Sam [00:09:23]:
So she so she yeah. Her whole plan was to be strong in that in that class. Just missed out. No medal for you. But tough man. Anyway, that’s, our Olympic update.

Chris [00:09:36]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because, we had a big weight difference in the classes. So it was under 70 kilograms Yeah. And over 85 kilograms

Sam [00:09:47]:
Yeah. Okay.

Chris [00:09:48]:
That’s a big difference at 15. Was it 85 or 80? I forget whether it’s 85 or 80 because it was 85 when it first started and it changed to 80 at some. So even if it was 80, if I’d just gone in at 70.5 or 71

Sam [00:10:00]:

Chris [00:10:00]:
I’m fighting people that are 9 KG’s higher. That’s a huge weight.

Sam [00:10:04]:
Well, I think that’s what’s happening in judo in the Olympics just to get back to Olympics. 3rd top guy I think is from France and he’s a giant, but I think judo has a bigger weight distribution.

Chris [00:10:16]:
Yeah. Yeah. Like boxing’s really small and narrow, and and part of that’s part of the function of that is there’s a lot more people doing it.

Sam [00:10:23]:
Right? Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:10:24]:
So when you don’t have as many people, which was the thing with Kokushikarate, you don’t have as many whiders. It’s just a wider weight thing. But we only had lightweight, middleweight, and heavy weight. And if you’re over 80, then you’re heavyweight. And if you’re between 70 80, you’re a middleweight. And if you’re under under 70, you’re a lightweight.

Sam [00:10:41]:

Chris [00:10:41]:
And I tried to stick with under 70.

Sam [00:10:45]:
A man in Indonesia stabbed another man to death. Have you ever been drunk and had a debate that you just can’t let go? I can imagine you doing this. Yes. Do you remember what it was about?

Chris [00:10:57]:
No. No. Okay. No. Not really.

Sam [00:11:00]:
So the the victim’s 47 years old. They’re drinking. They must be off their face. They’re joking around talking about random stuff and somehow they get into the talk of what came first, the chicken or the egg. No. I wouldn’t

Chris [00:11:17]:
I don’t think I’d stab anyone over that sort of.

Sam [00:11:19]:
Hang on. The offender gets emotional. Leaves the party, goes home, gets his stabbing weapon, which is a knife, comes back, stabs the dude 15 times till he’s dead. Absolute bonkers.

Chris [00:11:34]:
That’s there’s gotta be more to it than that.

Sam [00:11:37]:
I don’t know but sticking to the drinking theme another question for you because between the 2 of us you’ve drunken more than me. Yep. Have you ever swallowed a bottle cap or come close to it? No. Okay. 3 men over 3 months. That’d be painful I’m thinking. Yeah. Very.

Sam [00:11:56]:
3 men over 3 months in Canterbury turned up at the hospital and couldn’t remember swallowing the bottle caps. This is a one news story. We’ll have the link on our show notes at the and they talked about how they retrieve him and there’s 2 of them they sort of pulled about with a sock type contraption that must be on the end of a thing that jammed down your throat and they grab it but this news article has photos of the bottle caps inside them and one of the photos is really high def. Like really cool. Like

Chris [00:12:28]:
a x-ray photo?

Sam [00:12:29]:
No. The camera that’s jammed down the throat. Oh, it’s

Chris [00:12:31]:
jammed down the throat. Holy shit. Yeah. But it’s

Sam [00:12:34]:
on this one news article, which was interesting. I didn’t know. And they talked about the different methods. Like I had to check to see if I was reading the right website. They were talking about the different methods of how they retrieved it. And one of

Chris [00:12:46]:
them So you don’t just wait for it to pass through?

Sam [00:12:50]:
No, I think it’s too big. There’s a problem.

Chris [00:12:52]:
I don’t know. That makes sense.

Sam [00:12:54]:
One of the guys it ended up in his stomach and then they had to get him to fast and do all sorts of stuff and then they somehow got it out with whatever the situation was.

