
This week we have puffins, bears VS trains, and even a toy Tiger Tank used to pop space shuttle tyres. Helping puffins survive, a man lying to get into a country and much more.

Come check it out and tell a friend.


Prodrive Golf
Woman fined for her chicken sandwich
Five night at Freddies Causes problems
Guy living a basic life leaves fortune to town
Rhys Darby to Host Emmy’s
Dealing with Excess Hippos
Drunk Grizzlies getting hit by trains
Puffling Season
Toy Tank to Pop Space Shuttle Tyres

Show Transcript

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Sam [00:00:21]:

Hello, and welcome to episode 457 of the Chris and Sam

Chris [00:00:25]:

I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:

And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology in life, and it’s Christmas birthday. Happy birthday.

Speaker A [00:00:31]:


Sam [00:00:31]:

How old are you?

Chris [00:00:33]:

What year is it? Oh, yeah. I’m 56.

Sam [00:00:36]:

Excellent. Excellent. I, I got asked that question the other day for, stupid banking, like clarification? Yeah. They asked me, like, 5 different questions, and the and then they tripped me up when they’re like, how old are you gonna be on your next birthday? I’m like, how old am I now? I don’t know.

Chris [00:00:52]:

Yeah. I’d yeah. It’s, I remember the 50th, But other than that, it’s just a blur.

Sam [00:01:00]:

Did you have a good day?

Chris [00:01:02]:

It was. It was. Oh, today? Yeah. Today, no, it was great. I I caught up with Pamela and Gloria, who you know. Yeah. We did, the TEDx thing together, and, so they said hello. And Pamela was telling us about her trip to the States.

Chris [00:01:19]:

So she went back to the States. 1st time she’s gone back, for 4 years to see her. Her parents Getting on a bit.

Sam [00:01:25]:

Yep. Okay.

Chris [00:01:26]:

Pamela was born almost exactly the same time as me.

Sam [00:01:29]:

Oh, wow.

Chris [00:01:30]:

Like, her birth We’re on the same year. Her birthday’s the 22nd November. Mine’s the 23rd

Sam [00:01:35]:


Chris [00:01:36]:

But she’s in the States.

Sam [00:01:37]:

So pretty much the same.

Chris [00:01:38]:

Same day. Yeah. So anyway oh, no. I’ve just given away Pamela’s age. But anyway, so, she she went back to the States with Like, Lewis ended up being 7 on traveling. Her and her husband Okay. Her 2 daughters. One of the daughters, brought a boyfriend.

Chris [00:01:56]:

They’ve been together for a few years sort of thing. Yep. He’d never he’s Irish. He’d never been to the States. The girls have been when they were younger, but this is the first time that we work back as adults, and Pamela had it all planned out. And she, the only thing that sort of Fell over was Madonna concert that we’re going to see that, but Madonna got sick. Oh, okay. Do you remember? Yep.

Chris [00:02:18]:

But, yeah, she goes, we did the real American, experience. We went guns. 4. And the next day, we went and shot them, and we had at this gun range.

Sam [00:02:33]:

Okay. I thought this was just someone’s house.

Chris [00:02:34]:

Even sold Fire flamethrowers at the gun range. Yeah. And I was like, yeah. That’s for the zombie holocaust. And then They they visit a a missile silo, and they visit a nuclear power plant, and they, yeah, all all the American things.

Sam [00:02:50]:

It’s crazy, but I’m not gonna lie. I’d love seeing that stuff. It’d be so interesting.

Chris [00:02:54]:

Oh, 100%. It’d be fantastic. Yeah. So the nuclear power station is basically where she grew up, and both the parents were working at that.

Sam [00:03:05]:

Oh, yeah.

Chris [00:03:05]:

And she goes, it’s the first one built in America. I’m like, okay. Is is it still going oh, no. It’s a museum now. It’s it’s a national park. I was like, thank god for that.

Sam [00:03:16]:

Cool. Cool.

Chris [00:03:17]:

That that was old tech.

Sam [00:03:19]:

Yeah. Yeah. That’s right.

Chris [00:03:21]:

And, yeah, you say it’s a national park, but it’s probably because nobody wants to live there because I can’t do the Geiger counter noise, but anyway No.

Sam [00:03:29]:

Because that was a good attempt. I’m not gonna try, but yes. Yeah. You’re probably right. Yes.

Chris [00:03:34]:

Anyway, so that that was that was the the upshot of my day,

Sam [00:03:38]:

and I’ve just had a a bit of wine. Excellent. I checked out Made in Hamilton East. It’s Shopping destination. I don’t know what it is. You went on the opening night Yep.

