
This week find out who we caught up with, what Chris has been working on and what Sam is waiting on to make his life better.

We learned about a new fish friendly pump that people are excited about. A stolen tower causes problems for a radio station. A man spends 8 years on a world record and NIWA got some new utes.

All this and so much more packed into this weeks episode.


Students use AI to read ancient scrolls
Radio station broadcast tower went missing
AI Scam goes big
Fish friendly flood pump works well
Mix up with famous peoples money
NIWA and their new utes

Show Transcript

This transcript was generated by an AI and may not be 100% accurate. If you have questions about any of the information found here, please reach out to us.

Sam [00:00:06]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 468 of The Chris and Sam podcast.

Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris.

Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology and life and everything else.

Chris [00:00:31]:
Everything in between.

Sam [00:00:32]:
This is all you need. This is it. Forget every other podcast.

Chris [00:00:36]:
Wipe every other podcast off your your device.

Sam [00:00:40]:
That’s right. Delete them now. Listen to us. We know what’s going on. We need more listens. We want to get the stuff out there. Hey. Real quick shout out to,

Chris [00:00:49]:
We want to get chris stuff out there. I don’t know what I’m talking about today.

Sam [00:00:55]:
It’s it’s we’re recording on Friday. Our minds may be blown. It’s okay. Shout out to Steve. He’s the program manager at, New Zealand National Field Days. I caught up with a coffee. Steve Chapel. Yep.

Sam [00:01:06]:
Caught up with him just before. Had a coffee. It was good.

Chris [00:01:10]:
Yeah. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Sam [00:01:11]:
Very interesting.

Chris [00:01:12]:
Guy. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, shout out, Steve. Yeah. Hopefully, we can catch up for field days again in the future.

Sam [00:01:22]:

Chris [00:01:22]:
Alright. So, what have you been up to this week?

Sam [00:01:25]:
Having coffee with Steve. What more do you need?

Chris [00:01:28]:
I I went out and saw people yesterday, which was pretty impressive. I’ve been avoiding people for for for for months, it feels like, in my little, hermit hole here.

Sam [00:01:40]:
That’s one way to say that, hermit hole, I guess. That’s something.

Chris [00:01:44]:
Yeah. No. I, I went to the opening of Hive. I actually the they didn’t know what the name is. They they would they they announced the name there.

Sam [00:01:53]:
So They’re like, come along to this thing?

Chris [00:01:55]:
Come along to this thing. So I was invited by Impact Hub, who I did some speaking for coaching The,

Sam [00:02:03]:
back in the

Chris [00:02:04]:
Yeah. Talking to their, entrepreneurs or whatever, back in the COVID times when we were doing it all online.

Sam [00:02:11]:
So I did.

Chris [00:02:12]:
So the the the woman that invited me, the CEO of Impact Hub, I’ve never actually seen him in person. I’ve only ever seen her on a screen. Oh, okay. Didn’t even recognize me when I I was gonna say, hey.

Sam [00:02:23]:
Did she have a face on the screen, or was it just like a silhouette? No. No. The just a voice?

Chris [00:02:27]:
No. She she had a face, and, honestly, I wouldn’t have picked her out of the crowd from the beginning, but when she got up and spoken, they’re like, oh, that’s her. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. I’ll talk to her afterwards. So The was Emma.

Chris [00:02:39]:
So that’s cool. You’re, like,

Sam [00:02:40]:
throwing business cards at her?

Chris [00:02:42]:
I I did give away a couple of business cards, to be fair, so I I as with all of these things, because it’s the Waikato, there’s quite a few people I I know there. I met up with a

Sam [00:02:52]:
bunch of people. People turn up to all the same things.

Chris [00:02:54]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there were 3 X TEDx speakers.

Sam [00:02:57]:

Chris [00:02:58]:

Sam [00:03:00]:
Oh, cool. The other 2? I’ve forgotten. No. Don’t worry. The other 2.

Chris [00:03:03]:
Andrew and then Paul. Paul. That’s right. Paul was the name I was I was blanking on. So that was cool. And then, Ronil?

Sam [00:03:10]:
Sounds familiar.

Chris [00:03:11]:
He was the he acted in surgical precision.

Sam [00:03:14]:
Okay. Okay.