Chris [00:13:04]:
Magnet up his up his body and slowly drag it up with a magnet back out of his throat. Maybe. I don’t know. This is how technical Chris gets. Maybe. But I

Sam [00:13:15]:
don’t know. Like,

Chris [00:13:17]:
how how

Sam [00:13:17]:
do you not remember doing it? And what are you doing with the bottle cap? Is it in your mouth? And I don’t know. It’s bizarre. And they said this is the emergency room doctor I think it was. They were like we think that of course excessive alcohol consumption is not good. You know, it’s terrible. We’ve got the 2nd highest alcohol consumption, in the whole of New Zealand for the Canterbury region, but one idea maybe to to provide the beers as ice cold because that might slow them down from drinking because they might get brain freeze I’m like, what? Okay.

Chris [00:13:50]:
Yeah. Okay. That doesn’t that doesn’t make sense. I like this short short term game business. This is this is a couple of weeks old now, but, tourists had to rush to save an ice cream van.

Sam [00:14:03]:

Chris [00:14:03]:
They had washed out to sea in Cornwall. Woah. So the ice cream van goes and goes, oh, look at all those people on the beach. I’ll just drive the van all the way down onto the beach and sell my ice creams there. And he sold out because there was loads of people there, and he sold out. And he goes, right. Well, I might go off. I’m assuming.

Chris [00:14:22]:
I’m making this up now. I might go off to the pub. So you’re just leaving the

Sam [00:14:25]:
Oh, leave Mitch. Because I was going okay.

Chris [00:14:28]:
Exactly. Okay. So Exactly.

Sam [00:14:30]:
So he’s he’s he’s taken his earnings. He’s gone to the pub. He’s got drunk. He’s trying not to swallow bottle caps.

Chris [00:14:36]:
And I think that’s what happened.

Sam [00:14:38]:
Because I was gonna say it’s not a fast

Chris [00:14:40]:
because because the the line the the line of the story that makes me think that is the coast guard confirmed that the driver was found safe and was not in the vehicle at the time. No.

Sam [00:14:51]:
But also, like, it’s not an instant thing getting washed out.

Chris [00:14:55]:
No. It takes it. It takes ages. But you’re

Sam [00:14:57]:
gonna So what are all these people doing? They’re trying to, like, stop it?

Chris [00:15:02]:
They tried to drag it out, and, but they

Sam [00:15:05]:
failed. No. They failed. It’s now a submarine. It’s going.

Chris [00:15:09]:
Did. Yeah. They they got it in at the end, but it was just like he was like, I made loads of money. Well, think about that again, buddy. Because he can’t buy anything.

Sam [00:15:18]:
You lost your truck.

Chris [00:15:20]:
And and then you go, is he actually the owner or is he just the dude driving that day? And then you gotta think he’s probably the dude driving that day. So not a good look.

Sam [00:15:31]:
Maybe he was going to run off to 1 of the 19 stores to steal 798 creme eggs in the UK. No?

Chris [00:15:40]:
I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Sam [00:15:42]:
This dude got jailed for 8 months. He he he stole 798 cream eggs from 24 shoplifting offenses. That’s what they charged him for. Now I’m assuming it’s a bit more because that works out 33 eggs each time he goes into a supermarket.

Chris [00:15:56]:
Maybe he’s going to be in a tray. What would be the tray of these? Maybe. 36.

Sam [00:16:00]:
It’s I don’t know. It’s a lot either way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s almost 800 cream eggs. Who knows what else he’s stealing? Yeah. That’s true.

Sam [00:16:09]:
But I’m assuming he’s, like, covered his face is covered in chocolate.

Chris [00:16:15]:
Freaking, they’re ghost of Ghostbusters.

Sam [00:16:19]:
Oh, Slimer.

Chris [00:16:20]:
Slimer. Slimer.

Sam [00:16:21]:
So who knows? But it’s a bit of a random bloody, thing to get. 8 months too. Here, you’d get, like, diversion or maybe some, community service stuff.

Chris [00:16:31]:
Yeah. At the most. At the most. So I love this because this is the Satanists. I’ve said I love Satanists.

Sam [00:16:38]:
Okay. Well, that’s it.