Chris [00:03:47]:

Day. Yeah.

Sam [00:03:48]:

Opening day. It was okay. It was okay. Yeah.

Chris [00:03:51]:

It was pretty good.

Speaker A [00:03:51]:

Oh, it’s

Sam [00:03:52]:

good for Hamilton. I I don’t know how many of those things in there will viably be there in 18 months Once it dies down. That’s all. Yeah. Actually, I But

Chris [00:04:04]:

they’re still building quite a bit there, aye? Because, well, when we went through, there’s still a lot of areas, under construction with, boardings around them and stuff.

Sam [00:04:14]:

No. It looked like everything was open from what I could tell.

Chris [00:04:16]:

Upstairs at the back.

Sam [00:04:18]:

Oh, yeah. No. They’re still doing stuff there. Yeah. Yeah. But it was a a weird flow, I think, because you Oh, it is. That that was the thing, I think, that threw me.

Chris [00:04:25]:

Yeah. Because we thought we could go all the way around the top, and then you can’t. You gotta turn around and come back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s a bit weird, but it’s good. It’s apparently way better than when it was regional council.

Sam [00:04:37]:

Oh, you because, apparently, when

Chris [00:04:39]:

when it rains

Sam [00:04:40]:

It’ll be a day. People

Chris [00:04:41]:

could smell The rain. Like, it was horrible. It’s just rotting everywhere. So Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:04:46]:

Good. I, actually, on that same day, we went to the golf driving range. Shout out to Prodrive Golf. I didn’t realize that they’ve got these and they’ve probably been there for years, but it’s been years since I’ve been there. Little, screens that shows where your ball’s going.

Chris [00:05:00]:

Oh, really?

Sam [00:05:01]:

Yeah. And I don’t know how the tech works. I have no idea.

Chris [00:05:05]:

There must be a camera up there and just

Sam [00:05:07]:

Yeah. But it must be above the roof so you can’t see it.

Chris [00:05:10]:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:05:10]:

But it’s do everyone’s got 1. You smash the ball, and it shows you the direction how far it’s gone and how far away you are from the pin, And it’s very cool, and it’s just this to protect. I also, same day, chased some, stolen car people randomly.

Chris [00:05:27]:

Okay. You you need to tell me more.

Sam [00:05:29]:

Driving. I’m driving. Sarah’s in the car next to me, And this little Toyota Aqua comes up, and we’ve just gone into Avalon Drive bypass, and it sort of cut in front of me sort of a little weird. I glanced to my right. The passenger, who I can see, and the driver have both got hoodies on pulled up around their head. I’m like, oh, that’s interesting. They drive a few hundred a little bit longer, and a dude sits up from inside the boot. So there’s like 5 of them in this car, I think, or 6.

Sam [00:06:00]:

I don’t know. Sits up in the boot. He’s got a hoodie on through the tinted window. And I’m like, This was weird.

Speaker A [00:06:06]:

So I

Sam [00:06:07]:

said to Sarah, hey. Go on a website called Put in that number plate. Puts it in. Stolen. Oh, okay. Ring the place. So ring them, And I said, oh, you know, she she’s she’s she’s relaying what I’m saying, so I’m just saying some random words.

Sam [00:06:21]:

She doesn’t know what I’m talking about, and, They’re like, okay. Yep. Where are you going? So we ended up going, down Avalon Drive Pass, down Norton Road, down Maitre, Then they shot off down the side street. That’s when they realized I was following them, and then they popped out onto Ulster Street and turned right, and they got out, and I couldn’t. There was heaps of traffic. And that’s where we lost them.

Chris [00:06:42]:

Oh, wow. And they so they just abandoned the car and ran?

Sam [00:06:45]:

No. No. They were still driving.

Chris [00:06:46]:

Oh, right. Right.

Sam [00:06:47]:

And the police were like, yeah. We’re gonna see

Chris [00:06:49]:

said go there, I thought I mean,

Sam [00:06:50]:

they got there. Go down to traffic.

Chris [00:06:52]:

Get yeah. Okay.

Sam [00:06:53]:

So, yeah, though. I don’t know what happened after that. Yeah. So hopefully, I helped someone out and stop the ram raid. And I gave Sarah a good work story.

Chris [00:07:01]:

Cool. Nice. I like that. I like that. I haven’t got anything amazing. Oh, okay. So We’ve got Misty Flix coming up this weekend. So when you hear this, it’ll have been

Sam [00:07:12]:

I know. It’s already been.

