
We talk about the place Sam saw that was selling life sized fake animals. We cover off what donating plasma is like and tell you our burglary stories.

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Show Transcript

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Chris [00:00:22]:
Hello, Chris. Hey, Sam. How are you doing?

Sam [00:00:25]:
Pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty tired, actually.

Chris [00:00:28]:
Yes. Yes. I know all about tired. I did a full week’s work this week. Excellent. Actually, I wanna talk about that a little bit later. But, anyway, yep. So, how’s your week been?

Sam [00:00:42]:
Well, I’ve been working all week as well, and then I had my horticulture course, which I’m doing, a sort of, What’s the word I wanna use? It’s

Chris [00:00:52]:
Part time?

Sam [00:00:53]:
Yeah. Very part time. Correspondence? Part time correspondence, part time coursework, And and we’ve got lectures on oh, not lectures, workshops.

Chris [00:01:03]:

Sam [00:01:03]:
It’s completely free. It’s pretty cool.

Chris [00:01:05]:
Yeah. That’s right. Yeah. I remember you telling me about it. It’s But it sounds like a bit of a score actually if you’re into the haute culture thing.

Sam [00:01:12]:
Yeah. I can’t remember who actually runs it, but it’s some sort of government initiative. But it’s it’s quite interesting. We started with 28 people, and it’s been whittled down to 10. And and the tutor says that’s normal for this sort of thing. And, Well, at the moment, we’re learning about pests and diseases on plants.

Chris [00:01:29]:
Cool. But but horticulture is not something you want Necessarily as a as a job, it’s what you wanna do for fun. Is that right?

Sam [00:01:38]:
Yeah. I was potentially gonna only gonna have a short term contract for my work, and I was gonna have this for the CV, so I get horticultural level 3 national certificate of horticultural level 3, As well as learning things that I can use in the pumpkin giant pumpkin growing realm.

Chris [00:01:56]:
Cool. And so you have been enjoying it. That was the big question I was gonna ask.

Sam [00:02:00]:
Yeah. I just got behind in the last couple of assignments, but I’m gonna smash them out tomorrow. And today, I was in Tauranga For my nephew’s 1st birthday, which is pretty cool. Oh.

Chris [00:02:11]:
And on the way of Coke Coke, Not cocaine. Coke Coca Cola and, and lollies and stuff, I guess.

Sam [00:02:20]:
Not too bad. It’s more fruit juice and water. I’m on the water, actually. I’ve actually reduced my sugar intake greatly in the last 5 weeks. Alright. So pretty much haven’t really had anything.

Chris [00:02:33]:
I had

Sam [00:02:33]:
a chocolate biscuit about 4 days ago, and that almost blew my mind. One of the side effects of not having So much sugar in your diet is you don’t get hungry all the time. Yeah. You’re never hungry.

Chris [00:02:46]:
It’s interesting because, only Yesterday, I was listening to, Tim Ferriss’s podcast with Margaret Show show.

Sam [00:02:55]:

Chris [00:02:55]:
And, yeah. And she was saying the same thing. They they had a chat about that. It was it was a good podcast, actually. And, basically, yeah. She was saying, I I just can’t believe I don’t snack anymore because I feel hungry because the she’s doing the slow carb diet and no you know, cutting out the sugars and the breads and

Sam [00:03:14]:
Yeah. I have this I’ve just, focused on the sugar side of it at the moment. So I ate my share of pizza and little mini savories today. So, yeah, I managed to not have any sugar at this party today, and there wasn’t that much, to be honest. So it was pretty good, and the kids were really good. And I’ve also I’m drinking a lot of water right now. Tomorrow, actually, I’ll skip. On the way back from Tauranga, Just outside of Tar Heel Rico, I think it is, there’s a little if you’ve ever been that way, there’s a little metal shed looking thing.

Sam [00:03:48]:
And it used to be a tire shop, and then it was selling cars. And today, you will not believe this, I went past the life-sized animal store. A what? The life-sized animal store was what the sign said, And it was like, my I texted to my sister who lives in Towering where I’ve just come from, And she thought I was joking about these giant toys that they’ve got the kids. There’s like a giant alligator, giant unicorn, and a giant shark.

