
In this weeks episode we talk about the Air NZ lolly jar that has been making it’s way around the country. We found out that VR in retirement homes is a thing.

Chris learned all about Spike Ball this week and recommends the movie Get out.

And we round things off with a talk about Trump and his latest expensive offerings and what he did during the pandemic.

All this and more, ready for you.


AIR NZ and their giant lolly container
Chris learns about Spike Ball
Get Out
Trumps new Watch
Trump helping out Putin

Show Transcript

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Chris [00:00:26]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology and life brought to you every week in 30 minute increments.

Chris [00:00:34]:
Oh, very flash words this morning. Okay. So how are you doing?

Sam [00:00:38]:
This well, it’s Well, it depends where

Chris [00:00:41]:
when they’re listening to it. I know it’s not this morning, but they could be listening to

Sam [00:00:44]:
it tomorrow. At quarter past 5 at night. I’m doing good. I don’t know about you. Are you having a stroke?

Chris [00:00:51]:
No. I’m all good. I’m all good.

Sam [00:00:53]:
Did you see this week the giant lolly container? You know what I’m talking about?

Chris [00:00:56]:
What you’re talking about.

Sam [00:00:57]:
So Air New Zealand in their infinite list?

Chris [00:01:00]:
Yes. I did. Now I know what you’re talking about. Because I walked past there and went, what’s that big thing in the middle of Garden Place? Oh. Oh, you saw it. I did see it.

Sam [00:01:08]:
On the one day that it was there.

Chris [00:01:09]:
Alright. Yeah. So I

Sam [00:01:10]:
was only there to

Chris [00:01:10]:
I thought, oh, I’ll come back and I’ll put a vote in later.

Sam [00:01:13]:
You can you could you could just go to the website link. Yep. So it was about 4.5 meters tall, the woman told us. 2.5 meters across. And we had to guess That’s huge. Yeah. Had to guess how many was in there. She was like, oh, there’s a metal beam in the middle.

Sam [00:01:28]:
Right? So

Chris [00:01:29]:
because I was gonna say, it’s it’s probably got a hollow core.

Sam [00:01:33]:
No. It doesn’t. Oh, really? They said the only thing in the middle is this metal beam.

Chris [00:01:38]:

Sam [00:01:38]:
But over time and during that day, they keep sinking, and there’s a gap at the top. Because when they filled, it was complete to the top. So you could sort of see this weird square structure. So I think there was 4 beams coming down, not one, as she said. Anyway, chat g p t put it in, told them the lolly size, dimensions, gave me some estimates of what it thought that volume could hold. So we’re in the millions. Yep. So they’re giving away a 1000000 air points, and the big one is 50,000 air points.

Sam [00:02:12]:
And every time you vote, you can get random points given to you. And somebody in the office got it on the very first day, and I got it on Sunday. So I got 500 air points, which is $500 worth of, flights, I guess. Nice. So it’s good. Still going

Chris [00:02:28]:
I should have entered. I just I just had a quick look. I walked over to see what was going on and and realized though the and New Zealand lollies. I’m like, god.

Sam [00:02:37]:
I will send you the I’ll send you the lolly.

Chris [00:02:38]:
New Zealand lolly now, and then I yeah. I forgot all

Sam [00:02:41]:
But it was funny because one of the person goes, oh, yeah. We’re just gonna reuse these and hand them out at the end. And it’s like, no. No. No. There’s a whole section that’s just sweating in your meat glass and metal tube that’s heating by the sun. Like, it’s gonna be absolute mess. We were waiting till the end of the day out of our office, but there’s a tree sort of blocking our view.

Sam [00:03:01]:
We were the logistics of moving it, I was like, it has to be I assume it was high abed, but I couldn’t figure out what the points were, like, how they did it. And we think it got laid down.

Chris [00:03:12]:
Oh, really?

Sam [00:03:13]:
Because it’s quite tall. That was huge. Like, to get on the back of a truck Yeah. Made no sense. Anyway, its final destination is in Dunedin. I can’t remember when that’s happening. I don’t know if that’s today or tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow.

Sam [00:03:24]:
It only had 11 stops over so many days.

Chris [00:03:28]:
So it’s working its way down since what you said?

Sam [00:03:31]:
Yeah. Yeah. And we were I was joking that that’s gonna be the emergency food for the people of Dunedin due to the flooding.

Chris [00:03:39]:
The flooding, are they?

Sam [00:03:40]:
Yep. I knew you hadn’t heard of that one. I had no idea.

Chris [00:03:42]:
Yep. Missing everything.

Sam [00:03:44]:
Yep. So they had a pretty decent, state of emergency down there for a little bit.