Chris [00:07:13]:

It’ll been. So yeah.

Sam [00:07:15]:

We we hope it’s gone well. Awesome. It was awesome. We were very busy, and all the technology worked. Yes. No worries.

Chris [00:07:24]:

Notice the big pile of sandbags by

Sam [00:07:26]:

the door. Don’t forget those. That’s right. Like, I’m picking you up. Did you hear about the woman being fined for 3, fined $3,300 for a chicken sandwich? No what? So this woman, she’s from New Zealand and, she flew to Australia. And for some reason, she brought a chicken sandwich in a packet from the, airport, Which is a terrible idea in itself. Like, she’s transporting this chicken sandwich for so many hours in an airplane. Like, hello, food poisoning.

Sam [00:07:59]:

Anyway, basically, she didn’t declare it. So Australia border control said you need an import permit for that. Here’s your fine of $3,300. Fair. And she’s like freaks out, and she goes, They paid it. The story came out, so I don’t know I always wanna know how the, the story gets to the media. Like, one of the steps. Anyway, their pensioner uses a lot of their money.

Sam [00:08:27]:

It was an uneaten sandwich, obviously. She goes, look, it’s still in its packet. And they’re like, we don’t care. We could actually fine you $6,700. We’re not gonna do that because we’re good. They did say, we do strongly advise that you appeal the fine, though. Yeah. So they’re following the rules, but they’re sort of like, I guess, on the lenient side.

Sam [00:08:47]:

Anyway, an entrepreneur of some sort Came to the rescue, contacted The Herald. I want to be anonymous. I will pay that money for them. Good on you.

Chris [00:08:57]:

Good on you.

Sam [00:08:58]:


Chris [00:08:59]:

Yeah. Rando Bruce Wayne. That’s just

Sam [00:09:02]:

stuff. Better.

Chris [00:09:03]:

Like No. Just just no. Although although Here we go. Okay.

Sam [00:09:07]:

Here I go.

Chris [00:09:07]:

So you know Caroline. Caroline’s my friend. She’s, when I knew her back in the day, I was about 18, she worked for customs, and her and Joe went over to so all of my friends so my best friend, Tim, who was going out with Carolyn, worked for customs, and I all his mates, I sort of knew. I used to hang out with them because where I worked, there was no I was the youngest. There was no young people there.

Speaker A [00:09:32]:


Sam [00:09:33]:

were a sewing machine.

Chris [00:09:34]:

Yeah. So they’re all old ladies

Sam [00:09:36]:

where I work. Good. Good. Good.

Chris [00:09:37]:

So that’s cool. So I used to hang out with all the customs guys. Carolyn and Joe went over to The states, Jo Josephine, Jo, and, they stopped in Hawaii on the way back. And in Hawaii, she bought this Globe thing that had a plant in it.

Sam [00:09:55]:

Oh, like an actual real life plant.

Chris [00:09:58]:

And she got things coming into the country, and they’re like, What do you you work here.

Sam [00:10:04]:

Yeah. That’s

Chris [00:10:05]:

that’s pretty good. I know Carolyn doesn’t, like, listen to the podcast, so I can give give a shit.

Sam [00:10:14]:

Except for that one time she does, and you’ll find out about it.

Chris [00:10:18]:

Hey. Did you 5 nights at Freddy’s. Have you seen it yet? No. No. I haven’t either.

Sam [00:10:24]:

So it’s based on a computer game. Is that right?

Chris [00:10:27]:

Apparently, something like that. Yeah. Okay.

Sam [00:10:29]:

Oh, lord. We watched the Trailer?

Chris [00:10:32]:

Cage, Nicolas Cage Yes. Which is the version what was that one called?

Sam [00:10:37]:

It’s when he’s fighting the animatronic robots and doesn’t talk.

Chris [00:10:40]:

The same story. They’re both the same story of the same event. It’s the same story.

Sam [00:10:47]:

Oh, really?

Chris [00:10:47]:

His one came out earlier. Anyway

Sam [00:10:50]:

But this has got the name of the actual game. Yes. Exactly.

Chris [00:10:54]:

Exactly. That was called Freddy’s at the in the Nicolas Cage scene as well. Okay. So, anyway, Chuck E. Cheese No. Has removed all the animatronics from every one of their restaurants now except one. There’s one that’s

Sam [00:11:09]:

Oh, okay.

Chris [00:11:09]:

They kept like a museum dish.

