
Sam talks to Marcus and Kim about The Original Smoke and Spice Co after a free sample and the claim it is the best salt seasoning 5 years running as judged by Kim himself.

With a claim like that we had to find out more.



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Kim [00:00:09]:
Hello everyone. We have made it into the pantry. It is packed. People want to try new products, get some deals, and, have some of this yummy food. Now I am with the original Smoke and Spice Co with Marcus, and, when we came in here first thing, we got told to put our hand out. We put a bunch of, sea salt, Marlborough sea salt dumped in our hand, tasted it, it was amazing. And, who is your sidekick’s name?

Marcus [00:00:44]:
So that’s Kim in fact, we’re brothers, Kim and Marcus Peters. Yeah.

Sam [00:00:47]:
There we go. Kim and Marcus are here. Kim and Marcus are here. And Kim said this is the best sea salt in New Zealand, I think, as judged by himself.

Kim [00:00:58]:
Yeah. So, this is the best. It’s been voted the best salt seasoning 5 years running by me. And how long has it been in the market? Nearly 25 years.

Kim [00:01:08]:
Unbelievable. We give that 8 of 10 repeat custom. I tell you, mate, it’s nearly illegal. It’s so addictive.

Sam [00:01:36]:
What what was happening for the The 20 years if you weren’t giving yourself the award?

Kim [00:01:37]:
Well, the other ones, we didn’t even bother rating it because we were so busy, we didn’t even have time to do the voting system. So we just we we’re in a more reflective mode now, and we just thought, no, thris this there’s something here. We need to let people know about this.

Sam [00:01:37]:
There’s definitely something here, that’s why we had to stop and have a talk to Kym and Marcus.

Sam [00:01:37]:
What was the origin story to getting into this? Oh, here we go, this is over

Marcus [00:01:40]:
the The. The backstory’s pretty much me. I was a chef, and, after travelling the world and coming back, it was sort of, I’d sort of buttoned onto the idea that it’d be nice to to do a combination of such things that are the things that I’ve loved, Marlborough garlic and Marlborough sea salt, combine it into our lovely seasoning.

Sam [00:01:57]:
Yeah. And when you come back and you start this process, what was Kim doing?

Marcus [00:02:01]:
Kimmy, well, he was actually a minister, believe it or not.

Sam [00:02:05]:

Marcus [00:02:05]:
Yeah. So a baptist minister. So he was he was doing work like The, and now I’ve got him working for me.

Sam [00:02:12]:
And he’s working hard. He is throwing salt. From God to to you. Yeah. That’s right. He’s throwing salt all over the place. We’ve sliced it down, but, you know, we we have to take what we do.

Marcus [00:02:22]:
Yes. Yeah. No. He does very well. We work very hard together, but it’s great. We have a lot of fun. So, yeah.

Sam [00:02:27]:
It looks like you have a great relationship, and you have a lot of fun. It’s great to see. I know this isn’t your first time at field days. How often have you been to field days, and where else do you go?

Marcus [00:02:38]:
Well, we pretty much do every show and all the home shows, all the little farmers markets throughout the country. I’ve been coming here probably since about 2010, so a number of years now.

Sam [00:02:50]:
That’s great. Now how many products are there in total?

Marcus [00:02:54]:
Well we have our seasoning range, which is 3. We keep it small because just because I don’t believe you need a great variety for for all the foods out there. So we hit all all the spectrums in the the profiles. So we’ve got our garlic SPG, we’ve got our original, which is more of a chilli nuance, and of course we’ve got our lovely lemon and fennel.

Sam [00:03:15]:
That’s a great collection. And like III agree with you that you don’t have to have a million products. And you’ve got a core selection of really great products, here’s in the background, Kim is just holding a shaker and as soon as he does The, people are putting their hands out. He could literally be giving them anything.

Marcus [00:03:31]:
That’s right.

Sam [00:03:31]:
And, I know you’re not because the original Smoker Spice Co are great. Now moving forward, looking into the future, do you have any new products on the way or maybe innovations that you’re looking at to potentially use?

Marcus [00:03:43]:
Yes. Well, we’re always looking at, looking at bringing in another seasoning, and we’re actually thinking of, working with a just a really highly refined Marlborough sea salt. So that’s the very best sea salt that you can get, and just doing something with that. There’s something in the wings at the moment.

Sam [00:04:01]:
That’s awesome. I we’ve been asking everybody this, and we’ve been surprised that almost everybody has an answer to this question. AI’s such a big thing these days. Yeah. Are you using it in your business currently, or do you think you will be using it?

Marcus [00:04:15]:
I hate it. No. I don’t. I I believe it sticks out when people with AI, their their blurbs and so forth, and I’ve got a brain. I use it, and I’ve just, no, I’m anti not anti AI, but I know it’s coming, it’s gonna be with us, but I don’t use it. No.

Sam [00:04:31]:
I sort of agree with that. I think that people can use AI, but people are using it in such a lazy fashion

Marcus [00:04:36]:

Sam [00:04:37]:
That they are just getting it to do, whatever they want it to do and using the very first version of that. Yes. And you can and like you said, you can see that in the copy, and I think that, more work needs to be put into it. Yeah. Now my other question is, do you listen to podcasts?

Marcus [00:04:52]:
Do I listen to podcasts? Yes. I do occasionally. My my brother’s probably the the more into the, audio. I’m more visual.

Sam [00:05:01]:
Great. Yeah. Now I I might interrupt him in a sec, but, top 3 podcasts that you listen to. Oh, Zoe. Okay. Bruno Brown, and third and, I’m scratching because I’m all over the shop. Yep. Number 2 consistence.

Sam [00:05:20]:
Okay. Good to know. Anything else we should check out, Marcus?

Marcus [00:05:24]:
No. Well, just do come along and have a shake, and mention, yeah, and Chris and Sam, and we’ll throw in an extra pack for you.

Sam [00:05:31]:
How about that? That’s pretty exciting, guys.

Marcus [00:05:34]:
The URL?

Sam [00:05:34]:
Yep. For all your gourmet seasonings, grab some now. They’re great. Thanks so much.

Marcus [00:05:42]:
Cheers for that guys. Thank you.