Chris [00:16:39]:
In Florida. Yep. So Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles. Okay. After the governor Ron DeSantis signed a law allowing religious chaplains into public schools and staffing, amid staffing shortages. So he went, oh, no. Well, you know, because you know how he’s everything’s religious and all Bibles now have to be in schools there. So he goes, okay.

Chris [00:17:04]:
Yeah. We’re short of teachers, so we’ve signed a law that people, religious people can come in and and teach. So all these satanists have been applying to b school. I mean, it’s just a troll, but it’s a great troll. I love that. I love that.

Sam [00:17:19]:
Excellent. Hopefully, they do some good in the world. They probably will.

Chris [00:17:23]:
I think they’re doing better than Rob DeSantis already. Have you

Sam [00:17:28]:
heard of this NASA thing with the Boeing capsule?

Chris [00:17:35]:
That actually sounds familiar, but I’m I’m blanking. What’s going on?

Sam [00:17:39]:
So Boeing made a thing called the Starliner spacecraft. Yeah. And they launched it into space with 2 astronauts in it. And it Yeah. That is fire.

Chris [00:17:50]:
Carry on.

Sam [00:17:51]:
Yeah. And it’s supposed to have only been out there for 8 days, I think it is. And it’s now been like 8 weeks. Yeah. And they’re just floating around.

Chris [00:17:59]:
Just because they can’t get them back.

Sam [00:18:01]:
No. So it’s got two problems. It’s got some helium leaks and failed thrusters. Right? And

Chris [00:18:09]:
I forgot about that. Exactly. It’s so bad that it’s like it’s still happening. Yeah. It still happened. But it’s Boeing, so you don’t care.

Sam [00:18:17]:
Well, Boeing Boeing doesn’t want NASA to send up a rescue mission, which is probably going to involve an Elon Musk Dragon Rocket.

Chris [00:18:27]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:18:28]:
Because they’re like, no, no. We need the data from it. We want to just bring it down. We’re going to fix it. So in this 8 weeks, NASA’s been testing something on the ground at their test facility, and they said it looked okay. They’ve been doing some other stuff. They’re thinking that they’re downplaying that Dragon is actually going to go and rescue these people. And they’re like, no.

Sam [00:18:47]:
No. No. That’s not going to happen. And then somewhere here, someone one of the sources said, it’s greater than a 5050 chance they’re gonna come in on this dragon bloody rocket. And, and, yeah, so they’ve done this thing where they’ve given a $270,000 task award to SpaceX for a special study for emergency response. Nothing to do with this.

Chris [00:19:15]:
Nothing to do with this. Nothing to do

Sam [00:19:17]:
with this at all. But somebody working there goes, it’s exactly that, and they’re gearing up for it. So hopefully the astronauts can come back okay no matter what. Yeah. Yeah. We’ll see. Freaking. Because you know Elon’s Boeing.

Sam [00:19:29]:
Oh, yeah. But Elon’s thing might just explode.

Chris [00:19:33]:
Yeah. That’s true. Yeah. Because I shared you, a very good little video on, who’s this effing guy.

Sam [00:19:41]:
That’s right.

Chris [00:19:42]:
Is is a series of YouTube videos, which is worth checking out. There’s a few of them. Just put it right on top.

Sam [00:19:49]:
Yeah. Out of

Chris [00:19:49]:
the way. There’s a few of them, and and they’re quite good. I’ve watched a few of them now and and put the one on Elon is hilarious. So I thought this was interesting. This is a sort of a tech thing, but Meta’s, announced the the SAM 2, which is the segment anything model for videos and images. So if you can see a video here, So there’s a video of a a woman kneading dough, and it just you just click on their hand. You click on her other hand. You click on the dough, and it separates them out in the image.

Chris [00:20:24]:
Oh, okay. Can manipulate it. Okay. And there’s a lot of stuff on this thing. So they’ve got skateboarders and that, and they’ve got, some problems with it. So they have down here somewhere Oh. Some horses, and and the horses look similar. So it loses track of 1 horse as it passes the other and then it’s suddenly, doing the the other horse.

Chris [00:20:44]:
But it’s fascinating little post here on the Sam too, because it’s it really shows you what will be possible later on.

