
It’s 2016 people, time to be excited. We celebrated new years by acting like old people and not do much.

We talk about how our Christmas went, Chris managed to get in at least 10 hours of gaming and Sam ended up with a random sort of Christmas gift which you can alter in all it’s glory, all the details within this podcast.

We’ve got a bit of a revival going on, Chris is getting into Southpark and Sam is checking out some online multiplayer games.

We work out why everyone has been crashing their car or drowning this holiday period as well as talking about the helicopter pilot that got into trouble for rescuing someone.

Rant time involves Hoyts cinemas and their super salty popcorn, and the not full refund where they kept 30 cents due to the little tiny bit of popcorn eaten. Oh and we talk about the Peanuts movie Sam went to see.

We have been board gaming it up lately with Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne

And find out what our New Year’s resolutions are going to be.


Sams Onesie

Carcassonne (board game)
The Peanuts Movie
Appeal for convicted chopper pilot Dave Armstrong reaches $20,000