
What have we been up to this week? Well Chris has been busy talking to people about creating a signature talk, and Sam has been updating giant pumpkin things.

We learned this week about the Cherry Tree Festival being canceled here in Hamilton, apparently it was quite a big event. And as always there are always 2 sides to every story, find out about what has been happening with this.

Lots of political stuff has been happening around the world, Chris gives the update on what has been going wrong for some of the worlds most powerful people.

How well does a grim reaper statue work for slowing down people? Well it would work better if it didn’t get stolen almost straight away.

We find out what won the local James Dyson award and the great name one of the runner ups has decided to use for their product.

Chris has finally got a gig booked for something different which also includes him having to go get a fitting, it could be a great story and we can’t wait to hear how it all turns out.

There was a standoff this week in central Hamilton, some guy didn’t want to get off a roof in town, find out what his demand was, which we didn’t think was a very good one to be honest.

And India has been busy building it’s own aircraft carrier, so busy in fact that they didn’t realise when some important things got stolen from it.

All this and more in this weeks roundup of Randomness, Technology and Life.

Cheery Tree Festival Canceled in Hamilton
Grim Reaper Statue to Slow Down Traffic
Electric Trike Wins James Dyson Award
Hamilton Roof Standoff
Theft from Indian Aircraft Carrier
Social Media Instead of 111
