Welcome to the 250th episode of the podcast, what an accomplishment, seems like only yesterday we were trying to figure out how to record audio and get it up onto the internet.

What crazy ideas does Trump want investigated to make his border wall even better than it currently is?

Sam had an incident at the gym this week, find out what happened and how bad it actually was.

Chris has been talking to some other podcasters lately, and has learned about something we haven’t done previously, so had a surprise in store for Sam this episode. Talking about podcasts, the people’s choice podcast awards have come out, check out the list to find more great podcasts to listen to.

The best election sign in the whole country has appeared in Tauranga, what did it say and would you get upset over it?

Ken Ring the crazy Moon guy has come out with his own special kind of information about climate change, does any of it make sense, and do you agree with any of it?

Scientists unexpectedly found a new use for some fancy new satellites which may be able to be used to predict when volcanoes are about to erupt.

Chris ventured outside of the house to go find out about the Vrex experience, and Jacinda decided to write a letter to both of us.

All this and more in your favourite podcast of randomness, technology and life. Wonder what the next 250 episodes with bring.

Donald Trump and his crazy wall ideas
Podcast Awards – People’s Choice
The Best Election Sign in the Country
Ken Rings Website