Chris [00:03:48]:
Oh, really?

Sam [00:03:48]:
Because of the flooding. Okay.

Chris [00:03:51]:
Alright. Didn’t

Sam [00:03:51]:
Not because it’s Dunedin.

Chris [00:03:54]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Alright.

Sam [00:03:55]:
So that was all good. Yeah.

Chris [00:03:56]:
We’re talking about flooding. I was just telling Ed, Ed freaking Sam earlier. Oh my god.

Sam [00:04:02]:
He’s wiring on all cylinders today.

Chris [00:04:05]:
Yeah. So, Nat, who I work with, who does listen to the podcast, is currently in Florida. And the storm, hurricane Melinda, I think it is. Melinda? I think it’s Melinda. Is, hitting there about, like, literally as we’re recording this. However, she is about 400 k’s away from where it’s supposed to be making landfall. So she said similar to distance between Wellington and Christchurch. She’s from Christchurch.

Chris [00:04:35]:
So she goes, probably won’t notice it too much, but still went out and bought an emergency bottle of wine and other secure, safety requirements.

Sam [00:04:46]:
Now sometimes when you say things that don’t sound right to me, but I don’t know what the actual answer is, it’s hurricane Milton.

Chris [00:04:51]:
Milton? I know it’s a m.

Sam [00:04:53]:
I know. I know. You’re getting there.

Chris [00:04:54]:

Sam [00:04:54]:
So the top story right now as we’re recording this because apparently it’s only category 2 at the moment. Like, it’s it it ramped up and then went back down quite quickly.

Chris [00:05:02]:
Oh, really? Yeah. Because they were saying it was gonna be a 5 when it hit. That’s what they

Sam [00:05:05]:
were Yeah.

Chris [00:05:06]:
Saying 2 days ago.

Sam [00:05:07]:
I don’t think it stayed at the 5 level.

Chris [00:05:09]:
Okay. So

Sam [00:05:09]:
it dropped off. Oh,

Chris [00:05:09]:
that’s good.

Sam [00:05:10]:
But it has destroyed a stadium’s roof. But that’s okay. They’ll probably fundraise and get that back in no time.

Chris [00:05:17]:
Yeah. Because, you know, stadiums in the the states, as we know from John Oliver, they’re paid for by the public and then profited by the corporation that owns them.

Sam [00:05:26]:
That’s right. It’s the it’s the dream. Hey. Today, I was at a rest home, lurking around as I do. And, yep. And, You’ll

Chris [00:05:35]:
work on, I’m assuming.

Sam [00:05:36]:
Well, you could assume that. I’m not gonna maybe. But, anyway, up the front, they had all these contractors everywhere, and they were, like had the sand, and they’re, like, leveling it all out. And they re and I’ve been there before, so I knew what they were doing. They were redoing the bowling ring out the front. Right?

Chris [00:05:53]:
Right. Right. Right.

Sam [00:05:53]:
And I was talking to the manager, and I was like, oh, man. That’s pretty cool, like, redoing that. And she goes, yeah. Yeah. It’s pretty excited. Our residents are quite liking to get you know, have that ready for summer and all that. And, also, we’re just setting up our virtual reality room. I’m like, oh, are you? She goes, yeah.

Sam [00:06:11]:
She goes it’s a bit rugged looking right this second but we’ve got all the equipment everything’s here we’re just gonna have it look a bit nicer because you know some of the residents are a little bit apprehensive about it but they’re gonna be able to do golf and all sorts of this extra stuff so I don’t know what system they’re using or anything. And she goes, the staff are getting trained tomorrow in it. And I was like, that’s pretty cool.

Chris [00:06:33]:
I don’t know who No. It’s great. Well, I think it’s great because it, yeah. So we use VR all the time, and the mini golf specifically is what we play all the time. And it is quite fun. I I can see it being a little some of them won’t like it.

Sam [00:06:49]:
No. No. No. They

Chris [00:06:50]:
won’t much won’t like it. Exactly. Because you feel out of control. Like, the mini golf we do, you you’re sort of walking over really random things, and you’re walking on glass with a great big drop below you and Yeah. Stuff like that. Yeah. Anyway, okay.

Sam [00:07:05]:
I just thought it was interesting coming from a rest home. Yeah. No. They they Like, of all the things they could potentially come up with.

Chris [00:07:11]:
In a way, it’s it it allows people with limited mobility to do more than they could otherwise.

Sam [00:07:17]:
They just have to try it for once Yeah. And go, is this for me? Yes or no? But I said, I think they’d quite like it once they get started.