Chris [00:03:15]:
So he he’s, he’s great. He’s a huge, great value. They’re just coming at finishing a film, and I’ve wangled my, cast and crew, invite to the screening because I I got nothing to do with it. Yeah. I’ve heard of it. Hang on.

Sam [00:03:32]:
Can I come along to a cast and crew screening? I don’t know what this is about.

Chris [00:03:37]:
Yeah. I just wanna be The, because I was talking to his wife. I didn’t know it was his wife, and I was telling The stories about The.

Sam [00:03:44]:
Oh, no. Don’t no. That’s it’s such a it’s such a such a chris to do. Yeah. Actually, yesterday, just real real quickly, some of you may remember Chris I activated from Tropfest. Oh gosh. I got that reminder on Facebook yesterday. Chris on stage staring at, what’s her face? Kate Rogers.

Sam [00:04:06]:
Kate Rogers. Chris eyes were activated. Carry on.

Chris [00:04:09]:
Yeah. Shown on the big screen, like, 40 feet high behind

Sam [00:04:14]:
me. So big.

Chris [00:04:14]:
Like, my my sly look.

Sam [00:04:17]:
Do you know what I do you know what I, the the thing that I, sucks back then just had a potato phone.

Chris [00:04:25]:
Yeah. So it’s

Sam [00:04:25]:
a little bit blurry. Now it would have been, like, high def.

Chris [00:04:30]:
Yeah. Yeah. So he managed to get that on on camera. So, anyway, yeah, it was pretty good. They had the mayor there, Paula Southgate. Right? So I sort of went, do I know that chick on her? Yeah. Yeah. It’s The mayor.

Chris [00:04:43]:
Oh, yeah. Okay. Did you realize how tall she is?

Sam [00:04:45]:
Yes. She’s pretty tall. Like She’s

Chris [00:04:46]:
really, really tall. Yeah. And she is so good at speaking.

Sam [00:04:50]:
Oh, okay. I know. Yeah.

Chris [00:04:51]:
And she started off the first minute or 2 just fluent Maori Yep. Maori and, just Good. Really, really good. So that was and impressive, Yeah. I met some interesting people there, and, yeah, they’re calling it Hive and, so it’s gonna be a a coop workspace, but Impact Hub is more about entrepreneurs with a, socially responsible entrepreneurs Yep. With a, you know, sort of a impact they wanna make. Right? Yeah. So yeah.

Chris [00:05:21]:
And they’re going to this is gonna be a home for entrepreneurs and activists, so it should be interesting.

Sam [00:05:26]:
So we and where is this?

Chris [00:05:27]:
Oh, it’s Somerset Street in Frankton. Okay. Used to be a car yard thing. Yep. And they bought the building. They just finished refurbishing it. Oh.

Sam [00:05:36]:
Looks pretty neat. Interesting.

Chris [00:05:38]:
So we I said, oh, we might have sam film workshops that we’re doing in Hamilton, and we’ll find out the pricing for the, the the room because because it looks pretty good.

Sam [00:05:48]:
Yeah. Actually, talking about that this week, we had a Misty Flix meeting. We mentioned it last podcast. We’ve had the meeting. Here we are.

Chris [00:05:56]:
Yeah. We spent 5 minutes bitching about the meeting just before the start.

Sam [00:06:00]:
Bitching is the wrong word. We had a discussion Yeah. About some stuff.

Chris [00:06:05]:
You discussed. I was bitching. Yeah. Okay.

Sam [00:06:08]:
Yeah. That’s right. That’s right. That’s the way to do it. Yeah. I’m I’m complete keep being completely neutral in whatever my new role is. This week, I also had to order some new glasses. I’m getting progressives because my eyes are stuffed, and, I keep getting headaches, and, things are blurry, so it’ll be fun.

Sam [00:06:25]:
And then

Chris [00:06:25]:
you get the glasses going, oh my god. I I need those ones back.

Sam [00:06:28]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Chris [00:06:29]:
I I prepared life blurry.

Sam [00:06:31]:
Three 3 to 4 days, most people are saying it’ll take me to get used to them, we will say.

