Oldies and VR
From a giant lolly jar to learning about spike ball to Trump selling expensive watches that might not exist to helping Putin, all this and more.
From a giant lolly jar to learning about spike ball to Trump selling expensive watches that might not exist to helping Putin, all this and more.
In this episode find out how sick Sam was this week. What we watched. What are royalty auctions. A Canadian guru gets in trouble. Solitary confinement to the extreme and a new conspiracy theory.
We find out how Covid has been for Sam. Get the low down of a wedding Chris attended. Talk about Russia and much more.
Welcome to the first episode of 2022. We find out what scientists have been up to lately, Betty White has died, and we watched a movie. All this and much more.
William Shatner goes to space this week,where in the world is there a clown shortage? A thief must surrender his gold. Would you trade a space shuttle for a skull? A new way to shoot drones, and so much more.
How excited was Chris to be part of a MLM pitch this week? Find out what it was all about. Sam has a new drink made by Monster that he likes, and we have lots of little nuggets in this week’s episode.
Shower problems, robot wolves and a breathing machine to help different patients. One of has a health scare, we talk about a dump fire, and what George Clooney did for his friends.
This week we cover the latest in Covid, Trump likes his new super duper missiles. A robot herds some sheep, Facebook is introducing some new things, and we watched a doco.