Chris [00:07:23]:
And the social work, like, that’s why I mentioned the mini golf that we play. It’s for the social. You can actually have a quite a good chat, yarn, and have a play. Yeah.

Sam [00:07:33]:
So I don’t know what else I’d be doing with it. Like, because there’s a lot of different options. I don’t know if they’d be like, oh, here’s a bow and arrow. Go kill those monsters.

Chris [00:07:40]:
Yeah. No. I don’t think they’ll do that. But, but, yeah, they might. Yeah. I suppose there’s a bunch of different things they can do. It all depends again on their mobility, and and there are things they can do with that. Hey.

Chris [00:07:52]:
Now do you recall I vaguely remember this because I think it’s something you brought up, so you might remember it. The that we did, blood bricks, something about going to Mars and making bricks to make the huts out of human blood.

Sam [00:08:09]:
Okay. Don’t remember it, but sounds like something we would have talked about.

Chris [00:08:12]:
I’m pretty sure it’s something you talked about. And I’ve realized I’ve written it down with the update of it, and I didn’t put the link to the update. So that’s brilliant.

Sam [00:08:21]:
Do you know what the update is?

Chris [00:08:23]:
The update is that scientists have decided potatoes make better bricks than blood, human blood. So they’re gonna send potatoes to Mars instead and use them for bricks.

Sam [00:08:36]:
What are they gonna do? You know, what are they gonna try next?

Chris [00:08:41]:
I don’t know. But I I guess the point is they can send potatoes to Mars, maybe grow them there and make bricks with them. I don’t know.

Sam [00:08:48]:
Well, they’re following The Martian, the movie.

Chris [00:08:50]:
The movie The Martian. Yeah.

Sam [00:08:52]:
The movie, which I’ve only seen bits and pieces of.

Chris [00:08:55]:
But but potatoes were a a key aspect to that movie. Yes.

Sam [00:08:59]:
No doubt. Excellent.

Chris [00:09:01]:
Yes. So that’s cool. Have you heard of Spikeball? Oh, damn it. This was another thing I was gonna look at before.

Sam [00:09:10]:
Don’t ruin it. It sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t think what it is. I

Chris [00:09:15]:
I’d never heard of it. I saw I was going for a walk around the uni the other day

Sam [00:09:19]:

Chris [00:09:19]:
I normally do.

Sam [00:09:20]:
This is the little trampoline looking thing? Yes. They play it, yes. I brought this up, I think, on the podcast, but didn’t know what it was called. They play it, you know, opposite the lake where they play all the cricket? Yep. There. There was, like, one time, there was, like, 7 of them rode up.

Chris [00:09:36]:
Yeah. So it’s 3 or 4, 4 of them, I think, playing it out there, and it it was an interdorm competition for the residents

Sam [00:09:44]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:09:45]:
Of the uni. Right?

Sam [00:09:46]:

Chris [00:09:46]:
Yeah. But I went over and went, what is that? What’s going on? So yeah. So it’s like a mini trampoline. You had

Sam [00:09:51]:
did you?

Chris [00:09:52]:
No. Okay. Teams of 4, 22v2 Okay. Okay. And you start off because I I did ask him this. I said, do they have to be side by side? He goes, they start off side by side, but they move around the

Sam [00:10:06]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:10:07]:
Your your teammates could be on anywhere. Okay. Go. So it’s

Sam [00:10:11]:
like What’s the

Chris [00:10:11]:
point? It’s like volleyball. Yep. And but instead of going over the net, the 3rd hit has to hit the champ. So you can do so you spike it at the champ. Okay. And then somebody will pop it up, and the other one will place it into an open thing, and then you spike it again for that opposition. Although, you could just hit it once down

Sam [00:10:33]:

Chris [00:10:33]:
Again. But, you know, you’ve got up to 3 hits.

Sam [00:10:35]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:10:36]:
Okay. But the beauty of it is it’s so much more portable than a volleyball net.

Sam [00:10:40]:
Oh, yeah. Totally.

Chris [00:10:41]:
Because it’s exactly sort of the same skill set as volleyball. You know what I mean. So yeah. No. I was pretty impressed with that. But I didn’t get a chance to look at the balls.

Sam [00:10:49]:
Did you have you seen the balls? No. Because

Chris [00:10:51]:
it looked like a tennis ball, but it looked like it was the size of a softball. And that’s what I wanted to look at before, this thing, but I forgot all about it. But, yeah, it it looks, yeah, it was it looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

Sam [00:11:04]:
Yeah. I don’t know how popular it is.