Sam [00:20:53]:
Yeah. So I saw a clip come up on, Instagram reels, and a guy was talking about it this is the clip with the skateboarder. Yeah. And it’s got like a sunburst design I think they call it behind him and it’s tracking behind him and he never ever crosses over and some you know, it’s really clever. And this guy on this Instagram thing, he did one like that and he goes, it can do this and he was like, this is probably the biggest groundbreaking thing according to this guy who I randomly saw. Don’t know who he is. Yeah. For video editing, I think it was, that he said has come out in a very very long time.

Sam [00:21:28]:
Now I don’t know what they’re baking it into. I don’t know if Adobe’s tied in with it somehow.

Chris [00:21:32]:
I I don’t think anything is. They’re sort of open source, which is cool. So it’ll be in all sorts of stuff coming up. Yeah. But it’s so quiet. Like, I I read I put this in the show notes 2 weeks ago, I think, and I’ve heard nothing else about it. Of course, you

Sam [00:21:47]:
know, it depends what you listen to. No. Your average person doesn’t care. That’s why they come to the Chris and Sam podcast, and this is why we’ve been doing it for 10 years Yeah. Yeah. As a public service where we make no money. Okay? Remember that. It’s good.

Chris [00:22:01]:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s that’s entirely right. Have you heard of the term surveillance pricing before?

Sam [00:22:08]:
Okay. This is what I think it is. You tell me if I’m right or wrong. Is this when you have AI cameras in a store and it tracks the shoppers when they go around and it’s sort of adjusting prices on the fly?

Chris [00:22:20]:
It is adjusting prices on the fly, but it’s not necessarily because of cameras in a store.

Sam [00:22:27]:

Chris [00:22:28]:
So it could be you’re going to it’s more often you’re going to a website.

Sam [00:22:32]:

Chris [00:22:33]:
And say say you’re going to book a hotel

Sam [00:22:36]:
Oh, yes.

Chris [00:22:36]:
And it goes it looks at your cookies and goes, oh,

Sam [00:22:39]:
you’ve No. You bought your tickets. No. Air New Zealand is terrible for this, I think. Or they used to be. So if you looked at a flight and then you went back, oh, there’s only 3 seats left and it’s an extra $100. But you could open a private browser.

Chris [00:22:53]:

Sam [00:22:53]:
Yeah. So always open a private browser.

Chris [00:22:55]:
Yeah. Yeah. Because yeah. If if you already bought tickets to an airline when you’re going for the hotel, they’ll put the price up. But if you don’t or if they can’t find it, they’ll they’ll keep the price lower so to entice you to take the trip. Nice. So all sorts of things like that. And and I haven’t got any notes on it.

Chris [00:23:15]:
I forgot where I was.

Sam [00:23:16]:
It’s been around for a long time.

Chris [00:23:18]:
But I’d never heard the term before, and I No. I

Sam [00:23:20]:
hadn’t heard the term.

Chris [00:23:21]:
Yeah. So that means pricing. And I thought thought it was interesting, so I’ve got a story that I want to end on, which is hilarious. Well, I think it’s funny. Yeah.

Sam [00:23:30]:
You think so. You’ve got another 6 minutes. I will tell you about a website that’s very handy if you want to read an article that’s behind a paywall, let’s say the Herald website. Just go to archive. Is. I can archive because the last one you told me

Chris [00:23:45]:
to use didn’t freaking work.

Sam [00:23:47]:
That’s user error on your part. No. So this one,, Take the page that you want to read. Paste it into this thing. Hit go. And it goes, this was archived 3 hours ago or whatever. Just read the whole article for free. It’s great.

Chris [00:24:03]:
Alright. That’s pretty cool. That’s pretty cool. What do I haven’t got this written down. What did Bill Clinton Mhmm. George a w Bush

Sam [00:24:14]:

Chris [00:24:15]:
And Barack Obama Yeah. Who are all presidents, so we know that ex presidents. What else do they have in common?

Sam [00:24:22]:
Is this their combined age is less than thing?

Chris [00:24:26]:
Close though.

Sam [00:24:27]:
It’s something like that.