Chris [00:04:15]:
When you say giant, you’re like, life size?

Sam [00:04:17]:
Yeah. Well, in the soft toy, situation, it’s giant, and she thought I was talking about that. And I said, no. I actually came across the life-sized animal store. And out in this area, the outside, there was like a dinosaur, a giant turtle, a wolf, And a whole bunch of other animals all made out of resin or something. I don’t know what they are. So And they’re all painted properly, but it’s the life-sized Animal store on the side of the road.

Chris [00:04:47]:
So just so I’ve got this clear in my head, you know, those little things, little cows and Cheap and stuff that you have when you’re a kid

Sam [00:04:55]:

Chris [00:04:55]:
And they’re, like, a couple of inches

Sam [00:04:57]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:04:58]:
Big, that’s the same as their only life size.

Sam [00:05:01]:
Yep. Yeah. Exactly. And they’re all outside the shop. And it was well, we’re recording the Sunday, and it was, like, Sunday afternoon. So I don’t know what the demand is for life size animals and having a store on the side of the road on the way to Tauranga, but it’s there if you need it.

Chris [00:05:16]:
And you didn’t stop?

Sam [00:05:18]:
No. It was sort of a what? WTF moment as I’m driving past trying to because I saw the sign, and I couldn’t I couldn’t work out what that meant. And,

Chris [00:05:27]:
And then you saw the animals.

Sam [00:05:28]:
And then I saw the animals. So that was that was pretty crazy.

Chris [00:05:32]:
That is it’s I I’m I’m curious to find out what they’re they’re worth now and how heavy they are and how easy they are to move and stuff. And and are they pinned to the ground? Is there a chance a kid will climb on top, crushing another kid as it topples over? Yeah. I mean

Sam [00:05:48]:
They looked very good, so I’m thinking they’re not cheap. Yeah. And I I can’t imagine someone just driving along going, oh, look. Here’s a horse. That’s not real. I need one

Chris [00:05:57]:
of those.

Sam [00:05:58]:
Yeah. I That boggles my mind.

Chris [00:06:00]:
Wonder if we can use it in our movies. Wonder if we can go and do a movie about it. Woo hoo.

Sam [00:06:06]:
I think we should do a podcast about it.

Chris [00:06:09]:
We might have to do an on on on scene pod on-site post podcast to answer that.

Sam [00:06:14]:
That’s crazy. So I’m currently drinking a lot of water right now. I’m actually donating plasma tomorrow.

Chris [00:06:19]:
Oh, good.

Sam [00:06:20]:
I’ve never done plasma. They keep I’ve donated blood for a long time, and every time you go in, they’re always like, have you thought about donating plasma? And I’m like, sort of. So anyway, I signed up

Chris [00:06:30]:
for it. Is is that a bigger deal to do that?

Sam [00:06:33]:
Or Donating blood takes usually 20 minutes. They just take the whole blood out of your arm. That’s it. Plasma takes about an hour, they tell me. They suck all the blood out of my arm, Split out the plasma. All of the blood. You know? All of it. Yeah.

Sam [00:06:49]:
And then they split the plasma out of the blood and keep that, and then they pump the blood back into my body. So we will see how that goes. They said I’ll get a I’ll get a cold feeling as it goes through my, veins and back into my body, And they put a anti coagulant in with it, I think is what they told me.

Chris [00:07:08]:
Cool. So I

Sam [00:07:08]:
get to sit there and play on my phone for about an hour.

Chris [00:07:11]:
Cool. Well, you can tell us how that goes. Speaking of which, I did watch, Dracula, the untold story the other day. A movie? Have you seen it?

Sam [00:07:20]:
No. No.

Chris [00:07:21]:
It’s it’s pretty good.

Sam [00:07:21]:
I don’t think what that one is.

Chris [00:07:22]:
So it’s it’s actually Dracula, but it’s sort of like the human side of Hilarities, and he’s, in order to save his kingdom, he’s a he’s a prince of a kingdom with no army, from the Turkish invaders, he, you know, goes to find a vampire, then Goes into a deal with it and uses his vampire How

Sam [00:07:44]:
old how old is this film?

Chris [00:07:45]:
It’s only just come out. It’s at the movies.

