
It seems everyone wants to be sending something to Mars, including the Arabs. The police have done one good thing by creating an official Hijab, while on the other hand creating a social media stuff up.

Facebook have decided to ban Australian news sites from publishing on the platform, how will this work out for them?

How are US cops counteracting being filmed while doing their job? The answer may surprise you. Looking for a new way to fund raise for your school or community group? We may have the answer for you.

There are blue dogs in Russia and no one really knows why, but we have some ideas.

What’s up with missing price labels? What is the impact hub, and how would you like it if you got caught on a ferry crossing in rough seas?

All of this and much more.

Arabs in space
Te Huia Launch Date Confirmed
Social media stuff up for cops
Hijab Created
Facebook in Australia Bans Local News
Anti lockdown protesters in Auckland
US Cops using music when being filmed
Milk Ad Removed, Someone Complained
New Fundraising Idea
Blue Dogs in Russia
Multi Stop Route Planner
Cook Straight Horror Cruise
Impact Hub
Funeral Strippers