
This week part of the Trumps amazing wall fell down due to wind. Sam finds out a character in a TV show does voice over work and is surprised to find what he actually voices.

Yorkshire police soon discover the real importance of a ring, and the largest coin find in Britain as officially been recognised by the Guiness Book of World Records.

A problem with how dry spaghetti breaks has finally been solved by a bunch of physicists, what are the real world applications for this?

Sam has a kickstart or dropkick this week, it involves the worlds best survival shovel apparently.

If you went to the effort of counterfeiting a million dollars worth of $1 notes, why wouldn’t you pick a larger denomination.

With the recent outbreak of the Corona virus in China and other parts of the world, just how long did it take for China to build a new hospital? And what are the logistics behind that.

More science news. Will lasers be able to make nuclear waste safer faster? And how good will cellular bots be when they can fix things from inside.

And we talk a bit about the kick boxing age restrictions that may or may not be happening in Thailand.

Trumps Border Wall Falls Over
Yorkshire Police find the One Ring to Rule them All
[Breaking Spaghetti Problem Solved](
Kickstart or Dropkick the Baha Shovel
New Facebook Feature, Off Facebook Data
Counterfeiting $1 Bills
Lasers to make Nuclear Waste Safe
How to Build a Hospital the Chinese Way
Cellular Robots
Kick Boxing age Restrictions