Sam [00:07:47]:
Oh, okay. Yeah. I’ve never heard Shows how onto it I am.

Chris [00:07:51]:
It it it looks it it was it was pretty good. I mean, when I saw the the trailers for 4 or 5 months ago, Like, wow. Gotta see that. So if I saw it, so yeah. It’s good.

Sam [00:08:00]:
I cannot remember trailers. Shocking. Yeah. I am. Shocking.

Chris [00:08:05]:
I’m terrible with the names usually.

Sam [00:08:07]:

Chris [00:08:08]:
You know, I’ll I’ll go, oh, I saw the trailer, but I have no idea what it’s called. But this one yeah. No. Because I’ve just seen it. So yeah. It was good. I thought it was with with I

Sam [00:08:17]:
finally saw Guardians of the Galaxy last night. Yes? Yeah. It was good.

Chris [00:08:21]:

Sam [00:08:21]:
It was good.

Chris [00:08:22]:
Yeah. No. I I thought it was great. I saw it Opening night.

Sam [00:08:25]:
I can’t remember much things about movies. And when I watch movies with my brother-in-law, he’s got a photographic memory. Alright. He starts telling me how it all fits into the Marvel Universe. And he’s like Yeah. Do you remember seeing this character in this movie? And I’m just like, yeah. I agree with everything, but I have no idea. If he ever listens to this, so, Shane.

Sam [00:08:44]:
I just I I can’t remember things like that.

Chris [00:08:48]:
Yeah. I I must admit, I saw Guardians of the Galaxy. Now what do I see? No. No. That’s right. My flatmate had, Iron Ironman. It was quite good because I was like, oh, yeah. Agent Coulson’s in that, Which I hadn’t seen because I hadn’t been watching SHIELD Agents of SHIELD before that movie and da da da da da da da.

Chris [00:09:06]:
And so it was starting to gel a little bit for me, but, yeah, I’d have to the

Sam [00:09:09]:
whole lot of Marvel had a big convention, couple of weeks ago, and they brought out a big map sort of layout Of all the movies that are coming out for the next 6 or 7 years, I think it is, and there’s just so many.

Chris [00:09:27]:
Yeah. But I think that the cool thing with Marvel is and we we were discussing this actually on the drive up to the 24 hour film festival a couple of weeks back, because I was in a car full of geeks, obviously. We were talking about this, and they were talking about, you know, The d difference between DC and Marvel, and Marvel’s really got a universe that interconnects quite a

Sam [00:09:52]:
quite well. You can see that quite

Chris [00:09:53]:
DC is just like, He’s Let’s do an origin story for this. Let’s do an origin story for that.

Sam [00:09:58]:

Chris [00:09:58]:
Let’s do a second origin story for this because we can do it better. I was like, it’s an origin story. How often can you do that?

Sam [00:10:06]:
I know. So there’s always stuff out there for people to watch.

Chris [00:10:10]:
Anyway, she’s good. So, yes. So I I had a pretty busy week, in that I worked full time. So, for the listeners, I got made redundant 6 months ago ish, something like that.

Sam [00:10:26]:
Sounds about right.

Chris [00:10:27]:
Yep. And then, didn’t do anything for a couple of months, which was cool, and then started tentatively looking for work. Actually, I was trying to set up my own business, but that didn’t really work out. Then I started really looking for work because I was starting to run out of money. And then I finally got a bit of part time work. So I’ve been working part time and still running out of money for the last couple of months. And, So I’m working couple of, yeah, pretty much minimum wage jobs at the moment. But, one of the ones I was working at is is in the warehouse, and the warehouse manager is away.

Chris [00:11:05]:
Last week, I’m leave, so I did a full week’s work.

Sam [00:11:10]:
8 to 5. You’re a broken man now?

Chris [00:11:12]:
Oh, man. I was naked. I’ve come come home. I you know, I went to Croatia and stuff, but afterwards but I was pretty pretty naked, and it was I I sort of wanna say mentally tiring, but

Sam [00:11:26]:
It definitely is. You have to go it it’s very hard to Do different shifts all the time.

Chris [00:11:32]:
Yeah. Well, this wasn’t shifts.

Sam [00:11:33]:
I don’t know. But it they’ve been like, if you’ve only been doing 2 days a week or whatever. So I used to work

Chris [00:11:38]:
with during mornings.

