In this weeks episode we have been really busy, Sam’ back from a Wellington trip, find out what he learned. Chris has been editing things, sorting out a short film shoot and being part of this year’s Cinema Improviso.
We also both ended up in a Polestar 2 this week, find out how that went and everything else.
Show Transcript
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Sam [00:00:21]:
Hello, and welcome to episode 521 of the Chris and Sam podcast.
Chris [00:00:25]:
I’m Chris.
Sam [00:00:26]:
And I’m Sam. Welcome along to your weekly fix of randomness technology and life. Every week, we actually catch up, and we record it for you. And, if we’ve done something interesting, you’ll hear about it. If not, we will sprinkle in technology and randomness and whatever else is going on. We then hand it off to our, high quality production team who will edit it and put it together for us, and then that goes off to our marketing department to distribute to all the platforms. It’s quite a seamless process.
Chris [00:00:53]:
Which other words, Snap does everything.
Sam [00:00:55]:
Don’t know what’s talking about. You imagine you imagine if I was, like, for the last, like, four years, I’ve been outsourcing it to some dude in Paraguay. People are like, what? I haven’t.
Chris [00:01:09]:
Actually, I wanna start off with something. Mhmm. So go because I got a comment from a listener. Now I wanna say we really love it when we get comments from listeners. I’ll be honest. I don’t often see them because I don’t spend enough time on Facebook to notice these things.
Sam [00:01:23]:
Yes. And I
Chris [00:01:24]:
don’t really go on Instagram at all, although we have an Instagram site. So yeah.
Sam [00:01:28]:
I love how you said site. I think account page account is the right one.
Chris [00:01:33]:
Whatever it is. So, anyway but I did get this. So this is one of the things, though, is that when we ask a question of the podcast, in this case, in the last podcast, I asked a specific question of a specific individual.
Sam [00:01:47]:
Chris [00:01:48]:
And that specific individual, when it look when the podcast drops on Sunday morning, they replied.
Sam [00:01:55]:
Chris [00:01:55]:
For me, that’s a four day long conversation because it was Thursday or whatever.
Sam [00:02:00]:
Oh, yeah.
Chris [00:02:01]:
That place I asked that question. So my reply was, it’s up there. We used to get our beans from there, but get our beans from Ozone now. It took me a minute. So thank you, Quentin,
Sam [00:02:12]:
for your reply. Your brain goes to green beans. Like, what’s the Green
Chris [00:02:16]:
beans from where? It took it didn’t take too long, but I was like, what is he on about? Oh oh, yeah. The podcast. So yeah.
Sam [00:02:25]:
Used to used to get him from Rocket Coffee Yeah. And hell has now moved to Ozone.
Chris [00:02:30]:
Yeah. Ozone. Yeah. Never heard of them either.
Sam [00:02:32]:
No. That great.
Chris [00:02:33]:
No. No. But I think, yeah, Quentin is definitely one of the coffee connoisseurs, that I know in in the Hamilton region. So, yeah, he he said the, yeah, the rocket coffee is up there.
Sam [00:02:45]:
Oh, very good. Good to know.
Chris [00:02:46]:
Thank you.
Sam [00:02:47]:
To know.
Chris [00:02:47]:
Thanks for learning that. And, again, anybody, comment anytime. All good.
Sam [00:02:53]:
It’s all good. What have you been up to this week?
Chris [00:02:58]:
I would rather start off with what you’ve been up to because you’ve got some stories, I’m thinking.
Sam [00:03:03]:
A little bit. So for almost the whole week, I was in Wellington, flew down Sunday, came back Thursday night, and I was on the principles and trends of wastewater treatment course. And, yeah, they give you this book. It’s probably 300 pages long. Wow. I’ve seen it before, and when you first see it, it’s really intimidating. But we went through the whole book, basically, in the three and a half days. And, I can now look at all the stuff, and, yeah, it’s all about how wastewater treatment plants work.
Sam [00:03:32]:
And it’s pretty interesting, to be honest. Yeah. Not enough that I’d want to be an operator working at one because I think that would be slightly, a bit boring. They get paid really well, but, yeah. So we have almost 300 plants, I think, in New Zealand.