Chris [00:11:06]:
Because he I said, oh, where’d this come from? He he goes, oh, it it started off with Shark Tank. Well, at least that’s how it got made famous with the Oh, really? I was like, oh, isn’t didn’t pickleball start that way too? Pretty sure pickleball was on Shark Tank when it first came out.

Sam [00:11:23]:
I will believe you, but I’m not sure. Yeah. No. That’s cool. That’s good that you found out more about it. Because I I have seen it in the past, and they all seem to be quite involved in it. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:11:35]:
I didn’t really know what was going on.

Chris [00:11:36]:
Yeah. No. It looks like fun. Looks like something the oldies could do. I I’d give it a go.

Sam [00:11:43]:
Well, you are certified old.

Chris [00:11:45]:
Yes. What else? What have you got going on? What’s what’s Not much else. What’s random in your world?

Sam [00:11:52]:
Nothing. I don’t have I don’t have time for anything.

Chris [00:11:56]:
So I did see a a quite a this is very technical and scientific, so I’m not gonna go into it very much.

Sam [00:12:03]:
That’s okay. You just give your, take on it.

Chris [00:12:06]:
I’ll give my take on it. So there’s evidence of negative time has been found in some quantum physics experiments. And I read this, early in the morning when my brain was still functioning, and and I I found it fascinating. We’ll look to the story here. But, but, basically, physicists have shown that, photons can be seen or they appear to exit a material before they enter it Yep. Creating a negative time factor in the equation.

Sam [00:12:41]:

Chris [00:12:42]:
So it’s very limited. Like, it this is not going to lead to time travel. Just saying.

Sam [00:12:48]:

Chris [00:12:50]:
But in these, you know, in the quantum universe, like, when you’re getting down to that level, it actually has it appears that they’ve they’ve proven negative time. They’ve it’s gotta be peer reviewed some more and stuff. But, yeah, it’s pretty weird. Hey. Quantum sis, really.

Sam [00:13:07]:
Have you read the book? Because I’m 30% of the way through it. I read a little bit every week. A Short History of Nearly Everything. No. Okay. That’s by Bill Bryson.

Chris [00:13:18]:
Yes. I’ve heard heard it’s fantastic. I wonder if I’ve got it if I got a copy of it. I might

Sam [00:13:24]:
You probably do. Order. It’s it’s the first part of it is talking all about that and the size of the universe and how they the scientists that come up with stuff. And some of these scientists are absolutely amazing, didn’t really know anybody, and didn’t get the credit until, like, 50 100 years later. Yeah. And some of the stuff they just thought about. They were just like, oh, this is how it would work without not knowing anything. It’s bizarre.

Sam [00:13:49]:

Chris [00:13:49]:
I saw another little, TikTok type thing or or whatever, a short Yeah. Of, what’s that English science guy’s name? Anyways, talking about Einstein, and he was like, Einstein decided that there would be these 2, stars that would circle each other in a certain way, da da da da da, and they would come together like 7 millimeters a year if this happened.

Sam [00:14:15]:
Oh, right. Yeah.

Chris [00:14:16]:
And they found them. And it was exactly and it was 7 millimeters a year. They’re like, the equations will work perfectly.

Sam [00:14:22]:
That’s crazy, as

Chris [00:14:22]:
And he and he goes, he did that 70 years before we even knew how to look for these things.

Sam [00:14:29]:
So there was there’s a couple of it’s interesting because they do talk about Einstein in this book. There’s a couple of instances where he doesn’t agree with some other scientists, and he was, like, fully not no. I’m not looking into that, but he probably should have. And, randomly, they’re talking about the scientist. I don’t know what his name is, but he is the guy that invented, unleaded fuel. No. Sorry. Leaded fuel.

Sam [00:14:56]:
Leaded fuel. And he thought this is great, so he caused a big burden on the world. And then at some point, he made CFCs, which everywhere I thought was great to go in fridges and things, and he’s the man that basically single handedly destroyed the ozone layer, which I read in this book is something like, if you spread it out, it’s only 2 millimeters thick. Like, that’s how anyway. So and then this dude was, like he got real sick or something. So, how do you think he died?

Chris [00:15:22]:
I’m gonna say lead poisoning, but

Sam [00:15:24]:
No. He sort of and and, you know, they had these different groups that were doing peer reviews on lead and that, and they’re like, no. It’s fine, you know. And it and I think they finally got rid of some lead based stuff in, like, 1980, even though they all knew about it. No. This guy ended up with some sort of disability. I don’t know if it was Parkinson’s or something, and he made a contraption that would help him stretch his body or help him in bed or some bloody thing. Anyway, it, went wrong, tangled him up, and basically strangled him to death in his sleep.