Sam [00:11:40]:
Yeah. So I used to work with a guy, and before he came to work with us, he was in a temp agency, which is really good. The work was very varied, But so with the hours. Yeah. I think it would do my head in after a while.

Chris [00:11:53]:
Yeah. And but yeah. I I think it was just, There’s a lot going on and, didn’t have time for tea breaks and stuff like that, and, you know, barely got your lunch break and and all the rest of it And, a little bit of pressure in there. So it was tiring. But it made me think about, really

Sam [00:12:13]:
So your job, do you really love what you do? I love it more than my last job. Exactly

Chris [00:12:20]:
my point. See, I do you know that that was really the question I wanna get to is do you know anyone who really actually loves Their job? I don’t think I’ve ever had a job that I really, really loved.

Sam [00:12:32]:
It depends what your motivator is. I know people that love their job because they get paid a lot.

Chris [00:12:36]:
Yeah. Yeah. And I’ve never been that worried about

Sam [00:12:39]:
But I don’t know if they love their job. They love the money side of it.

Chris [00:12:41]:
Yeah. They love the money.

Sam [00:12:42]:
Not too bad. Nothing no one springs to mind.

Chris [00:12:45]:
Yeah. Yeah. So, My brother-in-law does.

Sam [00:12:48]:
Yeah. What does he do? Locksmith.

Chris [00:12:50]:

Sam [00:12:50]:
Yeah. He’s self employed. He loves it.

Chris [00:12:52]:
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Because, I I mean, I I know I love training and teaching and that sort of thing, and I’d probably do well in a a job like that. And I’d actually probably enjoy it if I was Teaching the training the right sorts of things, you know, something that I was passionate about. But, yeah, I just I was just wondering how many people actually love their job. So if you are listening to this podcast and you like me me, I love my job, I want you to put a comment in the show notes.

Sam [00:13:25]:
Yeah. Let

Chris [00:13:25]:
us know. Yeah. Let us know. And and what we might do, and I’m just winging it here. Sam’s looking at me going, Uh-oh. What’s he gonna say?

Sam [00:13:31]:
I’ve got an idea what you’re gonna say.

Chris [00:13:33]:
We may actually call you up and get you on a podcast and have a bit of a chat about that. So that’d be pretty cool. I mean, For us anyway. So, yeah, if if you’re one of these people that, you know, really are doing what you love to be doing, I wanna hear more about that sort of thing, and I wanna know how you’d get in that position and, yeah, for my own, selfish reasons. Excellent. Alright. So, that was pretty much my little thing on jobs. Yeah.

Chris [00:14:07]:
I’m going back to part time next week, so the money is going to be Disappearing a little bit more. So, I’m sure you’ll cope. I’ll manage. I’ll manage. Always do.

Sam [00:14:18]:
Excellent. That’s good to hear. So I know you don’t know this, but our friend Adam got robbed

Chris [00:14:24]:
Oh, really?

Sam [00:14:25]:
For the 2nd time this year. Yeah. Not very happy about it, obviously.

Chris [00:14:29]:
I’m like burgled robbed. Yes.

Sam [00:14:31]:
Yes. Yeah. House of because

Chris [00:14:32]:
you know that’s a different thing. Robs when you’re confronted?

Sam [00:14:35]:

Chris [00:14:35]:
Right? Yeah.

Sam [00:14:36]:
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I used the wrong word. Sorry. Just checking. But so it was the 2nd time this year, but he has been in 2 different houses because someone did say on the Facebook update, hey. Did they come back after they realized all your original stuff got replaced by insurance? And he said, no.

Sam [00:14:52]:
I’m in a separate place. And he’s got some really fancy gear They’re like unbelievable stuff. Got or had? Well, the 1st time they took a whole bunch of stuff. The 2nd time, they must have run out of time And I only took a few things, and he actually said they left some of the real cool stuff behind.

Chris [00:15:09]:
Yeah. So I I gotta say, Adam’s probably one of the unluckiest people I know. It’s not like every always with stuff.

Sam [00:15:18]:
Well, yeah. It seems to be.

Chris [00:15:19]:
But he does come out

Sam [00:15:20]:
the other side as well.

