
Chris catches up with Aynslee at Fieldays this year to find out about what products they have on offer and what’s on the horizon for this well known Waikato company.


Good George Brewing Website


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Chris [00:00:21]:
Sam has, talked me into coming over to the Good George, brewing thing, and sampling stuff, because he knows how much I hate sampling alcohol, So, of course, the guys gave me a non alcoholic drink to sample. So what do we got here, Aynslee?

Aynslee [00:00:38]:
So this is a virtual reality non alcoholic pale ale. So we grew it to be under 0.5%, ABV. And it’s just filled with some really good New Zealand hops, mainly Motueka and Nelson Sauvin.

Chris [00:00:56]:
It tastes really good. It’s very sparkly, but that’s normally the sort of thing you get with that pale ale.

Aynslee [00:01:03]:
Yep. Pale have quite a high carbonation, content to them. It just helps it keep it nice and fresh and really bright too. So in Australia, they call it a sparkling pale ale for that very reason.

Chris [00:01:17]:
Cool cool. And so how long have you been with Good George?

Aynslee [00:01:21]:
Oh, 6 or 7 years now. Quite a while.

Chris [00:01:24]:
Oh, you don’t look that old. So so what I wanted to ask was how how is it going is this your first year at, Fieldays, and how are you finding it so far?

Aynslee [00:01:36]:
I’ve actually been at Fieldays probably or since I started with Good George. We’ve kind of had a partnership with Field Days, so we’ve always got bar sites, and we’ve always been running our pantry as well. I love it. It’s great. It’s yeah. Yeah. No.

Aynslee [00:01:53]:
We’re always busy. This is a really cool aspect of my job that I get to do. We come out or actually chat to people. I’m actually 1 of the brewers for Good George. So

Chris [00:02:04]:
That was my next question. And was like, so what do you normally do? So they actually hide you in the back because of the fact you wear a cat a cow hat or, It’s

Aynslee [00:02:14]:
a cow it’s full outfit, cow onesie, for Fieldays. It’s the only time it comes out of the wardrobe. But, yeah, no. It’s they hide me at the back because it’s I’ve got a terrible sense of humor. So they go, the less people that experience that, the better. But I like to say I’m outstanding in my field. So, you know. Cool.

Chris [00:02:36]:
Nice. I didn’t pick that it was a onesie because the Good George shirt t shirt is put on over the The. So that makes perfect sense now. Alright. So, what is a reason that somebody visiting the Waikato should come to Good George?

Aynslee [00:02:52]:
Well, you’ll only be to see me if you come to the Waikato. I don’t travel often, but you can come and see where where I work. We’re one of the only breweries that kind of function with a real good indoor outdoor flow. So all our, we call it our tank farm, that’s all completely outside. All our cellers work, we do outside. We just got a new still in our distillery, so that’s all set up. And we have quite a large drinks portfolio and some really good food. So

Chris [00:03:25]:
Yeah. Because you’ve got a lot of, gins, but do you do any other spirits other than gin?

Aynslee [00:03:31]:
We do vodka as well, and then we have a whiskey barrel program, that we’ve started in the last and of year. So, yeah, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve actually been dabbling in that for a little bit lately just with helping we make, actually, the whiskey wash on-site ourselves from the brewers, and then we send it over to our head distiller, and he’ll still it through. I think it goes through about 2 to 3. It goes through the still before it gets into a barrel.

Chris [00:04:01]:
Cool. Okay. And you, enjoying the brewing thing. Like, what brought you into the brewing industry?

Aynslee [00:04:08]:
I home brew. Before, I’ve not always brewed with Good George. So I’ve only been a brewer with Good George for the last, kind of, 2 ish years. I used to I was 1 of their bar managers, essentially. Yep. So, yeah, help run venues and run the bar program side of things. So

Chris [00:04:30]:
Cool. Well, we got a couple of questions we’re asking everybody today, and 1 of them may not be the greatest question for you. We’ll see what how we go. AI. AI is a big thing everywhere. Do you guys use AI at all, and if so, how?

Aynslee [00:04:43]:
Well, if you ask some of our guys how they wrote their performance reviews, that actually would be the answer. It’s generally the only time AI is involved.

Chris [00:04:56]:
CVs and performance reviews. Okay. And the other performance reviews. Okay. And the other question I’ve got is do you listen to podcast?

Aynslee [00:05:04]:
I do. My favorite one is False Bottomed Girls. It’s a brewing podcast by 2 master Cicerones from the US.

Chris [00:05:13]:
Nice. And so The if you do, I was gonna ask what are your top 3? So that’s and. Got 2 others for me?

Aynslee [00:05:19]:
Oh, it’s it’s really really the only 1 I listen to. I think there’s 1 The All About Beer, that’s also really good. They’re mainly all beer podcasts that I listen to.

Chris [00:05:33]:
And now you listen to the Chris and Sam podcast?

Aynslee [00:05:36]:
Yeah. I think I will that will be top 3 then. That will be the 3rd one.

Chris [00:05:41]:
That’s why we’re here. Okay, Aynslee. Well, I will let you get back to work, because when I came up to ask for somebody to talk to, all the guys were suddenly on their phones and busy with a call, and Aynslee was the slowest one.

Aynslee [00:05:56]:
I just wasn’t quick enough with the phone.

Chris [00:06:00]:
No. Thanks for that Aynslee. Thanks, Cheers. We’ll catch you next time.