Chris [00:15:55]:
I I should I should I shouldn’t laugh at that, but yeah.

Sam [00:16:02]:
No. It’s it’s a

Chris [00:16:03]:
that’s that’s

Sam [00:16:03]:
that’s pretty much what they said. And they just I

Chris [00:16:06]:
have to read this book. So the Bill Bryson book, you reckon, is well worth it?

Sam [00:16:09]:
Yeah. It’s it’s pretty dense, but he does a really good job of explaining little things because he says that stuff. And, now I’m up to the point about geology, which everybody thought was a joke science. Yep. And nobody really cares. So they’re talking about tectonic plates and stuff now. So they’d be like this guy goes, well, you can see that this continent and this continent join together, and people, like, you’re absolutely crazy, man. We’ve sent people to that place.

Sam [00:16:33]:
They’ve gone around. They’ve looked. That’s not right. And they’re like, oh, okay. So there’s a lot of discredit. It’s crazy. Good stories.

Chris [00:16:41]:
Yeah. No. That’s cool. Have you ever so this is the Chris being an old man thing again. I finally got around to watching Which what? What? Get Out.

Sam [00:16:52]:
Get Out. Jordan Peele’s Get Out. I haven’t seen it.

Chris [00:16:56]:
Have you not seen it? No. You have to see it. So everybody’s been on at me for ages, and by everyone, I’m mostly saying Adam.

Sam [00:17:03]:
I know.

Chris [00:17:04]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:17:05]:
Don’t don’t don’t don’t have a go at me, Adam. I’m too busy.

Chris [00:17:08]:
Yeah. No. You have to I’ll give I’ll I’ll give you a copy of it. You have to

Sam [00:17:11]:
Okay. Get out.

Chris [00:17:12]:
Actually really, really, really good. So, and and the problem one of the reasons I didn’t watch it was everybody’s going, it’s really, really good, but I can’t tell you what happens because I’ll just give it all away.

Sam [00:17:25]:
Oh, okay. Yeah. One of those films.

Chris [00:17:27]:
The little bit that I did know, which I thought I knew what was happening, I was like, really wanna watch a pro movie like that. Watch it. It’s really worth watching. It’s great. So okay.

Sam [00:17:38]:

Chris [00:17:38]:
That’s cool. I feel good that you hadn’t watched that.

Sam [00:17:41]:
No. No. No. No.

Chris [00:17:42]:
No. We I wanted to get

Sam [00:17:44]:
on to

Chris [00:17:44]:
all that I’m waiting to talk about. Everything that you know that I’m just bursting

Sam [00:17:49]:
at the scene to talk about. Been a while. Okay. I’ll just I’ll mentally brace myself. I’m in another room. So so

Chris [00:17:57]:
I wanna go on my Trump rant.

Sam [00:17:58]:
What’s the up to now? Well, first

Chris [00:18:00]:
of all, I don’t know if you’ve heard the latest, but Probably not. Before the latest, I what I wanted to talk about was was the watch. So you heard about the watches? No. Oh my god. So You’re you’re, like, days behind, bro.

Sam [00:18:14]:
Anyway I’m okay with that, and I’m not gonna lose sleep. So hang on. So he has a whole bunch of products that he’s endorsed or brought out or whatever. And Yep. I mean, I remember the shoe. Yep.

Chris [00:18:25]:
So there’s the the sneakers, various sneakers now because he did the assassination sneaker.

Sam [00:18:29]:
Of course he did. Yeah.

Chris [00:18:30]:
Fight, fight, fight.

Sam [00:18:31]:

Chris [00:18:32]:
He, actually, there’s news today as well because, somebody, looked into his bibles. You remember his son’s

Sam [00:18:39]:
bible he was. The bibles with

Chris [00:18:40]:
the constitution and the bill of rights. Yeah. But that didn’t include the amendment that got rid of slavery for some reason. They didn’t wanna keep that as that.

Sam [00:18:49]:
Yeah. Okay.

Chris [00:18:50]:
No no meaning to that. But, yeah, it’s just come out that they so he sells them for $60.

Sam [00:18:55]:
Are they lead based?

Chris [00:18:56]:
No. It comes out that he’s been buying them for China.

Sam [00:19:00]:
I mean, that’s no surprise. He’s not Yeah.

Chris [00:19:02]:
But I’m just They, finally figured it out, and they’re like, he’s selling for $60. They’re buying for $3 from China.

Sam [00:19:10]:
Oh, woah.

Chris [00:19:11]:
He goes, if they sold them if they bought them from the States because there’s a lot of bible manufacturers in

Sam [00:19:17]:
the States. Yeah. Totally.