Chris [00:15:21]:
Yeah. No. He does well as well. Yeah. He yeah.

Sam [00:15:24]:
I don’t So my question is, have you been robbed? Sorry. Burgled.

Chris [00:15:28]:
I have been burgled once, And it was quite funny actually because it was I think it was New Year’s Eve or something like that. I was working, quite a few years ago. I was working at the Tarafa Tavern.

Sam [00:15:39]:

Chris [00:15:40]:
And so I came home. I think we had a few drinks, staff drinks after after work, you know, as as you do when you work in a bar. So So I wasn’t really fully cognizant when I got home. Yep. Got in. Place was a bit of a mess. Hit the bed. Woke up next morning and went, hang on.

Chris [00:15:59]:
The place is not normally this much of a mess, and they had emptied everything out. So, I had a little loo not loover, but one of these little, door the windows that

Sam [00:16:09]:
open up. Yep.

Chris [00:16:10]:
And it had been open a little bit, and somebody got in. So I, you know, I did the police thing. I’ve I’ve been robbed, and they said, what are they taking? I’m like, honestly, I have no clue. I have no clue. It was all my CDs were spread around, but they didn’t take any of them, which says a lot about my music taste, I think.

Sam [00:16:32]:
I think that’s just a lot.

Chris [00:16:34]:
Anyway, so, I think they may have taken some money that was lying around. They were not like there was much or anything. The cop came around 2 days later, and they had a a van. And it turns out that it was a runaway girl who is, like, Yeah. 14 or something. And she’d broken into a whole bunch of places on that 1 night. Alright. And they called her, and they called all the Stuff, and they they’ve got all the stuff in the van, and they said come down and pick what what’s yours, this woman cop.

Chris [00:17:03]:
And I’m like, oh, yeah. I’m looking through, and there’s nothing. And then I see a lion red shirt. So at the time, they had these Hawaiian shirts.

Sam [00:17:11]:
Yes. I remember

Chris [00:17:12]:
the line. I know exactly

Sam [00:17:14]:
what you’re talking about there.

Chris [00:17:15]:
Yeah. So I’m like, oh, that’s mine. And this cop just looks at me and goes, really? Mate, it’s

Sam [00:17:21]:
So do you have

Chris [00:17:21]:
it’s my uniform for work. I wear that at work. She goes, really? I’m like, yeah. That’s Shut up. And that’s only the moment this girl took out of my house.

Sam [00:17:33]:
That’s crazy.

Chris [00:17:34]:
So, yeah, that’s the only time I’ve been burgled.

Sam [00:17:36]:
Oh, I’ve got Hello, Karen.

Chris [00:17:38]:
Oh, it’s the only time I’ve been bugled, but I did have an interloper once. So we had a I I I was going out with some well, actually, it was my ex wife, but when we first started going out And, she dumped her boyfriend, who is a real tech guy. And first of all, we started he bugged the house, which was interesting.

Sam [00:18:02]:
Yeah. So how long did it take for you to click onto that?

Chris [00:18:05]:
Well, no. We were doing a crossword one day, and, the phone rang. And And she picked it Ellen picked it up, and the guy said, 7 down as unicorn, whatever it was, and then hung up. And she goes, oh, it is 2. So,

Sam [00:18:20]:
what an idiot.

Chris [00:18:21]:
So, anyway, so we bugged the house. And then one day, we were having well, we moved. We we got a Place together. You know, things got serious. We got a place together. And so we, we decided we’d have a a party, you know, a housewarming party. And he broke in the night before and cut all the cables to all their stereo. He sounds so awesome.

Chris [00:18:43]:
Yeah. Yeah. And put, little signs on all the photos in the house and and little speech bubbles. Did he

Sam [00:18:51]:
cut did he cut your face out?

Chris [00:18:53]:
No. No. But it was really funny. I thought it was hilarious. I I you know, it was hysteria, not my stereo. He didn’t touch my stereo. Thank god. I I wouldn’t have been so forgiving if he’d touched my stereo.