Sam [00:11:11]:

Or whatever. Yeah. Okay.

Chris [00:11:12]:

Yeah. Because of the fallout to do with 5 Nights at Freddy’s.

Sam [00:11:18]:


Chris [00:11:18]:

all the kids are scared.

Sam [00:11:20]:

Yes. Be and and that’s because kids watch anything on there these days almost.

Chris [00:11:24]:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because they they know how to hack And get things offline

Sam [00:11:28]:

Yeah. That’s right.

Chris [00:11:29]:

Off the Internet.

Sam [00:11:31]:

This, story came out this week. I’ve seen it a few times published, and someone told me about it as well. This dude in New Hampshire in America, he just lived a simple life. He had 3 bare clothes. He rode his lawnmower into town, Went to a convenience store, parked up, watched some cars, read a newspaper, had odd jobs for others, never really left town, Had, he did teach driver’s education for a little bit for high schoolers, but he decided to drive give up driving a car. He had a bike for a while, and then he went to the lawnmower. He lived in a mobile home in the park. No TV.

Sam [00:12:06]:

No computer either. Super basic dude. Yeah. Had a couple of friends. He left the place he lives $3,800,000 when he died And as well so he basically, back in the day, did some investments. He had actually had a really decent job back in the day, And, apparently, one of his, relatives said, oh, he invested in communications, like mobile stuff, Just before mobiles were a thing, made a ton of money. And then he told his friend, I don’t know what to do with it. And he says, oh, well, the town’s always looked after you really well.

Sam [00:12:44]:

Why didn’t you sort of, you know, get back to that somehow? And the friend says, oh, I didn’t really he was gonna give all the didn’t know he had that much money.

Speaker A [00:12:50]:

I didn’t

Sam [00:12:50]:

know I was gonna give it all back. Yeah. A bit random.

Chris [00:12:53]:

That’s cool. That is cool. It just goes to show too. We were having a a discussion, today about the politics and things. So, apparently, it’s becoming a little bit, like the US. I I was saying the US is terrible For the lobbying, the amount of money in politics, and the potential, what do you call it, corruption. Well, it feels like corruption to To me

Sam [00:13:17]:

In Florence

Chris [00:13:18]:

But but that’s what they have over there, and, apparently, it’s getting that way here in New Zealand as well. I bet. And the, Both labor and, national, the the amount of money that wealthy people are giving them, and there’s they’re giving them mostly Because they wanna save on taxes. It’s all about if you can reduce my tax bill, you can have a load of shitload of money.

Sam [00:13:38]:

I know. It’s crazy. Like

Chris [00:13:40]:

And we were talking about I’m like, yeah. I think a lot of the wealthiest people are the ones with the biggest scarcity mindsets because that’s what’s driven them to Hold on

Speaker A [00:13:49]:

for money.

Sam [00:13:49]:

Totally. Totally.

Chris [00:13:50]:

Whereas this dude you’re talking about, he didn’t seem to give a crap and was living his best life just enjoying it.

Sam [00:13:57]:

Yeah. You

Chris [00:13:57]:

know? Sounds good. Good on him.

Sam [00:13:59]:

So stuff did a really clickbaity, headline earlier this week. Oh, no. Really? Rhys Darby to host this year’s Emmy Awards.

Chris [00:14:09]:


Sam [00:14:10]:

Pretty big,

Chris [00:14:11]:

That’s pretty big.

Sam [00:14:11]:

Pretty big. He’s an interesting character, seems to pick up some random roles, you know, blah blah blah. He announced it. And then you read that little tiny bit in the bottom right down there, Chris, on that little logo. International Emmy Awards.

Chris [00:14:28]:

Oh, okay.

Sam [00:14:29]:

So I think it’s international films. So it’s not the actual Emmys. It’s not the Emmys that we know. It’s like an offshoot because because somebody on Twitter goes, not gonna knock the guy, but it’s like if he was hosting the technical awards for the Emmys. It’s at that level. Yeah. It’s like, oh, that makes a bit of sense.

Chris [00:14:49]:

Yeah. Yeah. Because it yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, you know, in a few more years, maybe he will

Sam [00:14:55]:

Well no. Because, normally, they have to go with a a list comedian or celebrity or someone, like Ricky Gervais or, what’s his face? We got punched in the head. Slap in the face.

Chris [00:15:03]:

Yeah. But are you saying Rhys Darby is not a list like Chris Rock.

Sam [00:15:08]:

No. I mean, yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Chris [00:15:12]:

Okay. This piqued my interest. I don’t know if it’ll pique anyone else’s interest.