Chris [00:19:18]:
It would cost them $10.

Sam [00:19:20]:
Oh, wow.

Chris [00:19:21]:
That’s $7 profit. Yeah. He’d only make 50, not 57 on every by I

Sam [00:19:27]:
guess, percentage wise, it makes sense. But there is a big thing where you see people online. It doesn’t matter what industry or what they’re in or whatever. In America, gotta buy American made.

Chris [00:19:38]:
Yeah. And and I get it. And then it’s a it’s a thing particularly for them at the moment or particularly since COVID where a lot of people lost work and stuff.

Sam [00:19:46]:
So yeah. So anyway anyway He’s brought out a watch, has he?

Chris [00:19:49]:
So watches, which, like, if you wanna have a laugh, you can go to get

Sam [00:19:57]:

Chris [00:19:58]:
And there’s a video there. But he’s got this watch. Don’t go in there just yet because I wanted to I want you to guess. Right. So the lowest price watch is, I wanna say, 499.

Sam [00:20:09]:
Okay. Watches can get pretty pricey real quick.

Chris [00:20:12]:
Yep. So that that’s the fight fight fight watch. Then there’s the Victory watch

Sam [00:20:19]:
Even better.

Chris [00:20:19]:
Which is I’m gonna guess it’s 799, something like that. Okay. And then there’s the Tourbillon. Now Tourbillon is a watch mechanism and is actually, legitimately, an expensive, handcrafted watch mechanism.

Sam [00:20:36]:
Is that the thing that moves?

Chris [00:20:37]:
Yeah. Yeah. Sort of.

Sam [00:20:38]:
And it’s sort of self winding the watch as you move, whatever.

Chris [00:20:41]:
Yeah. So all all all of these ones have automatic windings.

Sam [00:20:44]:
So in

Chris [00:20:45]:
case you move, but Tourbillon’s a special thing.

Sam [00:20:47]:
Okay. So an actual he has partnered with an actual watch manufacturer?

Chris [00:20:51]:

Sam [00:20:51]:
That’s legitimate, sort of?

Chris [00:20:53]:

Sam [00:20:54]:
They do like them?

Chris [00:20:55]:
Say who?

Sam [00:20:55]:
No. No. They do, like, white label

Chris [00:20:57]:
White label watches. Watchmaking. Yeah. So how much do you think the, Tourbillon goes for?

Sam [00:21:02]:
Oh, 12 Hyundai. Oh, no. Hang on. Your face is telling me something different. Hang on. 2 3 grand. Okay. Go.

Sam [00:21:11]:
$100,000. Oh, okay. Okay.

Chris [00:21:15]:
So it’s, 2

Sam [00:21:16]:
Limited or different.

Chris [00:21:17]:
Gold. Although one of the watchmakers, I think I’m pretty sure he said on the on the video, 12 24 karat gold. 1 of the watch guys so he does watchmaker reacts type things.

Sam [00:21:28]:
Yeah. Okay. Okay.

Chris [00:21:29]:
He he looked at it. And he’s like and he goes, yeah. You don’t want a watch that’s 24 karat gold. It should be 16 karat gold because it’s too soft otherwise. You can’t wear it.

Sam [00:21:39]:
Like Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:21:40]:
It’ll wear. You know? Yeah. Yeah. It’s scratch and all that sort of stuff. So you don’t want 24 karat gold because it’s it’s actually too soft. You want 16 karat gold.

Sam [00:21:47]:

Chris [00:21:47]:
So he goes, I assume he’s talking 16 karat gold. And this was the guy that was telling me, you know, tourbillon is an actually expensive thing. But No. When you say expensive, we’re talking 3 to 7000.

Sam [00:22:00]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:22:01]:
1000, 7000, something like that.

Sam [00:22:03]:
Markup is still too many.

Chris [00:22:04]:
A lot of markup. He because he he goes, I’m wearing a a Submariner Rolex here, and that’s 35,000. Okay. And I would suggest that that is better watched than this Tourbillon thing. Certainly better value than spend a $100 on it. But what gets me is it gets worse than this because plenty of people have looked at this video and these things, and they’re like

Sam [00:22:30]:
Which video? The guy or the Trump video?

Chris [00:22:32]:
Trump’s video.

Sam [00:22:32]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:22:33]:
And they’re like, that’s not an actual watch. Is it AI? It’s all AI. It’s all, things. It’s not a watch he’s selling. It’s the concept of a watch. And

Sam [00:22:45]:
Hang on. So do you not get a watch? Well, the eye

Chris [00:22:48]:
print says you may get a watch if you pay the 100,000. You may at some point.