Chris [00:03:49]:
Oh, really? Okay. Well, I suppose that makes sense. I never thought of it.
Sam [00:03:52]:
No. That’s the thing because you can make really small plants. So Hamilton only has the one, and then, like, Matamata Piako District, they’ve got five for all the different areas.
Chris [00:04:01]:
And you can have So you’d almost, like, have a suburban one one for a suburb, like a bigger suburb or something.
Sam [00:04:06]:
You could do if you wanted to. You could, yeah, and and you could have one that only services a thousand people. Right. Right. Right. And it’s just tanks. It’s just they’re just moving stuff around all the time. What’s the biggest cost, do you think, for a wastewater treatment plant?
Chris [00:04:22]:
The water.
Sam [00:04:23]:
No. No. That’s coming in. That comes in. So most waste, I think, is, like, 95% water.
Chris [00:04:29]:
Right. So
Sam [00:04:29]:
that’s just coming through the pipes into the plant. Right.
Chris [00:04:33]:
I I have I have power, I guess.
Sam [00:04:35]:
Yeah. Power’s up there, and power’s, part of the other thing, and it’s the aeration, the cost of aeration.
Chris [00:04:42]:
Oh spraying
Sam [00:04:43]:
it no bubbles in the tank oh okay for aerobic bugs to eat it and then depends on what tank they’re going into if they’re aerobic or anaerobic or a mixture of both and they’re going around a tank it’s all crazy but we went to this little plant in Otaki and the guy was really excited to show us that they got new, blowers basically and now these giant boxes in a room there’s four of them And they look like server racks, basically, but all gray. And he goes, yeah. We got these. I think four of them cost a million bucks. Wow. So they’re basically giant compressors, and they’re pushing air out. And he goes, oh, we alternate. So there’s one’s working right now.
Sam [00:05:27]:
We could barely hear it. He goes, see how quiet it is? It’s so good. The old ones were outside, and you could hear them from, like, a kilometer away.
Chris [00:05:34]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Sam [00:05:35]:
And he goes, these are so good. We’ve got advertising on the wall. Like, he’s got these promotional posters for this random brand of compressor or whatever it’s called. Anyway, they alternate between all of them, and, yeah, they ramp up or down how much aeration they need. So we did two plant tours. One’s this little tiny one. Oh, Para Para Umu actually was the one with the blowers. And because that was a bigger plant, and then Otaki’s just this little tiny Yep.
Sam [00:06:00]:
Two pond looking thing. But when we went to the little one, before we went, they said, hey. Before you go, it’s a great tour. The guy that takes you, he knows his stuff. But we do have to warn you. We think there’s an outbreak of avian botulism. There’s dead ducks all over the place. Now they do wanna clean them up, but they have to wait until MPI fully confirms that it’s this avian botulism.
Sam [00:06:27]:
Until then, they’re not allowed to touch them. So there’s gonna be dead ducks all over the place. Oh my god. I’m like, what? And then they said, look. It’s not the plant’s fault. The birds pick it up from somewhere else. And in the book, it said, like, I’m sure it said the duck has eaten another dead duck and ingested it, and then somehow they spread it. They basically start getting paralyzed, but from the feet up.
Sam [00:06:52]:
So at one point at some point, they can’t paddle, so they just float, and then they can’t fly, and then they get all droopy necked is what they told us, and then they just, like, drown if nobody goes and takes them out. And, anyway, so we go out there, and there’s, like, ducks all over the place. There’s ducks in the ponds. There’s ducks on the grass, and they’re just dead everywhere. And the guy goes, I just I’m still waiting. I said, how long have you been waiting? He goes, a week and a half. And he goes, they’ve ruled out bird flu and a couple of other things, but we’re still waiting on this one, the botulism one. As soon as they say it is that, I can go and scoop them all up Yeah.