Sam [00:15:18]:

We’ll find out.

Chris [00:15:18]:

There’s a a school in Pennsylvania.

Sam [00:15:20]:

Write in if it does.

Chris [00:15:21]:

It’s a district School. Okay. And this year Yeah. They’ve got 17 sets of twin twins.

Speaker A [00:15:29]:

Oh, wow.

Chris [00:15:30]:

That’s a lot. That’s all due to graduate in 2036. And there’s quite a long article here, so I wanna go through it. But, Basically, there’s this woman that does all the enrollments, and she keeps going to this other woman who’s being interviewed. And she goes she keep coming over to me. She goes, We got a set of twins, and and because she always keeps an eye out for twins. I think she was a twin or something.

Sam [00:15:49]:

Okay. Yeah.

Chris [00:15:50]:

She always keeps her eye out for twins, and, normally, they have 2 to 4 Sets of twins in a Yeah. In a period. I don’t know how big the school is, but they got 17 sets of twins.

Sam [00:16:02]:

That’s crazy.

Chris [00:16:03]:

And all at the same time identical there after that? No. Well, it I don’t I don’t think it said it might say it in there, but I I don’t recall now. But, I I did some see some of the photos, and a lot of them weren’t identical, but yeah. But you just wonder, There’s something in the water in Pennsylvania. Like, that seems like a statistical anomaly.

Sam [00:16:23]:

Maybe. Maybe.

Chris [00:16:24]:

Are they cloning people there or some I don’t know. Something going on?

Sam [00:16:28]:

You you don’t know. Could be. This dude was 3 days into a sentence of home detention, and he had a giant, rap cheap from over the years of dishonesty. They gave him permission to leave his home to go shopping. So, of course, he did. He, cut off his ankle bracelet and stole $1500 worth of clothing. Yeah. And then they caught him.

Sam [00:16:53]:

So it’s probably not really the best thing for them to be done.

Chris [00:16:57]:

Yeah. You can’t be trusting and have those jobs. I’d I’d be a Terrible, terrible prison warden or anything in that sort of

Sam [00:17:05]:

But before he did that, he was already in, prison and stuff. He’d found God, So he was all good.

Chris [00:17:10]:

Oh, yeah. Something that’s right in the mouth. He’s alright now. Mhmm. Yeah. Because that always helps. Hey. What do you know about puffins? Did you know, for example, that the little ones are called pufflings? No.

Chris [00:17:24]:

That’s that’s so cute.

Sam [00:17:25]:

I’ve got a vague memory, And this could be wrong, so I don’t know. I’m sure Gordon Ramsay went to the island where they were, and he caught 1 and ate it. He cooked it up,

Chris [00:17:35]:

I think. Okay.

Sam [00:17:36]:

I’m sure it was a puff and he ate.

Chris [00:17:38]:


Sam [00:17:39]:

And it was some I think it was like a cultural thing. I’ve got a funny feeling he had to do it in a certain way or something maybe.

Chris [00:17:45]:

Maybe. Maybe. Because it’s Iceland.

Sam [00:17:47]:

Yeah. That’s right.

Chris [00:17:49]:

So what they do this is fascinating To me, again, another fascinating thing from Chris, which only Chris may find fascinating. But pufflings, when they get to a certain age, they fly and they take off And they go off into the the sea, and the they go for, like, a year or something crazy, apparently. But So so it’s this sort of age thing. They hit this age, and they go in flight. But because and what they do is they take off at night, And they fly towards the moon.

Sam [00:18:20]:

Oh, okay.

Chris [00:18:21]:

They fly for the moonlight.

Sam [00:18:22]:

They they fly towards the moon,

Chris [00:18:23]:

and and that’s what they do. But because of the city lights

Sam [00:18:27]:

Oh, no.

Chris [00:18:28]:

Get turned around and end up flying into buildings and sand in town. So all these, these Icelanders are running around in this certain season On puffling patrol, and they grab all the pufflings, and they put them in a box. And then in the morning, they take them to the cliff, and they Throw them off the cliff

Sam [00:18:46]:


Chris [00:18:46]:

In the sunshine to go so it’ll fly towards the sun. And otherwise, they, they never go where they need to go.

Sam [00:18:53]:

Does all this random stuff in Iceland sound so good?