Sam [00:22:53]:
But even if you pay the 4 100 or whatever, the cheaper one, you may not get a watch. Or is it the

Chris [00:22:57]:
They they’re all they they back themselves out of getting anything apparently in the fine print from this is what I’ve heard from, different sources on the Internet. Oh. So, yeah. So but a lot of people are worried about this because you can’t give Trump money from foreign foreign entities can’t give Trump money?

Sam [00:23:19]:
Yep. But they can

Chris [00:23:21]:
buy a watch or the concept of a watch for a $100,000. That’ll trick. I’ll get 5 of those.

Sam [00:23:28]:
So for the $100,000 watch you’re talking about, there’s 3 different color variations, apparently.

Chris [00:23:33]:
Rose gold, a gold, and a

Sam [00:23:35]:
One with a black watch face and silver gold. They’re only gonna have a 147 pieces individually numbered.

Chris [00:23:42]:
Yeah. And somebody said, I reckon there’s a 147 of each color. So it’s actually, like, a 150. So he’s looking for 3,500,000. I mean how that works? Yeah.

Sam [00:23:57]:
Yeah. I like, he’s a dick, but, you know, he’s throwing

Chris [00:24:02]:
He’s got game.

Sam [00:24:03]:
He’s throwing some stuff out there, and whoever does all the stuff for him because it’s not him. Nah. Whoever does this marketing or Yeah. Some

Chris [00:24:10]:

Sam [00:24:10]:
merch stuff.

Chris [00:24:11]:
But oh my god. So, anyway, that’s that’s that’s old news. That’s old news.

Sam [00:24:15]:
Oh, sorry. So I we’ve just caught up everyone. Go. Go.

Chris [00:24:18]:
So so the new news, which probably everybody will have heard by the time this

Sam [00:24:21]:
comes out. No. No. You say this. But okay. Go.

Chris [00:24:25]:
Okay. So you know who Bob wood Woodward is, Bob?

Sam [00:24:28]:
No. Remind me. Who?

Chris [00:24:29]:
Okay. Bob Woodward was the guy that old dude, well, he is now. But back in the day, he was the one that broke the Watergate story with Richard Nixon.

Sam [00:24:39]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yep.

Chris [00:24:40]:
And he’s written 2 or 3 books on Trump.

Sam [00:24:44]:
Oh, okay.

Chris [00:24:44]:
Trump was in was president. Yep. And he he was the one that recorded him saying

Sam [00:24:50]:
That’s right. Yeah.

Chris [00:24:50]:
Oh, the, yeah. No. This is really dangerous. People are gonna die from it. And then he’d go out on press tours and go, oh, no. There’s nothing to it. It’s it’s fine. Yeah.

Chris [00:24:57]:
So that Bob Woodward. He’s just released the book or releases next week. Okay. Right?

Sam [00:25:04]:
You’re preordered.

Chris [00:25:05]:
Yes. He’s teasing it out. I I bought one of his other books. I I’m tempted to buy this one, but I don’t know.

Sam [00:25:12]:
I was joking, but here we are.

Chris [00:25:14]:
Yeah. It’s called War. All his books have one word titles.

Sam [00:25:19]:

Chris [00:25:20]:
And what’s come out of it already that they’ve pre released that’s got everyone buzzing are 2 2 2 little pieces nuggets of information about Trump.

Sam [00:25:29]:
He is so excited right now. Like, can’t put it across. You can probably hear it in his voice. He’s like a small child at Christmas. He wants to tell me about these 2 pieces of nuggets, and I’m interrupting. But go on.

Chris [00:25:44]:
Okay. So the first one is that Trump has been talking to Putin privately, at least 7 calls since he was president, which Okay. Has all sorts of a lot of people are really upset about this. Right? Because, yep, ex president, all that sort of stuff, let alone the money side of things.

Sam [00:26:06]:
Yeah. True.

Chris [00:26:07]:
And I’m like, oh, yeah. That’s pretty pretty bad. But what gets me and I think it’s worse. Not everybody would agree that it’s worse. But it turns out that, and this has been, was verified by the Kremlin itself. Trump sent Putin back in the middle of the or the early days of the pandemic

Sam [00:26:27]:

Chris [00:26:28]:
Sent Putin, for his personal use, several Abbott testing machines for COVID testing because you couldn’t get tests anywhere.

Sam [00:26:37]:
Oh, right. Okay.

Chris [00:26:38]:
Putin’s as big a germophobe as, Trump is. Yeah. You remember Putin had that huge, long, table, conference table. He was he was at one end. I think Macron went and visited him. He was he was, like, 20 feet away at the other end of the table. That’s their meeting. So, Putin needed he didn’t trust, the Russian testing.