Chris [00:06:35]:
Yeah. Yeah. You probably get headaches just wearing them

Sam [00:06:37]:
to put them. No. You get every time you get a new prescription, you get real, like, seasick. Motion sickness, it’s real tear oh, well, I do. Yeah. I mean, I get motion sickness turning and too fast. Like, around the corner too fast, and my husband’s and.

Chris [00:06:52]:
So you’re not good on rollercoasters and stuff?

Sam [00:06:54]:
Oh, no. I’m not. I’m literally if I turned around twice now standing here, I’d feel dizzy.

Chris [00:07:00]:
Oh my god.

Sam [00:07:00]:
So if I we’re talking about this. If we do end up going to a theme park in the future like Gold Coast or something, we have to figure out all the remedies, tools, things on my wrist to help stop my inner ear, whatever the hell goes on with my brain. Wow. We do joke that my brain is very small, and my giant melon my giant melon head shakes it around too much, because because my head’s really large. It doesn’t fit a normal hat. Yeah. It doesn’t look like it, though, too much, but, yeah, it’s it’s a whole thing.

Chris [00:07:34]:
It’s a thing. Okay. That’s interesting. It’s interesting. Hey. Jumping into the news for the week. Yeah. One of the things well, you know me.

Chris [00:07:42]:
It’s, it is actually just over a week or 2 weeks old, so it’s not, like, 3 years old out or anything. Good

Sam [00:07:47]:
for you.

Chris [00:07:48]:
Yeah. No. A, Roman scroll partially preserved when it was buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius Yeah. In 17/9 AD has been virtually unwrapped and decoded using artificial intelligence by a bunch of students.

Sam [00:08:03]:
What’s the other story we talked about that was almost similar but didn’t have students involved?

Chris [00:08:08]:
Yeah. Very similar, but but this one, I just liked it because, you know, I I the only reason I get mics, so the students did chris. What’s the big thing? Oh, it’s an ancient Roman skull on pleasure.

Sam [00:08:22]:
Well, they didn’t know that.

Chris [00:08:23]:
Well, yeah. No. I don’t know.

Sam [00:08:26]:
Oh, no. No.

Chris [00:08:27]:
Anyway so, yep, some some use. Oh, but what what was the best thing about it is they won $40,000 for doing The.

Sam [00:08:37]:
So Okay.

Chris [00:08:38]:
AI has given them a 40 40 grand, I assume, US dollar payout. It’s pretty good.

Sam [00:08:43]:
Hang on. Was that a competition then or a grant sort of thing or what? Do we know?

Chris [00:08:48]:
It does say here. The 3 members of the winning team well, that doesn’t tell me anything. First two consistence to detect a small number of letters winning and respectively, blah blah blah blah blah. No. It doesn’t tell me why. I don’t

Sam [00:09:06]:
know if it was podcasts, random people, but somebody beat a radio station. What’s very important for a radio station, Chris? Old technology now. Yeah. What but what’s important? What do you need?

Chris [00:09:19]:
Well, a microphone and earphones is what I’d say.

Sam [00:09:23]:
But if you want people to listen, what else do you need?

Chris [00:09:26]:

Sam [00:09:27]:
That’s right. So, when an Alabama radio station went offline, they had to figure out why, and, they went out and somebody stole their 200 foot tower. What? He goes, I’ve never come across this before. You don’t normally hear about this. A landscaping chris that manages the area were like, the tower’s gone, and the guy said, what do you mean it’s gone? They’re like, it’s no longer here. Yeah. So they cut the tower’s wires, somehow removed it. They stole the AM transmitter from a nearby building as well.

Sam [00:10:06]:
So, yeah, everybody’s really surprised. It sounds like nobody knows what’s going on. Replacement

Chris [00:10:12]:
What? Did they do this in the middle of the night or something?

Sam [00:10:15]:
Must’ve. Replacement cost probably, like, between and to $150,000. Yeah. They have to go off the air while they’re doing this, but they do this is weird. They’ve got and FM transmitter and a tower for that, but they can’t operate that while the AM station is off the air. I guess they must have to broadcast to both.

Chris [00:10:37]:
Yeah. It might be a a legal requirement.

Sam [00:10:39]:
Yeah. Yeah. Probably.

Chris [00:10:40]:
Without the The.

Sam [00:10:41]:
Anyway, that that’s what’s happened, Alabama.