Chris [00:18:58]:

It does. It’s just random ass. So anyway, I thought that was So

Speaker A [00:19:01]:

you can

Sam [00:19:01]:

see this on YouTube. It’s called, it’s Gordon Ramsay, the f word. It’s a show, the f word. He goes and hunts Puffin and then barbecues up a Puffin breast, And somehow I’ve seen that in the past. Damn. So anyway

Chris [00:19:14]:

we’ll link to this story. This is a a lot better because they don’t eat the puffins. In this one, they Save the puffings. Pufflings.

Sam [00:19:21]:

Anyway That’s alright. Cool. I see you’ve got the story about here, Skabazz Hippo. I think we spoke about this a couple of years ago.

Chris [00:19:29]:

Oh, we we totally have.

Sam [00:19:31]:

Okay. We have. But It’s

Chris [00:19:32]:

But that

Sam [00:19:33]:

they’re Out of hand. They’ve gone crazy.

Chris [00:19:35]:

Yeah. So you know what they’re doing now? They’re sterilizing them. Yes. They’re giving them to sick.

Sam [00:19:39]:

Yeah. Didn’t they have 2 options? There wasn’t 1 I think they were gonna do either do that, Well, I think they had to try and kill them, but I think it’s too hard because they’re so big.

Speaker A [00:19:49]:

Yeah. Well, how do you give

Chris [00:19:50]:

them the snip? That doesn’t sound Much easier.

Sam [00:19:54]:

Yeah. I don’t know. But it’s like what what is the numbers now? Because they they had a group of hippos which were brought in the 19 eighties to his private zoo. They were released because nobody knew what to do with them in 1993 after his death, and they reproduce without control. It takes time to sterilize them because you gotta Spot them and capturing them is complicated because they’re 3 tons. Apparently, it’s even complicated because rain happens and that Causes problems. They don’t know how many there is. They reckon there might be a 1,000 of them.

Chris [00:20:26]:

Holy crap. I didn’t think it was that many.

Sam [00:20:27]:

No. Because they’re breeding like Actual giant rabbits, pretty much. And each sterilization costs $9,800.

Chris [00:20:36]:

Yeah. Because if You were saying, Chris, I need to go and rip the testicles off that bill. I’d be like, yeah. Yeah. I need $10. I really, really need $10 Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:20:48]:

They do have a risk of potentially being allergic to the anesthetic and death as well as risks To the animal health personnel. So, a thousand of them, and they’re so hard, you could drag that job out forever. That’s a great money spinner. Yeah. $10 a pop.

Chris [00:21:05]:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean,

Sam [00:21:06]:

you’re not getting that, but you’d be like, oh, you know, it took us a whole week just to find that one. I gotta get the right conditions. There’s a problem with the rain.

Speaker A [00:21:14]:

I don’t know

Chris [00:21:14]:

what that means.

Sam [00:21:16]:

Oh, run out of blow darts. Too many. I think that’s good.

Chris [00:21:21]:

We’ll stick with the the wildlife thing.

Sam [00:21:22]:


Chris [00:21:23]:

I love this. This title made me look at it. It was a bit clickbaity, but it’s interesting, I thought. Drunk grizzlies keep getting hit by trains in Montana.

Sam [00:21:32]:

Okay. Oh, yeah. Are they falling as okay. Cara.

Chris [00:21:35]:

Yes. So There’s 2 groups of bears on either side of this mountain range type thing.

Sam [00:21:44]:

Okay. One’s on the good side, one’s on the bad side. Yeah. Yep.

Chris [00:21:46]:

One doesn’t have so much trouble, but this side does. And it’s because these grain trains go through. Oh. And the grain trains, they fill them to capacity Yeah. And they spill over. Ah. And the bears go over and eat the grains, but they Sitting there, and they ferment. Mhmm.

Chris [00:22:03]:

So the bears eat these grains and get drunk. Nice. They see a train, and they start running away from it. Not effective. No. Run down the tracks away from the thing because they’re drunk.

Sam [00:22:16]:

Oh my gosh.

Chris [00:22:17]:

Get splattered. But, yeah, it it’s it’s interesting because the the conservationists have been saying to the, people doing the grain stuff, like, Can you not fill them to the top? Yeah. Can you just go yeah.

Sam [00:22:31]:

Fully cover them. Close them.

Chris [00:22:32]:

Couple of inches below Yeah. So that it doesn’t spill, and then we wouldn’t have this problem. And I no. No. No.

Speaker A [00:22:38]:

No. No. No. No. No.

Chris [00:22:38]:

No. No. No. No.

Speaker A [00:22:38]:

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Speaker A [00:22:39]:

No. No. No. No. No.