Chris [00:26:58]:
So, Trump sent him taxpayer money, of course.

Sam [00:27:02]:
Of course.

Chris [00:27:03]:
Sent him these machines for his own personal use so he could vet everybody who comes in. And and Putin’s, said they’ve got the text messages or whatever. Putin went, look. Don’t tell anybody you’ve sent me this. And Trump goes, I don’t care. And he goes, no. It’s not gonna hurt me. If you let people know you’re gonna get in trouble with the American people.

Sam [00:27:26]:
Oh my gosh.

Chris [00:27:27]:
He goes, no. Yeah. Okay. Whatever.

Sam [00:27:30]:
He’s such a idiot man puppet.

Chris [00:27:34]:
He’s a moron. He’s such a moron. So, anyway, that’s, all that. And the other, I guess, amusing thing is that, a lot of the, the MAGA people at the moment are going nuts, and they’re saying, the Democrats. I’m not joking. This is some senators and congresspeople. The Democrats are being able to control the weather, and that’s why they’ve sent these hurricanes to these states.

Sam [00:28:01]:
Yeah. Alex Jones has come out and says Kamala is in charge of the hurricane, the current one.

Chris [00:28:07]:
I I had to laugh at one of the guys from the ball work who’s just going, we should own up to it. We should just go the real question is, why aren’t the Republicans using the weather machine? Did you guys not go to university? Gee, Cletus. If you’ve gotta learn some math, maybe you could use the weather machine.

Sam [00:28:25]:
It’s all a bit crazy.

Chris [00:28:27]:
The Americans.

Sam [00:28:28]:
Gonna end this really podcast has come to an end, Chris, but I will give you an update from last week. You talked about the origami of death, which is the little fold up plane.

Chris [00:28:36]:
Yeah. I’ve forgotten the name. Yeah.

Sam [00:28:38]:
Well, it’s got some name. Yeah. We call it that. It’s got a silly name. Anyway, I read up about it a bit more. I saw some stuff. You said it was possibly made out of something magical, but it’s just wax cardboard. It’s actually what they make it out of.

Chris [00:28:50]:
Yeah. In the video, he goes, they will they have not said what it’s made out of, and there’s a thing that they said. Oh, but sounds like they’ve got something strengthening it in it.

Sam [00:29:01]:
The article I read said it’s literally wax cardboard. You get 24 of those planes folded up in, like, pizza boxes on a pallet. Yeah. And, they need some glue and rubber bands, and they just stick it together. And they you just need a crescent to tighten the propeller. It can go out 60 kilometers, I think it was, and back again. So it’s a 120 kilometer range

Chris [00:29:22]:

Sam [00:29:23]:
Which is crazy.

Chris [00:29:24]:
Yeah. So they’re using a lot of them to deliver supplies to the front lines, like, technical supplies and food and water, to the front lines. That’s what they originally wanted to use them for, and then they started putting explosives in them and driving them into tanks and stuff. But yeah.

Sam [00:29:38]:
So they, they just fly themselves. That’s pretty cool. They just get launched by a catapult. Yeah. And they’re looking at figuring out how to, have that autonomous hive mind thing.

Chris [00:29:50]:

Sam [00:29:50]:
They don’t have that at the moment, so they wanna launch multiples of them and have them all communicate, I guess. But, yeah, basically oh, and you said they weren’t, yeah. It’s the ability for them not to be picked up on radar a is the

Chris [00:30:07]:
It’s one of the things. Yeah.

Sam [00:30:08]:
It’s one of the key points. But it’s pretty cool because these guys just came up with this thing. Like, this

Chris [00:30:13]:
Yeah. So, I mean, this was not made for war.

Sam [00:30:16]:
No. No. No.

Chris [00:30:17]:
No. Made for humanitarian relief, actually.

Sam [00:30:20]:
Yeah. Everything is probably.

Chris [00:30:21]:
You know, hurricane, come put through, and we need to send you some food. Let’s send you this. And it’s a cheap way to do it and and very effective. So

Sam [00:30:29]:
And with that, well, that’s the end of episode 502. Thank you for listening. Wherever you are, whoever you are, I don’t know. We still don’t know.

Chris [00:30:39]:
And I I’ll apologize in that ahead of time for the the Trump thing. Sorry.

Sam [00:30:44]:
No. That was no. That was okay. That’s you know, there’s different levels of Trump news from you. Some that’s semi entertaining and some that’s as boring as dry as Weet Bix without milk. And with that, I’m Sam.

Chris [00:30:58]:
I’m Chris. See you. Bye.