Chris [00:24:28]:
Yeah. They’re all younger than than Donald Trump, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but Bill Clinton came into power Yeah. That’s right. 30 years ago. Yeah.

Sam [00:24:37]:
Yeah. And

Chris [00:24:38]:
and and, yeah. And Bush was, 20 years ago or something. And so and they’re still younger Trump is today. Seeing as

Sam [00:24:47]:
we’re on a little political, segment of the podcast, what do you think about the vice the running mate for Carmela?

Chris [00:24:54]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wolves is good.

Sam [00:24:56]:
He seems pretty good, hey?

Chris [00:24:58]:
I think he’s perfect.

Sam [00:24:59]:
He seems like a nice I hopefully nothing comes out. That’s absolute bat shit. But he seems like a legitimately good nice person maybe?

Chris [00:25:07]:
Yeah. Yeah. So he’s he got into, Minnesota as the governor.

Sam [00:25:12]:

Chris [00:25:13]:
And he was he only squeaked in. Like, it it was, a red state Yeah. And he’s blue. So he he squeaked in, but now they’re all blue. Like, the the senate, the, congress, and the and and him as governor are all Democrats, and they’ve been moving things along significantly.

Sam [00:25:32]:
So Good.

Chris [00:25:33]:
As soon as the Roe v Wade thing came up and they abortion they banned abortions, he immediately wrote wrote in a law

Sam [00:25:40]:

Chris [00:25:41]:
That it’s all good in Minnesota. Yeah. Right? And, he’s he’s well known for this law that he put in that all kids get breakfast and lunch Yeah. For all the schools throughout the the count the state. And so he is very democratic and he’s because he’s 20 years as a, in the military and 20 years as a teacher. He married a teacher. His brother’s a teacher. His brother married a teacher.

Chris [00:26:05]:
His mother’s a teacher. It’s very, very teacher vibes. And he was a winning coach in in in the school as well. So yeah. Yeah. I reckon he’ll do really well. And it’s it’s funny too because we talked about this last week where I said or or a couple of weeks ago where I said, you know, did did they, like, wait until after their the Republican conference and then grab you know, and then Biden jumped off? Well, they’ve been pulling out, you know, waiting. Who’s it gonna be? Who’s it gonna be? And they put balls in, and all the oppo was done on Shapiro first, and then maybe Kelly, and maybe this other

Sam [00:26:44]:
dude. Okay.

Chris [00:26:45]:
And so the Good. Good. The Republicans are pulling their hair out again and going, who the hell’s this guy? Like

Sam [00:26:51]:
Oh, good on you.

Chris [00:26:53]:
That’s hilarious. But I love it because he just makes some jokes because he was like, you’ve heard the couch joke with JD Vance.

Sam [00:27:00]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw that.

Chris [00:27:01]:
Yeah. Yeah. So he made the joke of that and and stuff. So he’s they’re not that they know both Harris and him are trolling

Sam [00:27:10]:

Chris [00:27:10]:
The Republican’s heart. And I think that’s beautiful. I think that’s what’s because Biden doesn’t know how to troll anyone.

Sam [00:27:17]:
Not really. No.

Chris [00:27:17]:
But these guys are trolling hard. It’s it’s it’s glorious.

Sam [00:27:21]:
Excellent. Delicious. Now you’re gonna end on RFK bear story. Is that right?

Chris [00:27:25]:
Yep. Okay. I don’t

Sam [00:27:26]:
know what any of this means.

Chris [00:27:27]:
Okay. So this has just come up and I’ve got a link to the video where, somebody goes through it. So but anyway, I’m gonna tell the story just because I enjoyed it so much. So this video has come up. So RFK was falconing

Sam [00:27:43]:
As you do. Of

Chris [00:27:44]:
state with friends. Very relatable.

Sam [00:27:46]:
It was so relatable. I actually have my falcon and glove in the car as we record this. The falcon’s not here. Of course, they’re too bloody noisy for a podcast, but carry on.

Chris [00:27:57]:
Anyway, as they were driving, from one place to another, like, I don’t know I don’t know how falconing works, to be honest.

