Stupid Robot Fighting League

Stupid Robot Fighting League

We learned all about the Stupid Robot Fighting League this week which we think is awesome, we get an update on RockRoll toilet paper, what can you find on Aliexpress, plus so much more.

The Otter Decline

The Otter Decline

This week we’ve been dealing with the fumes from Sam’s creative endeavors. Chris went to a LinkedIn Local event, we learned about Rambu, watched Sorry to Bother you and have been binge listening to another true crime podcast which is super creepy.

Windy Times at a Dog Show

Windy Times at a Dog Show

Another jam packed episode this week, we cover a lot. Highlights is the dog show Sam went to where things went wrong, Lime scooters are in Hamilton now and Chris talks about stick insects, all of this plus much more. Come have a listen.

Quasi Upsetting People

Quasi Upsetting People

This week find out what the number 2 most used natural resource is. Wellington got upset about some artwork this week, 2 men had a bet about if the world is flat which turned bad, and much more in this weeks episode.

What is Wrong with Sport Culture?

What is Wrong with Sport Culture?

We cover a lot in this episode. Vodka made in Chernobyl, TV Santa, are esports real sports? And what is up with our love of sports in this country? Woman told not to breastfeed and a man with his support dog kicked out of a store. What is sexy pavement lichen, and Chris has some NZ facts.

Does this Look Infected to You?

Does this Look Infected to You?

Find out what happened to Chris’s finger after he sought advice on Facebook this week. We have probably the stupidest story about a landlord here in NZ. What to do if people think you are dead, and children are easily hacking websites. All this and much more.

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Listen to an amazing story about the Rocky Horror picture show this week. Linkedin impressed Chris, electric ear tickling and more.

50th Anniversary of Man on the Moon

50th Anniversary of Man on the Moon

This week we catch up, Sam’s been on holiday, and Chris has been scaring more people. 50 years since man landed on the moon, dumb instagrammers, NZ’s real loss this week, a stolen photo and more.

First Lady of Wood

First Lady of Wood

How creepy is the wooden sculpture of Melania Trump? Is Hamilton the Florida of NZ? What happened to that person that licked the ice cream in the US? All this and more, including the dogs of Chernobyl.