Sam [00:07:29]:
And we can get rid of them. The other plant had normal ducks. They hadn’t been affected. They’re all good. But, apparently, it’s a thing that crops up all the time. I’m like, okay. So, anyway, highly recommend the course if you’re interested in wastewater. It is for anyone, like, beginners and stuff.
Sam [00:07:46]:
It well, obviously, it costs a bit of money. But, yeah, real interesting. They literally house it’s so, so simple, but you can ramp up to massive size with a lot a bit of technology running some stuff. Oh, and, also, it appears that people just invent stuff and somehow sell it to councils around the world, and sometimes they lock the councils in. I literally think we if if you were a really good salesperson, I and you sort of had a background, I think you could make something up. So a council in New Zealand apparently because every time they brought something up, the guy that was, teaching us, he he’s been in the industry a long time. He goes, oh, is that guy still around still pedaling that crap? Oh, no. It’s the sun doing it now.
Sam [00:08:34]:
So there’s, some people going around saying they can use electricity to somehow supercharge a molecule so it’ll clump together quicker so you get flock, which is when all the stuff clumps and then sinks that’s what you want but then this other council got locked into some dude who’s made a protein from potato skins I think it was and if you’re doing this and you’re selling it to a council you want to get it in their consent So they have to have a consent to run a plant, and this consent says you must use this product, and I think they were spending $10,000 I don’t know if it was a year or a month, but they cannot stop using this product because it’s in the consent. We spend the whole day talking about sludge. If you ever wanna know about sludge, let me know.
Chris [00:09:22]:
That that’ll be a supplemental podcast. The sludge. The Chris and Sam Sludgecast.
Sam [00:09:30]:
I reckon I don’t know if there is one, but I reckon you could probably do a podcast for wastewater treatment people.
Chris [00:09:36]:
Sam [00:09:36]:
Yeah. Will be people arguing about how they deal with sludge. Back in the day, they just spread it out into these grids, and then these old guys would come along and chop it up into big squares, and it would be called sludge fudge. And they just it would dry out into a cake of sludge, mud, and then they just pick it up and
Chris [00:09:56]:
remove it. That’s sort of what we used to do and what we’d I did that one time in Ireland was, we were turning turf in the bog.
Sam [00:10:03]:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Chris [00:10:04]:
Exactly. Exactly that. They they use the tractor the first time, and it it furrows the ground. So you’ve got these, looks like pipes of of mud. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then it bakes in the sun, and we had to go over when the top was baked, so it sort of started to, bend up.
Chris [00:10:18]:
We’d have to literally bend over, walk backwards down this line, and just turn it over so that the other side could dry out.
Sam [00:10:25]:
Something else that happened in Wellington, and I think you experienced it slightly this week as well. We both ended up in a Polestar electric car. Yeah. I I actually, I turned up at the rental place, and they’re like, here’s your car. And they were like, so you you got your credit card? And I was like, for what? Because this is all charged back to the company. No. The car’s not. I was like, okay.
Sam [00:10:49]:
So they’re like, oh, we need, like, 200 bond and $580 or something for the car, like, 700 something bucks. I was like, okay. So I put that on my credit card, which is good because I just recently got a new one for emergencies that has a, like, five k limit. The person I was with was like, if you weren’t here, I don’t know what I’d do because my credit card’s only got $500 on it.
Chris [00:11:11]:
Yeah. I’d be the same.
Sam [00:11:12]:
So, anyway, a bunch of messages were sent, and, it seems that the booking thing online is missing the box where the or or or the prompt to tell you where to put the work order number in for that. So they were very apologetic. I’m waiting on my refund. They reset it to charge to the company, and the IT guy is apparently working on it. Anyway, I drove the Polestar electric car.
Chris [00:11:38]:
You were a passenger just a passenger. Yeah.
Sam [00:11:39]:
It’s okay, but very hard to get in and out of.
Chris [00:11:44]:
I I’m glad you said that because I found it difficult, but then I’m got a dodgy hip at the moment. No.
Sam [00:11:50]:
Like, I don’t know what it it doesn’t
Chris [00:11:53]:
It looks great, though. It’s quite a It’s a nice looking car. Nice looking car.
