NFT This

NFT This

So much happening this week. Form NFT madness, to rental car booking, a scammer, bad number plates, SchlinkedIn and more. Come check it out.

It’s Not a Screen

It’s Not a Screen

In this weeks ringworm free episode we discuss Improv, a weird person at Noel Leeming, growing wasabi, beach resort for Hamilton? A thing in a tree and so much more.

Bringing You to Sexy Town

Bringing You to Sexy Town

What new piece of technology got one of us excited today? What’s up with a man who can’t find a job? We talk about the Mifo wireless earbuds, and find some dumb Kickstarters.

New House

New House

In the rush of moving house, sorting out a pumpkin carnival and life in general we’ve managed to get this episode out for you.

Microsoft Paint Skills

Microsoft Paint Skills

Sickness, tiredness and being super busy right now has lead to me not writing these show notes.  It will be a surprise.  Come check it out.

Senhor Testiculo

Senhor Testiculo

We cover everything from updates in our lives, to a new drone, crazy mascots, a movie review and more.

Cracked Screen Good News

Cracked Screen Good News

Hot and sweaty while recording a podcast, we battle through to bring you all the randomness, technology and life you need. From a vampire speaking out, to a transformer car. Why did a couple get married on a plane? What did Sam find this week and how do you sell a horse saddle?