Chris [00:10:44]:
Yeah. So some some guys go, oh, I want to be The podcaster. Goddamn it. Need one of those big aerial things. You know what? They cost $100. We’ll just nick and. If you

Sam [00:10:55]:
had 8 years, Chris, of time Yes. What would you do with it?

Chris [00:11:00]:
8 if if that was all I had left?

Sam [00:11:03]:
No. Just in general. Like, you come up with a random hobby, but you gotta do it for 8 years.

Chris [00:11:09]:
Kayaking. I’m only saying that because I go kayak just gathering dust that’s been used 3 times in the shed.

Sam [00:11:14]:
Okay. So this dude has decided or did decide over 8 years to make a 23 foot tall Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks.

Chris [00:11:25]:
23 foot? That’s pretty ridiculously large.

Sam [00:11:27]:
I think it’s 8 meters tall.

Chris [00:11:29]:
That’s huge.

Sam [00:11:29]:
8 or 9 meters tall. Whatever. And he’s dedicated nearly a decade of his life. He’s done this. He used more than 700,000 matchsticks to do it. He’s it looks really cool. It’s quite intricate. It showcases immense patience and talent, and then he’s like, you know, this is a Guinness World Record, submits it to The, and they’re like, no.

Sam [00:11:51]:
No. So that’s him standing in front of a part of it. Alright. Very detailed. And The said that he didn’t fulfill the requirements and the guidelines. The matches must be commercially available. Proof of this must be provided as evidence. Apparently, these ones weren’t commercially available.

Sam [00:12:14]:
Whatever the hell that means. I don’t know. So, anyway, he’s a bit upset about it. That’s in its full glory.

Chris [00:12:20]:
Oh, wow. That’s pretty impressive.

Sam [00:12:22]:
I so we we do a podcast. We talk about rounds of technology in life. If you listen list or a little bit. If you listen to commercial radio, they are just doing what we do.

Chris [00:12:32]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:12:32]:
But we’re better because we got no music. We don’t have the we don’t wanna pay money for that.

Chris [00:12:37]:
We we don’t force you to sit here for hours on end. It’s just half an hour.

Sam [00:12:41]:
It’s very hard to get Chris’ music from the vinyl or wax tubes that he has onto here, and nobody wants to hear it. But, basically, I got in the car the other day, and they were talking crap, and The said that this has been, reversed. So I think Guinness has given the guy the record now

Chris [00:12:58]:
Oh, right.

Sam [00:12:59]:
For whatever reason. I don’t know if it was uproar or whatever. They did say, like, we do have rules that we have to follow to make it fair for everyone.

Chris [00:13:05]:
Yeah. And fair enough. So there’s this big tip from from Sam. If you’re going to break a Guinness World Record or go for a Guinness World Record, read the rules first.

Sam [00:13:15]:
And yeah. And especially if you’re gonna dedicate 8 years. Yeah. Yeah. But I wonder I I don’t know what’s actually happened, but I wonder if he got, like, commercially available matchsticks at the start, and then midway through, they’re like, we’re removing them from sale. Yeah.

Chris [00:13:31]:
I don’t know.

Sam [00:13:32]:
It’s a bit weird.

Chris [00:13:33]:
It does sound a bit weird. I’ve got a

Sam [00:13:37]:
I’ll tell you I’ll tell you what you don’t have, Chris.

Chris [00:13:39]:
What’s that?

Sam [00:13:40]:
You don’t have an official ProYo 2 from the 1998 original Yoyo, but if you do want 1, there’s 1 for sale on Facebook Marketplace for 2 and a half $1,000. Damn. So it was used on the international yoyo circuit by Todd McKellan from 99 to and, then his nephew, Ross Naki, used it from and to 2006. It had a detour. It’s ended up in New Zealand with Ross. It’s been on display ever since. It’s got some special string that they use, blah blah blah.

Chris [00:14:11]:
I was gonna say they must The changed the string a few times.

Sam [00:14:13]:
Time wasters need not bother inquiring. The ProYo 2 just won’t be given to anyone even if you shell out 2 and a half $1,000. Ross’s daughter will require a quick 6 question survey before being considered as a potential buyer.

Chris [00:14:29]:
Good on them. There’s great marketing. There’s great marketing.