Sam [00:28:04]:
I don’t know. Arm out and

Chris [00:28:05]:
a falcon appears. Driving somewhere to go falconing. Yeah. Anyway, someone hit a beer cub,

Sam [00:28:11]:
and she saw

Chris [00:28:11]:
it on the road.

Sam [00:28:12]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:28:12]:
So RFK stops the car, jumps out, grabs the bear cub because it wasn’t too banged up. And he knows that by state law, you can legally get a tag to and eat a bear that’s killed as a result of roadkill.

Sam [00:28:27]:
Okay. So he’s like Okay.

Chris [00:28:28]:
Oh, hang on. I’m having that from the freezer. Yeah. Taking that home, skinning it in the freezer, bare meat.

Sam [00:28:34]:

Chris [00:28:34]:
Awesome. Alright. So then they go back on with the falcony, which went really late, And they got heaps because they were getting heaps and heaps of game. They were just the game was all over the place, and the falcons were were just

Sam [00:28:45]:
The best falconing day ever. Ever.

Chris [00:28:47]:
Ever. So he he he got a bit carried away with falconning, didn’t have time to go home before heading to dinner at this fancy restaurant. Yeah. So he just left the dead bear in the car. Yeah. You know? And and this restaurant apparently valet type thing. So it’s it’s probably like, don’t mind the dead bear. Just pack Wouldn’t it

Sam [00:29:05]:
be in the boot? But anyway, carry on.

Chris [00:29:07]:
I’m wondering, what do you wear falconing? And do you go to a fancy restaurant in the same gear that you wear falconing? I don’t know.

Sam [00:29:15]:
If you’re asking the question, restaurant. Exactly. So, anyway, after

Chris [00:29:20]:
the dinner, which presumably was a long thing in itself, he realized, oh, I’ve got to jump on a flight, and I can’t leave the car dead beer in the car at the airport. That’s not a good look.

Sam [00:29:33]:
Okay. No. Yeah.

Chris [00:29:34]:
So what would you do? Presumably, he’s had a few drinks at this point.

Sam [00:29:38]:
I don’t know. Jam it in a I don’t know. Throw it out the car.

Chris [00:29:41]:
Well, he goes, stroking his chin, he goes, there’s been a few, accidents with bicycles at, at Central Park recently. Wouldn’t it be hilarious? Because I have a bicycle in the boot of the car. We What type of vehicle is this? I’m assuming some ute thing. He goes, I got a bicycle that my friend wanted me to get rid of for him. Yeah. And I’ve got a dead bear. So I’ll go to Central Park, and I’m gonna put the bear and the bike on a trail and stage it. So it looks like somebody hit the bear with a bike and then ran off.

Sam [00:30:17]:

Chris [00:30:17]:
And the bear died. So he does this. This is in 2014. Yeah. It becomes national news. There’s cops there going, where’d this bear come from in Central Park?

Sam [00:30:29]:
There’d be all these wildlife people going, what’s going on?

Chris [00:30:32]:
What the hell’s going on? So, anyway, so he thinks this is hilarious. We know this now because a video’s just surface surfaced of him telling the story to comedian Roseanne Barr, who’s looking really confused.

Sam [00:30:50]:
Why would he be telling this story on video?

Chris [00:30:54]:
But it’s RFK. This is the brain worms guy, if you if you remember the earlier, tutorial Yeah.

Sam [00:31:02]:
Go go back to the archives and find out about your brain worms.

Chris [00:31:05]:
Anyway, so RFK, he’s still in the running for president of the United States.

Sam [00:31:11]:

Chris [00:31:14]:
I’m sorry. I hope you find that hilarious.

Sam [00:31:16]:
I know.

Chris [00:31:16]:
That was great.

Sam [00:31:17]:
That was great. It was a combination of my favorite falconing mixed with wildlife. And, you know, it it

Chris [00:31:23]:
tract taking maybe? Combines. Alcohol.

Sam [00:31:26]:
Yeah. Combines everything people wanna hear on a podcast. You’re welcome. With that, that brings us to the end of this episode. Make sure to check us out at the Chris and Sam podcast dot com. As always, I’m Sam. I’m Chris. See you.

Chris [00:31:39]: