
This week we welcome some new people to the podcasting world, hopefully they will be as succesful as we have been.

Chris gives us the run down on the new Jim Jefferies podcast, and what makes it unique and why you should give it a listen.

We learned that kitset assembly services is a thing, find out what keeps them busy in the lead up to Christmas. Talking about Christmas, a local legend called Sid Patel does some very good deeds for his local community.

What happens when you forget about a pinhole camera you strapped to the side of an observatory?

Sam remembers seeing some guy do a Tik Tok dance the other day, and Tik Tok teaming up with Walmart seems to be a huge success, will it transform how we buy things?

Ruapehu is warming up, will we get to see it do someting by the end of 2020?

Whats the deal with the Cyberpunk game and the problems they’ve been facing?

We talk about an eye experiment that went wrong, but brought more questions about how the human body works, and gave better than expected results.

Trever Noah’s Podcast
Harry and Meaghan’s Podcast
Jim Jefferies Podcast
Kitset Assembly Services
Sid Patel, Local Legend
TikTok Trial with Walmart
Ruapehu Warming Up
Cyberpunk Game Recall
Eye Experiment Went Wrong with Great Results
Forgotten Pinhole Camera