Sam [00:14:33]:
And it’s just on Facebook Marketplace. There’s a random post that I came across talking about a 2

Chris [00:14:38]:
and a

Sam [00:14:38]:
half yeah. I know. Welcome to my life. 2 2 and a half $1,000, yo yo.

Chris [00:14:44]:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s that’s awesome. That’s awesome. I I I came across this, and I thought, holy crap. This is scary. So, it’s a an AI scam Yes. And a finance worker, a multinational firm was tricked.

Sam [00:15:01]:
Ah, yes. Yes. I know where you’re going with us.

Chris [00:15:03]:
Yeah. By fraudsters using deep fake tech technology to pose as the company’s chief financial officer in a video conference call. So the guy’s having a video conference call with what he thinks is his chief financial officer Yeah. Who says, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pay this thing, and the guys pays out from the company $25,000,000 to these fraudsters.

Chris [00:15:27]:
Yes. That is insane.

Sam [00:15:31]:
So there was a lot of comments on this, and people were like, that’s a lot of money, and some people were like, look. Some people do have the authority for that amount Yep. But they also said for that guy’s role, it’s surprising that there wasn’t another check put in place at some point, just to follow it through. But I would love to see I’d love to see the actual guy and the deepfake. Yeah. Because I but then if you go, oh, I’m on a crappy video connection, and it’s sort of, like, a bit crappy

Chris [00:16:03]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:16:04]:
No. No. We should do that. Yeah. I don’t know. It’d be interesting to see it.

Chris [00:16:06]:
Yeah. Yeah. So it was 200,000,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is about 25,600,000 Sam dollars.

Sam [00:16:15]:

Chris [00:16:15]:
Yeah. I don’t know. It’s it’s the amount of so I had a friend who, his job before he died, he was he he controlled 60,000,000 for IBM and just moved it around. It was there there was their float money, and he moved it currency exchange just to keep the money in the best currency, and it was just float money. It was just ridiculous.

Sam [00:16:40]:

Chris [00:16:40]:
And it was funny because at at at his funeral, this guy, his boss, got up, and and he died young. He was in a diving accident. And his, boss got up and mentioned this, and then his flatmate who was his flatmate for his, virtually, his whole life. Like Yeah. Okay. And was still a flatmate while he was working for IBM. And he goes, I thought he was still working for the taxi company because he used to be a controller for the

Sam [00:17:02]:
taxi company. Good.

Chris [00:17:03]:
But he got chris job at the thing, and he didn’t bother telling us, it’s flat, mate. That’s gross. Doing 60. Hours. Just crazy. Anyway yeah.

Sam [00:17:11]:
Okay. Yeah. That’s crazy. Big news The the Waikato. We read about this the other week, and we forgot to mention it. Kiwi ingenuity has come to the forefront

Chris [00:17:20]:
Oh, yeah.

Sam [00:17:21]:
Of helping eels and fish with a safe pathway to the sea. So this is the 1st homegrown fish friendly flood pump commissioned by the Waikato Regional Council and it has successively passed a 1.2 meter long short thin eel. I don’t know if I like that term when people pass things.

Chris [00:17:41]:

Sam [00:17:42]:
On for a big dump or something. Anyway, this pump, it’s pretty cool. These people, it’s replacing existing pump that they’ve already got, and basically when there was heavy rain, this pump kicked in and 7 tuna slash eels passed through it, got caught on a net at the end, and they didn’t have any injury. So it’s basically yeah. They’re all rather excited from this article. It seems like they’re pretty excited. The council has over a 120 pump stations, with the original pump setup. So it sounds like they’re gonna be replacing a whole bunch of them with chris, and it’s sort of like yeah.

Sam [00:18:21]:
It’s like a corkscrew type of Yeah. System. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of chopping up things, it’s still pulling the water through, but anything that’s like a fish or whatever can go through it.

Chris [00:18:31]:
Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. It makes it makes perfect sense. So, yeah. No. The was that was a it was a good one, and, I mean, you know, they talk about Kiwi ingenuity. When The first talked when I first started reading that story, I was like, wow.

Chris [00:18:44]:
Kiwi ingenuity. What are they doing? And it’s like, it’s just less propeller fans and, a longer continuous one rather than short stubby ones.