Chris [00:19:06]:
But it took months months to find all the stuff. So one The funniest thing was 6 months later, I, it’s winter, and I grabbed my Converse boots out of the back of the wardrobe Yep. Those white boots with the The redlining inside. And I throw them on, and I start walking around going, my feet are real cold. And I took them off And just cracked up laughing because what he’d done is got tomato sauce and put it all over the red insoles, which you can’t tell, and I Tuck my feet in this. He sounds awesome. Yeah.

Sam [00:19:39]:
The funny thing is he’s still out there probably doing this to people.

Chris [00:19:42]:
Yeah. I think, I think My ex screwed us both up and mentally for a bit there. So yeah.

Sam [00:19:49]:
Yeah. Well, that’s good to know. Consistency is the key.

Chris [00:19:52]:
So, yeah, I’ve I’ve spoken to him since. I haven’t spoken to my ex. So

Sam [00:19:56]:
Oh, okay. So I’ve got 2 stories. 1 involves me and one doesn’t. So the first story is I was living with a 75 year old bonsai grower. And for some reason, to make things easier for him, he wouldn’t look lock the back door. So I I came home and he says, all all the cup every cupboard in the whole house was open, and he’s sitting in the lounge watching TV and he goes, I think we got burgled. I was like, okay. And I’d already been into my room, and I hadn’t clicked that my whole desktop computer wasn’t there.

Sam [00:20:27]:
Like, the whole thing. And this is a really, really old desktop computer. Yeah. Like, they’d taken the power board. They’d taken the mouse, and it was a wired stuff. It was none of this wireless stuff you can get now. Yeah. So they’ve taken all of that.

Sam [00:20:40]:
We worked out that they’d also taken my GPS TomTom for the car and his binoculars. And they left every other thing behind, including the brand new laptop and the laptop bag in the wardrobe, which they had looked in, but not very hard. Yeah. So that’s this laptop right now that you can see.

Chris [00:20:59]:
The laptop that is recording this podcast.

Sam [00:21:01]:
And they didn’t take Any alcohol, they didn’t take any foreign currency that he had sitting around. He had, like, British pounds just sitting there. He had all sorts of stuff. There was so much random stuff in this house That was worth money or Could

Chris [00:21:12]:
be they took the ancient wind up desktop computer.

Sam [00:21:17]:
And the thing that annoyed me about that Was it was 1 month over being eligible for full replacement brand new computer. So it wasn’t worth my while. Oh, bugger. Yeah. Second story, brother-in-law got woken by the police, Knocking on his door at 2 in the morning. Actually, I think my sister got up, and they said, is that your van in the middle of the road? And his work van was in the middle of the road, all open.

Chris [00:21:44]:
This is the locksmith dude,

Sam [00:21:46]:
Yeah. Yeah. So some guy had, gone in the van, which wasn’t locked. There’s a there’s a there’s a trend going here, people. Lock your things up. Yeah. Yeah. And then he tried doing he moved all the stuff around outside the house, and then he was I don’t know if he’s trying to get in the house or whatever, And he moved a sack barrow with a thing of fertilizer on it and then somehow broke it.

Sam [00:22:09]:
We had they don’t know how that happened. And eventually, someone was driving past at 2 in the morning, realized something was wrong, rang the cops, and the dog unit actually tracked this guy for For a very long distance, and they caught him. And in in between running away from the cops, he decided to try and break into another car to steal that. So I don’t

Chris [00:22:27]:
know how much time this guy had or how good he thought he was. I, this just reminded me now. My flatmate pointed out this story today when we’re coming back from the gym. We stopped for a coffee, and, This kid was running from police and got caught when he stopped to pet some kittens. Like, really?

Sam [00:22:50]:
Was that in New Zealand? I don’t know.

Chris [00:22:52]:
I’d it was I was like, I don’t even believe it. It was something on Facebook. So so yeah. Believe everything on Facebook.

Sam [00:22:58]:
No. You don’t. So anyway, leading on from that, I’m very paranoid that all my stuff’s gonna get stolen. It drives me mental. Yeah. So Here’s a tip. I know Adam’s getting cameras some cameras put in before Christmas, and the cameras don’t prevent anyone, but they can record things. So I’ve actually got a camera at my place at the moment.

Sam [00:23:16]:
It’s a little D Link one. They’re quite cheap. Yep. And, that’s actually my room right now, I’m showing Chris. That’s pretty cool. So the trip so, basically, what it is, it’s hooked up to the Wi Fi. Yep. It will alert me if the camera’s turned off or turned on.