Sam [00:11:57]:
Like, I had to sort of get in Like, normally, I can get into the seat, and you can sort of bend down. This one, I had to bend, wrench my neck to the right, and then jam myself in, and then I was in. It was very weird. And I was like
Chris [00:12:11]:
comfortable enough when you’re in there.
Sam [00:12:12]:
It is. It is. I like playing with all the buttons in electric cars because they give you multiple options. Like, it’s the ultimate thing. So you got this giant screen straight into sports mode because it makes the car go quicker. I’m like, yes, please. You can change the, feeling of the steering wheel, and it’s like light, medium, or heavy. And I tried that, and I’m like, no.
Sam [00:12:34]:
I like a light steering wheel. I don’t wanna feel like I’m driving a forklift because I did that years ago. And then it’s got one brake driving. I think I know what it’s for. It’s when you’re stuck in traffic and you’re driving really slowly. That’s what it’s for. It’s not for when you’re going down the motorway. So you just use the accelerator.
Sam [00:12:50]:
As soon as you take your foot off the brake, it starts off the accelerator, it starts breaking for you.
Chris [00:12:55]:
Oh, that makes sense in traffic.
Sam [00:12:56]:
Yeah. But not at a hundred k’s an hour.
Chris [00:12:57]:
Because as soon
Sam [00:12:58]:
as you take your foot off, it breaks quite hard. And so I’m I’m like, oh, no.
Chris [00:13:02]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don’t do that.
Sam [00:13:04]:
Oh, no. Like, it doesn’t it doesn’t slam the brakes on, but it breaks in relation to how quickly you take the
Chris [00:13:10]:
car off. Be good if you had one leg, maybe. But,
Sam [00:13:14]:
And it kept telling me that a service was overdue, so every time I started it oh, and the only thing I did not like because it just seemed a bit weird to me I don’t know. There’s no on off button. Like, the guy specifically told me, he goes, have you driven an electric car before? And I was like, yes. I have. And he goes, these ones do not have a start or stop button. You just get out and lock it.
Chris [00:13:32]:
I’m like, okay. Yeah. That would be disconcerting.
Sam [00:13:35]:
Well, it’s disconcerting because you’re in you park in a car park, and you’re trying to get the little selector thing into neutral, and it seems to only go into neutral when you press park. So there’s a little button for park. But if you forget to do that, you you’re sitting there and you think the car’s stopped, but it actually goes in reverse as you’re trying to get out. But luckily, you can’t get out in a hurry because you’re jammed in it. And then you’re like, oh, shit. Press stop. And then you get out and stop it.
Chris [00:14:01]:
Oh, that sounds awesome. Well, I I’ve I’ve been doing some editing this week, so I ended up taking on a job for for Auckland council doing some editing. And I I I’ve done a bit of editing over time, you know, little bits and pieces here and there.
Sam [00:14:15]:
Is this for that thing you filmed when you went to Auckland in the office?
Chris [00:14:19]:
No. Jace did the editing for that, but it’s a similar sort of contract. And so what they they’ve already got the footage. They’d already filmed the footage, but they’ve their internal editing team’s swamped to whatever. So they’re like, can can you give us a hand? Can you edit it? Sure. Chris can do that.
Sam [00:14:34]:
So that that’s I’m beginning to one It
Chris [00:14:37]:
was pretty it is pretty simple, but but I use I I started off in Vegas Pro back back in the day, Sony Vegas Pro.
Sam [00:14:46]:
Chris [00:14:47]:
I used, HitFilm. I bought for HitFilm, I think. I’ve had Camtasia in various iterations. Yeah. I think I’m using 2021 Camtasia now.
Sam [00:14:56]:
Chris [00:14:56]:
I haven’t updated it since then. And I’ve got Create Studio, which does the animations that, Yeah.
Sam [00:15:02]:
That that All highly regarded editing suites, I’m sure I’ll buy someone.
Chris [00:15:06]:
That Adam thinks is an abomination. But, but yeah. No. They want it in Premiere Pro so that they can have the files so they can read this if something changes.
Sam [00:15:17]:
Okay. The
Chris [00:15:17]:
name of accounts or some of the department or whatever. So I’m like, oh, yep. Sweet. So I I spent an hour in in installing Premiere Pro. And the way my computer is set up, which was set up by Cal, but, yeah, it’s got all these he’s Partitions? Partitions, and c is the smallest partition, so it’s full. So I ended up having to delete stuff in order I’ve ruined my, I’ve totally nailed my OBS. It’s disappeared. So I’m gonna have to that that’s a week’s that’s a week’s work to put it back together to what I Okay.
Chris [00:15:52]:
I had it at. So So have you managed
Sam [00:15:53]:
to have you got anything?
Chris [00:15:55]:
I I actually have in the end, but it is the most unintuitive thing that I’ve I’ve used. I have used it once before a long, long time ago, but I was like, oh, this is so complicated. Anyway, I was talking to a new one of the new girls, Tiffany, and I was sort of moaning a bit about this, and she goes, oh, I’m pretty familiar with, Premier Pro. She’s she’s only started with us in the last four, five weeks or something. I said, oh, yeah. She goes, yeah. Well, I mean, I did work in Sydney, and while I was there, I professionally edited 400 music videos. I’m like, yeah.
Chris [00:16:28]:
Yeah. You gotta look. You you probably do better than me. Hang on.
Sam [00:16:32]:
Hang on. So there’s two scales on here. Hang on. Just just to paint a picture. You’ve got a person who may know a little bit about Premiere Pro. They’ve only done 400 music videos. Most music videos has a cut every three seconds. They may know something.
Sam [00:16:49]:
At the other end of the scale I’m not saying it’s a worse scale. I’m just saying at the other end at the other end is a man with a dodgy hip who’s wondering where his OBS and c drive space is gone. But he did get it installed, and it’s a bit into not as intuitive as he would have liked. Although although I I exit edit,
Chris [00:17:13]:
exported it and sent it to Moe. This is before that conversation with Tiffany, actually. Sent it to Moe, say, hey. Have a look over this and just tell me if any critiques of what you want me to do. And she comes back and she goes, you’ve got some of those umms and ahs are in the in the captions. You know? And I’m like, I’m sitting there going, captions? I didn’t do captions. How did you do captions?
Sam [00:17:36]:
I didn’t hear it.
Chris [00:17:37]:
So I’m gonna that’s my job today. I’ve gotta go on YouTube and go, how the fuck does Premiere Pro work, and how do I do captions?
Sam [00:17:45]:
I dread to think what the exported files are that you’re sending me for. Hang on. Is this new person gonna look at it?
Chris [00:17:53]:
No. No. I can’t I can’t take her off the job she’s on because it’s so time time crunched.
Sam [00:17:59]:
Oh, man. Because I think, they really need to work everyone’s strengths. Everyone’s strengths.
Chris [00:18:05]:
No. That’s not happening. Yeah. I’ve got a long story. Well, it’s
Sam [00:18:11]:
If it’s a good story, I don’t mind.
Chris [00:18:13]:
It it’s it’s interesting. So Okay.
Sam [00:18:15]:
You’ve got twelve minutes.
Chris [00:18:16]:
Okay. I’ve got two oh, because there’s something else I wanna finish on this one. So, anyway, Saturday. Last Saturday, we did the shoot where I was in a gi Yeah. Yeah. That’s right. Seven kids, and I was training them karate. So these kids I mean, you know, I know Adam’s kids, but I haven’t seen them in a a karate setting before.
Chris [00:18:38]:
Yeah. And, the other kids, obviously, I didn’t know. Oh, Raylan, I knew. Raylan’s, Sasha’s kid, and he’s just a white belt and just doesn’t know anything. So he’s but he’s cute because he’s the smallest. He’s just trying to follow along.
Sam [00:18:50]:
Yeah. Yeah. He’s sort of cute. Yeah.
Chris [00:18:52]:
So, yeah, that went really, really well. And the shoot went well, and everything worked pretty well. And, I actually had quite a bit of fun. I think the kids had fun. They were getting a bit cranky ish towards the end because we had to keep redoing the same thing over and over again.
Sam [00:19:06]:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s You know? To be expected.
Chris [00:19:08]:
That’s film stuff. Right? But, yeah, I think they had a pretty good time. So that was good. And I was feeling pretty good about it. And then Wednesday, we got the call that Thomas, the main actor Yep. Had injured himself very badly Oh, yeah. Significantly
Sam [00:19:23]:
Chris [00:19:23]:
At, this job in Spartacus, and the whole thing’s over.
Sam [00:19:27]:
Oh, wow.
Chris [00:19:28]:
The production shut down. It’s all over. And I was like, oh, that’s terrible, and it’s a bit of a relief Yeah. To be honest. Right? So because I’m like, oh, so there’s that one weekend I’ve got booked up. I can rebook that. I can do something different. But nope.
Chris [00:19:45]:
Thursday, it’s all back on again.
Sam [00:19:48]:
With Thomas or they did a rewrite? No.
Chris [00:19:50]:
No. They’re gonna start from scratch, and they’re gonna film it with, Sash as the main character. Yep. And I’m like, I am not a % sure about this.
Sam [00:20:02]:
How much, footage is there to is there a ton of footage with this Thomas guy?
Chris [00:20:07]:
Yeah. He listened to everything. The the stuff we did on the Saturday, we can redo. We we can use, I mean.
Sam [00:20:14]:
Chris [00:20:14]:
Yeah. The fights then we have to reshoot.
Sam [00:20:17]:
I tell you what. When you’re a premier pro, like, tomorrow like, today, learn it. Let’s just do face replacement. Just put put Sasha on Thomas and then cut to some extra footage. No one will know. They’ll never know. They won’t know.
Chris [00:20:36]:
Yeah. I’d I I’ll I’ll put that later on in my skill set, map. But yeah. So, anyway, so I I basically, Friday morning, I said to, so it was only yesterday. Right? I said to to Adam, look. I’m not keen on continuing. I can I can go to this fight scene on Sunday next week?
Sam [00:20:59]:
Are you in a bunch of scenes?
Chris [00:21:00]:
I’m not I’m not acting in it at all apart from the the the karate
Sam [00:21:03]:
Which you’ve done.
Chris [00:21:04]:
Which I’ve done. So so I can walk away.
Sam [00:21:06]:
Is that a flashback scene?
Chris [00:21:07]:
He he walks past and looks in the window and sees a karate guy
Sam [00:21:11]:
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Chris [00:21:11]:
And somebody goes, I tip like, subtextually goes, oh, I wish I could get that sort of loyalty, belonging, and feeling, whatever. You know? That that that’s sort of the the idea of that scene. So that’s cool. My so my scene’s done. Like, I don’t think they’d mind too much if I walked away. Yeah. Although Adam was not pleased. He goes, I need to be there for
Sam [00:21:33]:
You’re his emotional support person.
Chris [00:21:34]:
Yeah. Plus, he goes, if Sasha’s in it, then I have to direct it True. When when he’s in it. So that’s alright. So, and then last night, apparently, because I was at this karate seminar, they, they had a meeting and it got a little heated.
Sam [00:21:53]:
Chris [00:21:53]:
So the fight scene that was going to be next week Yeah. Been pushed back.
Sam [00:21:59]:
Chris [00:21:59]:
And part of this whole problem about this being pushed back is this was supposed to have been finished six months ago.
Sam [00:22:05]:
Yeah. Yeah. There was something Yeah.
Chris [00:22:06]:
It should have been finished by November in or in November. And it keeps getting pushed pushed and pushed because nobody cares. And, yeah. So Adam sort of apparently said a few home truths, so I don’t know exactly what happened. But, yeah, I I’m sure Adam stood up for me as a filmmaker who is getting annoyed with all of this and said my piece for me. But yeah. So I don’t know. It’s, it’s interesting.
