Lost Body in the Mail
From high blood pressure to sneaky scammers. A new crazy city to awesome kickstarter projects. We cover it all.
From high blood pressure to sneaky scammers. A new crazy city to awesome kickstarter projects. We cover it all.
The Will Smith slap to Rod Stewart filling in potholes. Kickstart projects and Russians stealing planes. We have it all in this weeks episode. Filled with randomness, technology and life.
The worlds first pig heart to human transplant happened, some famous people died this week. We talk Kickstarter, learned about the world largest pot brownie and so much more.
This week one of us learned about the internet of things, the other heard about pumpkins, and which one of us might have ringworm? Plus, random Kickstarter projects, Spotify car thing and much more.
We’ve been all over the place this week, find out how our travels have been. How warm is Siberia getting? Mars rock going back, 300th episode planning underway, emmy nominations and more.
A real mixed bag this week, find out what we have been up to, how a man fought off a snake while driving, what happened over the 4th of July, some podcasts you should check out and much more.
Sunday is here so buckle yourself in and find out what’s been happening around here the last 7 days.
Sam got a sweet deal from Uber Eats which we think is slightly stupid, Chris has been busy and was nominated for a work award.
We have 3 Kickstart or Dropkicks this week, find out if you’d be keen on any of these projects.
This episode is wide ranging, going from the best teacher in the world, staying inside a potato and puppet guts, plus lots more awesome stuff for your listening pleasure.
We witnessed the biggest pumpkin in NZ being dropped from a crane, Camel Jinge was there of course. Sam helped out on a short film, Chris coached some speakers and learned of some new food coming out very soon.
Sad news this week, Sam lost his pumpkin. We found out what Tom Cruise has been up to here in NZ, and we think we should go an take out a loan in India.