Sam [00:18:54]:
So the original impellers, Dutch, this company, MacEwan’s MacEwan’s, they installed widely across New Zealand in the sixties eighties, and then they just and they’ve had these councils saying, hey, we want some fish friendly pumps. And it sounds like once the Waikato Regional Council got involved, and they’ve got funding for the project, it was a much easier decision for them to look into chris, apparently.

Chris [00:19:18]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway I’m gonna talk about money again. So British actor Tom Hollander, he had a bit of a a funny story. It was on NBC’s late night with Seth Meyers, which I didn’t see. I didn’t see this interview. But he said, Seth said to him, I feel like it’s almost the elephant in the room, but do you know there’s an actor named Tom Holland? Yes.

Chris [00:19:43]:
And Holland, he goes, yep. Yep. Yep. I know that. And Myers said, did you ever make did did people even make that error? And he said, yeah. It’s been difficult because, you know, he’s, I was here first because he’s an older dude, but he’s enormously famous, and things come up all the time. But he did did say, I he says he illustrated people come out and go, where’s where’s Tom Holland? And they’re like, that it’s me. I was looking for Spider Man.

Chris [00:20:15]:
Right? But The, he went to see a friend who was doing theater in England for £300 a week, and Holland does sit smugly in the audience having done a BBC show for £30,000.

Sam [00:20:28]:

Chris [00:20:29]:
So he his friend, his acting, is getting £300 a week and stoked, and Honda’s like, I just got $30. And and then he he got an email from his agency saying payment advice slip. Your 1st box office bonus for the Avengers has come in because he had the same agency. That’s all. And they actually paid him.

Sam [00:20:50]:
Oh, no. And he goes,

Chris [00:20:52]:
I thought I thought, you know, $30 and my thing was a lot. This is his bonus check, and it was a multi and figure sum showing up in his back, and he goes, Yeah. I I should never have been smug about The. No.

Sam [00:21:09]:
You need that Marvel money.

Chris [00:21:10]:
Marvel money.

Sam [00:21:11]:
Whatever you’re doing, Marvel money. Yes. Just go in there. Actually, So you’re speaking

Chris [00:21:16]:
of Marvel money, con congratulations, Harley, for owning your own house now. Yes. Yeah. I don’t know if Marvel money comes into that, but it reminded me.

Sam [00:21:26]:
Going in with his brother helped, and he’d been looking for a house for for for years, couple years now, and originally, they were looking for a house in Dunedin down The. Yeah. But it looks like they got a place in Auckland. Yeah. So pretty good. I Congrats. Something that did happen this week, I dealt with The TradeMe seller who was very good. I got a boot tray, parcel pullout thing for my car.

Chris [00:21:47]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sam [00:21:47]:
Been trying to find 1 for ages. Dude had and for $60. It’s in Wellington. He goes, I’ll ship it to you. Tell you what, do it for a and. I was like, okay. Because that’s still cheaper than what I’ve seen previously.

Chris [00:21:57]:
So just to clarify, we’re talking about the screen that you pulled down over the back of a station wagon.

Sam [00:22:03]:
Yes. One of them. And, so that was all good. He said, just go through the process, but just pay me a 100. So I went through the process and originally, it was gonna be $58 for shipping and $60 for the thing. Pay him and. He goes, I’ll ship it tomorrow, and he literally did, like, the very next day he’s at the post office and he emails and goes, hey, shipping’s way cheaper than what I thought. I’ll just give you $20 back.

Sam [00:22:25]:
Okay. Like, I wouldn’t have known any different. And and, anyway, good dude. So shout out to, random trade me guy.

Chris [00:22:33]:
Yeah. Random trade me guy. Way to go. Woo hoo.

Sam [00:22:36]:
You don’t get that very often.

Chris [00:22:37]:
Yeah. We don’t want to talk about America’s, I don’t think because, you know, let’s celebrate the, the the Kansas City Chiefs win by shooting everybody.

Sam [00:22:47]:
There was way less people shot than I thought. I thought they were.

Chris [00:22:49]:
The was only 22 people shot. 1 died, and The was like a 1000000 people there, so they you know?

Sam [00:22:54]:
They were terrible. They’re terrible. The the guy that died was a well beloved DJ.

Chris [00:22:58]:
Oh, really? Yeah. I didn’t hear that.