Chris [00:22:36]:
But it’s, that’s, been interesting. And then last, on on Thursday this week Yes. We had cinema improviso.
Sam [00:22:46]:
Yeah. This is you lip syncing, doing improv against the original Fast and the Furious film for the Weird Festival or whatever
Chris [00:22:55]:
it’s called. The Hamilton Weirdness Festival. So they’ve done nine of them altogether now, including that one.
Sam [00:23:02]:
Chris [00:23:02]:
I’d never seen one before, so I I didn’t know how it worked. So we did a quick rehearsal one night, on Tuesday night, just to get an idea of, how does this work? Yeah. So, basically, they’ve cut the film so they got rid of a lot of the boring bits because if it’s too long in a scene, there’s nothing happening. You know?
Sam [00:23:19]:
Yeah. It’s boring. Of course. Of course.
Chris [00:23:21]:
So they cut it down a little bit, and they obviously take all the sound out. And we they assign us characters. So you you obviously assigning it so there’s no two characters in the same scene at the same time or one person. You know? So you work all that out. They work all that out. So I had about four or five characters that I sort of played, including the radio announce the race announce, which ends in a race. Right? And then we have some ask for. So, the ask for’s were what was, what’s the hero what was he sent to jail in? So it’s like a, on the run sort of movie.
Chris [00:23:54]:
He he’d he’d broken out of jail or whatever. He and the audience said he was in jail for stealing live lobsters out of restaurants.
Sam [00:24:01]:
Of course.
Chris [00:24:03]:
And then what was Connie, the the leading lady’s, dark secret? And it was, she secretly loves WWE.
Sam [00:24:11]:
Chris [00:24:11]:
And then her boy ex boyfriend appears in it a bit. So why why was he, why was why did he break up with her? And it’s because he keeps secretly taking photos of her feet and selling them, on the Internet. And then, what’s a cop’s guilty pleasure? Fishnet stockings. There was a lot of fishnet stockings jokes throughout.
Sam [00:24:32]:
Oh, okay.
Chris [00:24:32]:
And I made a couple of good ones, I think. And then there was a, do it oh, yeah. Who who sponsored the big race, and it ended up being Copeland’s bread? Yeah. So, yeah. And so what happens is Jeremy Mayall was on the, scoring. He’s doing the the music. Did an amazing job. I keep forgetting that he’s live doing this.
Sam [00:24:55]:
I know.
Chris [00:24:56]:
I thought it was the movie. It was so good.
Sam [00:24:58]:
Yeah. I know. It’s crazy talented these guys.
Chris [00:25:01]:
Yeah. And then, yeah, and we just, have microphones. We’re up the front. Full house. Yeah. Pretty pretty pleased. I had to keep put taking the microphone away from the mouth because I’m laughing so much because it was funny as.
Sam [00:25:14]:
So how long did it go for? Like, how long was the movie
Chris [00:25:16]:
chop? The chop movie was just under an hour, I think.
Sam [00:25:20]:
Chris [00:25:20]:
So it’s a really good time.
Sam [00:25:21]:
Is it hard to keep up with what’s because you you you’re obviously seeing it as well?
Chris [00:25:27]:
So you’ve watched it we had to watch it a couple of times to get a cup an idea of the plot point.
Sam [00:25:31]:
Oh, I’ve got to
Chris [00:25:32]:
throw some of the plot points in so that it moves It makes sense to go forward.
Sam [00:25:37]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Chris [00:25:37]:
Because if you don’t do certain
Sam [00:25:39]:
things going in completely cold.
Chris [00:25:40]:
Yeah. Yeah. Because if you don’t do certain scenes, it won’t make sense. But then you can go wild with some of the others. So, at one point, this chick talk, talks to the other the main chick, and they have this conversation. It’s a bit it’s quite important because she goes, you can stay with our place. Oh, yeah. That’d be cool.
Chris [00:25:57]:
Yeah. Just you’d be up all night because my, father’s a or my husband’s a cop or my father’s a cop, and he’s on a manhunt. And they’re going, oh, maybe we won’t say your place type thing. You know? Yeah. Well, they changed all that conversation. It was like, hey. Did you hear about Cena? John Cena turned heel. And they had this animated conversation between them about the WWE.
