Thames and Gold Mines
From gold mines to dumb cleaners. An update on the sub.

Plastic Inside Us
This week find out what we’ve been up to. Plus plastic is now inside us, ants have been trained. A fog drone sounds cool, largest hummer and so much more.

Biggest Theft in History
The Will Smith slap to Rod Stewart filling in potholes. Kickstart projects and Russians stealing planes. We have it all in this weeks episode. Filled with randomness, technology and life.

Shouty Man – EP371
We find out how Covid has been for Sam. Get the low down of a wedding Chris attended. Talk about Russia and much more.

Clean Shaven
Sam is shaved this week which is a shock. Birds helping tidy up, the Irish VS Russia and a whole bunch more.

NFT This
So much happening this week. Form NFT madness, to rental car booking, a scammer, bad number plates, SchlinkedIn and more. Come check it out.

Kebab World
From overweight cats on a plane, to chippie in China to village of idiots get a name change. New tech for batteries, a discovery about sugar in space and so much more. This episode has everything you want and nothing you don’t need.

Back from Armageddon & Camp
We have our update from Aramageddon in this weeks episode, what did we think of it? What were the highlights and lowlights and what did they give us?
Sam is back from the school camp, find out what he got up to and how that all went. Chris has been super busy this week as well.

YouTube Trout and Icarus – EP147
This week Sam watched the documentary Icarus and highly rates it, he also had to cook up a trout his daughter brought home from camp. Chris is full of food, and gets confused about a topic he didn’t put down.