Chris [00:22:39]:

No. From a logistics much money.

Sam [00:22:40]:

From a logistics point of view, that little Couple of inches of grain across all their carriages, which I’m assuming there’s a ton of them

Speaker A [00:22:47]:


Sam [00:22:47]:

With how much they move is like, you know, Mega bucks, I’m guessing.

Chris [00:22:53]:

I’m sure it is.

Sam [00:22:53]:

I’m sure it is. But it’s surprising that they haven’t been told by, like, wildlife people, whoever looks after that. Yeah. I I I guess they’re not endangered, are they?

Chris [00:23:02]:

No. I don’t think they are. Yeah. I don’t think they are. But, this is I I I thought that was interesting because you just wouldn’t have thought, oh, grain spilling out of a train. Because first of all, I Wouldn’t have thought the grain was just open to the air and spilling out anyway like dirt. That just surprised me. Maybe it shouldn’t have, but I did.

Chris [00:23:25]:

And then, yeah, I I just wouldn’t have thought, oh, yeah. So the wildlife would just go and eat that. Birds, yes, I wouldn’t have thought of

Speaker A [00:23:34]:

the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:23:35]:

I don’t know.

Chris [00:23:35]:

Anyway, I I gotta I gotta think here. K. This this interests me too. This is an old, older story. Yeah. But it’s I know. I’ve saved the wrong story in there. Brilliant.

Chris [00:23:48]:


Sam [00:23:49]:

Go from memory.

Chris [00:23:50]:

Go from memory.

Sam [00:23:50]:

You’re not that old. You’ll be fine.

Chris [00:23:52]:

So this this is this so when planes come down

Sam [00:23:56]:


Chris [00:23:57]:

And they land, they their tires take a big impact. Right? Yes. And they are quite pressurized, and they can build up a lot of pressure. Yeah. And they actually quite often will go, oh, that’s Dangerous. Shoot it or effectively shoot it or something. Okay. I forget what they do.

Chris [00:24:14]:

They use something like that and blow the tire because otherwise, It can you know, somebody touches it, and it just go bang, and it’ll it’ll kill people.

Sam [00:24:22]:

It it

Chris [00:24:23]:

has killed people. However, When in the, back in the eighties, nineties, the Space Shuttle, when that landed Yeah. The force was So much higher

Sam [00:24:36]:

because I used to come in at a funny angle. Oh, yes.

Chris [00:24:38]:

There’s a 17 degree glide path Okay. Instead of 3. Yeah. It was, like, ridiculous.

Speaker A [00:24:43]:


Chris [00:24:43]:

So We they are, like, 50 times more pressure than the biggest plane. And so this guy, they’re like, oh, the This this thing lands, and they’re like, now we gotta pop the tires before we touch anything else.

Sam [00:24:58]:

So the first thing they do is go pop the tires?

Chris [00:24:59]:

Pop the tires, but they they couldn’t get through them because they’re They’re so big.

Sam [00:25:03]:


Chris [00:25:03]:

So what this guy ended up doing, and and this is a story a flamethrower. No. They they got a Toy Tiger Tank, a remote controlled Tiger Tank. The guy had put a necessary engineer, put a camera on it and a drill, And he Oh, right. Okay. Controls this tire tank over it, but it’s literally a toy tank with a thing. With a drill on it. Drill on it And drill into the tire.

Chris [00:25:28]:

Boom. And then, yeah.

Sam [00:25:30]:

Okay. I, I did a course once, and there was a whole bunch of, yeah, New Zealand engineers there. Oh, yeah. And they were talking about, it was sort of I think the course I went on was this guy talking about, warehousing and shelving and how Oh, yeah. Yeah. Maximize your space and stuff. And, the the 2 things that was interesting was all the tools, that they use are barcoded or NFC chipped, And they’ve gotta scan them in and out of the toolbox.

Chris [00:26:01]:

At at the air airport?

Sam [00:26:03]:

Before and after they work on a plane. Yeah. Because they can’t and they’ve got I think The job’s not complete until it knows the system knows everything’s back in this toolbox. And this woman was saying, like, one of the big things That they have trouble managing or just a pain in the ass really is they have to hold the tires for all the aircraft That flight in and out of New Zealand for all the carriers, they’ve got to have those spare parts, and they’ve got to rotate the tires around all the time. I think they’re standing upright, she said, And, just the weight, they’re just gonna be rotated all the time. So I’ve got, like, a

Chris [00:26:37]:

system tires. It’s just alright. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:26:39]:

Yeah. And because you see, we’ve got So many more than we need just for our fleet because we have to have all the Qantas ones or the equivalent ones, and they gotta have enough. I don’t know how what the percentage is. They gotta have so many of them because, potentially, I guess, that’s a reasonably easy fix. I don’t know. But she was like, yeah. We’ve gotta they take up so much room, and we’re gonna have a system, so we’re gonna rotate them all all the time.