Chris [00:26:19]:
So it was really funny. It was it was really well done. And if you hadn’t seen the original, which most people would not have seen,
Sam [00:26:25]:
it was matter, doesn’t it?
Chris [00:26:26]:
Exactly. And it’s quite a unique experience. So that was cool. When it was over
Sam [00:26:31]:
Yeah. Okay. Oh, no.
Chris [00:26:35]:
When it was over, you know, I I looked around. I was like, holy crap. I didn’t realize how many people were in here, actually.
Sam [00:26:42]:
How big is that space?
Chris [00:26:43]:
Oh, it’s only real small. It’s real small. They’re jammed in there. There. They’re jammed in there. And it’s like beanbag on the floor and all and a sofa and all sorts of assorted chairs and bits and pieces. Right? This very attractive girl caught my eye. I was like, oh, yeah.
Chris [00:26:56]:
Chris Ives.
Sam [00:26:57]:
And, Chris Ives have been outlawed for a while now.
Chris [00:27:01]:
Yeah. And then she goes, hey, Chris. It is you. And I’m like, yeah. Oh, no. It’s me. Oh, no. And we had the most awkward conversation as I’m, like, struggling.
Chris [00:27:12]:
And I’m looking at her face, and I go, I know her. I know her really well. I don’t know how I know her.
Sam [00:27:17]:
I know.
Chris [00:27:18]:
Do I know her?
Sam [00:27:18]:
I know. Who was it? Did you find out?
Chris [00:27:21]:
Yeah. Oh. As soon as because I’ve just been doing the performance thing and all the
Sam [00:27:25]:
rest of it, so my head’s in that space. Old man’s brain.
Chris [00:27:28]:
Yeah. Yeah. A %.
Sam [00:27:29]:
Chris [00:27:30]:
And then I’m talking to this girl, and I’m yeah. She’s attractive, and I’m like, what? Why? What? What? What’s it going on? Yeah. Because out of context anyway, yeah. No. It was Shannon from when I did dance. Oh, okay. Dance partner for weeks and weeks
Sam [00:27:45]:
and weeks. Okay.
Chris [00:27:46]:
And we got her really well. And I but I just could not for the life of it. So I had the most awkward conversation because she was like, so what are you up to now? And I basically told her what I was up to then because nothing’s changed, but I didn’t couldn’t remember where I knew it from. So I just so it wasn’t till I left.
Sam [00:28:04]:
Oh, okay. I really
Chris [00:28:05]:
realized who she was. Anyway, so that was, so when I got home, I I got on Facebook and messaged her and said, hey. Sorry about the deer in the headlights, response. I was, a bit out of it.
Sam [00:28:17]:
Funny. That happens, though. That happens. Oh, very good. I don’t know what’s coming up this week. Not much for me, I think. I’m trying to catch up on all the work I’m all the all the work I didn’t do with the fourth three of the week I’ve been away.
Chris [00:28:34]:
Yeah. Yeah. And you’re you’re under the gun at work. I’m under the gun a little bit as well. I’ve got work to do all this weekend to catch up. I should be working now. And, yeah. And, yeah, it’s just otherwise, work workouts in karate is everything these days.
Chris [00:28:52]:
And then maybe next weekend, I think I’m on set for two days.
Sam [00:28:57]:
We will find out. Come join us next week in the next episode or any of the episodes at the or on any of the good podcasting apps and maybe some of the crappy podcasting apps.
Chris [00:29:09]:
I’m not sure. Including Spotify.
Sam [00:29:12]:
Yeah. Spotify is
Chris [00:29:13]:
I don’t know if you call it a podcasting app still or or not. I don’t know. I suppose it
Sam [00:29:17]:
is. Audio platform?
Chris [00:29:18]:
Sam [00:29:19]:
I don’t know. It annoyed me I deleted it. Until then, I’m Sam. I’m Chris. See
Chris [00:29:24]:
you. Bye.
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