
Sam had to deal with someone on their secure phone line for a refund this week.

We discuss everyone’s favourite Auckland couple that had to go to Wanaka recently. We also talk about what Florida man has been up to on your birthday.

Australia is going to get some nuclear submarines, but the weapons won’t be nuclear. And a man with an interesting name hands himself in after 30 years.

We talk about if we are using emojis wrong, how man fixed his game after 40 years and some of the weird costumes from the Met Gala.

There are some awesome new wind turbines available now.

And we talk about the potential uses of Astronauts blood, when used in concrete.

All this and much more.

Auckland Wanaka couple
Florida Man Birthday Challenge
Nuclear subs for Australia
Man hands himself in after 30 years
New Flower Wind Turbines
Met Gala Outfits
Man fixes game after 40 years
Astronauts Blood