Sam [00:23:32]:
Yeah. And soon as any motion happens in the frame, I get 6 photos emailed to me straight away. I’ve got a special Gmail account just to handle these photos. Because if I walk in and out of the room and forget to turn the camera off, obviously, I’m gonna end up with about 56 photos.

Chris [00:23:47]:
Spam yourself.

Sam [00:23:48]:
Spam myself. I can also hear the Audio that’s going on in that room right now. Oh. And I can take a photo of what’s happening straight now as well, and I’ll save it to my phone. And I can turn it off and on from the phone. So

Chris [00:23:59]:
that’s cool.

Sam [00:24:00]:
Really cool, and it’s like $50. That’s pretty good. The only downside to the one that I’ve got, which is the $50 one, Is it doesn’t have any infrared LEDs on it, so it can’t record at night. So if I’m gonna get, next version up, I’ll, get one of those.

Chris [00:24:16]:
So but if you had an LED infrared light Yeah. It would work or the camera has to be special for that?

Sam [00:24:25]:
No. No. It would work. The camera would pick it all up.

Chris [00:24:27]:
Oh, okay.

Sam [00:24:28]:
Yeah. Yep. Okay.

Chris [00:24:29]:
So so you might be able to get a a an infrared LED.

Sam [00:24:34]:
Oh, no. No. I think well, maybe. I’m not sure, actually.

Chris [00:24:38]:
Yeah. I don’t I don’t know how it works. So I

Sam [00:24:39]:
I think it’s what it does. A black and white image. But the really the one of the cool things about the next models up, which I think are only about a 120, is when they’re working, If you’ve got multiple cameras, they’ll bunny hop the Wi Fi signal between the cameras. Right. So if your last camera is miles away from your actual Wi Fi, It doesn’t matter because it’s gonna bunny hop its way through all the cameras.

Chris [00:24:59]:
Because my uncle had one that, stuck I don’t know how much it cost, to be honest, but it stuck to the the Ceiling, and it was a dome, and you could

Sam [00:25:09]:
move it. Yeah. Yeah. Control as well, which was pretty cool. So the D Link guys Do a dome one, and it does a 360 degree view of a room.

Chris [00:25:18]:

Sam [00:25:19]:
Not quite sure how well that would work, But they do a whole range, and they’re not the only ones. There’s Foz FozCAMS are really big one in the States. Yeah. And that has the pan and tilt ones. I don’t know if you’ve seen them with a little antenna next to it. No. It’s like a it looks like a round webcam on a base. And when you log in on your phone or whatever, you can rotate it and go up and down and Cool.

Sam [00:25:38]:
Turn it. So Yeah.

Chris [00:25:39]:
It’s pretty cool. We we caught a we caught somebody, on camera at Tarafa Tavern when I was working there. And he this was in the gaming room, and, somebody got up to get some more put some notes into the changemaker. You know? So it’s old. Didn’t put notes in the machine back then. And, as soon as he got off his chair, this other guy came along, picked up his wallet, Which he’d left on his machine and walked out the door. So the guy came and said, oh, somebody stole my wallet. We got the, a really good print off it, gave it to the police, had the police around, all that sort of thing.

Chris [00:26:15]:
It’s all good. About a month later, the guy comes back in, and we’ve got a pic, Yeah. A print of a frame Yeah. Yeah. Sitting in in the office at the back and was like, dude, there’s that guy. There’s that guy. So, it was hilarious. This was one of the funniest things that’s ever happened to me.

Chris [00:26:35]:
Our our boss was really Sarcastic, Kevin Fraser. Yeah. Sarcastic man. Brilliant guy. Anyway, I’m in the office as he’s calling, so I was On the cameras watching the guy to make sure if he left while the boss calls the local police station, which is at Flagstaff. And I hear half of the conversation. Right? So I’m like, oh, yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:27:00]:
We’ve got this guy. We’ve got his stuff. Yeah. The police report number is blah blah blah because we had it all written down. Yep. I see. There’s no way for you to get down here? Well, we do have a courtesy van. We could send the courtesy van to pick you up.