Sam [00:23:00]:
So that’s no good. Oh, The I read this this morning.

Chris [00:23:03]:
Never get sam the guy that died was an absolute jackass. Just gonna throw that out there. You you virtually never hear The. No. You don’t. Except for The, Kissinger dude. Everybody said he was an asshole. Yeah.

Chris [00:23:15]:
Yeah. A war criminal and stuff.

Sam [00:23:17]:
Also I

Chris [00:23:18]:
think there’ll be a lot of people dancing when Trump dies, but, yeah.

Sam [00:23:21]:
Maybe. We talked about this in the past. You really have to think about what photo your family or friends are going to use if you go missing or you die suddenly. There’s some terrible examples out there. You’ve got tons of photos to pick from. I don’t know what anyone can access. Oh, I know. Chris Eye is activated.

Sam [00:23:39]:
He just got what’s he doing? Don’t worry.

Chris [00:23:41]:
Over the shoulder of Kate Rogers.

Sam [00:23:43]:
Everyone will know. So yeah. That’s right. So NIWA there’s a story came out NIWA, the national, crown owned with a research institute.

Chris [00:23:53]:

Sam [00:23:54]:
They had to defend their spend on some luxury utes. Now they’ve said, basically, they trialed every ute on the market to fit their needs. They have to go to random locations and they have to take boats with them. Right? Yeah. So they went with a Chevrolet Silverado 4 by 4 HD LTZ Premium Ute.

Chris [00:24:18]:
Okay. So I’m just gonna stop you now. If you had said a Range Rover, I’m gonna go, oh, this is getting a bit suss, but a Chevrolet? Okay. Carry on.

Sam [00:24:28]:
The $172,000 each. They got 4 of them. So they’ll spend almost $700,000 on 4 Utes. Now on top of the range, fully specked Ford Ranger is about $90,000.

Chris [00:24:42]:
Okay? Oh, alright. So I know nothing. It’s basically what we’re just saying here.

Sam [00:24:47]:
But they got they went through the process. They did everything. The the minister said, Judith Collins, said they I’m sure they’ve gone through the process correctly and everything, but basically, they’re getting hassled a little bit because there’s no obviously electric or hybrid version that would work for The. Same with, like, the police. They can’t just go around electric vehicles. Yeah. But basically, the the and a half 1000 kilos is the most a Ford Ranger Raptor can tow. These can tow 4 and a half ton, 4,500 kilos.

Sam [00:25:19]:
But Okay. But it’s interesting because, like, when they get weird vehicles like this that aren’t a 100% that common, I always feel like eventually The end up running into problems when they need parts or servicing and stuff. Yeah. Like, it’s sort of you gotta think about the whole picture. Anyway, it’d be interesting, but, yeah, like, pretty fancy looking utes?

Chris [00:25:38]:
I I wouldn’t look twice at that, honestly.

Sam [00:25:41]:
No. But you don’t know anything about vehicles. True. I don’t even have a vehicle.

Chris [00:25:44]:
I don’t even have a vehicle.

Sam [00:25:45]:
Have a bike that’s behind me right now.

Chris [00:25:47]:
I’ve got a bus pass that I’ve been hammering. Hammering the bus pass.

Sam [00:25:51]:
Is that how you got to that thing?

Chris [00:25:52]:
Yeah. Yeah. You Yeah. Like, I’ll catch it home too. Oh. Catch this bus. Yep. So shout out to the

Sam [00:26:00]:
Are you gonna

Chris [00:26:01]:
service? Are you

Sam [00:26:02]:
are you ever gonna feel a need to get another vehicle, like, another car?

Chris [00:26:06]:
I’d no. I don’t know. I’m I’m

Sam [00:26:08]:
Currently, you don’t need 1, isn’t and?

Chris [00:26:10]:
Not. I I’ve I’ve actually given it some thought. I don’t have The money for account at the moment, but I don’t know that I need 1.

Sam [00:26:16]:
Think you’d only end up

Chris [00:26:17]:
with, like I’d be better off getting, that loop thing, you know,

Sam [00:26:23]:
access to

Chris [00:26:23]:
a loop so I could go to The region and use some of my free tickets to watch a movie Yeah. At some point because That’s right. That’s too far to cycle.