Chris [00:27:01]:


Sam [00:27:02]:

Yeah. I just remember that.

Chris [00:27:03]:

That that’s crazy. Because this week, a new phone a new plane was unveiled or launched from the Waikato, Which is the only, company in New Zealand that makes planes in Hamilton. So they’ve got this new one.

Sam [00:27:20]:

They’ve been building them for, like Yeah.

Chris [00:27:21]:

Yeah. Venezuela building all sorts of a ages, but this new one’s just, been released or launched or whatever, and it has a runway at 200 meter runway. 200 meter. 200 feet. 200 meter runway. It’s, like, really short.

Sam [00:27:36]:

Okay. So it can

Chris [00:27:37]:

And so, yeah, they’ve already got 6 ordered for Papua New Guinea, and each one of them, I think she said they can do 18 a year, and it’s 1,800,000 or something like that to the, the local economy or 180,000,000 or some random number. But yeah. No. It’s fascinating.

Sam [00:27:52]:

We are full of facts here at the Chris and Sam Podcast. I can’t remember what the company’s called. Yes. Pacific Aerospace.

Chris [00:28:01]:

Pacific Aerospace.

Sam [00:28:02]:

That’s right. So in 2016, they produced their 1 100th p 750 aircraft, which is a little, like, flight little trainer thing.

Speaker A [00:28:08]:


Sam [00:28:08]:

And, I think at some point, they did get a really big contract government contract for some rando country like Venezuela or somewhere, but they’re, like, really onto it. I think way back in the day, somebody I knew through somebody else’s dad worked there, and I think there was talk they were gonna shut it down at some point, but they didn’t, And they’re still thriving.

Chris [00:28:27]:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:28:28]:

And all we need now is a private thing to build a private plane well, part of a private plane That can be decked out to look like an air ambulance for a potential short film. Yes. Yes. Easy. It’s great advertising for them.

Speaker A [00:28:42]:


Chris [00:28:42]:

Maybe I should get a hold of them.

Sam [00:28:44]:

I don’t know. They might have a ship. I think

Chris [00:28:45]:

they’ve got, the planes aren’t quite the size I’m looking for. That’s right. Anyone listening that does have a private jet, though, please get in touch. I can buy a pizza, and

Sam [00:28:58]:

You mentioned that. This is, this is Chris. He’s with that short film thing. He’s just gonna sort out the payment. You got this, 2 pieces.

Chris [00:29:06]:

Pepperoni or what?

Sam [00:29:08]:

He’s got 2 Domino’s for you. What now? Well, they’re not flying it anywhere, so there’s no fuel cost. It’s just, 2 dominoes.

Chris [00:29:18]:

Hey. I’ve I’ve got a I’ve got a funny one. Well, I think it’s funny. Anyway, this dude, got granted asylum in the UK, because he was what country is Bocaheraman? It’s one of the African countries. I forget. Oh, Nigeria? Nigeria? Anyway, so he’s gay. He says, I’m gay. I’m gay, and Boko Haram is going to kill me.

Chris [00:29:44]:

And so he got Yep. Asylum Okay. In the US, in in the UK, I mean.

Sam [00:29:49]:

And it turns out he’s not.

Chris [00:29:51]:

Well, he’s got 3 kids from 3 different women. They’re like

Sam [00:29:55]:

It took

Chris [00:29:56]:

him think your life. You can’t I I’m I’m bisexual.

Sam [00:30:00]:

You can’t say that. You can’t say that. They’re like, no.

Chris [00:30:06]:

Yeah. Yeah. But, dude, dude, you you can’t have it both Well

Sam [00:30:13]:

I should’ve checked on that a bit more.

Chris [00:30:15]:

Well, you know.

Sam [00:30:16]:

Oh, well. That brings us to the podcast, and that’s a Good

Chris [00:30:20]:

talking just gotta keep checking it out.

Sam [00:30:22]:

That’s a good talking point for anyone out there. Chris has may have had too much wine. I’m not sure what’s going on right now. Until next time, I’m Sam.

Speaker A [00:30:30]:


Chris [00:30:30]:

I’m Chris. See you. Bye.