Sam [00:27:17]:
Yeah. We’ll come get you. And I was

Chris [00:27:19]:
I was cracking up. And and the guy, so there’s this 18 year old cop who’s the only one there. He got his girlfriend to pick him up and drop him off here at the pub. I’m not joking.

Chris [00:27:31]:
I’m not making this up. Right? Awesome.

Chris [00:27:33]:
And the guy gets out of the thing, 18 year old cop In uniform walks into Tarapa Tavern. This is quite a few years ago. I think it was still when you’d smoking bars and that. So you can Yeah. It’s a while ago. Yeah. You can imagine what that would look like. The Tarapa Tavern is not one of the friendliest looking bars to walk in.

Chris [00:27:55]:
And the guy walked in and went, I went running over to it well, not running over, but over to him straight away in uniform, You know, so you knew our staff, and I said, great. Come out the back, and we’ll show you what we’ve got. The guy’s still here playing on the machines. There he is, you know, looking at the camera. There’s the photo. That’s him. And he’s like, right. Right.

Chris [00:28:16]:
Yep. Okay. I’d I just need to make a phone call. And so he called for backup. Next minute, there’s 3 police cars Excellent. Cops. I think they even brought a dog, But I got the guy.

Sam [00:28:29]:
Well, that’s that’s a good good story there.

Chris [00:28:32]:
It was really funny because the boss was like, when When are they going to get you guys, skateboards or whatever to get around? Yeah. Bicycles or something. You know? It was hilarious. Anyway, so that’s my burglary story.

Sam [00:28:47]:
Excellent. I do have to apologize if you can hear me chewing cashews. I’m just hungry. Look, I don’t get hungry now that I don’t eat sugar. Well, they they yeah. Well, I think it’s just something to eat. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:29:02]:
Because I haven’t had anything since lunch. And not really hungry, but it’s just that habit of eating something. Yeah. Yeah. But Countdown did charge me wrong. So instead of paying about $3 for the bunch of cashews, they charged me 23¢. So it was cool.

Chris [00:29:14]:
Yeah. Dude, take it.

Sam [00:29:17]:
Take it and run.

Chris [00:29:18]:
Take it and run. So have we got any more dropkicks or kickstarts? Have we checked anything?

Sam [00:29:23]:
Not for this podcast. No. We’re almost out of time.

Chris [00:29:26]:
Oh, we’re out of time. Okay. That’s cool. Because I wanna check for our next podcast, how AFK and those other ones are

Sam [00:29:34]:
Are you yeah.

Sam [00:29:35]:
Yeah. We’ll we’ll talk about it in the next podcast.

Chris [00:29:37]:
Sweet. Alright. So that’s pretty much everything from me then, I guess.

Sam [00:29:40]:
Yeah. I think this wraps up episode number 7? 7.

Chris [00:29:44]:

Sam [00:29:44]:
It is 7. I like it. I didn’t

Chris [00:29:45]:
think about it. Alright. So we’ll catch you all later. And, obviously, just So you remember Chris that Chris and Sam Facebook.comforward/theChrisandsampodcast? Yeah. Yeah. And other things.

Sam [00:30:02]:
Twitter is Chris and Sam Pod. We’re all we’re on Itunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, or Pocket Casts.

Chris [00:30:09]:
Oh, I’m Pocket Cast. But before we go too, Pocket Cast, we’re gonna have to I need to check that out. They sent us a really cool Email. Sam had organized Sam organizes everything. Sam had organized it, and they said, dear Sam, and in brackets, and Chris, your your podcast is now included in pocket, Pocket Cast, is it? Yeah.

Sam [00:30:30]:
Pocket Cast.

Chris [00:30:31]:
Pocket Cast. And it was a really cool email. And I’m like, damn, I need to check out Pocket Casts.

Sam [00:30:37]:
I use it, and I I really like it.

Chris [00:30:39]:
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, Sounds like a good thing. So, yep, get a hold of us. There’ll be some show notes there. There might not be a lot, of links in this one maybe, but

Sam [00:30:49]:
we’ll see. Be a few. I’m sure I can wrestle something up.

Chris [00:30:51]:
Yep. Alright. Catch you next time.

Sam [00:30:53]:
Okay. See you.