Sam [00:26:31]:
No. No. I was thinking, like, I could only imagine you having a vehicle if you ended up with a job that had a car involved in it.

Chris [00:26:38]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve I’ve had a work vehicle before, and I that was pretty pretty sweet, actually.

Sam [00:26:43]:
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. That’s what I was thinking.

Chris [00:26:48]:
Yeah. Yes. So that’s almost everything. Oh, hang on. What do we got here?

Sam [00:26:53]:
What have you got? What’s happening this week?

Chris [00:26:55]:
What is happening this week? I I’ve just got a lot of work on. I don’t really have anything exciting about

Sam [00:27:04]:
You love the work?

Chris [00:27:04]:
Yeah. Yeah. I I want to get my workshops going, so I’m I’m going to do a hook creation workshop. I’m actually gonna be doing it for free for some people to start off with to to test out the the thing. This is where you wanna know how to capture somebody’s attention for either your business or whatever project you’re running, whatever like that, and we’re gonna go through. So at the end of the workshop, it’d be a couple of hours on a, probably, a Saturday morning is the plan so far.

Sam [00:27:30]:
It’s frowned upon just to yell at people.

Chris [00:27:33]:
Yes. So And stripping off, in in this in the shopping mall is also frowned upon.

Sam [00:27:38]:
Well, at PACKTON SAFE, the other day, there was a guy walking through the, the car park just screaming at people going, give me money, you FNC. Give me money. Where’s my money? Give me money. Apparently, The was a working phone.

Chris [00:27:49]:
When I when I caught the bus yesterday. Yeah.

Sam [00:27:51]:
We we did we did just come through. Yeah. Good.

Chris [00:27:54]:
So You

Sam [00:27:55]:
blocked this out, didn’t you?

Chris [00:27:56]:
And I’ve got 1 earphone in, like, listening to, like, TV, the the YouTube thing, and this guy next to me goes, sir, so are you going into town? I’m like, yeah. I’m going into town. He goes, I’m gonna see the Chiefs. And like, it’s Thursday. And don’t

Sam [00:28:12]:
is the

Chris [00:28:12]:
Chiefs playing? What? I was like, oh, that’s good. Do you go there often? Oh, I didn’t go last year, and it’s not fair. It’s not fair on there. And then he went started ranting. I’m like, oh, I’m speaking to and of those people.

Sam [00:28:27]:
There’s so many there’s so many crazy people out there.

Chris [00:28:30]:
Yeah. And he’s like, it’s not fair on me. They but but I didn’t go last year at all, but I’m going this year on the something of February or March or something. And I was like, okay. Let me put my my video thing back on. Just like, you know that. It’s terrible. Anyway yeah.

Sam [00:28:47]:
You are, like, 30 seconds away from getting stabbed for some reason. I don’t know why. Remember, keep the thing in, pack around it if you can.

Chris [00:28:57]:
Yeah. Yeah. True.

Sam [00:28:59]:
Yep. So HOPE workshop’s coming up.

Chris [00:29:01]:
Yeah. I’ve I’ve gotta do some work. I was hoping to get it ready for this weekend, but I’m not, so, hopefully maybe chris coming weekend, maybe the weekend after. We’ll see.

Sam [00:29:11]:
Excellent. I’ll be waiting for another week and a half, with blurry eyes, until I can pick up my glasses. And,

Chris [00:29:19]:
So so if you see Simon wave and he doesn’t wave back, that’s why.

Sam [00:29:23]:
I just don’t wanna wave back, and, probably have to do some thinking about chris misty flakes and figure out what’s going on.

Chris [00:29:31]:
Yeah. So, Sam, if we haven’t mentioned it, is now the project coordinator for, Misty Flix Film Festival Yes.

Sam [00:29:38]:
Film festival. Coordinator, I should say.

Chris [00:29:40]:
So yeah.

Sam [00:29:41]:
We’ll see how it goes.

Chris [00:29:42]:
Should be good. Should be good. Sam’s my boss. I’m doing I’m doing the Misty Flix challenge, which is a competition which I will be announcing to everybody in the next 2 weeks.

Sam [00:29:54]:
Yes. We’re gonna work on that. That. Okay. Until next time. I’m Sam.

Chris [00:29:57]:
I’m Chris. See you. Bye.