It’s Stabbing Time
From a baby being stabbed to why Trump wouldn’t wear a mask, to a podcast about a man and a dolphin we cover the full range of randomness, technology and life this week.
From a baby being stabbed to why Trump wouldn’t wear a mask, to a podcast about a man and a dolphin we cover the full range of randomness, technology and life this week.
From a early cremation to India landing on the moon. From a worm in a woman’s brain to Spain’s new government agency. We’ve got it all. Come have a listen and a laugh.
We have a lot this week. From Hanlon’s Razor, swimming pool problems, moon mission, an angry pilot and so much more.
From movies and shows to kids with little assault rifles. We have it all. Plus a crazy car rally and an extra cost to cut a simple sandwich.
This week Chris gets his mug from Dubai. He also made some GIFS. We talk about a truckies app, nut milk, NBC being dicks and much more.